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Hallooooooooo mah duuuuudes
This was inspired from a comment by M4s0j41, and some others (hydra_flasksksks, nemo_is_an_emo and Sgathach,) wanted someone to write it so here I am
Probably emotional, don't sue me it's 1:38 am and I've been up since 11:56am with a stomach ache let's go

If someone had asked Happy how he would describe Tony's intern, he would have grunted, then responded with something along the lines of annoying, overly optimistic, bubbly, etc. And that is how the world saw Peter Parker. A kind, smiling kid who always strived to help those around him. No one would have guessed that deep down, beneath the happy façade, was a mixed swirl of turmoil and self-doubt. Happy was the first to find out, after May  of course.

He had been driving along, nearly at the tower when his phone buzzed. Taking a quick glance, he ignored it. Peter should be fine. If he was in trouble then he would call Tony. Happy continued along down the road, honking aggressively as someone tried to overtake him. To out it short, Happy was not happy.

A fair distance away, on a rooftop in Queens, sat Peter. He watched as the phone in his hand rang, waiting to see if Happy would pick up. He never did, so why would today be any different? The call went to voicemail and Peter sighed. Why would Happy want to listen to him anyway? He lay down, the phone on his chest.

"Hey Happy. It's Peter. Parker. It's not like you listen to these anyway. I understand, they're probably and a waste of your time, but... maybe might be a good chance to vent."

Clouds waltzed lazily across the sky, morphing into different shapes above Peter. He sighed, placing his hands behind his head.

"Today was horrible. I'm just gonna put that out there. I missed the train, got a detention, Ned was sick, MJ had an art thing on and Flash wasn't in a good mood, so... I have a black eye, but I'll be fine. Maybe. I don't actually know. May's working late again, with busy shifts and so I won't see her for some time, so I guess I'm feeling lonely. I miss having her at home when I came back from school but... well, things aren't the same that they used to be."

Someone honked down below. A bird chattered nearby, singing a soft tune as it flew away. Peter felt exhausted, but not physically.

"I'm really tired. Like, mentally. And emotionally. I'm looking after so many people that I guess I forget to look after myself. There's a kid in decathlon who isn't in a great headspace, and so I'm trying to help them but it's just really tiring at the moment 'cause I haven't had the time to recharge. I also have homework for English, but my mind's too tired. Kinda makes me wanna lie down in the sun at Central park and blast music full-volume."

Peter blinked lazily, letting the sun soak through his suit. He wanted to just lie there, give himself time to rest and recharge. Someone screamed and he groaned, sitting up. "Well, that's my cue. Not looking forwards to this but oh well. Hope they don't have a gun... I'll see you later. Bye."

Peter hung up, putting his phone in a secret pocket before swinging away. It felt a little better to get the feelings off his chest.


The next week went by with Happy avoiding Peter's calls, pressing the decline button as soon as his number popped up. Peter used this as an opportunity to vent whatever he was feeling. Sometimes it was short, just him being blunt and to the point. Other times he sat in silence for a little bit, taking the time to reflect on how he was doing; something he hadn't done in a while. He spent so much of his time and energy on those around him that he forgot to set breaks for himself. After late nights on patrol when May wasn't home and he was so done emotionally, he would collapse on his bed and just cry. Life was hard as Peter Parker.

However, Peter's anguish wasn't in the dark  forever.

Happy sat in his car, trying to find the voicemail. Tony was gonna kill him for missing the call, but he got stuck in a massive security thing after someone tried to break in to Stark Tower.  He clicked on what he thought was Tony's message, sinking back into the chair.


The man jumped, peering at the number. He really needed to get some glasses. He hadn't clicked Tony's number, he hand clicked the kid's. He grumbled to himself, about to change to the right one, but something stopped him. An odd hiccup, mingled with a sniffle.

Peter was... crying?

"I missed my train again, so I had to wait. I didn't get the homework in to Flash on time, so he got so mad, and-and,-" the kid choked back a sob, pausing to gain control. "He didn't punch me, surprisingly, but he went full-on with his words, and I just-... I-I know they're not true, but they just feel like they are and so I just brushed it off because it's not true, right? But I ca-can't not think about it because what if it is true? What if I am just a worthless kid who nobody cares about? It's not like people say "Hey Peter, how are you today?" It's always "oh hey, I'm having trouble with this," and then I gotta help because if I won't, then who will?"

Happy sat back, staring out the windshield. This... was unexpected. On a whole other level. This kid was happy, he smiled, he was always willing to help, but... no one noticed the toll it took on him.

"... I'm just an emotional wreck right now... heh. I should probably go, help someone before they get hurt, y'know. Spidey stuff."

With that, the phone clicked and the message was over. Something took over Happy and he was suddenly anxious to hear what Peter had said the entire week. By the end of them all, Happy was crying. Who could possibly have an anxiety attack by themselves, then walk out the next morning like they were fine? How could someone look after absolutely everyone around them, yet still be scared to get carebfor themselves? How could someone so good, so pure, feel so down about themselves?

Tony's voicemail was forgotten. Happy turned the car on, speeding down to the Tower. If there was one person who could help the kid, it was Tony.


"Happy, did you hear my voicemail?" Tony asked, frustrated. Pepper had dragged him to meetings all day and he was done with everyone.

Happy held up his hand, pamting slightly. He had run up to the building, waited impatiently for the elevator then ran to Tony, leaving him out of breath. "No, but I got something you might want to hear." Happy played Peter's voicemails, watching as the billionaire's fave turned from annoyed to confused to very, very concerned.

"How... what?" Tony asked, looking at the phone like it could give him answers.

"I don't know, the kid always seemed so chirpy and overly optimistic that I didn't think he was like this internally."

"That's concerning." Tony sighed, rubbing his hands over his face. "He's too good."

Happy nodded. "My question is why he decided to rant on my voicemail."

"Because you wouldn't answer," Tony said, tracing the floor with his eyes. "He didn't want to tell anyone because he didn't want to worry us or be a burden."

"Oh." Now that Tony said that, it made perfect sense why Peter was using the voicemail as a venting place. "What time does his school finish?"

Tony glanced at his watch. "20 minutes. If you go now you can get to him before he jumps on the train."

Happy ran down to his car, speeding towards Midtown. This kid was going to get the break he deserved.

He arrived just as students started pouring out the doors. He kept his eyes peeled, watching for the familiar brown curls to appear. Inside, Happy was berating himself. He really should have paid more attention to the kid. But dang, he was good at keeping everything below the surface.

It was a few minutes after the bell had rung and Happy was getting worried. What if this Flash kid had picked on Peter again? Just as he was about to walk into school, Peter came running out of the building. The kid didn't even notice the black Audi waiting for him.

Happy beeped his horn and wound down the window. "Kid! Over here!"

Peter perked up, raising and eyebrow as he opened the door. "Hey Happy," he said cheerfully, sitting down gently.

"How was school?"

"It was good."

Happy didn't know what to say as he drove Peter along. The kid watched out the window, clearly on his own world as the streets sped past.

"So... Why are you picking me up?"

After hearing Peter's feelings, the man knew he was worried that he had done something wrong. "Tony's not mad at you. He just wants you to come over and spend some time in the lab, have fun."

"Oh." Peter sat back, staring ahead. Well this was new.

They pulled up, Happy taking Peter's bag despite his protests and walking him up to the penthouse. Tony was waiting there, drowning intently at the bench.

"Hey Mr Stark," Peter said as he walked in. Tony jumped, running to give Peter a hug. The kid stopped in shock. "Are... you alright?"

"I heard your voice messages."

Peter's entire demeanour changed. He buried his face in Tony's shoulder, his shoulders shaking slightly as he let the tears out. "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me-"

"Kid, don't apologize." Tony pulled back, looking at Peter's tear-streaked face. "You're allowed to be sad and tired, okay?"

"But everyone depends on me, so I have to be strong for them-"

Tony shook his head. "You are a him an being, and you are a teenager in a difficult circumstance. If anything, you should he the one relying on people. Everyone had to rely on each other, okay? There isn't one person who takes the load."

Peter nodded, sniffling. "I'm sorry."

Tony pulled him into a hug again. "You have nothing to apologize for, kid."


Woooooo I nearly started tearing up, lol
I should probably take my own advice sometimes woohoo

Anyway, I'm feeling a lot better now, so I'm gonna head back to sleep cause it's 2:30am and I'm exhausted so GOODNIGHT MY WONDERFUL DUDES

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