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Jules had decided to accept her fathers request of going to Olive Garden with him. What she didn't expect was to see Robby and Miguel there and a table waiting for them.

"Hey, hey. Where are you going? Sit down. Hear me out." Johnny said and slowly, the two boys sat down, facing each other at the table as Johnny sat at the head.

When Johnny saw that Jules was still standing, he pointed at her before pointing at the open seat next to Miguel. "You. Sit." Johnny said and not caring much, Jules obliged, sitting down next to Miguel.

"All right, yeah, I lied to get you here. After the water park, I knew you wouldn't come willingly. I know you're in bitchy moods because you broke up with your girlfriends." Johnny said, keeping his eyes on the two boys before he turned to his daughter, pointing at her.

"Jules doesn't have that problem because you know... She doesn't have a problem with either of you, she removed herself from the waterpark situation, and she's still has a boyfriend."

"He's basically calling me the perfect child." Jules said happily, making Johnny whip his head to her. "Watch it." He warned, but Jules ignored him, pointing at Robby. "But, I do have a problem with this one."

Robby's jaw opened and closed in shock, looking back and forth between his twin and his dad. "Wh-What? Why?"

"You chopped off Lexi and Eli's hair!" Jules snapped and Robby rolled his eyes.

"Anyway!" Johnny interjected, knowing Jules would forgive Robby eventually, his main focus on getting the two boys friendly with each other. "Since the Mexico thing felt like a small step in the right direction, I figured it might help if we went on another trip." Johnny explained and Julianna's eyebrows rose.

"That's what we're here for?" Jules asked, Robby nodding along. "A trip? To a mall in Chatsworth?"

Before Johnny could answer, their server came up to the table, a huge, geeky smile on his face that reminded Jules of Demetri. "Your body might be at a mall, my friend, but your taste buds are about to goon a tour of the old country."

Johnny smiled, looking to the three kids, pointing a thumb at the man. "This guy knows what I'm talking about."

The waiter nodded, his smile growing wider. "I do. It doesn't matter where we go.The birthplace of culinary delight awaits. You want an Alfredo? Boom, we're in Rome. Ravioli? Tuscany it is. We gotta come back here for the chocolate lasagna, cause like baseball and Big Gulps, that's only in America."

The waiter paused when he finally noticed the glares on Robby and Miguels faces. He let out an awkward laugh, turning to look down at Johnny. "I'm gonna get you guys breadsticks fresh out of the oven. I'll come right back. Done and done."

Once the waiter was gone, Johnny sighed, looking back and forth between the two boys. "Come on, guys. Guy gives that effort, you sit there looking pissed?" Johnny asked and Miguel shook his head. "It's not his effort I'm pissed at." Miguel said as Robby nodded in agreement.

"Breadsticks aren't gonna fix this." He mumbled and Johnny quickly pointed at his son. "Spoken like a man who's never had the Garden's breadsticks. One bite, you'll forget why you were ever mad at each other."

"There's many reasons why they are mad at each other..." Jules muttered but since she wasn't next to Johnny, he didn't hear her. Miguel did and turned to her, nodding his head. "I'm never gonna forget that." He said under his breath.

"Neither am I." Robby said, getting up and walking out of the restaurant, Miguel right after him.

Jules turned her head and watches as the boys left. When she knew they were gone, Julianna scooted over, taking Miguel's seat so she was closer to her dad just as the waiter came back with their breadsticks.

The man instantly noticed that the two boys had left. He slowly placed the breadsticks on the table before giving Johnny and Jules sad smiles. "I'll give you a minute."


After Johnnys failed attempt to get the boys talking by locking them in their apartment that was styled as an old western movie, Johnny let Jules take control. Jules and Johnny stood in the courtyard of the apartment, Jules raising her hand that held an air horn before turning it on.

It took a couple seconds before Miguel walked out of his apartment and Robby walked out of Julianna's where he's been staying, taking Johnny room while Johnny took the couch. Julianna's next door neighbor walked out as well, holding his ears in pain.

"What the hell is going on?" The neighbor asked and Jules rolled her eyes. "Mind your business." She told the neighbor, nodding her head towards his apartment. The neighbor glared at Jules before slowly walking back into his apartment.

Robby and Miguel watched Johnny and Jules with confused looks before they both realized this was another plan to get them talking.

"Are you kidding?" Miguel groaned as Robby shook his head, looking up at his dad. "I don't know how many times—" "Quiet!" Johnny yelled, interrupting Robby. The two boys straightened up, watching Johnny with wide eyes.

"You wanna hang on to your grudge? Fine. At least be men about it. Put your fists where your mouths are." Johnny said. Miguel, Robby, and even Jules furrowed their eyebrows at his words.

"You want us to do what?" Miguel asked and Jules sighed. She turned to Miguel and shook her head. "He means fight it out." Julianna explained, knowing what her dad meant. Both Robby and Miguel's lips turned into an 'o' as they both nodded.

"No points. No mats. Keep fighting until you get it out of your systems." Jules explained and Miguel's brows furrowed again. "What? Here? Now?" He asked, looking around their apartment complex.

"It's a time, this is a place." Jules said until she gave the two boys a fake pout, her brows furrowed. "Unless that was all just talk?" Julianna asked, tilting her head. Her fake frown started to turn into a smirk when she saw both boys faces harden. Her plan was working.

"Not for me." Miguel said, turning his glare to Robby. Robby turned to Miguel as well, the same glare plastered on his face. "Or me."

Johnny watched the two boys hesitantly before he shrugged. "All right. Let's get on with it."

Jules and Johnny watched as the two boys got into their respected fighting positions. Johnny leaned down towards Julianna's ear, keeping his eyes on Robby and Miguel. "Are you sure this is a good plan?"

Jules shrugged as Miguel threw the first kick. "We'll see. Start trying to rile them up." She muttered, crossing her arms as she watched the fight start. The two Lawrence's watched as Robby blocked every kick and punch Miguel sent his way.

"Is that all you got? Thought you guys were sworn enemies." Johnny yelled.

Johnny's words seemed to anger Robby because he immediately started to throw punch after punch to Miguel.

Miguel blocked every hit Robby sent his way before spinning around, kicking Robby right in the face. Jules cringed as Robby brought his hand up to his nose, feeling for blood. When he looked down at his finger tips and saw red, Robby looked back up at Miguel.

Robby started to send high kicks Miguel's way and once Miguel started to get used to it, he got on the ground and swept Miguel's legs. Miguel fell back in front of his apartment on his back and Jules felt her heart drop.

Miguel was on the ground for a couple seconds before he slowly got back up. Jules let out a breath she didn't know she was holding in.

The two boys continued to fight, both of them getting a good hit on the other every now and then until Miguel's back was pressed against the door to the stairwell. Robby kicked Miguel in the chest, pushing him back into the door and breaking it. Robby ran into the stairwell after Miguel and Johnny immediately started to regret listening to his daughter.

"Hey! Stairwell's out of bounds!" Johnny yelled as Robby and Miguel appeared from the entrance to the stairwell on the second floor, Miguel tackling Robby. "That's it. Fight's over!: Johnny yelled, he and Jules running up the stairs after the boys.

Jules really did have a lot of faith in her plan so just as Johnny was about to walk out from the stairwell and stop the boys, Jules grabbed his wrist, stopping him. She knew they needed to fight this out. They can't be interrupted. "Give them space." Jules whispered. She moved passed her dad and peaked her head out just barely so she can see them. They stopped fighting, both of them out of breath.

"I'd take it back in a second if I could. I was the cause of the worst moment in your life. If it's any consolation, it was the worst moment in my life too." Robby said and after a couple seconds, Miguel smiled. "Yeah, I'll take it." Miguel said, nodding his head happily.

Julianna turned back to her dad, moving to stand behind him. "Okay, now!" Jules whispered, pushing her dad so he was out of the stairwell and standing in front of the boys. Johnny cleared his throat, not knowing Jules was going to push him forward. Julianna walked up behind him as the boys turned to them.

"So?" Johnny asked. Julianna took a couple more steps forward, standing now in front of her dad as she looked between the two boys. Her brothers. "Is it over? Are you guys good?" Jules asked. The two boys looked at each other and smiles spread across their faces. They both turned back to Johnny and Jules nodding.

Johnny sighed, a smile taking over his face as he walked towards the three teens. "Thank God. If you still hated each other when the baby gets here..." Johnny clamped his mouth shut when he realized his words and he looked away from his daughter when she, spun around to face him.

"Wait, the what?" Jules asked. She felt her heart pick up as he lips started to turn up into a smile. Miguel took a small step forward so he was next to Jules, his brows furrowed at Johnny. "The baby?" Miguel asked and Johnny finally turned to the teens, his eyes locking with Miguel.

"Like... You and my mom?" Miguel asked. Johnny opened and closed his mouth before he sighed, nodding his head. "Yeah, we're, uh, having a baby."

Julianna jumped on her toes in excitement. Johnny quickly turned to his daughter, sticking his arm up to try and stop Jules. "We were supposed to tell you together, so act surprised."

"Holy shit!" Miguel yelled. He came up behind Jules and grabbed her shoulders, jumping with her. "Yeah, like that." Johnny muttered. He shook his head, mad at himself for spoiling the surprise.

"I'm gonna be a big sister!" Jules screamed, jumping up and down in excitement. She turned around to Robby and cheered, pulling him into a hug. Robby laughing at his twin's reaction, hugging her back as he watched his dad from over Julianna's shoulder.

"Dad, that's... That's awesome." Robby breathed out in shock as Jules let go over Robby and squealed, running up to her dad to give him a hug. Johnny hugged her back almost instantly, expecting this reaction out of her. Johnny chuckled, holding his daughters head.

"I'm gonna need you to give this same reaction to Carmen." Johnny whispered. Julianna chuckled, mumbling a happy "definitely" as Robby and Miguel come up behind her to join the hug.

—jules being so excited about being a big sister IS SO CUTE ARE YOU KIDDING

jules and her brothers🫶🫶🫶

next chapter might take a bit to be uploaded because it's not following an episode and is just like stuff i come up with that's alll eli and jules so i apologize in advance if it takes a bit to get here

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