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¸„.-•~¹°"ˆ˜¨don't touch her¨˜ˆ"°¹~•-.„¸


Julianna walked into her apartment complex after school to find her dad outside their apartment door, practicing Daniel's crane kick. She cringed at the sight, letting out a disappointed hum as she looked down. "I'm going to need to bleach my eyes." She muttered, catching her dads attention.

Johnny lowered his arms and leg, turning around and smiling at Jules. "Oh, hey! Good timing. I think I've got a counter to LaRusso's bread-and-butter. Watch this." He said, not even letting her say hi back before showing his plan.

"I make it like I'm gonna walk into it again. At the last second, I slip under, shoulder check him in the balls, take him to the mat, elbow, elbow, elbow." He said, doing all the movements he was saying as he said them. Once he finished, he stood back up straight, smiling as he gave her two thumbs up. "Point. Lawrence, winner."

Jules gave her dad a smile, nodding her head encouragingly. "Sounds great." She said and Johnny smiled, nodding his head as he gestured for her to come closer. "Here, you be him so I can try this at game speed."

Julianna immediately frowned, shaking her head. "Pass." She said. Johnnys jaw dropped, looking at her with a look of betrayal. "Wh- Jules! You gonna help me win or what?"

Jules sighed, crossing her arms. "Dad, I've told you. I don't want you guys fighting at all. There's already so much going on with Kreese and that new guy. A Lawrence/LaRusso battle isn't needed." She said and Johnny rose his brows, pointing at her. "Hey! You'll thank me when we're done with the kata crap and I can prepare you for an actual fight."

Julianna's face scrunched, tilting her head at her dad. "So if you win, we just train Eagle Fang. No Miyagi-Do at all?" She asked and Johnny smiled, sending her a thumbs up. "Got it, kiddo."

Jules frowned, her shoulders slumping before she put her hands in her back pockets. "And what if I don't want to stop learning Miyagi-Do?" She asked and Johnnys face fell, stopping everything he was doing and slowly walking towards her.

"What the hell does that mean? You want him to win over me? Your own dad?" Johnny yelled, pointing at himself as he walked towards her.

"Dad, I don't want anybody to win because I don't think there's a for a fight at all!" Julianna yelled and the man let out an angry scoff. "This is the real world, Julianna! There's gonna be fights you don't want. And you just have to man it up, grow a pair and stop crying all the goddamn time!" Johnny yelled and Julianna immediately stepped back. Her jaw slacked slightly before she scoffed out a laugh.

"Yeah... you can go ask Miguel if he wants to help you. I'm not going to." She said before starting to walk passed him and towards the front door. "I was heading out anyway. Just needed to feed Fred."

"Who the hell is Fred?" Johnny asked, watching as Julianna passed him to go into the house. Julianna ignored him, walking into her house and heading straight to her room.

She walked towards her desk, Fred's small fish tank kn the end of it. She opened the top drawer and pulled out his food. "Here you go, Freddy." She smiled out, sprinkling a little bit of food for him.

Julianna watched as Fred ate the food before she dropped her backpack by her bed and walked back out of her room, mumbling a small by to the fish.

When she opened the front door to walk out, Johnny was standing right in front of it, in his fighting position to practice again. "Where are you going?" Johnny asked, getting out of his fighting position and watching as Julianna walked towards the exit of the apartment complex. Julianna smiled, turning around to walk backwards so she could look at her dad.

"To Miyagi-Do. Sam and I were gonna practice some one on one. Good luck." She said before turning back forward, waking out of the apartment complex.

Julianna walked down the seat to head to Miyagi-Do, her bag hung over her shoulder, hitting her side with every step she took. She felt her phone vibrate in her back pocket and pulled out her phone, Lexi calling her.

She smiled as she answered the phone, bringing the phone up to her ear. "Hey, Lex. What's up?"

"My car won't turn on. Can your dad pick me up?" Lexi said with a groan, hitting her steering wheel angrily. Julianna's brows furrowed, stopping at the red light. "Are you alright?"

Lexi sighed, taking her phone off the dashboard, turning speaker off and pressing it against her ear. "Yeah, it's fine. I'm in my driveway. Can your dad come and pick me up on your guys' way to Miyagi-Do?"

Julianna huffed, the stop light changing from the red hand to the person, telling her she could cross the street. "I'm walking."

Lexi's face scrunched, getting out of her car and locking her door. "Why are you walking?"

Jules sighed, rolling her eyes slightly. "I think he's stressed about the fight between him and Sensei LaRusso." She said before frowning, her eyes squinting at the sun in her eyes. "Sorry about your car. You gonna be able to find a ride?"

Lexi sighed, walking to her front yard as she kicked the gravel under her feet.  "It's alright. Demetri's already there so I'll call Hawk." Lexi said and Julianna nodded even though Lexi couldn't see. "Okay, let me know if you find a ride." She said and Lexi smiled, nodding her head. "I will. See ya."

"Bye." Julianna smiled as Lexi pulled the phone away from her face, hanging up with Jules to call Hawk.


Hawk was able to pick up Lexi. Yes, it was on his motorcycle and yes he had to run an errand but she was glad she got a ride so she could see the Sensei v. Sensei fight.

But her hopes were getting lower and lower as she sat in one of the tattoo shop chairs, waiting for Hawks tattoo to finish being redone.

"How much longer is this going to take?" Lexi groaned, sitting on the chair behind Hawk as he laid on the tattoo table shirtless, his tattoo now finally changed to purple.

"Not much longer. Why do you keep asking?" Hawk said, turning his head to look at Lexi with a scrunched face as he placed his phone on the table.

Lexi looked at him like he was crazy, getting out of her seat and raising her arms slightly as she moved around the table Hawk was leaning on so he could face her without straining his neck as she placed her phone on the table beside his. "Uh... Hello? Sensei vs Sensei fight."

Hawks eyes widened, forgetting about what they were about to miss. "You're right." He said, nodding at Lexi as the doors to the tattoo parlor opened. Hawk turned his head in the direction of the entrance, not seeing who came in as he yelled. "Hey, Rico. Am I good to go?"

"Tattoo shop's closed for the day." A voice said and Lexi took a step back, recognizing the voice. Not long after the voice spoke, Anthony and the rest of Cobra Kai walked out, smirking at Lexi and Hawk

"Shit. " Hawk muttered, instantly getting off the tattoo bed and standing beside Lexi. When all of Cobra Kai came running towards them, the two stuck their doors out, kicking the table, sending most of them down.

From their phones being on the table, they fell. At the same time, their phones beeped and they saw a text from Jules in a group chat, asking where they were. Anthony smirked at the phones before raising his foot, slamming into down kn the devices, shattering them.

"Oops." He said, giving the two a fake shrug before running at them. Hawk wasted no time pushing Lexi away from the boy, letting Anthony head straight for him. What Hawk didn't realize was he had pushed Lexi right into Tory's arms who instantly wrapped her arms around her; one around her waist and arms and the other around her neck.

The Nichols girl made Lexi watch as Anthony grabbed Hawk, pushing him back towards the table that Kyler was standing behind. Kyler wrapped the towel in his hands around Hawks neck before pulling, sending him back against the table.

"Let him go!" Lexi yelled, only making Tory tighten her grip around her neck. Lexi's breath hitched, raising her foot and slamming it down in hopes her foot landed on Tory's but she missed.

Kyler leaned over Hawk, getting right up in his face with a smirk. "You weren't that hard to find, you little bitch." He muttered as Anthony chucked, walking towards Lexi and Tory.

"We weren't expecting a plus one though. But that's just more fun, isn't it?" Anthony asked, smirking down at Lexi, going inches away from her face as Robby handed him a a razor. Lexi glared at Anthony before spitting in his face.

Anthony froze, almost as if he didn't believe what had just happened to him before he slowly wiped Lexi's spit from his face. Lexi watched as his face turned red in anger before she felt a burning feeling on her cheek and a slap echoed through the shop.

"Hey!" Hawk yelled, trying to break free from his restraints as Anthony took another step towards Lexi, going to take her out of Tory's hands by the throat, making Tory's eyes widened.

"Hey! I already got her!" Tory snapped, moving Lexi away from Anthony. The Lewis boys lips curled in anger before he rose his hands in surrender, backing away slightly.

"You assholes just ignoring the no-fighting rules?" Lexi grumbled, her cheek still burning from Anthony's slap. Robby chuckled at Lexi's words, mainly watching Hawk. "Oh, we're not here to fight." He said said before he and Anthony opened the razors in their hands.

Lexi's eyes widened, repeatedly trying stomping her foot, hoping to God she'd land on Tory's foot sooner or later as Hawk shook his head, looking at Robby with wide eyes. "Okay, guys look. Mess with me. Don't touch her."

"Hawk! No!" Lexi yelled as she slammed her foot down again, this time, landing on Tory's foot. The girl yelled in pain as she let go of Lexi.

Lexi wasted no time kicking Anthony in the stomach, sending him back a couple of steps. Doug, who was standing by the walkway incase either got free, ran towards Lexi but just as he was about to grab her, she got on the floor adm stuck her leg out, making him trip.

Anthony got off the ground, glaring at Lexi before running towards her. He sent a punch her way and Lexi immediately blocked it. She punched him in the face and went to kick him in the gut again but Doug had gotten up while she wasn't looking and before she knew it, the boys arms were around her; one across her arms and the other around her neck.

Anthony, who's nose was bleeding from Lexi's punch, chucked as he twirled the razor between his fingers. "You know... Now that I think about it, I'm glad you're here. I mean... You're the one that came up with the baseball field plan." He said, walking back up to Lexi.

"All we did was spray you guys with water, bitches!" Lexi yelled, trying to free herself from Doug's grip but the boy was much stronger and taller than her. Lexi huffed at her useless tries before she turned to Robby, her nose scrunching in anger.

"You think Jules is ever gonna forgive you?" Lexi yelled and Robby's movements faltered slightly. Lexi straightened up, hoping she had gotten through to the boy but he took a deep breath, turning and locking eyes with Anthony as he nodded.

"Do it."


"He's here. He's here!" Chris screamed, making all the students in the backyard of Miyagi-Do turn their heads, watching as Johnny walked passed them and onto the sparring deck where Daniel was waiting for him.

Demetri, who was standing beside Julianna, trilled his lips, looking down at his phone sadly before turning to Julianna. "Have you heard from Lex or Eli?"

Julianna's brows furrowed, reaching into her back pocket and pulling out her phone, when she saw no new notifications from them, she sighed, shaking her head as she put her phone back in her pocket. "Nope. But I texted them a few minutes ago.

Before Demetri could reply, a body moved to stand beside Jules. The blonde turned her head to see who walked beside her and smiled at Sam.

"Do you want to referee with me?" Sam asked, shaking off the two flags in her hands. Julianna squinted, already knowing her answer but not wanting to seem desperate before she chuckled, nodding. "Uh... Yeah. Sure."

"Okay. You can ref my dad and I'll ref yours." Sam said with a mischievous smirk on her face, handing Jules a flag. Julianna immediately snickered, taking the flag as she watched the Senseis stare each other down.

"That's a fight waiting to happen." She muttered jokingly and Sam pursed her lips, shrugging as she turned to Julianna. "I'm kinda in a fight with my dad. Figured this would be a good way to knock him down a few pegs."

Almost instantly, Julianna smirked, nodding her head as she turned to Sam. "On second thought, this is a great idea." She muttered, making Sam smile wider, handing her a flag.

The two girl walked onto stage beside their fathers. "Face us." Sam instructed. The two men turned to Julianna and Sam, bowing.

"Face each other." Julianna yelled and they turned to each other, bowing again before getting in their fighting positions. Sam and Julianna locked eyes for a second before nodding, fanning their flags down, Sam yelling a "Fight!"

Johnny wasted no time running towards Daniel, sending him kick after kick. Daniel blocked every kick Johnny sent him until Johnny sent a kick towards his head. Daniel blocked it but while the man was distracted, Johnny punched him in the gut.

"Point Lawrence!" Sam yelled, raising the flag in the air. Daniel turned to her with wide eyes, tilting his head. Julianna could see her dad turn to her but she kept her eyes in front of her, not making eye contact.

"Sensei Lawrence strikes first!" Chris yelled and Mitch laughed, moving so he was in front of the camera. "True to the motto painted on his former dojo wall, and covered into his very being."

Julianna grimaced, turning around and giving Mitch a look that the boy just furrowed his brows at. "What? I'm trying to capture the spirit of the thing." He said and Julianna shook her head. "Well, stop that." She said before turning back around to the fight.

"Score 1-0. Lawrence." Julianna yelled and the two men got into fighting positions.

"Ready?" Sam asked and when the men nodded, her and Julianna drew their flags down, Julianna screaming "Fight!"

This time, Daniel started towards Johnny. Johnny backed backed away from Daniel as he sent him a punch. Johnny dodged the punch and just as he was about to raise his leg to kick him, Daniel kicked him in the stomach, sending him back a couple steps.

Julianna rose her hand with the flag in the air. "Point, LaRusso!" She yelled. She could see her father watching her with a look of betrayal but she kept her eyes on ahead again.

Sam looked back and forth between Johnny and Julianna before stepping towards the center again, raising her flag. Julianna let out a small exhale, walking to stand beside Sam as she raised her flag as well. "Score is 1-1. Ready?"

When the two men nodded, Sam and Julianna swung the flags down, Sam yelling, "Fight!"

It was as if a switch went off in Johnnys head. His techniques were much more aggressive as he sent punch after kick to Daniel. Daniels eyes were wide the whole time, blocking everything Johnny sent him. Johnny went to kick Daniel in the head again but Daniel grabbed his leg, kicking him in the stomach.

"Hell yeah! 2-1. Larusso takes the lead!" Chris screamed and Mitch nodded, watching in amusement. "All he has to do is score one more point and Larusso is the winner."

"Score is 2-1 LaRusso." Julianna said and the men got back into their fighting position. "Ready?" Julianna said and Sam nodded. "Fight!"

Johnny went to punch Daniel but Daniel grabbed his wrist. With his other hand, he raised his hand, hitting Johnny in his inner elbow. Johnny grunted in pain as Daniel hit him a few inches away from his armpit.

Julianna watched in shock as Johnnys arm dropped, as of he could feel it anymore. Johnny looked down at his arm in shock before looking up at Daniel. "What the hell, man?" He whispered but Daniel just shrugged. Johnny glared at the man, running towards him. Quickly, he wrapped himself around Daniel before bringing them both to the ground.

Julianna watched with a dropped jaw as Johnny raised his foot, bringing it back down at kicking Daniel in the stomach.

"Point Lawrence!" Sam yelled. Julianna looked back into the crowd, her eyes locking with Miguel's. The boy gave her a reassuring nod, making her nod in return, walking up to Daniel and Johnny with Sam.

"Score is 2-2." Sam said and Jules nodded, looking between her dad and Daniel. "Next point wins."

"Ready." Sam said, her words slow to give the men time to get into fighting positions. Julianna looked back and forth between them, biting her lip anxiously before bringing down her flag. "Fight!"

Johnny ran towards Daniel going to kick him but Daniel side stepped away, turning around to Johnny and grabbing his arm and spinning around, sending him to the floor. Just as Daniel was about to kick Johnny in the stomach, finishing the fight, Johnny rolled away and stood back up.

Daniel went to punch Johnny but Johnny blocked it, grabbing Daniels arm and throwing him into one of the piles of the sparring deck. Johnny went to kick Daniel in the head but Daniel sucked, moving around to kick Johnny. At the same time, the two men sent slim kicks to each other's faces, both of them falling to the floor.

"Point Lawrence!" Sam yelled, throwing her flag in the air as Julianna did the same. "Point LaRusso!"

At the same time, their faces scrunched in confusion, both of them turning to each other. "Are you sure?" Sam asked and Julianna's brows rose. "Are you sure?"

"Check the replay." Johnny groaned as he got up. Julianna and Sam ran towards the edge of the sparring deck as Chris turned the phone to them, replaying the fight. Julianna felt Daniel and Johnny come up behind her and Sam as Chris fast forward until he reached the ending hit.

They watched the phone as Johnny and Daniel kicked each other at the same time before falling to the ground.

"Go to another angle." Johnny said and Chris looked back at Johnny, shaking his head. "There is no other angle." He said, making Johnny look down at Chris angrily. "Don't you guys have another phone?"

Julianna turned to her dad with an "are you kidding me?" look, shaking her head. "No, why would we have another phone?" Julianna asked. When she turned to look back at Chris' phone, she noticed two body's coming towards the group and she instantly recognized them even with the hoods over their heads.

"Lex? Eli?"

When neither replied to her, Julianna hopped off the sparring deck, walking towards the front of the group. Hearing a small sniffle coming from one of them, Demetri ran over to stand beside Jules, watching the pair carefully. "Shit, guys. What happened?"

Both of their heads were down but slowly, Eli lifted his head and Julianna's heart dropped at his red eyes and the tear streaks running down his face.

His hand reached up for his hood and he slowly dragged it off his head. Julianna stared with wide eyes at his mohawk gone, only two little patches of purple left on his head.

With her attention on Eli, Julianna could see Lexi's hand leaving her sweater pocket and go to her hood. Julianna's eyes left Hawk, watching Lexi as she slowly took off her hood.

Julianna's breath hitched at Lexi's hair; her hair was cut into tons of different lengths and the top of her ear bleeding,

"Oh my God." Julianna whispered as Demetri walked up to stand exactly beside Jules, not wanting to scare Lexi and Eli incase he got too close. "Lex, you're bleeding."

Lexi shook her head, sniffling slightly as she wiped under her eyes, the corner of her mascara smearing slightly. "It's just a little knick. It's my fault, I kept moving while they did my hair." She spoke, her voice shaky as she tried to hold back a cry from the pain on her ear and what had happened to her hair.

"They cornered us." Eli spoke up, trying to get all the attention off of Lexi, not wanting her to panic more. Jules and Demetri turned to Eli, Julianna's brows furrowed. "They. They as in Cobra Kai?"

Lexi nodded, tears still filled in her eyes as Julianna's face hardened, shaking her head as she looked away from Lexi and Eli. She turned to look up at Demetri as Miguel and Johnny checked on Eli and Lexi. "I'm gonna kill him. I'm gonna fucking kill him, Meat." Jules whispered to Demetri beside her and Daniel, who had heard her, shook his head.

"Julianna, I don't think it's good to go to Cobra Kai." Daniel said and Jules turned to him, her face reddening in anger. "I don't care. Look what they did!" She said, her voice getting louder, catching the rest of the groups attention.

"Dousing the fire with gasoline, that's your answer? Fighting your brother?" Daniel said calmly, not wanting to scream and provoke the girl. Julianna scoffed, at his tries, shaking her head. "Oh, come on. Siblings fight all the time."

"So what? Now every time you kids are provoked, you're going to fight?" Daniel yelled and Julianna looked at the man like he was crazy. "We didn't want that! We tried to be simpler with our battles with the sprinklers and look where that led us!" Julianna yelled before she felt a hand grab hers from behind.

She slowly turned around and her face softened at Eli, his eyes starting to tear up more as he shook his head. "Don't do it. It's okay." He said and Julianna turned to Lexi and saw her shaking her head, telling her not to do it.

Julianna took a deep breath, trying to calm down before she gave them both a reassuring nod, trying everything in her not to get mad. Sam looked back and forth between Jules and her dad before shaking her head, stepping forward.

"But she's right." Sam spoke up. A relieved breath escaping her lips, glad someone was thinking like her but Daniel had the exact opposite reaction, looking at Sam in betrayal. "What?"

"If we don't strike first, they're gonna keep striking." Sam said. Daniel looked at his daughter for a few seconds before scoffing, shaking his head and turning to Johnny. "And you were worried about my influence on your daughter. Is this what you want Johnny? To have my daughter and the rest of my students acting like you?"

Johnnys jaw clenched in anger at Daniels words, lifting his chin high. "You don't have to worry about that anymore. Because we're done."

Daniel smiled, opening his hands slightly. "Works for me." Johnny glared at Daniel for a few seconds before nodding towards Miyagi-Dos exit. "Eagle Fangs, let's go." He said, slowly turning around and walking out of the dojo.

One by one, students walked out with Johnny and when Julianna noticed Lexi and Eli both turn to follow, she went to go as well.

Just as Jules was about to follow the pair, a hand grabbed hers, stopping her steps. She turned around and watched Demetri look at her sadly, knowing he couldn't leave since he wasn't Miyagi-Do

Jules sent him a reassuring smile, squeezing his hand. "I got them. Don't worry." She said and Dememtri watched her for a few seconds before nodding. Jules sent him one more smile before speeding up to catch up with Eli and Lexi, linking her arms with both of them sadly as they walked out of the dojo.

—my girlfriend lexi💔


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