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¸„.-•~¹°"ˆ˜¨ a long night ¨˜ˆ"°¹~•-.„¸

~baiii the anthony mentioned in this chapter
is oc anthony not anthony larusso🤩~

Julianna had never been more disappointed in herself than she had been right now.

Sitting in the small Reseda Police Department cell all because she slashed Anthony Lewis' tires.

He deserved it. She still believes that.

But she should've checked for cameras that could catch her. She should've done better at hiding her identity. She should've kept Sam out of it.

Jules didn't know how long she was in the cell alone before footsteps came down the hallway. She straightened up, pushing herself off the cold, dirty floor as an officer opened the cell door, Sam LaRusso right behind him.

A loud creaking echoed throughout the quiet hallway as he lead Sam into the cell. As soon as she was in, he slammed the door behind her, making the LaRusso jump.

Jules gave Sam a lopsided smile, sitting back into her old position on the floor against the wall. "Yeah, he doesn't have the best manners."

Sam let out a small chuckle, walking towards the metal bench on the wall next to Jules. "I can tell."

Sam laid down on the bench. Her head making a small thump noise against the metal. It was quiet between them. Comfortable for one and awkward for the other. Julianna's foot tapped quickly as she thought of what to say to Sam. She could feel the guilt rising from the tips of her toes to the very top of her head before she spoke.

"I'm really sorry I dragged you into this. You shouldn't even be in here. I dragged you to Cobra Kai. I made you get out of the car. I made you slash Anthony's tires—"

Julianna continued to let out strings us apologizes. Sam could barely understand what Jules was saying from how fast the words were coming out of her mouth. Sam let out a laugh, sitting up so she could see Jules.

"Stop." Sam said lightheartedly, As if Sam had just yelled at her, Jules shut her mouth and stared at Sam with big eyes. The LaRusso smiled at the Lawrence, shaking her head.

"I'm not upset with you. And you definitely shouldn't be sorry. After what that asshole has done to you, I wanted to do more."

Jules felt a weight lift off her shoulders at Sam's words. Sam sighed once she noticed Jules calm. She maneuvered to sit on the bench upright and started to swing her feet.

"When the police came to my house, my dad tried everything to get them to just let me off the hook and when he heard you were involved too, he tried to help you too. He got us to only be here for the night." Sam turned to Jules, holding back a smile, but as soon as their eyes locked, they both let their grins crack through.

Jules rested her head on the concrete wall behind her, putting a small, looking sigh leave her lips. "Thank God for Daniel LaRusso."

Sam snickered, lying back down. "Thank God."

When their laughter died down, the quiet settled over again. It was comfortable. Both weren't ready for bed nor did they know if it was even time to go to bed.

"They took your watch, too. Didn't they?" Jules asked and almost immediately Sam answered.


This was going to be a long night.


"Stop it, Anthony! You're going to kill her!"

Jules was lifted against the LaRusso wall by her neck, Anthony's hand so tight around her throat no air could come in or out.

She started to feel dizzy. She couldn't even look around. Her eyes stayed glued on the boy she believed would kill her tonight.

Anthony Lewis stood in front of Julianna. His head tilted and his arm clenched from how tight his grasp was on Jules.

Julianna tried to kick, tried to move her arms, tried to do anything to get Anthony to stop.

But she couldn't.

The last bit of air in her was running out by the second. Jules felt like her chest was about to explode. Her head was pounding as her ears started ringing and her vision started to go blurry.

She didn't know if she was crying or dying.

Maybe both.

She could hardly recognize Anthony through her cloudy eyes despite him being a mere few inches from her. She started to cough, trying to get any last bit of air she could into her lungs to try and fight but it was no use.

She'd hoped one of her friends would've gotten the chance to break free of whatever fight they were in the middle of to help her.

But no one came to save her.

She didn't blame them. They were all already fighting their own battles. She'd hate for one of them to have to come and save her from her fight.

Jules started to feel the the burning pain in her chest and head start to increase.

She knew this wasn't good.

It started to burn more and burn faster. She started to panic. She could feel herself lose the last of her strength.

Julianna's eyes started to close.

A loud gasp for air woke Julianna up from her nightmare. She could feel Anthony's hand still around her, she couldn't even process the crick in neck from the uncomfortable position she slept in.

She tried to catch her breath as Sam woke up. She could faintly hear Sam ask her what was wrong, but her ears were muffled, like she had been driving through the mountains waiting for her ears to pop.

A loud bang from the cell door made Julianna jump. She felt her heart skip a beat from fright. She eased when she realized it was the officer from the night prior.

"Get up, you two. You're bailed out." The officer, opening the door open for the girls to walk out.

Sam warily turned to Jules, still not knowing what had happened to cause her to wake up in such a state. Slowly but surely, Julianna started to stand, and walk towards the cell door with Sam by her side.

Her steps were slower than the officer had wanted but nonetheless the two girls walked out of the cell to the main room.

Both girls noticed Daniel right away, standing worried by the front desk.

It was only then that Jules realized.

She remembered all the times her dad had to spend the night in jail. She remembered Sid always bailed him out.

But it wasn't Sid that bailed Julianna out.

Juliannas mom walked out from behind Daniel and Jules froze. She felt everything in her tense at the sight of her mom. Shannon was giving her a warm smile until she noticed Julianna's demeanor shift. Shannon and Daniels faces fell, making Sam turn around to Jules.

Sam frowned. She knew about Julianna's relationship with her mom from when Robby had told her back when he was staying with the LaRussos. She walked towards Jules and gave her a small, reassuring smile and held her hand out to let her hold onto.

Jules looked down at Sam's waiting hand before looking back up at her. She gave the girl a small smile and grabbed Sams hand, both of them walking to Daniel and Shannon.

When they reached the adults, Jules gave them a worried uneasy smile, looking at Daniel.

"Where's my dad?" She asked, her voice was a little cracked from her nightmare and her harsh gasp that woke her. Daniel looked to Shannon before turning back to Julianna, pulling his lips into a thin line. "He's not here."

Jules laughed. Not in amusement but of irritation. "I can see that."

When Daniels eyes left hers, Jules straightened up. Her brows creased as her hand slowly slipped out of Sam's. "Where is he?"

Daniel turned to Shannon again and this time, Jules finally turned to her mom. She watched as the woman nodded to Daniel almost as if she was allowing him to say his next piece of words.

Daniel turned back to Julianna and the girl looked at him with expectant eyes.

"He and Robby went to Mexico to go bring back Miguel."

"Bring back Miguel? What are you talking about?" Sam asked, her voice higher than normal from the worry of her boyfriend.

Julianna cursed under her breath. She licked her lips and shut her eyes. Slowly, she turned to Sam, biting her inner cheek, forgetting to tell Sam about Miguel's abrupt leave during their night in the cell. "Miguel left to Mexico to look for his dad."

Sams head spun around to Jules, looking at her like she had just stabbed her in the back. "You knew?" Sam yelled. Julianna went to reply, but noticed Daniel giving her the same shocked look.

Her eyes bounced back and forth between the two LaRussos before she sighed, settling her eyes on Sam. "He left me a letter."

Sams eyes got wider. "A letter? Wh-" Sam was cut off by Daniel, who was shaking his head. "We can talk about it more in the car. I'll drop Julianna off at her house with Shannon so she can pack a bag."

"What?" Jules blurted. She wasn't gonna pack any bag. She was gonna stay home. Shannon turned to her daughter, giving her sad eyes and tilting her head as if Jules was a toddler. "Well, you're gonna have to stay with someone until your dad comes back."

Jules grimaced at her mom shaking her head. "Yeah, and that someone's not gonna be you."

"Julianna, your mom is better now." Daniel sighed out, too drained from his night worrying about the girls to want to hear her complaints. Jules snapped her head to Daniel, her face contorted into disgust as she pointed at Shannon.

"She may have mended things with Robby but she hasn't even tried to give a shit about me." Jules snapped, not even caring that a few other heads in the room turned at her words. Shannon gulped at the eyes on her and went to reach for Julianna's arm


Jules smacked Shannon's arm away from her, shocking Shannon and Daniel. The girl shook her head at the woman, taking a step away from her and closer to Sam.

"I'm not talking to you! You don't get to act all high and mighty. You can't just come here and act like mom of the year when you aren't." Julianna seethed.

She bit her lip at the sight of Shannon. She knew she was better and put of rehab but that didn't change anything. Jules took a deep breath and slowly shook her head.

"You may be better now and... I'm happy for you, but that doesn't just erase what you did to me. I'm not gonna stay with you." Julianna said, slower and much calmer than her previous words. When she noticed Shannon softly nod, Jules turned to Daniel, holding her chin higher.

"I'm staying with Carmen."


As Daniel drove up to the front of Julianna's apartment complex, Jules immediately saw Carmen and Yaya standing outside.

On the way home, Daniel gave Jules her phone back after the police department had collected it from her. Immediately, she texted Carmen, telling her she was on her way home home.

Jules barely muttered out a goodbye and a thank you for Daniel and Sam before she hopped out of the car and ran to the two women.

She could see both of them physically relax at the sight of Jules okay. It hadn't even been 24 hours since she was arrested but Carmen couldn't sleep without worrying about the girl.

Jules ran into Carmen and Yayas arms, Carmen cradling Julianna's head as they all hugged. Carmen sighed in relief and Jules could feel her shake her head.

"You had us worried sick." Carmen muttered and Jules smiled, squeezing Carmen and Yaya tighter.

"I'm alright." Jules mumbled.

Carmen pulled away from Jules and cupped her face, checking her for any injuries. When she saw none, she looked passed Jules to Daniels car. She smiled at the man and gave him a thank you.

"No problem. Gotta keep an eye on them!" Daniel laughed, pointing at Sam in the back seat. Carmen laughed and Daniel started to drive away. Jules smiled at Daniel and Sam as a goodbye and when her eyes landed on her mom, it faltered.

Shannon watched Jules and Carmen with a sad look but Jules only clenched her jaw at the woman. Feeling Yaya touch her shoulder, Jules turned to her and started to laugh as Yaya pulled her into a tight hug.

Immediately, she forgot about her mom. She felt safer with Carmen and Yaya. Happier.

—  #freejules worked i hope you're all happy😭
i'm sorry there's no elianna yet but THERE WILL BE
as well as dexi🤭

jules and her nightmares...☹️
but carmen, jules and yaya❤️>>>

i'm so grateful for every reader(both ghost and the ones that comment nonstop😚😚) and i love you all so so SO much
thank you for everything<333

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