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After helping Eli dye his hair back to blue again, which Jules loved since she missed Eli's blue hair, the two of them got a text from Sam telling them and everyone else in the groupchat to meet in Jules and Miguel's apartment courtyard.

When they walked outside of a Julianna's apartment, they were immediately met with Lexi, Joey, and Demetri waiting at the door.

"Did you guys get the text too?" Joey asked Jules and Eli. Jules had an amused smile on her face and nodded her head sarcastically. "It was a groupchat, Joey. So... yes." She said and Joey scoffed, holding back his own smile.

"Whatever." He muttered, his smile breaking through. The five of them started walking towards Miguel's door where he and Robby were already waiting. "So, uh, what's the emergency? Why'd you have me bring all my gear?" Demetri asked once they reached the two boys.

Miguel shrugged, looking at Robby beside him before turning to the five in front of him. "You know as much as we do. Sam told us to meet here."

At the sound of people coming towards her, Jules turned her head and her eyes widened at not just Tory walking towards the group, but Sam walking with her.

"Holy shit." Jules breathed out at the sight of the two girls. Everyone turned their heads and had the same reaction as Jules, their eyes wide and their jaws dropped.

"Tory?" Lexi asked, leaning closer to Jules, but keeping her eyes on Sam and Tory. "Am I dreaming?" She whispered. Before Jules could respond, Joey brought his hand up to his little sisters arm and pinched her.

Lexi yelped and Joey smirked. "Not dreaming." He muttered. Robby's eyes looked Tory up and down, when he saw her hand bloodied and wrapped, he straightened up a little. "What happened to your hand?" He asked.

Tory opened and closed her mouth in embarrassment at all of the eyes on her. She looked down at her hand before she looked back up at Robby and shrugged. "Uh, training accident. I'm okay."

"We think we have a way to prove Silver assaulted Stingray." Sam said.

Everyone quieted down, their eyes glued to the two girls that had just walked over. "If the attack happened at the old dojo, Silver installed security cameras. That's how Jules and Sam got caught slashing Anthony's tires." Tory explained, nodding her head to Jules.

"Still one of my proudest moments, I must say." Jules said with a big smile. Jules stuck her hand out in front of Eli so it was close to Sam. Without having to look at each other, the girls high fived.

"But that place was cleaned out." Robby brought up, making Jules and Sam's smiles falter. Quickly, Demetri shook his head. "That might not matter." He said, turning everyone's attention to him. "The systems that we sell at TechTown all save the footage to a central server. Silver probably took the whole system."

Tory started to smile, a relieved breath of air passing through her lips. "I think he did. There is a server in his office at the flagship dojo."

"If we access it, we can find that footage. We could post that Stingray clip to their YouTube channel." Eli said and Demetri nodded in agreement crazily. At the same time, Jules and Lexi turned to each other. "Nerds." They mouthed to each other before Jules quickly turned to the rest of the group, not wanting Demetri and Eli to catch her and Lexi.

"Get ahold of everyone else. Let them know that we're taking down Cobra Kai tonight." Jules said and everyone smirked, nodding their heads.


The nine of them walked up to the doors of Cobra Kai. When they got to the steps of the building, Robby, who was in the front of the group, turned around to face everyone else. "If it's the same alarm system, I should be able to bypass it."

Demetri chuckled. "Spoken like a man that's done this before." Demetri joked. Jules scoffed under her breath, holding back a smile as she looked to her twin. "He has." She muttered, making Demetri's face fall.

Robby chuckled at Demetri's expression, shrugging his shoulders. "Karate wasn't my first hobby. I fractured a law or two before we met." He then looked to Jules and tilted his head, a small smirk taking over his face. "Guess it runs in the family huh, Juli?"

Jules whacked Robby's arm, muttering a small "shut up" as Tory pulled a card out of her pocket. "Or we could just scan my key card. So that those of us on probation keep from, you know, violating it." She said, her eyes on Robby.

"You guys are still on probation?" Lexi whispered as the rest of Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang walked up. "Sorry we're late." Chris said before he turned to Mitch beside him and glared. "Someone took forever to get ready."

Everyone turned to Mitch, giving him small glares and looks. Mitch rolled his eyes and shoved his hands in his pockets defensively. "It's the middle of the night." He muttered and Jules squinted at him. "It's just barely midnight." Lexi countered. Mitch whipped his head to Lexi, glaring at her.

Lexi visibly was taken aback by the boys glare, but she glared back at him nonetheless. Nate, who was standing beside Chris, looked around at the students in front of him. When he saw Tory standing beside Lexi. "What is she doing here?"

Jules rolled her eyes at the younger boy, sticking her arm out in front of Tory protectively. "It's fine. She's with us." Jules warned. She turned to Tory and the girl smiled. Jules smiled back, glad to have her friend back.

"So what are we doing? All your text says is that we're gonna take down Cobra Kai. But how exactly?" Bert asked, looking down at his phone to Julianna's text to him and the other students. Jules turned back to Bert. A big smirk grew on her face as she shrugged. "Gonna show them who their sensei is. We might have proof he's a criminal."

"We're going upstairs to Silver's office. We need you downstairs as lookout." Eli told the other kids and everyone nodded. With that, Tory let all of Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang inside Cobra Kai, her, Jules, Lexi, Demetri, Eli, Robby, Miguel, and Sam going upstairs to Silver's office while Joey and the other stayed downstairs for lookout.

"Pulling the clip off the server is first day of computer camp shit." Eli said as Demetri sat down on the chair at the desk, Eli rught beside him and everyone else standing behind the two of them.

"Got it?" Eli asked Demetri. Jules turned her head to see what Demetri was doing and her face contorted into a look of confusion. "What are you even doing?" Jules whispered. Demetri ignored the girl, knowing she really didn't want to know. He looked to Eli beside him and nodded. "Yeah."

The computer that the two boys were once hacking into was now opened to its surveillance page, all the days and logs right in front of them. Eli huffed, resting his elbows on the table and leaning forward as he continued to type. "We upload the clip to the YouTube channel, and Cobra Kai is out of business." He turned his head just enough to see about half of the kids standing behind him out of the corner of his eyes. "Anybody know what day we're looking for?"

Jules bent down a little and leaned forward so her mouth was close to Eli's ear as she placed her hand on his shoulder, "Stingray's assault happened the morning after prom." She said, remembering the man bringing up the morning after prom when they questioned him. Eli to Jules, gave her a quick but thankful nod, then turned back to the computer.

As Demetri and Eli searched for the footage, Tory let out a relieved laugh. "I can't believe it's happening. We're really gonna take Silver down." She breathed out. Jules turned to Tory for a second and smiled. Her smile grew even bigger when Robby turned to Tory too; Jules could practically see the hearts in Robby's eyes.

"Yeah. What could go wrong?" Robby laughed out.

That's when the smile left Julianna's face. She turned to her twin with a glare. Jules rose her finger and pointed at him like a parent reprimanding their child. "If you jinxed it by saying that, I gonna kill you."

"I got it!" Eli yelled, turning the twins away from each other and to the computer screen. Jules leaned forward, her head aligning with Demetri and Eli's as she watched the screen. 

"You wanna be Cobra Kai. Oh. So you wanna be Cobra Kai, huh?" Silver slurred, his words coming out as a drunken chuckle. Silver turned his body, almost as if he was ready to throw a punch at Stingray, but just before he could, the screen froze.

"Sh-Shit." Demetri grumbled, shaking the computer in hopes that it would make it work again.

A new window popped up over the surveillance footage in big red font reading "ERROR: FILE DELETED" before the footage disappeared from the computer entirely. Lexi put her hand on Demetri's shoulder and leaned forward to get a better look at the computer.

"What happened?" She asked and Demetri threw his hands out in front of him, gesturing to the computer. "That's all there is! The rest of it's been erased." He shrieked.

"Silver covered his tracks." Lexi breathed out. Jules frowned, her jaw clenched as she turned to her head to Robby. He felt her glare gulped. "Okay. So-So what now?" Robby asked, still refusing to look at his sister.

"There might be other footage we can use." Tory said and Eli sighed. He turned around to face her, his brows raised. "You wouldn't know the date and time, would you?"

Robby finally turned to Jules as Tory told Demetri the date and time of another event. Jules just blink at the boy, her glare still very prominent. "I'm gonna kill you." She whispered in a matter of fact tone.

"Okay. I think I got it!" Demetri yelled. Robby and Jules continued to stare at each other. Well, Robby staring at Jules and Jules glaring at him. Slowly, Jules turned to face the computer while Demetri pointed at the screen. "Is this the clip?" He asked Tory.

Tory leaned down to get a better look at the footage and once she knew it was the right piece of footage, she turned to Demetri and nodded. "Yeah, that's the one."

"What are you doing here?" A voice yelled from the bottom of the stairs. A chill went down Julianna's spine as she and everyone else in the room whipped their heads to the stairs at the sound of Anthony Lewis.

Miguel looked to Eli and Demetri, nodding to them. "We'll check it out. Stay here. We need that footage." The two boys nodded back at Miguel, turning back to the computer as everyone else started to head downstairs.

Demetri looked up from the computer when he noticed Lexi and Jules leaving with Sam, Miguel, Robby, and Tory. "You're leaving?" He asked, making Jules and Lexi stop walking and Eli look up to the girls. Lexi pursed her lips and shrugged her shoulders. "We wouldn't be any help here. We don't know how to do any of this."

Demetri frowned. He knew Lexi was right and he knew she'd be able to take care of herself, but he was still worried. After couple of seconds of Demetri not answering, Eli sighed and shook his head at the girl. "Okay, just be careful. Both of you."

The two girls smiled at Eli, Jules walked towards him while Lexi walked towards Demetri. Eli walked around the table so he was in front of it.

Eli grabbed Julianna's hands with one of his and pulled her closer to him. His other hand went to her chin, lifting it so she was looking up at him. Eli leaned down and gave her a slow kiss.

When they pulled away, Eli's hand that was once under her chin moved to cup her cheek. "I love you." He said and Jules smiled. "I love you too." She whispered back, trying her hardest to hold back her smile.

Lexi walked behind the table and towards Demetri who was sitting trying to get complete access to the footage. She ran a hand through his hair and kissed the top of his head. "I love you." She said, making Demetri look up and away from his computer.

"I love you too." He smiled back, getting out of his chair just enough so his lips met Lexi's. After their kiss, Lexi ran towards Jules. She grabbed the blondes hand, pulled her away from her boyfriend, and ran down the stairs.

"So you're with them now?" Devon asked Tory just as Jules and Lexi made it down the stairs and into the main room where Cobra Kai stood against Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang.

Jules moved the to front of the group, standing between Miguel and Robby as Lexi went to the other side of Miguel, standing between him and Joey.

Lexi crossed her arms and raised her brows at Devon. "You're one to talk." Lexi sassed. Devon looked to Lexi for a few seconds before looking to the floor. Jules looked up at Miguel with furrowed brows. "How'd they know we were here?" She whispered, but Cobra Kai had heard her, not that she was trying to hide it.

Miguel shook his head watching Kyler and Anthony Lewis smirk. He looked down at Jules, still confused. "I don't know." He whispered back.

Kyler moved his head so he could look at the students behind Jules and Miguel. "Mitch, come on, get your ass over here where you belong."

Immediately, Jules turned around to look at Mitch behind her. The students around her started to murmur as Mitch walked through the crowd. "Mitch..." Jules whispered under her breath, but the boy ignored her. He pushed passed Jules and walked towards Kyler and Kenny.

"Penis Breath, how could you?" Nate asked and Lexi glared at the boy, shaking her head. "I never liked you, Penis Breath." She muttered, making Mitch scoff. "I don't know. Maybe 'cause they don't call me Penis Breath. You guys have been so dead set on taking down Cobra Kai. I didn't even wanna leave in the first place." He yelled.

Mitch looked around the room, a big smile on his face. "I mean, look around. They got snacks, swag, smoothies. Our dojo doesn't even have a roof. Or like... any single chicks."

"All right. Penis Breath, shut up." Kyler snapped, sticking his arm out in front of Mitch. The boy's face fell, but Kyler ignored it, tilting his head at Jules. "We got a traitor, y'all got a traitor, so that cancels out. Are we gonna throw down or what?"

"I'm not a traitor!" Tory yelled, pointing at herself before she shook her head. "I'm just not buying what Silver is selling. And neither should any of you." She said and Robby nodded in agreement, his eyes mainly on Kenny, but still looking around at all of Cobra Kai.

"Silver lied. To all of us." Robby said and Kenny chuckled. "Us?" He asked as he started walking towards Robby. "What us? Only person who lied to me is you." He said in a. threatening tone.

Immediately, Jules stepped in front of Robby, blocking Kenny from getting to him as she glared down at the younger boy. "Back the hell up." Jules warned, her voice low and really only audible to Kenny.

Kenny's eyes widened as he quickly took a step back. When Jules took one step towards him, he took another step back. Jules held back her smirk at how fast she scared the boy and instead tilted her head. "Robby's right. You don't wanna do this."

Kenny watched Jules for a second with wide eyes. He looked back at his team and locked eyes with Anthony Lewis. The boy nodded his head to Kenny, encouraging him to keep going. Kenny slowly turned back to Jules and shrugged. "Yeah, I do."

He threw a punch at Jules, but Jules grabbed onto the boys fist, blocking it. She wasn't really thinking about how Kenny was younger than her and probably not as strong as her. All she knew was that this kid was attacking her so she tightened her grip on his hand and lifted her leg, kicking him in the chest.

Kenny stumbled back into Kyler and all hell broke loose, Cobra Kai running at the Miyagi-Fangs.

Mitch ran at Jules, which caught the girl off guard. She had always tried her hardest to be nice to the boy; she rarely called him Penis breath.

Jules blocked every punch the boy tried to send his way. She had found a way to grab onto the boys fist and she took a step towards him. Jules used her other arm to press it against the boys shoulder, trapping him.

Jules spun the boy around and once his back was to her, she kicked him. Mitch stumbled right towards Lexi, who was a couple feet away. Lexi swung her fist back before bringing it back forward, punching Mitch straight in the face.

Mitch collapsed to the floor. The two girls looked to him before looking up at each other. They both smiled and nodded their heads. While looking to each other, the two girls didn't notice Cobra Kai's walking up behind them. And before one could warn the other, the two Cobra Kai boys swept Jules and Lexi's legs.

Jules fell back onto her back with a groan. She looked up to see who knocked her down and her jaw clenched when her eyes landed on Anthony Lewis.

"You just don't know when to quit, do you?" Jules muttered, but Anthony heard her. He smirked, a small chuckle leaving his lips as he tilted his head in a taunting manner. "Says the one who went to juvie."

Jules felt her stomach churn in anger. She shot up off the ground and almost immediately, Anthony attempted to punch her. Jules caught the boy by his wrist and lifted her knee, hitting him in the gut.

While Anthony doubled over in pain, a voice screamed from behind her. "Miguel, we got it!" Demetri screamed. Jules got on the floor and swept Anthony's feet out from under him, sending him to the floor so she had time to turn around to the stairwell. She watched Demetri and Eli run down the stairs.

Just as they reach ground level, Kyler and a couple of Cobra Kai's came up behind them front he top of the stairs and pushed the two of them to the ground.

The Ipad flew out of Eli's hands and slid across the floor. Being the closest to it, Anthony LaRusso ran to it and grabbed it. When Kenny noticed the LaRusso's hold on the Ipad, he pointed at him, making almost every Cobra Kai kid look his way.

"Get him!" Kenny yelled and as Cobra Kai started to circle Anthony LaRusso. Julianna's eyes widened. "Protect the egg!" She screamed. Her team immediately started following what she said. Just as Jules was about to start run towards Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang to circle Anthony LaRusso and protect him, Anthony Lewis got up off the ground.

He grabbed a handful of Julianna's hair and pulled her back towards him. Jules screamed in pain, falling back onto the ground. Jules landed on her tailbone and groaned, her eyes shut as a burn vibrates up her spine.

"Jules!" Lexi screamed from the circle. Jules rubbed her lower back and opened her eyes. She turned her head in Lexi's direction and was barely able to see the girl over all of the Cobra Kai kids surrounding her.

"I'm okay!" Jules screamed, turning her head back in front of her to see where Anthony Lewis had gone. Slowly, Anthony Lewis had walked towards her until he was standing right above her, looking down at her with a big smirk.

That fucking smirk.

It was like something in Jules snapped. She brought her bent leg up and kicked the boys knee in. Anthony screamed in pain and Jules stood up, ignoring her own pain she felt in her tailbone. Jules could've sworn she was seeing spots, but she didn't know if it was because of her injury or the rage she felt.

She lunged at Anthony, fueled by a potent mix of anger, frustration, and pain. She tackled him to the ground, her hands gripping his shoulders with an iron grip. Straddling his chest, she unleashed a flurry of punches, each blow driven by the years of pent-up fury.

Anthony struggled, trying to shield himself from the relentless assault, but Jules was relentless and found a way to pin down Anthony's arms under her legs so he couldn't move.

Her knuckles cracked against his face, a symphony of impact echoing in the confined space. In her eyes, it was just Jules and Anthony in the room. Her mind had clouded and she completely forgot about everyone else in Cobra Kai with her.

Jules could see that Anthony was speaking, probably begging her to stop, but Jules was deaf to his pleas, her vision clouded by a red haze. Her punches rained down, each strike carrying the weight of every insult, every humiliation she had endured.

Every smirk.

Every shove.

Every goddamn "babygirl."

Every single word he said to her.

What he did to Lexi.

What he did to Eli.

He strangled her.

He almost killed her.

She had finally snapped, no longer willing to be a victim to Anthony's cruelty.

Suddenly, Jules no longer felt anger. Tears started to run down her face and exhaustion started to set across her whole body. Her punches paused, her chest heaving with exertion. She gazed down at the boy beneath her, his face swollen and bloodied.

With a bitter sneer, Jules slowly rose from above him, her chest still heaving with the remnants of her fury. She stood over Anthony, looking down at the one who had made her life a living hell. In a final act of defiance, she spat on him.

"You're nothing," She muttered, her voice dripping with contempt.

As her eyes glared into the boy underneath her, she didn't notice Daniel, Carmen, Amanda, and Stingray come into the dojo. Jules and Anthony's fight was on the other end of the dojo from where everyone else was so as soon as the four adults walked in, the first thing they saw was Jules with extremely bloody knuckles standing over the even more bloodied boy.

Daniel felt his heart sink at the sight of the girl that had been so calm and had been controlling her anger so well, stand over the boy she had beaten to a pulp with no sense of remorse in her eyes. He didn't know Anthony Lewis. He didn't know the pain and trauma he had given the girl.

"Jules..." Daniel whispered. Like a deer in headlights, Jules snapped her head up and she stared at the four adults in front of her. Her eyes mainly stayed on Daniel and Amanda, too scared to see Carmen's reaction to what she's done.

She didn't regret it one bit.

The sound of the TV being turned on made everyone in the dojo stop. Jules slowly looked up at the television in the corner of the room and watched as Tory walked up to Silver. "I need to talk to you."

She slowly stepped away from Anthony and back up towards her teammates, not being able to see the TV much from where she was originally standing. Silver's chuckle sent shivers down Julianna's spine even though he was only on the screen and not actually there. "Nichols. What's on your mind? Excited to take things to the next level?"

Tory shrugged. "What's the point? You'll just pay to make me champion again."

Jules had accidentally backed up into a body and jumped. She turned around to see who she bumped into and calmed down when she realized it was Eli. Eli gave her a small smile and gently wrapped his arm around her waist.

She turned back to face the TV and watched as Silver straightened up at Tory's words. "So you know about the ref." When Tory didn't answer, Silver continued. "Have you told anyone else?"

"So you don't deny it?" Tory asked and almost instantly, Silver answered. "Not at all. I paid him off to make sure Cobra Kai won. It was an insurance policy. You still won the fight. You think that Lawrence girl was gonna win against you?"

Julianna's jaw clenched at the man's words. She loved Tory, but anyone with eyes could've seen that she should've won that fight. Tory apparently agreed with Jules because the TV version of her nodded. "Yeah, I do."

Suddenly, the TV turned off. Jules let out a small breath. Sure, she'd been told the past couple of days that the tournament was rigged, but she didn't want to believe them. Not until she saw proof.

Watching that video was her proof. Jules started to smile, her hand going up to her mouth to hide her excitement.

"That's it?"

The smile on Julianna's face was washed away completely at the sound of Terry Silver. She and the other kids looked away from the TV and to the direction they heard the man. His shirt was untucked from his pants messily and his normally neatly done ponytail was falling down to the back of his neck, the hair around his face falling out of it.

Silver let out an evil laugh, looking to Daniel. "That was your big plan, LaRusso? Breaking into my dojo to steal some footage that changes nothing?" He asked and almost instantly, Robby and Tory stepped forward.

"It wasn't his plan." Tory announced. Silver turned around to face Tory, his eyes wide, but the rest of his face fallen. "It was ours. And it changes everything." Robby told the man. Silver just stared at the two before he blinked and looked to his students.

"Our enemies... think they can keep attacking us with no repercussions." Silver said as he walked towards his students. The kids in Cobra Kai parted their crowd to let Silver stand in the middle of them. He smiled, looking around at all of the teens in front of him. "And what does the enemy deserve?"

When none of his students responded with "No mercy", Lexi had to hold back her own laugh. Silver's face faltered slightly. "You think I'm the only one willing to go to these lengths?" He asked, not necessarily looking for an answer. "Their senseis broke into my home tonight." He said as he pointed at the Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang students.

"My home!" He screamed, making a couple students jump. "Attacked me, unprovoked. But here I am. The only one left standing." He chuckled out the last sentence. His eyes went to Jules and he smirked.

That when Jules realized that her father and Chozen weren't standing with the other adults. Jules felt worry start to crawl up her throat at the thought of her dad and his safety. She turned to Robby beside her just as he turned to her, both of them looking equally scared.

"They think they're entitled to victory because their way is right and our way is wrong. But that's not how it works. There are no morals to the story, no happy endings. Life isn't a fairy tale. It's a competitive sport. I mean..." Silver chuckled, turning around to point at Anthony Lewis who was still laying on the ground, groaning in pain.

"Look what their prizes possession did to Mr. Lewis." He said and Jules gulped. Silver turned back to his students, shaking his head. "Right and wrong, there's no such thing. There are only winners... and losers. Cobra Kai builds winners, because we're willing to do whatever it takes to come out on top." He told his students.

He then turned around to Daniel. "Everything you did to try and stop me amounted to nothing but pain. You got your ass kicked, Danny-boy. Now, you can either accept that... or I can kick it again right now."

Amanda took a small step towards Daniel. "We're all with you, Daniel. Do what you have to do." Amanda assured her husband. Daniel immediately took a step towards Silver, making the man smirk.

Silver rolled up his sleeves as all the students moved to give them men space to fight. "First, I took care of Chozen. Now you. This is where Miyagi-Do ends." Silver said as he circled Daniel before finally stopping in front of the Cobra Kai kids.

"Miyagi-Do existed before any of us. It'll be around long after we're gone. The roots are strong, so the tree will survive." Daniel breathed out, getting into his fighting stance. Silver chuckled. He looked back at his students to see if they would laugh with him before he turned back around to Daniel, attempting to sneakily punch him.

Daniel blocked every punch Silver tried to send him and even when Silver swung his leg around to kick Daniel, he ducked and dodged it. Jules gasped when Daniel got back up and smack Silver across the face, knocking the tall man to the ground.

Silver got back up he tried to punch Daniel again, but the man grabbed his arm and spun him around. Once Silver was in a spot where he couldn't hit Daniel, Daniel brought his hand up and hit Silver under his arm.

Daniel pushed Silver to the ground, still holding onto his arm. Silver tried to catch his breath and break free, but Daniel held a strong grip.

Silver had found a way to maneuver around and kneel onto one leg. He brought his hand out to punch Daniel in the chest like Kenny had to Eli a couple nights prior, but Daniel blocked it with his own knee and punched Silver in the face.

Jules didn't know how, but Silver got back up almost instantly. He looked angrier than ever. Silver had found himself in front of Cobra Kai'a collection of trophies.

Silver grabbed onto one of the trophy stands as a way to support his weight as Daniel rose his knee, ready to do the crane kick. Jules gently reached for Eli's hand, her eyes glued on Silver and Daniel.

Suddenly, Silver grabbed da hold of the trophy and turned back to Daniel. Just as he was about to use the trophy as a weapon, Daniel kicked the man across the face. Silver fell back into the glass Cobra Kai light. The logo shattered under the man's weight as Silver fell to the ground, covered in glass shards.

Jules looked around the room for Carmen. When her eyes landed on the woman, she watched as Carmen let out a relieved breath, opening her arms to hug Miguel.

Jules stared at the mother and son embrace, worry starting to bubble in her stomach at the thought of where her dad was. Carmen looked around the room from over Miguel's shoulder and when her eyes landed on Jules, she smiled.

Carmen carefully pulled away from her hug with Miguel and opened her arms a little wider for Jules to join them. A bittersweet smile started to grow on Julianna's face as she slowly walked towards the pair.

Immediately, Carmen pulled the two teens into another hug, each of her hands cradling one of the kids heads.


Jules sat in the back of an ambulance with Eli, Demetri, and Anthony LaRusso, all of them having their own blankets the EMTs had given them. Jules was sitting in between Eli and Anthony while Demetri sat on the other side of Eli. Lexi and Joey stood on the side of the ambulance, not needing to get anymore check ups.

Jules hand bruised her hand badly. The EMTs told her she could've fractured her hand if she punched Anthony even one more time. They wrapped her hand as a safety measure and told her to go easy on it for the next week or so to be safe.

Everyone else was pretty unscathed beside Joey, a black eye already growing on his right eye.

Demetri turned to Jules, curling up into the blanket the EMT had given him. He nodded his head to the girls newly wrapped hand. "I'm a little bummed you didn't get a real cast that we can all sign."

Jules chuckled, lifting her head off of Eli's shoulder to turn to Demetri. She rose her brows, still laughing. "Oh, yeah. Because I definitely want someone drawing a penis on my arm." She joked and Demetri's small smile dropped, now giving her a small glare.

She tilted her head at the boy, still smiling. "Plus, I broke my arm in the sixth grade and if I remember right, you and Eli drew boobs." She said, making the two boys and Lexi laugh at the memory. Jules laughed with them, shaking her head. "So I think that cancels out."

Eli sighed as he tiredly rubbed his eye. "For two eleven year olds that had never seen boobs in real before, I'd say we did pretty well." He said. Jules hit her shoulder against Eli's as Lexi stuck her foot out, kicking his shin.

Jules looked ahead of her as she smiled at the memory when suddenly, a white limo pulled into the parking lot.

"What the..." Jules whispered. The group's conversation stopped to see what Jules was looking at. All six teens turned all of their attention to the vehicle, wanting to know who would walk out of the limo. Slowly, the back door opened and Johnny's Lawrence walked out, his face covered in blood and his eye a little swollen.

Jules felt as if air finally entered her lungs; all her worry she had about her dad left her body when she saw him walk out of the limo. Jules slowly removed the blanket off of her shoulders and stepped off of the ambulance. She smiled at the sight of her dad okay. She watched as he hugged Carmen before she ran to him.

"Dad!" She screamed. Johnny's eyes widened in happiness at the sound of his daughters voice. He turned his head in the direction he heard Jules and immediately smiled when she saw him running towards her.

Johnny opened his arms out just as Jules got to him. Julianna jumped into her fathers arms. Both of them groaned in pain from their injuries, but neither of them cared, just wanting to hug the other.

"Oh my God. You're okay." Jules breathed out, relaxing in her dads arms. Her friends slowly started walking towards the father and daughter.

Johnny laughed, holding on to his daughter as tight as he could. After everything he had been through that night, he was just glad he was able to get out of Silvers house and be back with Jules. "I'm not going anywhere, Jules." Johnny reassured and Jules just scooted a little closer into her dad's arms.

"Never thought I'd see the day when Silver was finally in handcuffs." Daniel breathed out a couple feet away from Jules and Johnny. The two of them pulled away from their hug as they and everyone else turned their heads to watch Terry Silver get led to a police cruiser.

At the sound of more people walking out of the dojo, Lexi turned her head a couple of inches. Her eyes widened as a small gasp left her lips.


Julianna turned her head at the sound of Lexi's voice. She watched Lexi stare at the doors of the dojo as if her eyes were glued on who she was looking at. Jules felt the constant weight on her shoulder lift in seconds when she saw what or who Lexi was looking at. She stood beside Lexi let out a relieved breath at the sight of a bloodied and bruised Anthony Lewis getting taken out of the dojo in handcuffs and being led to a cop car.

"Oh my God." Jules whispered, drawing everyone's attention on who Lexi and Jules were looking at. Eli, Demetri, and Joey all turned around to see. An amused grin started to grow on Eli's face as he watched Anthony Lewis get thrown into the cop car. "Where are they taking him?" He asked, looking between the four, all of them just as confused as him.

"To juvie." A voice said, making the five turn around. Jules furrowed her brows at Anthony LaRusso coming towards them, his hands nervously in his pockets as he walked towards them. "For breaking and entering and attempted murder."

Jules could've sworn the wind was knocked out of her at those words. She blinked a couple times in shock before she spoke up. "How?" Was all she could muster out.

Anthony shrugged. "After you told me about what happened at my house, I looked around our security system and got the footage back." Julianna's jaw fell. She turned to Lexi beside her, the girl holding the same expression as her.

"Someone must've hacked into our security to stop the cameras from filming that night, but messed up. All it did was hide it. It was pretty easy to find. I put it on a flash-drive and sent it to the police. Luckily for you, he had you pinned right under the camera so it captured his whole face. No other evidence was needed."

Jules only stared at the youngest  LaRusso, his words not fully registering in her head. She felt everyone's eyes on her, waiting for her reaction.

All of sudden, it all hit her like a ton of bricks.

Anthony Lewis was gone.

Jules let out a breath of air. It came as a laugh to a couple of the teens as she walked towards the younger boy. Without really thinking about it, Jules hugged Anthony LaRusso. The boy was shocked at first, but hugged Jules back.

"Thank you so much, LaRusso. You have no idea how much this means." Jules muttered as she pulled away from the hug. Anthony smiled, shaking his head as if he had done nothing. "No problem, Lawrence."

Jules turned around to face Eli. She let out a breathy laugh as she walked up to him. Immediately, Eli grabbed Julianna's hands and pulled her to his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head.

"He's gone." She whispered and Eli laughed. "He's gone, baby." Eli whispered, a smile growing on his face when he felt Jules squeeze him a little tighter. He leaned down and kissed her head again as Jules pulled out of her hug from Eli, keeping her arms around him as she smiled at Lexi, Demetri, and Joey. Lexi had an equally big smile as Jules, the two girls looking like excited kids on Christmas.

"He's gone, bitches!" Lexi cheered, running up to Jules and pulling her into a hug. Demetri and Joe came over seconds after Lexi, the five of them having a group hug, laughing and celebrating the fact that Anthony Lewis would no longer be in Julianna's life.


jules running to johnny like carl running to rick in season 1 of twd

having jules sit on the ambulance with the boys because i noticed anthony was sitting with hawk and demetri in the background of one of the scenes and it made me so happy.

thank you all so much for reading. i am so grateful for every single one of you truly. i know it took me a while to come back and write season 5, BUT HERE I AMMMMM

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