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¸„.-•~¹°"ˆ˜¨Anthony on Anthony crime¨˜ˆ"°¹~•-.„¸

awww guys both anthony's (the oc of mine and larusso) are in this chapter so i'm gonna specify throughout the chapter who is who

Sam, Jules, Lexi, Moon, and Yasmine all day in a row of lounge chairs at the waterpark. They sat in that order.

"Hey, babe!" Jules heard and she turned her head with a big smile as she saw Eli walk towards her. When she saw Miguel and Joey behind him, her smile dropped as she turned to Sam. "Oh my God. I didn't even think about how Eli would've invited him."

Sam gave Jules a small smile and grabbed her hand. "It's fine. Really."

Jules rose her brows at Sam's words. "Are you sure? Because I can move. Have Miguel follow me." Julianna suggested, pointing at another section of the park, but Sam waved her off, laughing as she shook her head. "No, Jules, seriously. I mean, this is gonna happen. And it's all right. Miguel and I are still friends."

Eli walked up to Julianna's lounge chair. He bent down, putting one hand above her head and the other by his side. "Hey, Jules." Eli hummed, pressing a kiss to her lips. His voice sounded tired and a bit raspy

When they pulled away, Jules had a big smile on her face as she looked up at Eli. "Hey."

Eli started to lay down on Julianna's chair with her, jokingly telling her to scoot over. Jules rolled her eyes, laughing with Hawk. She turned her head and looked past Lexi, watching Moon now sitting up in her own chair so Joey could sit at the legs across from her.

Lexi looked back and forth between the two couples on either side of her before scoffing, putting her sunglasses down from the top of her head to cover her eyes, looking back down at the book she brought. "I can't believe Demetri's working today.


"Come on, guys! Let me go!"

The whole group turned their heads at the screams and watched as Cobra Kai started to mess with Sam's little brother. They watched as Cobra Kai strayed to throw pool donuts over him. 

"Oh, God damn it." Eli cursed as Anthony Lewis pushed Anthony LaRusso into the water. Jules sat up, shaking her head. "Anthony on Anthony crime..."

Eli got out of his lounge chair and looked at Jules with raised brows. "You coming?" He asked and Jules squinted, trying to see him with the sun shining in her eyes. "I don't think I can... legally." She said and Eli nodded.

Eli leaned down and pressed a kiss to Julianna's forehead before running towards Cobra Kai. Lexi looked back and forth between everyone at the chairs and the fight before deciding Eli could handle it, looking back down at her magazine.


Now there were rules established. Cobra Kai stays on one side of the park while Eagle Fang and Miyagi-Do stay on the other side. Jules and Eli walked around their side of the park, letting the members know as they tried to decide on what slide to ride next.

Jules noticed Eli stopped walking. She turned around and watched as he stared at a slide in awe. Jules followed Eli's eyes. She noticed he was liking up at a black water slide called "King Cobra"

Jules snicker. "Oh, lovely." She muttered and Eli rolled his eyes. "Oh, come on. We may not be in Cobra Kai anymore, but we will always be Cobra Kai royalty." Eli said, taking a step closer to Jules.

Jules rolled her eyes, she knew Eli was right. She had even told Piper that during the tournament. Eli smiled, knowing Jules was tempted. He held out his hand for her to hold, a sweet smile on his face. "What do you say, Queen if Cobra Kai?"

Jules groaned, grabbing his hand as a smile slowly started to take over her face. Eli let out a victorious laugh, running to the line, dragging Jules since their hands were still interlaced.

The line went faster than Jules had hoped because in a matter of minutes, it was her and Eli's turn. The Cobra ride allowed two people at a time, giving pairs a two-person tube if they asked for it.

Jules and Eli got their two person tube and sat down. Jules was in front and Eli sat behind her, his legs on either side of her.

When the lifeguard started to push them down, Eli instantly started screaming. He wasn't scared, but he knew part of Jules was and he figured screaming crazily would make her laugh and calm her down.

Jules laughed as they rose through the fast ride, her laughs turning into screams at some points where there sharp turns.

The slide ended throwing the two teens into the water. They flipped from how fast they were going. When her head came up from the water, Jules let out a string of happy laughs. Eli came up not long after her, wrapping his arms around her from behind and spinning her in the water.

"I told you you'd have fun!" Eli cheered, putting her down but keeping his hands on her waist. He turned her so she could face him and she smiled.

Eli smiled down at her. He loves her smile. He loves her. "I love you." He muttered. Jules, even though she'd heard him say it hundreds of times, felt her stomach flip. Her smile grew bigger as she looked at him. "I love you." She muttered back.

The two of them got out of the water, not wanting to hold up the line when someone screamed.

"Guys, stop. Stop!"

Jules groaned, not even having to turn her head to the yells to know that something was happening again involving the dojos. "You kidding me with this bullshit again?" She cursed to herself. Jules turned around and saw Cobra Kai, Robby and Tory now included, pushing Devon, Bert, and Mitch.

"There's Keene. You said he wasn't in Cobra Kai anymore." Eli asked, turning to Jules with furrowed brows. Julianna was just as confused as her boyfriend, but she shrugged. "That's what he and my dad told me. He probably is just trying to break up the fight."

"Wanna mess with me?" Jules heard Anthony Lewis yell and a chill went down her spine. She slowly turned back to the fight and saw the boy pushing Bert.

"God dammit! They've got Bert." Jules cursed and Eli immediately hopped out of the water, shaking his head. "Son of a bitch!" He yelled, walking away. Jules watched the fight and sighed. She got out of the water and walked back towards her beach chair.

When she got there, Jules noticed only Sam was left. Moon and Yasmine had gone on to go on some slides and Julianna figured Miguel, Lexi, and Joey had run off to the fight.

Sam's brows furrowed at the annoyed look on Julianna's face. She put down the magazine she was reading and straightened up. "What's wrong?" Sam asked and Jules scoffed, pointing her thumb back to the fight going on behind them. "That." Jules said flatly.

Sam looked behind Jules to see what she was pointing at and rolled her eyes. She looked up at Jules with an annoyed look. "Again?" Sam groaned and Julianna let out an equally annoyed scoff.

"I honestly just want to leave." Julianna muttered. It's not that she wanted to give up karate or stop defending them, but she had just gotten out of the station barely a week ago, it's way too soon for her.

Sam thought about it for a second before she smiled. "Then let's." She said. Jules turned to Sam with a confused look. "Let's what?"

Sam rolled her eyes, a big smile taking over her face. "Let's leave. I doubt you and I are even allowed to be near Anthony. So let's just go."

Julianna didn't even have to think about it, smiling wide and nodding her head. "Sam LaRusso, I love the way you think." She said happily, grabbing her things.

Sam started to get up, laughing with the girl. Once she had grabbed everything, Sam gave Jules a big smile, wrapping her arms around the Lawrence girls shoulders. "Why thank you, Jules."

—guys... sam and jules>
JULES AND LEXI WILL BE BACK TO THEIR KARATE DEFENDING SELF jules just needs some time away from a*thony l*wis(reasonable)

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