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¸„.-•~¹°"ˆ˜¨hashbrown dead meat¨˜ˆ"°¹~•-.„¸


"Henceforth, Lexi Gomez shall be known as The Rainmaker!" Demetri screamed as he and the group stood around the backyard of Miyagi-Do, waiting for their senseis.

"El Diablo de la Lluvia!" Hawk yelled, making Lexi close her eyes to contain her laughter.

"Yeah but, if they hadn't fallen for it, we would've beaten them." Sam said and Lexi's smile dropped, squinting at Sam. Jules shrugged at Sam's word, pursing her lips as she put her hands in her back pockets. "Maybe, but there's still so many ways it could've gone bad."

"What could've gone bad?" Johnny said as he walked into the backyard. Hawk instantly smiled at the man's words as Julianna smiled, cooling off since the last conversation with her dad. "We were about to get in a gnarly fight at the drive-in, but Lexi saved the day." Hawk said as Lexi smiled widely again, putting an imaginary crown on her head.

Johnny chuckled slightly, nodding his head at Jules and Lexi, "Oh yeah? How'd you do that?"

Lexi let out an excited laugh, still in a proud mood from her idea the night prior. "We told the Cobra Kai's to go to the baseball diamond." She said and Julianna smiled at how happy Lexi was, turning to her dad. "Just in time for the grass to get watered." She said before turning to Lexi, her smile getting bigger as she wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her into her side. "I mean, genius. It's genius."

Johnny smile faltered, looking at Julianna like she had just done something unforgivable. "So you picked a fight, you didn't show up and then you doused them with a hose?" Johnny snapped. The whole team froze at Johnnys outburst and Julianna slowly pulled away from Lexi.

She knew Johnny and Daniels background from high school and she knew her father was over analyzing the situation from last night and what had happened to him at the Halloween party back in high school.

"Well, technically they started the argument and I don't know if the sprinklers really count as a hos–" "It doesn't matter, Julianna!" Johnny yelled, interrupting Julianna. The girl flinched slightly, gulping as he watched him glare at her angrily.

"You just poked the bear. What do you think's gonna happen? You think they're just gonna leave well alone?" Johnny yelled, walking straight to his daughter as Daniel walked out of the meditation room, his eyes going wide at the Lawrence's.

Daniel immediately ran to them, grabbing Julianna and Johnnys shoulders; pulling Julianna behind him as he gently pushed Johnny back, not wanting to aggravate him more. Once Julianna was away from her father, Hawk grabbed her hand, squeezing it as Daniel gave Johnny a warning look.

"Okay, okay! Let's back up." Daniel said, raising a brow a Johnny before shaking his head, looking at the students. "From everything I heard, it sounds to me like your daughter practiced restraint." He said before turning back to Johnny as he gestured one of his hands at Lexi. "And Alexandra found a way to get out of a bad situation without anyone getting hurt."

"Lexi." The Gomez girl butted in and Daniels brows furrowed, turning around to her. "What?" He asked, and Lexi smiled. "Lexi. I don't go by Alexandra unless my moms yelling at me." Lexi said and Daniels face fell, giving her a "really?" look. Lexi gulped, clearing her throat as she shook her head. "Nevermind."

Daniel looked at Lexi for a few seconds before sighing, turning back to Johnny. "The point is, what did you want them to do? Get in a drive-in switchblade fight? This is your daughter we're talking about." Daniel yelled, pointing back at Julianna.

When Johnny's glare didn't leave, Daniel wiped the corner of his mouth, turning around back to Julianna and Lexi. "I'm proud of you two. You've taken Miyagi-Do teachings to the heart." Daniel said and the two girls smiled.

Daniel looked back and forth between the two girls before noticing Lexi's brows furrow as she looked just passed him. Confused by what she was looking at, Daniel turned around and paled at the sight of Kreese and a tall man with a silver white ponytail. "What the..."

The man with the ponytail smirked at Daniel, walking towards him as Kreese trailed behind. "Gentlemen. It seems we have a few things to discuss."

"Kids. Go inside." Daniel said, his eyes never leaving the man's. Warily, the students all started to walk into the training room. Eli grabbed Julianna's arm, pulling her off to the side, his face covered with concern. "What was that out there?"

"What was what?" Jules asked and Eli sympathetically tilted his head. "You and Sensei Lawrence. You two have been at each other's throats all week."

Julianna's smile faltered slightly and she shook her head. "We're just going through something. I'll tell you later." She quickly said.

Before Hawk could ask her anymore questions, she walked away and towards the door of the training room. She opened it slightly, looking at the four men talk as Miguel ran towards her as if she were insane.

"Jules! What are you doing?" Miguel whisper yelled. Julianna turned to him with a small glare as she aggressively shushed him before answering. "I wanna know who that is!"

"Daniel LaRusso. It's nice to see you again." The man with the ponytail said as other students started to crowd around the door with Jules.

"Yeah, right. Bullshit." Daniel snapped. Lexi let out a small snicker, never hearing the man curse before. The man with the ponytail chuckle, shaking his head. "Fair enough. I'd probably react the same way if I were you. My past behavior was... inexcusable."

Hawk, who was resting his head on Julianna's shoulder to look outside, turned her with, his brows furrowed. "Do you know who that is? Like has your dad every mentioned him?" He asked. Jules turned her head, their faces inches apart as she shook her head. "Ponytail? No."

"All I can say now is I'm truly sorry. And I can assure you I'm not that man anymore." The man said, pressing his hand to his chest in a sincere manner. Daniel let out a dry laugh, shaking his head as he scoffed before turning back to the man with a glare. "I don't know what padded room you crawled out of or what twisted game you two are playing, but if you don't get off my property right now, I swear to God."

"Seems like my dad has no clue who ponytail is." Julianna said before turning to Sam beside her, raising her brows. "Your dad has the issue."

Julianna nodded, noticing her dad watch the man with the ponytail in confusion. She turned to Sam and looked at her with a confused face. "Who is that?"

Sam slowly shook her head, not taking her eyes off the four me in front of them. "I have no idea." She muttered.

Eli let out a small snicker, hitting Demetri's arm gently as he nodded to the man. "He looks like Highlander." He laughed out. Nate, who was looking at the outside from under Jules, shook his head as he scrunched his face at the man. "The Highlander. There can only be one."

The man gave Daniel an annoyed look, nodding his head. "Okay. I tried. We'll still hold our students to a moratorium on fighting before the tournament, for what it's worth. Provided, of course, you do the same." He said and Kreese nodded, waking up to stand beside the man. "Just remember our deal. If Cobra Kai wins the All Valley, you two are done teaching. For good."

Daniel shook his head at the man with the ponytail, walking towards him. "That's not gonna happen, cause you're not gonna win. Now get the hell out of here." He snapped. The man let out an amused laugh before slowly walking passed Daniel and out of the dojo.

Julianna watched as Kreese slowly walked up to Johnny, making her tilt her head in disappointment, shaking her head afterwards. "Oh no." She whispered, making everyone watch Kreese and Johnnys interaction.

"Has it really come down to this? Johnny Lawrence playing second fiddle to little Danny LaRusso?" Kreese asked with an amused grin. Julianna noticed her dad freeze at his words and she let out a small breath, shaking her head.

"Don't let him get into your head." Julianna whispered, shaking her head. Johnny took a deep breath, stepping closer to the man. "No one's second fiddle. This is my dojo as much as it is his."

Kreese furrowed his brows at Johnny, chuckling as he walked towards him. "Really? The sign out front says Miyagi-Do." He asked, his smirk only getting bigger when he noticed Johnny getting angrier.

Johnny glared at Kreese, shaking his head. "Unless you want it crammed up your ass sideways, you better take off after your bridge partner." He said, nodding his head towards where the man with the ponytail had gone.

Kreese huffed, looking back between Johnny and Daniel before slowly walking after the man, leaving all the kids confused.


After practice, Jules headed back to her house. Lexi dropped her off after her dad demanded on staying at Miyagi-Do to learn more about the ponytail guy.

She was looking for something to snack on while she watched a movie when she heard a knock at the door. Julianna sighed, leaving the kitchen and heading to the front door.

She looked into the peephole and smiled at Hawk standing there, his hair down. She smiled as she quickly unlocked the door and opened it. "Hey." She said as Hawk walked in, pulling Jules into a kiss.

He had one hand behind his back as the other held a plastic bag. When they pulled away, Julianna laughed at his hands before looking back up at him. "What did you bring?"

Hawk almost instantly smirked. He grabbed Julianna's hand and led her to the couch, sitting her down as he stood in front of her.

"Remember when you said you wanted a koi fish from the Miyagi-Do pond?" He asked and Jules smiled, laughing slightly as she nodded her head. "Yeah." She laughed out, making Hawk smile.

He pulled his hand out from behind his back and showed her a  clear bag filled with water, a bright orange fish in it, swimming around, the fish reminding Julianna of the koi she had caught.

She gasped excitedly, holding her hands out and Eli gently set the bag in her hands. Julianna's smile got wider, holding the bag carefully as she watched the fish.

"I made sure he was all dark orange like the fish you caught in the pond." Eli said as Julianna smiled, raising the bag to the height of her face. She smiled down at the fish, watching as he swam around the bag. Her eyes left the fish and to Eli, an excited look on her face. "We should name him."

Eli smiled at Julianna, putting a piece of hair behind her ear. "How about Fred?"

Julianna looked from the fish to Eli, her brows furrowed in confusion but still smiling. "Why Fred?" Eli shrugged at the question, his lips pursing slightly to hold back his smile. "Well he's orange and I know you like Fred Weasley how has orange hair."

Julianna smiled at the suggestion, looking down at the orange fish before looking back up at Hawk, nodding as her smile got bigger. "Okay. Fred." She said, making Hawk smile, watching Julianna as she happily looked back down to the fish.

"Let's just hopes this Fred lives." Hawk muttered and Julianna's face fell. Her eyes almost instantly left the fish and to Hawk as her jaw dropped. "Get out." She said and Hawks eyes widened, looking at her with a face of confusion. "What?"

"Get out." Jules repeated and Hawk rose his hands in surrender. "But I have all of Fred's things in this bag and another surprise." He said and Julianna squinted.

Hawk gave her a small smile, taking a step towards her. "You still want to see the other surprise, don't you?" He said, making sure to only look into her eyes. Julianna looked back into Hawks eyes before sighing in defeat, shaking her head. "Fine. What's the other surprise?"

Eli smirked, reaching into the other bag in his hands and pulling out purple hairdye. "Figured the red should go." He said and Julianna smiled, nodding her head. "Ohh. Purple! I heard it's the color of the crown chakra."

Hawks face scrunched at her words, not knowing what she was saying. "The crown of the what?"

Juliana sighed, shaking her head as she waved her free hand. "I had a sleepover with Moon the other night." She said, making Hawk make a small 'o' shape with his mouth, nodding.

Jules stood up, smiling up at Hawk as she took the bag out of his hands, walking towards her room. "Let's get Fred all moved in!"


The next day, Lexi drove Jules, Hawk, Demetri and Joey to school. After going through security, they walked passed the staircase, Hawk, Jules, Demetri, Lexi and Joey in that order.

"Did you find anything on that Silver guy?" Hawk asked and Demetri sighed, turning on his ipad to look at everything he had found about the man. "Not much. All I know is that he's a Vietnam Vet turned businessman. Had a few ups and downs, but still turned out pretty rich."

Juliannas brows furrowed, holding her backpack straps as she turned to look up at Demetri. "That's it?" Demetri nodded with a sigh, turning to Jules. "Like I said, not much dirt other than some toxic waste scandal in Borneo back in the 80s."

"Jeez, sounds like a Renaissance man." Hawk said as Joey squinted at all of them, shaking his head. "You know, every once and a while I think about joining karate. Then old man drama happens and makes me realize I'm too cool for it." He said as he sped up so he could get to the Senior hall.

As he walked away, he passed Yasmine and Moon. Yasmines brows furrowed, turning to Joey as he passed them. "But... you're not cool." She said and Joey gave her an joking glare before turning to Moon.

Joey smirked at Moon, giving her a small wink that the girl blushed at before he walked away completely. Moon laughed off her nerves, turning to the group and instantly gasping at Hawks new hair. "Oh my goodness!" She yelled, making the whole group turn to her.

"Purple's the color of the crown chakra, you know? It symbolizes enlightenment." Moon said, Lexi and Demetri's faces fall in confusion. Lexi squinted slightly, leaning towards Hawk.

"Just nod along." Lexi whispered to Hawk. He laughed, shaking his head as he pointed to Julianna. "That's actually what Jules said." Eli said. Moon turned to Julianna in excitement, the Lawrence girl smiling proudly as Moon grabbed her hands.

"So you do pay attention during our sleepovers." Moon cheered happily and Jules smiled, walking towards her and wrapping an arm around her shoulders, pulling Moon into her side as she rested her head in the girls shoulder. "That was the deal. I learn about your interests and you learn about mine."

When the bell rang, Jules looked up at the bell before turning to Hawk. "We have a test for History so we have to go." She said before turning to Hawk. She went on her toes and pecked Eli's lips.

"Bye, love you." She said quickly and Eli smiled. "Love you too." He said as Lexi grabbed Jules hand, dragging her and Moon to class.

Hawk chuckled as he watched Lexi and Jules speed away with Moon. He slowly walked up to Demetri, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "All right, no offense. But I have no idea how you pulled that off." He said with a cocky smirk, nodding his head to Lexi.

Dementri scoffed out a laugh, hitting Hawks chest. "Pfft. Like you're one to talk."


When lunch rolled around, Julianna sat at her usual lunch table with Lexi, Hawk, Demetri, Miguel and Sam. She went to check her phone for any new notifications she had gotten in the passed few hours and her face instantly paled.

She saw 25 twitter notifications from her dad.

"IT'S ON: LAWRENCE-LARUSSO REMATCH!! hashbrown dead meat"

"It's time for the Valley to see what karate is all about!"

"Tomorrow night. Eagles reign supreme!"

Julianna sighed as she scrolled through all the tweets. "Oh God." She muttered, catching everyone at the tables attention. "What?" Miguel asked and Julianna looked up from her phone, handing it to him to read. "My dad got drunk and went on a twitter rant."

Everyone started to lean over the table to look at all the tweets, annoying Miguel, handing off the phone to Demetri so they would stop crowding him. Demetri laughed as he scrolled through the tweets, looking up at Jules with an amused grin. "I believe everything except for the part where he knows how to tweet."

"I taught him. It took like the whole summer but that's not the point. Read it." Julianna said and he and Lexi looked back down to read the tweets. Miguel sighed, turning to Julianna from across the table worriedly. "Looks like him and Sensei LaRusso are gonna have a rematch."

"Wait. So they're really gonna fight." Hawk asked, looking ho from the phone, his eyes wide like a kid on Christmas. Lexi squinted at him, shaking her head. "Did you... not hear what we just said?" She asked slowly.

Sam huffed as she dropped her head in her hands disappointedly. "I can't believe we didn't see this coming." She muttered as Demetri's brows furrowed in confusion, looking back up at Julianna.

"Who does he even think he's tweeting to? You and Miguel are his only followers." Demetri said and Jules sighed shrugging her shoulders. "I don't know. But he seems serious about it."

"So this is real? Sensei and Sensei are gonna throw down?" Hawk asked, a big grin on his face. Lexi rolled her eyes, turning to Julianna. "Your boyfriend doesn't listen." She whispered to Jules before turning back to Hawk, nodding her head. "Yes, they are." She said slowly as if it would process in his brain better.

Hawk laughed, nodding his head excitedly. "That's awesome." He cheered and Julianna turned to him with a glare, elbowing him in the ribs. Hawk gulped, shaking his head as he dropped his smile. "I mean, it's not, Definitely not."

–soooo i didn't do one big long chapter 💔

and i apologize in advance👁👁

everyone please blame violet for making me want to make a jacob bertrand book where the oc is madelyn and shes an actor and plays jules in cobra kai so that draft and this fic are kinda combined....

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