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"Lets go, Dumb and Dumber! We gotta go to school!" Joey screamed, ripping the blanket off Julianna and Lexi who were sleeping on the living rooms pull out couch after falling asleep trying to stay up all night watching movies.

Julianna had been staying Gomezes since the day of the fight, Mrs. Gomez practically insisting since Lexi stayed at Julianna's house more than her own Johnny had fallen off the face of the Earth.

The two girls lazily got up as Julianna turned to Joey. "Who's who?" Joey furrowed his brows at Julianna. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Who's Dumb and who's Dumber?" Lexi asked. "Why would you want to be either?" Joey asked as Lexi shrugged. "I don't know. You're the one call us that." "Can I be whichever one Jim Carrey is?" Julianna asked, slowly raising her hand and the siblings looked at her before signing.


Lexi was the one to drive the three to school, claiming that since she was the one who has had the car since Joey's been at boarding school, she should be the one to continue driving the car.

When they got to school, they met up with Demetri, Chris and Nate at the front waiting to get their bags checked. Lexi and Julianna introduced Chris and Nate to Joey while Demetri gave Joey an awkward nod, having met before Joey went to boarding school.

Julianna and Lexi had been talking with the Miyagi-Do kids a lot more since the fight. After Johnny disappeared and Miguel's been in the hospital, Kreese was the one running Cobra Kai which made the two girls leave the dojo but not joining Miyagi-Do, just staying normal for a little.

"Hey, Joey." A group of girls sang as they passed by the group. Joey smirked, winking at them as Julianna hit Joey's arm.

"Why are you hitting me?" Joey looked at Julianna as if she was crazy. "You just got here." Julianna told him and Joey just shrugged. "Okay, and?" Lexi whipped around to her brother, pinching his ear, making him jump and turn to her. "AND you can't already start flirting with girls."

"You left me here alone on my first week of school, what do you expect?" Joey groaned. As the siblings continued to bicker back and forth, Julianna turned around and saw Demetri, Chris and Nate standing right in front of Hawk, Anthony, Mitch and Bert.

"Shit. Shit. Lex." Julianna whispered and Lexi quickly saw what was happening and both girls ran in between the Miygai-Do boys and the Cobra Kai boys. Julianna stood in front of the Cobra Kai boys, gently pushing them back as Lexi did the same with Miyagi-Do.

"Hey boys, how about we just back up a bit." Julianna said trying to push the boys back. "Don't worry, Sunshine. We were just talking." Hawk said as he looked down at Julianna and his mean demeanor fell for a second as their eyes locked.

The passed two weeks they were suspended, the pair hadn't talked. Julianna felt her heart skip a beat at the fact that Hawk used the nickname even after all this time. During her time off of school, Julianna realized that as much as she hated to admit it, she still loves Hawk. A tiny part of her still always thinks about him, a tiny piece of her gets a excited at giddy when he talks or laughs and Julianna hates.

Yet she loves it at the same time.

"Everything all right here?"

Julianna turned to the counselor and awkwardly smiled, not knowing what to say but luckily, Demetri was quick to start talking. "Oh! We're all buddies here. Isn't that right, fellas?" He asked, wrapping an arm around Anthony and Hawk who both gave him fake smiles. Julianna felt a hand grab her waist and pull her into their side.

"Yeah, we're good." The voice that grabbed her told the counselor and Julianna's eyes grew wide and turned to Lexi who had her bite her lip to hold back a chuckle at Julianna shocked face that Hawk pulled her into a hug.

"Don't you all have somewhere to be?" The counsellor asked again. "Yes, Counsellor Blatt." Anthony mumbled, ripping Demetri's arm off of him and walking to class.

"Jules! Lexi!" The girls turned at the voice calling them and they saw Moon, a huge smile on her face, running towards the girls. Julianna went to wiggled out of Hawk's grasp, but he held her tighter, pulling her close to where their faces were inches apart. "I've missed you, Sunshine." Hawk mumbled, putting a strand of her hair behind her ear before bringing his hand down and cupping her face. "I know you've missed me too."

Julianna stared into Hawks eyes, feeling her heart beat in her throat. She didn't notice much, but they started getting closer and closer to the point where Julianna could feel the shadow of Hawk's lips on hers before someone grabbed her arm and pulled her into a hug. "Jules!" Moon cheered, pulling Julianna into a hug.

Julianna was in shock from almost kissing Hawk and slowly hugged Moon back. When she pulled away, she noticed Lexi's angry face and gave her a confused look. "Lex, what's wrong?" Lexi nudged her head forward and Julianna turned right to the blonde she had definitely not missed. Yasmine.

"Oh, she's back."

Yasmine gave Lexi a fake smile as Moon groaned. "Can you guys please get along? For me?" Julianna and Lexi turned to Moon with furrowed brows. "I don't know. Is she gonna be a bitch?" Lexi asked with her arms crossed and Yasmine scoffed. "I'm not a bitch!" Julianna tilted her head and nodded. "Eh... you kinda are." Moon gave Julianna a look and she quickly lifted her arms in surrender. "Fine. I'll be civil. But I don't control her." Julianna said, pointing at Lexi before leaving the girls to get to class.


When Julianna walked into one of her last classes of the day, chemistry, she remembered where she sat, more importantly, who she sat next to. Julianna stayed standing in the corner of the room by the door as Anthony gave her an evil smile and waved.

"Miss Lawrence, do you remember where you sit?" Mr. Smith, the teacher asked and Julianna turned to him and nodded. "Then will you sit down?" Julianna shook her head. "I can stand." "For the whole year?" Mr. Smith sassed back when someone cleared their throat from the back row and raised their hand.

"Mr. Smith, there's an empty spot next to me since Tory left." The voice spoke up and Mr. Smith smiled. "Perfect. Your new seat is next to Mr. Moskowitz. Are you okay with that?" Julianna slowly turned to the teacher and gave him a tight lipped smile as she walked towards the desk. "Good. Because these will be permanent."

Julianna sat down in her seat, resting her chin in her hand as Hawk turned to her with a smirk. "We're gonna have so much fun, Sunshine." His voice was low and raspy, sending shivers down her spine. Julianna felt her stomach flutter as she tried to control the smile on her face. Maybe her new seat wouldn't be too bad...


After school, Julianna sat slumped in the waiting room of the hospital. She had been doing that a lot, going to the hospital and sitting in the waiting room since only family could visit Miguel.

As she scrolled through instagram, she heard a very familiar voice speak at the front desk. "I think I need to see a doctor."

Julianna snapped her head up, dropping her phone to her lap in shock. "Dad?" Johnny turned around at the sound of Julianna's voice and took in a big breath. "Jules."

Julianna ran up to her dad, crashing into him and hugging him as tight as she could. "You weren't home an-" "I know. I'm sorry. God, I'm so sorry." Johnny mumbled, running a hand through her hair and hugging her closer.


"We might need to keep him overnight. Lab found blood in his urine." A nurse said as she walked into the room. "Oh, that? No biggie. I got in a fight last night. Just a little, uh, jam in the lemonade." Johnny tried to reassure and Julianna cringed, lifting her head off her dads shoulder and scooting away slightly.

"But this suckers been bothering me a little bit." Johnny got off the patients bed and lifted up his shirt to show his back that was all purple and bruising. "Oh my god!" Julianna yelped as the nurses stared at him. "A little Bengay should take care of that, right?"

The nurses just stared at him before shaking her head. "W- wait here." Both nurses ran out of the room and Julianna brought a hand to her face, letting out a small snort in amusement.

Johnny quickly turned to face Julianna, startling her a bit but she composed herself. "Do you know where Miguel's room is?" Julianna furrowed her brows at his question. "Yes..." "Good let's go." Johnny said, trying to tug her out of the room. "But, Dad-" "Do you want to see Miguel or not?" Julianna looked at her dad for a second before letting out a huff.

She walked towards the door, grabbing her dads hand as she passed him and peaked her head out the door. Once she saw that there were no nurses around, she dragged her dad towards Miguel's room.

Julianna silently gasped at the sight of Miguel, taking slow steps into the room. "Hi, Miguel." Julianna spoke softly, barely above a whisper. "Sorry I haven't been here. your mom doesn't want me around. Can't blame her. I thought I was helping you guys." Johnny mumbled and Julianna tightened her grip on his hand, letting him know she was there and she felt him lightly squeeze back.

"You were learning so fast, getting so strong. But I failed you." Julianna shut her eyes tight and leaned forward towards Miguel. "Miguel, if you can here us, you can do this. Okay? You gotta keep fighting."

"Never give up." Johnny added. "You can do this." Julianna whispered.

"Excuse me?"

Julianna froze at the nurses voice. She slowly turned around and held up a finger. "Can you give us a moment?"

"Miss, only family is allowed in here." The nurses groaned and Johnny turned to her. "It's okay, we were just leaving."

As they walked out the door, Julianna gave one last look to Miguel. "Please wake up."

-First chapter of season 3🥳
i'm very excited for you guys to see what's in store this season😏

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