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¸„-•~¹°"ˆ˜¨𝓌𝒶𝓁𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒽𝒶𝓌𝓀𝓂𝒶𝓃¨˜ˆ"°¹~•-„¸


The group was sitting at the park. Demetri, Miguel and Aisha sitting on a bench, Lexi on the floor, leaning against Demetri's legs as Julianna rested her head in Lexi's lap, her body sprawled out on the grass, a neon pink band-aid placed on her cheekbone from the night before.

Miguel was upset, he had gone to the LaRusso's just before Carmen had found Julianna in the middle of the alleyway and apparently saw Sam eating dinner with another boy, a boy he'd never recognized before. He felt that Sam was cheating even though it wasn't certain. He was so upset that he wouldn't eat.

"God dammit, Miguel. Just eat." Lexi groaned from her spot. "It'll make you feel better." Demetri added, hoping the boy would get annoyed of the pestering and just take a bite out of the sandwich Lexi brought.

"I told you guys, I'm not hungry, man." Miguel moped as Julianna rolled her eyes. "You are overreacting." "I'm not overreacting, Jules! I know what I saw." Miguel defended himself. "All right, so you saw her eating dinner with some chode." Hawk said from behind the bench as he sparing with Bert, kicking him in the face. "You alright, Bert?" Julianna questioned, staying in her spot on Lexi's lap, faintly hearing an 'I'm good' from the small boy.

"It was probably just her brother or something." Hawk tried to reassure but Miguel shook his head. "Brothers don't look at sisters like that."

"Depends what part of the country you're from." Demetri muttered, resulting in Lexi starting to hum 'Sweet Home Alabama' until Demetri shook his leg, stopping her. "I just don't want what happened to Sensei to happen to me." Miguel mumbled.

"All right, so you go over to this kid and beat his ass." Hawk said, making Julianna immediately sit up. "No! No, no. Don't listen to him. Look you don't know what it's like being a girl with guy friends. Lexi and I grew up with these two nimrods." She said, pointing at Demetri and Hawk who both immediately put their hand up in surrender as she continued.

"He could easily just be a guy friend and you could easily be misinterpreting it because you're worried about your relationship with Sam when there is nothing to worry about." Julianna said, Aisha and Lexi both reaching their hands out for her to high five them.

Miguel looked at Julianna before nodding his head. "Yeah, I guess you're right." Julianna gave him a cheeky smile. "Always am."

"That little bitch!" Aisha screamed as she stared at her phone. "What?" Miguel asked and Aisha turned to the group ready to rant as Lexi and Julianna sat up, ready to take everything in.

"You know that video I posted of me breaking that board?" Everyone instantly nodded their heads and she passed her phone to Julianna. "Look what Yasmine commented."

Julianna looked at the phone, the boys reading the comment from over her shoulder. 'Impressive... can't believe the belt made it around your waist.'

Julianna was ready to throw the phone but knowing the phone wasn't hers was the only reason she didn't. "God. I hate that bleached blonde bitch." Julianna snarled, worrying Lexi who hadn't gotten to see the text yet. She quickly took the phone out of Julianna's hands and read it. "That bitch!" Lexi screamed, Aisha eagerly nodding her head, glad the girls had the same reaction.

"I gotta do something." Aisha grumbled. "How about we kidnap her and have my boy Rico tattoo 'bitch' on her face?" Hawk said and Lexi turned around, pointing at him. "I love it." Demetri shook his head, grabbing onto the top of Lexi's head and turning her away from the boy as he faced him. "Don't encourage her, Hawk."

"All right, I hear how you're saying it, and I don't like it." Hawk shot at the boy, Julianna bringing a hand up to her mouth to cover her laughs as Aisha waved her hands around. "Wait, wait, wait. I've got a better idea. Look." Aisha showed to the phone to the boys but Lexi and Julianna couldn't see. "What is it?" Julianna asked, trying to get her head up to see but she couldn't.

"Yasmine's having a party at the Canyon later." Miguel mumbled. "Not if we strike first." Aisha said and Lexi immediately smirked. "Hell yeah."


"All right! Be sure to stock up good." Aisha cheered as she grabbed a bunch of cans of Pringles while Lexi and Julianna grabbed bags of Dorito's nacho cheese. "I'm inviting everyone. VIP only my ass."

Demetri sighed, leaning over the aisle to Lexi and Julianna. "I still don't understand how we're going to buy alcohol." Hawk, hearing Demetri's question as he walked by, scoffed. "Oh, please. Never underestimate the power... of the Hawk."

Julianna held back a laugh, sarcastically nodding her head along but he saw her and turned in her direction. He grabbed the beers that were behind her head on the shelf, making her locked in between his arms in front of him. "What? You don't think I can do it?"

Julianna shrugged as if she wasn't absolutely losing her mind over their close proximity. "You don't look 21. You can't do it." Hawk smirked, leaning to Julianna so close that their noses were practically brushing. "Watch me." He whispered, smirking bigger at the blush that spread across Julianna's face before walking to the cash register. Julianna stood still, trying to catch her breath and once she had composed herself, she walked over to Lexi and Demetri in the back of the store.

"Sup. Did you catch the game last night? See Puig with the walk-off?" Hawk said as he placed the beers on the counter, the rest of the group staying back to see how he "works his magic". "No, man. But I heard he flipped the bat to the moon." The cashier said, confusing Lexi as she leaned towards Julianna's shoulder. "Do you know what they're talking about?"

"No clue." Julianna whispered back, making Lexi turn to Demetri. "Do you?" Demetri looked up from his magazine, giving Lexi a confused face. "Are you really asking me if I understand sports talk?" Lexi looked Demetri up and down before scoffing. "Nevermind."

"How much is it gonna cost?" Hawk asked, making the three stop their whispered conversation. "Gotta check your ID first."

Julianna cursed under her breath as Hawk chuckled. "I'm flattered." After noticing the cashier was serious, he stopped laughing. "You really think I'm underage? That my frickin' kid right there." Hawk said, pointing at Bert who looked up in confusion before turning to Julianna. "Wha-" "Shsh." Julianna whispered, covering his mouth with her hand.

"Yeah, I still need to see it. Required by law." The cashier sighed. "Oh yeah, for sure. Just upholding the law. It's all good." Hawk said, pulling out his fake ID. The man looked it over for a few seconds, giving Hawk some side eyes before sighing.

"Whatever." The cashier said, throwing the ID back to Hawk. When the cashier looked away, Hawk turned to the group, sticking his tongue out as Lexi and Julianna high fived. "And uh... how about eight bottles of that vodka right there?" Hawk asked, pointing at the vodka behind the front desk. "Yeah, sure."

Hawk looked at all the alcohol he had to carry before turning to the group, more specifically, Bert. "Hey son, help your dad over here. A little father-son bonding time." Bert scrunched his face up in confusion and Julianna pushed his back, making him stumble a bit before walking over to Hawk, helping him carry the alcohol out of the store.

After a few minutes of them walking out, Julianna, Lexi, Demetri and Aisha bought the snacks so it didn't seem too suspicious.

When the four were down buying snacks, they walked out to Lexi's car where Hawk and Bert were already putting beer in the trunk as Miguel leaned against the car, looking down at his phone.

Julianna pat Hawk's shoulder as she walked passed him and Bert to get to the passenger seat. "Nice job. Walter Hawkman." Julianna said with a laugh as she looked at the ID Hawk was staring at in his hands. Hawk smirked turning around to face her as Julianna walked backwards towards the door. "You love the name!" Julianna shook her head as she rolled her eyes. "Sure I do."

Luckily, Lexi's car fit them all in perfectly with seven seats. Lexi and Julianna in the front, Hawk, Demetri and Miguel squished in the middle row as Bert and Aisha were in the very back with the drinks and snacks.

And with that, the group headed off to the Canyon to have the best night of their lives.

-i finished writing the rest of season one AND IM SO CLOSE TO JUST PUBLISHING ALL OF IT
be ready for the next chapter... there might be some👀

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