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When they got to the party, there was already people there. People Yasmine definitely didn't invite, making the three girls smile brightly.

Julianna felt a hand grabbed hers and yank her towards the coolers. She laughed as she stumbled down the hill after Hawk. He bent down to the cooler once they got there, turning up to look at her. "What would you like to drink, my lady?" Julianna laughed at the slight nerdy side popping out. "I'll have a Mr. Pibb. I don't want any alcohol."

Hawk nodded, handing her the drink, grabbing himself a red solo cup of beer and pulling Julianna towards a tree log to sit at. Julianna looked around at all the people that showed up before feeling a hand grab hers. She looked down, smiling at Hawk's hand in hers. She looked up at Hawk, watching him look at their hands as he held back a smile, making her smile even more.

She squeezed his hand, making him finally turn to her. She sent him a small smile as she rubbed the back of his hand. Julianna rested her head on his shoulders as Hawk rested his on hers.

The two just sat in silence, Julianna rubbing her thumb across his hand as Hawk looked down at their feet. In between Julianna feet was her purse and out of the corner of the purse, Hawk could see a small stick of vanilla chapstick popping out and he remembered the last time he had tasted vanilla chapstick.

When Julianna kissed him in the library.

All that could run through Hawks mind after that was the kiss. All he had wanted to do was kiss her again.

"Jules?" Hawk asked and she instantly looked up. It didn't sound like Hawk, it sounded like Eli, innocent and nervous. She watched as he stared at her face, looking back and forth between her eyes and lips before grabbing the edge of her chin, pulling her into a kiss.

Julianna froze for a second, not believing what was happening before kissing back. She felt her stomach practically flip as her head grew fuzzy but she continued kissing him like it was the last thing she could ever do.

The two pulled away once they ran out of breath and Julianna slowly lifted her head to Hawk. "Why'd you do that?" Hawk smirked, rubbing his thumb across her cheekbone. "I've been wanting to do that for a while, Jules."

Julianna's face held a goofy grin at his words as she nodded her head ever so slightly. "Me too. I uh... I really like you." She admitted, biting her bottom lip in nervousness, making Hawk smirk. "I like you too. Would you want to be my girlfriend?"

Julianna stared at Hawk with wide eyes and huge smile and as soon as she nodded her head, Hawk pulled her into another kiss.


Lexi and Demetri were just talking about anything that came to mind when Miguel stumbled over to the cooler in front of them. "Oh, they're all out of Mr. Pibbs. I got the last one." Demetri told him, giving the very drunk Miguel a dopey smile.

"Yeah... I don't think he wants Mr. Pibb." Lexi said under her breath but both boys heard her. Miguel reached into the cooler, pulling out a bottle of beer and walking away. Lexi looked around, wanting to find Julianna and when she did, her jaw dropped. "Holy shit."

Demetri turned to see what Lexi was looking at and stared in shock at what was in front of them. Julianna and Hawk kissing on a log. When they pulled away, Lexi and Demetri walked over, Lexi sitting next to Julianna while Demetri sat next to Hawk.

"I don't get it. Like I understand that you to have liked each other since... forever. But you didn't get together until you shaved half your hair, get a tattoo and poof! that changed everything?" Demetri asked Hawk before turning to Julianna. "That's what roped you in? The mohawk?"

Julianna laughed, taking a sip of her soda. "Incase you forgot. We weren't the boldest when it came to our feelings. I think when Hawk got the new hair and tattoo, he also got a new found confidence." Hawk nodded. "Exactly. Let me you in on a little secret. Its not just the haircut or the back tattoo. It's away of life, man. You just gotta feel the energy and just live in the moment, you know?" He said to Demetri before grabbing Julianna's hand, pulling them both up and walking away.

Julianna looked back at Lexi and Demetri, giving them both a big happy grin before turning back to Hawk. Demetri gave a small smile to Lexi before seeing Yasmine standing alone behind her. He quickly chugged down his drink, setting the cup on the ground before walking over to the blonde. "Wait. Where are you going?" Lexi asked, her breath shaky from the cold. "I'm gonna go live the moment." Demetri answered before turning to walk away to Yasmine.

Lexi watched as Demetri tried his hardest to impress Yasmine, feeling a pang of sadness in her stomach. She felt her eyes grow watery and she shook her head. Not here. Don't cry here. She shot up from her spot on the log and went around the party to find Julianna, not knowing the boy she had just started crying over watched her walk away, guilt filling him up.


"Where are we going?" Julianna asked and Hawk nodded his head to the cooler where Aisha was standing at, waving them over. Julianna waved back before looking around, her eyes landing on Moon, who was looking around with a dreamy smile on her face, looking for someone to talk to. Julianna turned to Hawk. "I already got a drink. I'm gonna go talk to Moon. She's all alone."

Hawk nodded and Julianna walked towards the girl. When Moon noticed Julianna walking towards her, her smile grew bigger. "Hi!" The girl squealed and Julianna laughed. "Hi. I'm Jules." She said, sticking her hand out for Moon to shake but the girl shook her head, pulling Julianna in for a hug.

Julianna was a little in shock but hugged back nonetheless. When they pulled away, Moon admired Julianna's outfit. "I love your dress!" Julianna looked down at her dress. It was nothing special; a flowy white dress with little sunflowers on the ends. "Oh! thank yo-" Julianna was cut off by arms wrapping around her waist. Julianna looked down and immediately grew worried at the crying Lexi in her arms.

"Woah! Woah! Woah! Lex, what's wrong?" Julianna asked and she could feel Lexi nudge her head off in a direction. She looked to see where Lexi was looking and her heart broke for her best friend at the sight of Demetri trying to talk to Yasmine. Julianna pulled Lexi in tighter as Moon put to and to together. "Do you like Demetri?"

Lexi was never one to like talking about her crushes which is why she was so okay with Julianna loving to talk about her crush. Lexi didn't even tell Julianna about her crush on Demetri, Julianna had figured it out and pestered her until Lexi finally admitted it. After that, they never brought it up but they always knew.

Lexi ignored Moon's question which answered it for her. Julianna slightly pulled away from Lexi to look at her face. "You know... Moon gives some real good hugs." Lexi slowly turned around to Moon, her eyes refilling with tears, making Moon instantly bring her into a hug.

Suddenly, Julianna felt an arm wrap around her shoulder and two people stand beside her. "Hey Jules." Hawk said, kissing Julianna on the cheek before his mood dampened at the crying Lexi. "Wait, Lex, why are you crying?" Hawk asked, stepping towards the girl. Lexi moved out of Moon's grasp as she went to hug Hawk who instantly hugged her back.

"You think it's funny crashing my party?" Yasmine yelled, stomping up to Aisha. Lexi scoffed, making Yasmine turn to her. "You got a problem, bitch?" Julianna quickly wrapped her arms around Lexi's waist, keeping her from tackling the blonde.

"It's not really your party 'cause we were here first." Aisha snarked, making Yasmine turn back to her. "Yeah, well, I know you and your little karate gang think you're cool, but we all remember who you really are. You're just a fugly bitch and your friends are all freaks." Yasmine said, making the four Cobra Kai members angrier by the second.

Yasmine turned to Moon. "Come on, Moon. Let's go." Moon shook her head. "No I'm staying. I apologized to Aisha for what we did and you should too. Plus, Jules and Lexi are really cool." Julianna and Lexi both smiled, each of them wrapping an arm around Moon's shoulders. Yasmine scoffed. "Whatever. You deserve them, Moon." As Yasmine walked away, she hit her shoulder against Aisha's, making her finally snap.

"Hey, Yasmine!" Julianna quickly turned around. "Oh.. this is gonna be good." "Hell yeah it is." Lexi mumbled on the other side of Moon. Yasmine turned around, getting right up in Aisha's face. "Yeah? What?"

"Let me help you to your car." Aisha said in a happy tone before reaching towards Yasmine's pants, grabbing the front of her underwear and pulled them up, giving the blonde a front wedgie. Jules, Moon, and Lexi all cringed, leaning into each other as Hawk laughed. "No mercy, bitch!" Aisha screamed before finally letting her go.

Yasmine looked at everyone watching her before stumbling to her car. Julianna watched as Yasmine walked up the hill to her car as two people walked down it. Robby and Sam. Julianna's eyebrows shot up, wiggling herself out of Moon's grip, creeping towards her brother and Sam.

By the time Julianna got to the pair, Miguel was already with them and Julianna could see the anger radiating off of him. "Oh, he works with your dad. Ok, that makes a lot of sense." Miguel said as Julianna appeared from behind him, grabbing onto his shoulder to stand down. "Hey, Miguel. Calm down."

Robby looked at his twin in shock. "Wait. You know him?" Julianna nodded her head as Sam looked at Robby in confusion. "You know her?" She asked, pointing at Julianna as she tried to pull Miguel away from the scene but he was stronger than her.

Robby nodded his head. "Yeah, she's my s-" "Why didn't you answer my texts and calls all day?" Miguel butted in, pushing Julianna off of him and walking closer to Robby and Sam.

"No, I literally couldn't. My mom took my phone." Sam defended and Julianna could tell she was being honest so she tried to stop Miguel again. "Oh, that's so convenient." Julianna grabbed his shoulder again. "Miguel, come on. Let's get you some wate-" "Back off, Jules!" Miguel screamed, spinning around and pushing her away but not realizing how close she was and accidentally punching her.

Julianna, not ready for the punch, fell backwards but luckily, Demetri had already been creeping up to the fight and caught her by her armpits before she hit the floor. "You okay?" He asked, looking down at her. Julianna weakly nodded her head, touching her nose at the feeling of blood dripping down.

"Hey watch it!" Robby screamed at Miguel for hitting his sister but Miguel hit him too, sending him to the ground. "Miguel, stop it!" Sam screamed, making more people look over, Lexi and Hawk finally noticing Jules in Demetri's arms from across the lot.

Robby got up and stomped towards Miguel, he went to hit him but Miguel blocked it, trying to throw a punch at him but misses, hitting Sam instead. Miguel's mean demeanor instantly turned into a panicked one. "Sam, look, I'm sorry."

Sam pushed him away as she got up. "God! You asshole! My dad was right about Cobra Kai. Good luck at the tournament. I won't be there." Sam said before running up the hill. Robby gave Miguel a glare before turning to Julianna. "You okay?" Julianna nodded her head, Lexi had run up to make sure she was okay while Hawk ran to get napkins for the blood.

"Go after her." Julianna said and Robby continued to stare at her, not knowing if he should go after Sam or make sure his sister was okay. "Go!" Julianna screamed and Robby finally ran after Sam.

Miguel turned around and finally realized what he did to Julianna. "Oh my God. Jules! I'm so sorry." Miguel went to touch her shoulder but she jumped backwards, bumping into Lexi's chest. Julianna started shaking her head no. "Do- Don't touch me." She mumbled not meeting his eyes.

"Let's get you home." Hawk whispered as he finally came back, giving her some more napkins and wrapping an arm around her waist. Julianna, Hawk and Lexi started walking up the hill before Lexi turned around to Moon and Demetri. "Do you guys need a ride?" Lexi had already talked to Aisha and Bert, neither of them needed a ride home. Moon and Demetri both nodded their heads, following after them.

When they got to the car, Lexi and Demetri were awkwardly sitting together in the front while Moon, Julianna and Hawk were squished in the middle seat, Julianna in the middle, resting her head on Hawk's shoulder.

Demetri was the first to get dropped off, Lexi relaxing as he got out of the car then she drove towards Hawk's house. "Are you sure I can't sleepover?" Hawk asked, a smirk on his lips as he looked at Julianna. She laughed, shaking her head. "Do you have a death wish? My dad would kill you!"

"Your dad loves me." Hawk countered. "As a student. If he walked in on you sleeping over... you wouldn't even get the chance to wake up before he killed you."

"But Lexi's sleeping over!" Hawk whined and Julianna shook her head. "He'd. Kill. You." Hawk sighed, giving Julianna a quick peck before getting out of the car.

Once Lexi started driving to Moon's, Julianna turned to her. "Moon, do you wanna sleepover?"

Moon looked at Julianna in shock. "You want me to sleepover?" Julianna instantly shook her head. "Of course!"

Moon instantly nodded her head, a huge smile growing on her face, making the other girls smile too. "You don't need to go to my house, Lexi. I already have a bag packed. I was supposed to sleepover at Yasmine's."


When they got to Julianna's, Moon looked around the apartment complex, making Julianna shift uncomfortably as she unlocked her front door. "It's not as fancy as Encino but it's home."

Julianna led the girls through her empty house, to her room. They all set up on the bed. Julianna had a full sized so if they all laid down on the bed horizontally, they could all fit with room for themselves.

"So tomorrow's your guys tournament, right?" Moon asked as she stared up at Julianna's ceiling where glow in the dark sticky stars were scattered across it. "Yep. The only person that's going for us is Demetri, though. My mom's working, Jules' dad is our Sensei and her brother's kinda pissed, so I'd doubt he'll show up." Lexi said, neither Julianna or Lexi realizing what she said until after the words fell from her mouth.

"You have a brother?" Moon asked and Julianna nodded her head. Lexi was the only one that knew about Robby, it's not that she didn't want to tell the boys, it just never came up and considering Lexi had been the only one to go to Juliannas house and notice the few pictures of him scattered across the house, she knew who he was and the backstory.

"Um... Yeah. The boy the Sam came with." Julianna mumbled, running a hand through her hair. "That's why he cared why you were hit." Moon breathed out in realization and Julianna nodded her head again. Moon smiled at Julianna and Lexi, grabbing each of their hands since she was in the middle of them. "Well I'll be there to cheer you guys on." Lexi and Julianna both smiled at the girls words before falling asleep.

Jules, Lexi and Moon are gonna be an ICONIC trio from now on 😌 🤚
I'm not making a Hawk and Moon scandal because I love Moon too much to have Jules hate her so THEY GONNA BE BESTIES
idk why but Lexi hugging Hawk when she's crying is making me 🥺
also the next chapter is the All Valley and I already know what I'm going to do so A LOT of stuff might be different from the episode....

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