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At karate, the kids were spread out across the backyard of Miyagi-Do. Miguel, Demetri, Eli, and Joey were against the wall stretching while Jules was with Lexi near the koi pond.

Eli was watching Jules with a big foley grin on his face. Jules was staying over at his place for the weekend and he has been loving it. He loved getting to know what it felt like living with her. He wants to do it forever.

He shook himself out of his daydream when Demetri spoke up. "Come on. I see you staring at her." Demetri sang cheerily. Eli turned his head and saw Demetri talking to Miguel, looking off at the entrance to the house. He followed Miguel's gaze and his eyes fell on Sam.

Joey turned to Miguel, his brows furrowed. "I thought you decided to keep things platonic?" He asked, making Eli chuckle, finally joining in on the conversation with the three boys beside him. "Yeah, well, she did. He didn't." Eli said, not noticing Miguel frown at his words. Demetri looked down at Miguel with a glum expression before clapping his hand on his back and giving him a reassuring smile.

"Well, uh, you know what they say, 'Put a box of matchesnear some fireworks, soon enough...'" Demetri imitated the sound of an explosion before turning back to Miguel, hitting his shoulder. "Sparks will fly."

Miguel let out an unamused hum, side eyeing Demetri. "Is that what they say?" He asked and Demetri faintly nodded.

"Something tells me it's about to be the Fourth of July." Demetri muttered, his eyes following a figure across the yard. Eli and Miguel turn to see who he was looking at. Their eyes fell in Robby who was walking towards Sam with a big smile.

Eli clenched his jaw in anger at the sight of Robby. "Can't believe that piece of shit's on our team." Eli muttered, shaking his head. Demetri chuckled, grabbing onto Eli's arm to calm him down. "All right. Calm down. That is your future brother in law you're talking about." Demetri said just as Robby left Sam and walked up to Jules and Lexi.

A loud whistle broke their conversation. They turned their heads and saw Chozen on the sparring deck. "Line up!" He yelled. All the students did as they were told, joining him on the deck and lining up.

Sam, who was in the front row beside Jules, looking at Chozen with her brows furrowed. "So where are our dads?" She asked, pointing between her and Jules. Chozen rose his chin high, looking back and forth between the daughters. "Not here. Today, you train with me." He said before his eyes went to the whole class. "Bow."

Chozen let out a triumphant hum at the students bowing to him. Once they were up again, Chozen went on with his training, "Cobra Kai gaining ground. We must prepare."

Eli, who was directly behind Jules, leaned forwards to whisper in her ear. "This is gonna be badass. Check out that throwing knife." He whispered in excitement, pointing at the array of weapons settled behind Chozen.

"Now, we learn about Yanbaru Kuina." Chozen explained and Mitch let out an excited gasp from the back row. "What is that? Like, some top-secret karate move? Like a throat rip?" He asked and Jules rolled her eyes, holding back any groan.

"No. It is bird. In English called Okinawa rail. Endangered. Cannot fly." Chozen explained, making Demetri scoff, raising his eyebrows sarcastically. "Hence, endangered." He muttered as Jules looked down at the basket of eggs. "So these are the real eggs?"

Chozen looked at Jules like she was a madman. He shook his head at looked back down at the basket. "No. Trader Joe's. $3.29." He said before he pointed to the edge of the sparring deck. Jules followed his finger and her eyes landed on a newly empty carton of Trader Joe's eggs. She let out a small relieved sighed as Chozen stuck his arms out, holding out the  basket to the students. "Take egg."

One by one, students grabbed their eggs. Joey, who was one of the last ones to grab an egg, looked up at Chozen once he was back in formation. "So what do we do with them?"

"Yanbaru Kuina must protect egg from Kume Shima habu. Poison snake. You must do same. Begin your preparation." Chozen said, gesturing to the backyard. Lexi looked the yard before she turned back to Chozen, confused. "What are we protecting them from?" She asked and Chozen smirked. "From me."


"I see many little birds spread in wind!" Chozen yelled as Eli, Demetri, Miguel, and Joey all stood in a circle around Jules and Lexi. The boys all had their backs to the girls as Jules helped Lexi hide her egg in her bra.

Julianna hadn't hid her egg yet. She had no idea where to put it so her plan at the moment was to just hold it until she found a spot and if she didn't, she'd just have to fight Chozen.

Jules did not want to do that.

Chozen whistled as the girls finished hiding the egg. The boys turned around so they were now all facing each other. Demetri let out a scared huff at Chozen's whistle, shaking his head. "Looks like the Hunger Games have begun. Luckily, I have eggs-ecuted the perfect plan." Demetri said before he giggled at his own pun. "When I win, everyone will have egg on their face. They'll be shell-shocked. The yolk will-" "One more egg pun and I smack it out of your hands." Joey interrupted Demetri, making the boy gulp.

Lexi elbowed her brother in the ribs before turning to Demetri with a smile. "What's your plan?" She asked and Demetri's smile came right back and even bigger. "I'm glad you asked. I have created a protective covering. I made it out of my college prep bookfor blunt force impact, and I tied the whole thing together with an old spool of dental floss and..." He raised his left foot, showing that his shoe no longer had a lace. "my left shoelace. It's pretty durable."

As if on cue, Chozen threw a knife across the backyard. The knife whizzed through the air Jules and Eli's head, lodging itself into Demetri's egg.

"Oh, shit." Jules yelled as Eli grabbed her arm. He immediately pulled her down the side of the house towards all the parked cars in the front as Lexi, Joey, and Miguel ran into the home.

Jules barely acknowledged Anthony LaRusso hiding inside one of Daniels cars when her eyes fell on a birds nest on-top of the house. Jules smiled, turning to Eli and hitting his arm to get his attention.

"Give me a boost." Jules said and Eli smirked, already knowing Julianna's plan. He quickly got down on one knee and cupped his hands together. Jules placed her foot on his hand and Eli started to push her up.

Jules smiled at the birds nest. Luckily, there were no eggs already in there for Chozen to harm. She gently placed her egg in the nest and Eli lowered her.


"Where did you even hide your egg?" Lexi whispered to Joey as they hid in one of the rooms of the house. Joey, who was hiding his egg under his oversized beanie, turned to Lexi and shook his head. "I'm not telling you. That guy probably has super hearing or some shit and I'll be busted." Joey whisper yelled, making Lexi roll her eyes.

A whistle throughout the house made the siblings freeze. Chozen appeared in the doorway and raised one of his knives again. He threw the knife at the picture frame above Joeys head.

The frame fell from the wall and landed on top of Joeys head, a sound of an egg cracking echoing throughout the room. Slowly, Joey removed his beanie and cringed at the feeling of the egg dripping down the back of his neck.

"Oh, come on!" Joey groaned as Chozen walked into the room, face to face with Lexi.

Lexi raised her chin and smirked, there was no way Chozen could get this egg. It was in her bra for crying out loud.

Chozen's face morphed from calm to angry as he raised his foot and kicked Lexi's chest.

Lexi fell back into the wall with a groan. She held her chest in pain at the feeling of some of the broken eggshells cutting her. Chozen said no words to the siblings as he turned around and walked out of the room.

Not far behind him, Lexi and Joey walked out of the house and towards the sparring deck where everyone whose eggs broke went. Demetri giggled at the sight of Lexi, her pink shirt now stained at her boobs.

Lexi rolled her eyes at not only Demetri's laughs, but the rest of the students. She stood next to Demetri and huffed. "Don't laugh..." Lexi muttered and Demetri sighed. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her into his side. "You look beautiful, baby." He muttered, kissing the top of her head.


When Chozen walked towards Eli and Jules, Eli wrapped his arm in front of Jules, pushing her behind him and towards one of Daniels cars Anthony was hiding in. Eli smirked at the man, bringing his egg into Chozens line of eyes. "You want my egg, huh?" Eli asked before getting into his fighting stance. "Want a piece of the champ? Come get it, old man."

Chozen took slow strides towards Eli. He reached behind his back and pulled out a pair of nunchucks, making Eli's smirk immediately drop. "Oh no." He whispered.

Chozen yelled as he flicked Eli's egg out of his hand. While it was in the air, Chozen threw the nunchucks back behind his head before bringing it back forward and hit the egg like a baseball. Jules jumped when the egg hit the windshield of the car Anthony was hiding in.

Anthony gasped from inside the car, Jules hearing him even though the window was rolled up. He quickly rolled down the window, raising his other hand in the air.

Once the window was all the way down, Anthony stuck his head out of it. "I give up, I give up!" Anthony yelled. Jules turned to the younger boy with furrowed brows and a small frown. "Dude." She whispered as Anthony held his egg out the window for Chozen to crack.

Anthony looked up at Jules, using his free hand to gesture to Chozen. "He has nunchucks, Lawrence! Nunchucks" Anthony yelled.

Ever since Anthony started getting more involved with karate, Jules has been calling Anthony "LaRusso". She didn't like saying "Anthony" considering Anthony Lewis  tormented her, strangled her, and is the reason she went to juvy. Anthony LaRusso, not knowing the reasoning behind Jules calling him by his last name, thought it was just a joke and cool nickname and decided to start calling her "Lawrence".

Chozen reached the pair and they watched as he raised the nunchucks and gently brought it down on Anthony's the egg, cracking it.

Anthony shakes the egg residue off of his hand and gets out of the car. He scrambles past Chozen in a slightly scared manner to stand next to Eli. He and Eli didn't leave to go to the sparring deck, wanting to see what will happen with Jules and her egg.

Jules raised her chin, not wanting to make any commentary and get humbled. Chozen glared at the girl, walking towards her until they were face to face.

Without looking away from Julianna, Chozen reached into pocket and pulled out the throwing knife he'd thrown at Demetri's egg. Jules watched from the corner of her eyes as Chozen rose his armed hand and threw it towards the roof.

Towards the birds nest.

When a loud crack settled itself into the air, Jules turned her head towards the birds nest and watched as yolk started to seep through it.

Eli and Anthony looked at the back of Chozen's head with wide eyes as Julianna turned back to him, her mouth opening and closing in shock. "Dude, what if that was a real bird egg?"

Julianna could faintly see Chozen smirk before he turned around and walked back towards the backyard. "Good thing it wasn't."

Once the man was gone, Jules walked towards Eli and Anthony. Eli raised his arm to wrap it around Jules. Once she was in his arms, he smiled, kissing her temple. "You did good, Sunshine."

Jules chuckled, looking up at Eli. "You haven't called me that in a while." Jules laughed out and Eli rolled his eyes. "Yeah... I do it every now and then now to make you laugh."


The students all watched as Chozen sat on the floor of the deck, making a fried egg. Jules shook her head, her arms crossed over her chest. "Now this is just cruel." She said muttered.

Chozen looked up from his egg, his eyes falling on Julianan first before he looked over all of the students. "You are not good Yanbaru Kuina. Snakes will take you down one by one. I have tried to tell you what you must do. But you do not listen. You must learn to adapt or soon, you will be extinct." He said before he stood up, pointing at the new carton of eggs at his feet. "Take new eggs. Try again."

The students all lined up and grabbed their eggs. They crowded around the pond as Chris shook his head and scoffed. "Sensei Toguchi's real cryptic, like Mr. LaRusso, but aggressive like Sensei Lawrence." He said, making Mitch nod his head angrily. "It's like the hardest part of both styles."

Can't wait to get our asses kicked again." Demetri muttered under his breath as the big huddle of students slowly started to disperse.

"No, um... G-Guys, uh, wait!" Anthony yelled, making all of the students stop and turn back to him. Jules furrowed her brows at Anthony's small smile. "He said that the snakeswill take us down one by one. Right? Just like he took us down one by one, but... But what if we weren't a bunch of ones? Like, what if we were..."

"Together." Jules interrupted, immediately catching onto Anthony's plan. The boy smiled at Jules, nodding his head. "Yeah, exactly. Like, um, a raiding party in Dungeon Lords."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah! Even if you're a level 85, you can't mount an attack on the grand realm alone." Demetri said and Lexi dropped her head at her boyfriend's nerdyness as Eli smirked. He hit. Demetri's arm, agreeing with him. "You need a team. Everybody has a special role. The only way we win is if we work together. As one."

Slowly, all of the students started to walk back to the sparring deck. Jules grabbed the empty egg carton and opened it for everyone to drop their eggs in. Once the carton was filled again, she set it down and they all lined up in front of it, blocking Chozen from getting to it.

"So we're sure we want to put all our eggs in one basket? You're specifically not supposed to do that." Joey asked and Anthony looked up at him, nodding his head. "This is gonna work."

A loud whistle made everyone turn to Chozen, but he wasn't there. Time was up.

"Oh no, oh no. Oh God." Mitch muttered under his breath, getting into his fighting stance. Lexi barely turned her head to glare at the boy. "Get it together, penis breath." She snapped.

"Has anyone seen him yet?" Joey asked as Jules turned to the house. She watched as Chozen ran at them, bo in hand. "Oh shit." She muttered, catching Eli's attention. His eyes widened at the man's speed, getting into fighting position. "Ready!" He yelled, everyone getting into their fighting stance as well.

Since Julianna was in the very center of the line of teens, Chozen ran at her first. He raised his bo and started to throwing it back down at her, but Jules blocked it with her forearms.

She hissed in pain as Robby immediately got out of line, kicking Chozen in the stomach to get him away from Jules.

Eli jumped in, trying to throw a punch at the man, but Chozen grabbed Eli's hand and threw him back. Eli stumbled and started to fall backwards, right over the eggs.

Jules ran towards Eli, catching him just before he could fall back on the eggs as Lexi tried to kick Chozen, but it was quickly blocked by Chozen's bo.

"Grab the bō!" Eli yelled, he and Jules jumping towards Chozen and grabbing his bo. Soon, over half of the students grabbed into the bo while the other half tried to fight Chozen.

Once they got the bo out of his hands, Jules turned to Lexi on her left. The two made eye contact and nodded. At the same time, the two girls ran to Chozen, spinning around, and kicking him in the chest.

Chozen stumbled back, groaning as the kids stopped, waiting to see his next move. Chozen stood up straight and scanned his eyes over all of the students.

"Snake concede." Chozen breathed out in defeat. Julianna's jaw dropped and turned into a smile. Lexi grabbed Julianna's shoulders, shaking them widely as Eli turned to face the youngest LaRusso.

"Dude, it worked!" Eli screamed, running to Anthony to hug him. Jules laughed, ruffling the younger boys hair as all of the students went running up to him. "Definitely my favorite Anthony I know."

Anthony smiled at Julianna's words, grabbing her head and pushing it away from him as all of the student's excitement started to die down.

Chozen smiled at all of them, nodding his head. "This is what we have that Cobra Kai does not. Their movement mile wide, but only inch deep. But our movement, inch wide, but mile deep. Now that you have learned to work together, I will teach you how to master your defense."


Eli unlocked his front door and let Jules in. She pursed her lips as she looked around the house. They both walked towards Eli's room as Jules sighed. "My last night at Casa Moskowitz..." Jules breathed out as she past his dresser, her eyes fell on Eli's orange baseball cap. Julianna had never seen him wear it before, but she picked it up and placed it on her head backwards.

"Do you have to go?" Eli asked, making Julianna turned around to face him. He smiled at her in her hat. He had bought one since his hair was now too shirt for a mohawk.

But he liked Jules in it a lot more.

Jules raised her brows at Eli's question, giving him a small smile. "Do you really think your mom is gonna let me stay here. I mean she loves me, but come on." She said, shrugging her shoulders. Eli groaned, walking up to her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and dropped his head so their foreheads were touching. "Yeah, you're right. I can wait until we move in together."

Jules felt her heart skip a beat at his words. She blinked rapidly as she looked up at Eli. "Until we move in together?" She asked and Eli's eyes widened, realizing he spoke out loud and not in his head.

Eli opened and closed his mouth, tryin to think of what to say. "Yeah. I mean..." He took a deep breath and bit his lip. Jules put her hands on Eli's arms and rubbed her thumb across it, trying to help him ease. Eli looked back at Jules, his smile fainter than it was earlier. "Senior year is starting soon and then college. I know you kinda have your heart set on Boston and I want to go to MIT. The schools are close to each other, maybe instead of dorming we can just move in together."

Jules felt butterflies erupt in her stomach at his words. Eli wanted to live with her? Eli took Julianna's silence as a bad thing and immediately started shaking his head nervously. "Unless you don't want to I understa—" Eli's words were cut short by Jules grabbing the edge of his jawline and pulling him into a kiss. The kiss was long, but sweet, not heated. It was perfect for that moment.

They slowly pulled away and Jules smiled. She moved her hand from Eli's jawline to his cheek, rubbing the pad of her thumb across his cheekbone. "Of course I want to live with you, Eli." Jules whispered before she smiled. "I love you."

Eli face brightened as he smiled. He nodded his head, looking back and forth between Julianna's eyes and the rest of her face, partially nervous to look her in the eyes. "I love you." He whispered back. Julianna giggled at Eli's words, jumping up and pulling him into a hug.


also i'm loving anthony and jules' little duo

WE ARE ALMODT DONE WITH THE SEASON??? you guys aren't ready🤭🤭🤭🤭

also please try to like and comment if you haven't a whole bunch!! it really does help motivate me to keep writing knowing people are enjoying the chapters!!

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