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¸„.-•~¹°"ˆ˜¨an accident¨˜ˆ"°¹~•-.„¸


the anthony mentioned in this
chapter and any other chapter
will be my oc, not lapusso.
okay, yeah hope you all enjoy<3

As much as Julianna would hate to admit it in front of her dad, she was really enjoying Miyagi-Do.

She was picking up on the moves really fast and was even good enough to go against Sam and win using only Miyagi-Do moves. Of course she liked being in Eagle Fang with her dad but a small part of her loved learning actual defense and not just constant offense.

She was in her room, working on some of the moves Daniel had worked on with her earlier in the day when Johnny screamed her name from the living room. Julianna sighed, stopping what she was doing and walking out of her room and towards the living room.

She saw her dad at the dining room table, looking at his computer. "What's up?" Julianna asked, walking towards the table with her arms crossed.

"Can you help set up the dinner table?" Johnny asked, not taking his eyes off his laptop and Julianna nodded, heading it it he kitchen to grab the stuff they needed.

"Set for three people please." Johnny said and Julianna's brows furrowed, turning to her dad with furrowed brows. "Who's coming?" She asked and Johnny sighed, closing his laptop.

"Miguel. I need to tell him about me and Carmen. I was gonna ask him to come over tonight for dinner and tell him then. Does that sound like a good plan?" Johnny asked. Julianna bit her lip, looking at her dad for a few seconds before only grabbing two plates, walking towards the table.

"Well I was thinking tonight for dinner it could just be you and me. We haven't had one of those nights in a while." Julianna said as she set the table. When she didn't get an answer, she lifted her head and watched her dad stare out the dining room window.

"Dad!" Julianna snapped, making Johnny jump, turning to Jules with raised brows. "What? Sorry, I wasn't listening." Johnny said and Julianna sighed, repeating herself as her dad turned back to the window.

"I was asking if tonight could just be—" "Hold on. There he is!" Johnny yelled, interrupting Jules as he shot out of his seat. Julianna's face fell, watching as her dad practically ran to the door. "You and me." She finished before grabbing what would've been her plate and heading back towards the cabinet to put it away.

Hearing her dad talking to Miguel, Julianna sighed, walking into her room. She grabbed her bag that was on her bed before heading back to the living room. As she walked down the hall, she watched Miguel's eyes shift to her, he sent her a small wave that Julianna smiled at before the boy turned back to Johnny.

Julianna looked around her house until her eyes fell on her school backpack on the couch. She headed towards her backpack and grabbed her wallet from its front pocket before stuffing it in her purse as Miguel let out a happy laugh. "I drove down Ventura with him. It was so great. How come you haven't told me about Chicago?"

At Miguel's question, Julianna's eyes went wide. She sped over from one end of the couch to the other, standing behind her dad as she dragged her hand across her throat as if she were telling him to stop talking.

Johnny stepped back in confusion, shaking his head at Miguel's words. "What happened in Chicago?"

Jules continued to do the gesture, hoping Miguel would take the hint and change the subject.

He didn't.

"No. The band." Miguel said and Julianna's head dropped, a quiet groan escaping her lips as she walked to her fridge, listening to Miguel continue to dig his own grave. "You know, uh, "You're the Inspiration," "Glory of Love." Peter Cetera's badass."

"Peter Cetera is the opposite of badass. What happened to Scorpions? Slaughter? Just out the window? I already got this one listening to that girl how only sings about breakup songs." Johnny yelled, pointing back at Julianna with his thumb. Knowing he was talking about her even though her back was to him, Julianna whipped around, giving her dad a dropped jaw.

From passed her dad, she could see Miguel with a confused look on his face, silently asking Jules who her dad was talking about. "Taylor Swift." Julianna said and Miguel instantly made an 'o' shape with his mouth, nodding his head. "Oh... Taylor's good too!" Miguel said, nodding his head happily as Julianna turned back to the fridge, grabbing a water.

Johnny looked back and forth between the two teens with wide eyes. "You both have been through breakups! Why want to relive it by listening to her songs?!" He yelled and Julianna rolled her eyes, not answering his question as she took a sip of water.

"Sensei, your music is cool too. It's just different." Miguel said, trying to make the man feel better. Julianna snickered as she lowered the water from her mouth. "Yeah, very different." She muttered, making Miguel hold back a laugh since Johnny was facing him.

Once he controlled his laugh, he gave Johnny a lopsided smile. "Look, what did you want to talk about?"

Johnny looked at Miguel for a few seconds before sighing, shaking his head and waving his hand as if telling Miguel to go. "Nothing. Do your thing." He said and Miguel smiled, walking backwards towards his apartment.

"Okay. But, hey, look, let's do dinner tomorrow. You, me and Jules. You can make us those Manwiches?" Miguel suggested and Jules smiled, straightening up slightly. Glad Miguel was happy to have dinner with her, not just her dad.

"Yeah, sure." Johnny said and Miguel nodded before turning back to Jules from behind Johnny. "You're going to the drive-in too, right?"

Julianna nodded as she rose her hand to take another sip of water. "Yep." She said, sending Miguel a thumbs up as she used her other hand to drink her water. Miguel nodded at her answer, clapping his hands before pointing at her. "Great! Make sure Lexi or Joey or whoever's driving to park near me and Sam so we could all talk." Miguel said happily before heading to his house.

Johnny waited until Miguel was completely inside his house before slamming the door. The loud noise made Julianna flinch. Johnny groaned, walking back towards the table, falling into his seat like a toddler who didn't get what they wanted. "Well, I guess it's just you and me." Johnny grumbled and Julianna's heart sank at how disappointed he sounded.

Julianna watched her dad for a couple of seconds before she took a deep breath of confidence and shook her head. "Actually just you." Julianna snapped as she threw her bag over her shoulder. Johnnys head shot up, looking at Julianna with wide eyes. "What?"

Julianna gave her father a fake smile, readjusting her purse over her shoulder as she walked towards the front door. "Yeah. I mean, Lexi's paying for the snacks and I don't want to waste her money if I'm full from dinner."

Johnny sat up when Julianna opened the front door and started to walk out. "Lexi's not here yet. You need a ride?" Johnny asked and Julianna let out a huff Johnny didn't hear as she walked out. "No. I'll walk." She said before slamming the door after her.

As she walked out of her apartment complex, Julianna pressed her hand against her heart, taking a deep breath to try and calm herself down.


Julianna laid in the backseat of Lexi's car, her head rested in Hawks lap while Lexi and Demetri sat into her front seats, the four of them watching the movie playing at the drive in.

Julianna went to take a sip of the cola slushee in her hands before hearing the loud slurping noise letting her know it was empty. She groaned, sitting up from Hawks lap as she looked down at the drink with a frown. "I'm gonna need to head to the snack shop."

Lexi sighed, looking down at the empty sour patch box in her hands before turning around to face Julianna and Hawk. "I'll go with you. I need some more candy anyway."

The two girls got out of the car and shut their doors before looking at their boyfriends through their rolled down windows. "You guys want anything?" Jules asked and the two boys shook their heads.

Lexi linked her arm with Julianna's, smiling at the boys as she walked away. "Okay, then we'll be right back!"

As the two girls walked, Lexi detoured them, having them purposely not pass certain cars. Julianna laughed, looking down at Lexi with furrowed brows. "Why are we going the opposite direction of the snack shop?"

"I'm just trying to make sure Joey doesn't see us. He's probably gonna have us get him like 20 things." Lexi said and Julianna's face scrunched.

"Wait, he's here? I thought he was coming with us but couldn't come?" She asked and Lexi scoffed out a laugh at the question. "He is here." She said before pointing a few cars diagonal from them.

Julianna turned her head to see where Lexi was pointing and her jaw dropped at Moons car a little away from them, Joey and her sitting and watching the movie. "When did that happen?" Jules asked and Lexi sighed.

"Well, nothings happened." Lexi said and Jules smirked, leaning towards Lexi's ear. "Yet." She sang, making Lexi roll her eyes, holding back a smile. "Whether somethings happens or not, I'll be happy for them." She said and Julianna let out an excited gasp, turning around so she'd walk backwards to face Lexi.

"Imagine the triple dates." She said and Lexi's eyes went wide, shaking her head. "I'm not doing triple dates. I can only stand the double dates because it's our friend group since we were like 7."

"Six." Julianna corrected when she felt herself bump into a smaller body and heard food and drinks hit the floor. She immediately turned around, her eyes going wide when she realized she had made a kid a few years younger than her drop all of the snacks he had just bought.

"Oh my God!" Julianna breathed out before going onto the ground to help the kid clean up, shaking her head. "I'm so sorry. I was walking backwards and I didn't see you–" "It's okay." The kid said, trying to calm her down as he watched her clean but Julianna shook her head, standing up taller than the boy as she gestured to the mess she made.

"No. No. It's not okay. I just ruined all your food. Look, how much was it, I'll pay you bac–" "Well, look who it is." Hawk sang, interrupting Jules as he wrapped an arm around her, glaring at the boy.

"You should watch where you're going, kid." Hawk said and Julianna's eyes went wide as she turned to him, shaking her head. "No. No, it's not his fault. I ran into him."

"Yeah, you were always clumsy when we were little." A voice across from her spoke and Julianna froze. Slowly, she turned her head and watched as Robby came towards her. The boy Julianna bumped into looked relieved at her twins arrival and quickly sped towards him, hiding behind him.

"Robby..." Julianna muttered before shaking her head head. "Look, we didn't mean any harm." Jules reassured, pointing between her and Lexi before turning back to her brother. "I'll pay him back–" You're not paying him back." Hawk cut in and Julianna turned to him with an angry glare.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" She grumbled. Robby, who had heard Julianna, snickered slightly, making the blonde turn to him with an almost disgusted look. "And you... Nice to know you're alive. Thanks for answering my texts." She said as Bert and Nate walked over, Nate glaring at Robby. "You betrayed Miyagi-Do. Traitor!"

"Oh, there's a traitor here for sure. He's gonna get what he deserves." A voice said from behind Robby. Jules turned to see who it was and immediately let out an internally groan at Anthony and the rest of Cobra Kai walking towards them, all of them watching Hawk since he was the "traitor".

Jules took in a deep breath, crossing her arms over her chest as she shook her head. "I don't think so." She said when she heard more people start to come up behind her. She turned her head and smiled at Miguel, Sam, Mitch and Chris walking over.

Sam walked to the other side of Lexi, crossing her arms as she smirked at Tory. "Not if I have anything to say about it, Princess."

Tory glared at Sam as Julianna watched Robby carefully, the boys eyes not meeting hers.

Demetri suddenly walked over to Lexi, his head down looking at two drinks in his hands, not noticing the Cobra Kai's yet. "Hey Lex, can you believe that they have Mr. Pibb and Dr. Pepper?"

Lexi cleared her throat, making Demetri look up from the sodas in his hands to his surroundings. His shoulders slumped as he groaned. "Aw, man. Not another rumble." He whined and Lexi rolled her eyes with a small smile, grabbing his wrist and pulling him on their side.

"You know, it's funny how everything changes." Tory laughed out, making everyone turn to her as she looked between Jules and Hawk. "How you two are on the same side. Because incase you forgot, I was one of the people there for you, when he messed you up." Tory said, nodding her head to Hawk. Out of the corner of her eyes, Jules could see Hawks gaze fall, making Julianna's face harden.

Anthony laughed at the girls glare, bringing his fist up to his face. "Oh, no... She's getting angry." The boy sang.

Juliannas nose scrunched in anger, going to jump at him but Miguel and Hawk both grabbed her; Miguel grabbing her by the shoulders and Hawk grabbing her by the waist, both of them pulling her back.

"Guys, stop! We can't do this." Miguel said before turning to just Julianna. "We'll beat them on the mat." He reassured and Robby chuckled, making everyone turn to him as he walked towards the Miyagi-Dos and Eagle Fangs. "Oh really?" He asked and Julianna gave him an annoyed smile, tilting her head.

"What? You think your jail moves are gonna get you winning spot?" Julianna snapped and Lexi looked through the Cobra Kai kids before looking down at the watch on her wrist. Robby scoffed out a laugh at his sisters words. "You think you guys will win?"

"We will." Sam said and Anthony smirked. "You remember what happened the last time we fought, right?" Anthony taunted Julianna, walking towards her slightly. Hawk's lips curled in anger, going towards the boy just like Jules had before Miguel pulled him back. Lexi stepped forward, glaring at Anthony. "You know what? Meet us at the baseball diamond in 30 minutes."

Demetri looked at his girlfriend with wide eyes, grabbing her shoulder and spinning her around to face him. "What the hell are you doing?" He whispered and Lexi's eyes went wide, mouthing "Trust me." before turning back to the Cobra Kai's, mainly watching Tory. "And no weapons."

"We won't need them." Tory said proudly before looking back at the other Cobra Kai's kids. She nodded her head behind them and they all walked away.

Lexi watched them walk away with her arms crossed and once they were out of sight she huffed, spinning around to face the group. "Okay! Mitch, Chris, Bert and Nate. You guys take whatever car you came in and go to the baseball field parking lot but don't get out of your cars. Got it?"

When the four boys nodded, Lexi returned the gesture, making them head to their cars. Once they were gone, Lexi turned to the five in front of her, smiling widely. "And while we wait for our 30 minutes to be up, I suggest you buy snacks. You'll need it." Lexi said, making Sam's brows furrow.

"Shouldn't we be practicing?" The Larusso girl asked and Lexi smirked, crossing her arms over her chest. "We don't need to practice. Because we're not getting in a fight." She deviously spoke, only confusing the teens in front of her more.

Demetri looked back at Jules with wide eyes, hoping she knew what was happening but the blonde just shrugged and shook her head.


With 5 minutes left until they needed to be on the baseball field, the six teens headed towards Lexi's car, the girl still not telling the group her plan.

All of them climbed into Lexi's car; Lexi and Demetri in the front seats, Jules and Hawk in the middle row and Sam and Miguel in the very back.

Lexi didn't even wait for everyone to put on their seatbelts before she started driving away and out of the lot. She drove around the park until she got to the street by the baseball field, parking the car.

Lexi looked around at all the cars around her before seeing Chris' car in the parking lot next to them. When Nate and Bert looked at her from the backseat, she rose her finger, telling them not to go.

They watched just in time as the Cobra Kai's walked onto the field and stood right in the center, waiting for the Miyagi-Dos and Eagle Fangs. Sam looked back and forth between Lexi and the Cobra Kai's on the field before shaking her head. "Why are we still in the car? Shouldn't we be out there?"

"Just wait." Lexi said slowly, her smirk only getting bigger as she watched the field. Hawks brows furrowed, leaning in between the two front seats to look at Lexi. "For what?"

Lexi smirked, looking down at her watch. "In 3... 2..." Instead of saying one, Lexi looked up and as soon as she did, the lights on the field went out and sprinklers turned on. Even from the car, the six could hear Cobra Kai's yells, making Hawk laugh, leaning over Jules slightly to shake Lexi proudly.

"Lex! Genius move! We didn't even have to throw a punch." Hawk yelled and Demetri chuckled, turning to Lexi and grabbing her hand. "My favorite kind of victory." He said, making Lexi smile, turning to him. "You enjoying this plan was just another perk." She said and Demetri smiled wider, squeezing her hand tighter.

"How did you even know how to do that?" Jules asked, turning back to the field and watching as Cobra Kai stomped away in anger. Lexi turned around to the four in the rows behind her, a proud smile on her face as she held her head high. "Joey used to play baseball here." She said before her smile slowly fell and she cleared her throat. "Learned about the sprinklers the hard way."

—i had to make that announcement at the beginning after people kept thinking lapusso was beating jules up because im a dumbass and named my oc anthony forgetting that was larussos name ✋☺️ JDJFJSJ

i really want to get more into lexi and hawks friendship and jules and demetri's so...👁👁

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