Comfort of a voice (Phone Call)

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The meme's not connected to this story, but should I write a oneshot about that meme? I'm not sure...

Summary: Tony's on his way back from a mission and very tired. Peter calls him.

Tony was exhausted. His muscles were sore, his shoulder ached from the hit it took, and his head weighed far too heavily on his already exhausted body. But no matter how hard he tried, Tony couldn't sleep.

The Avengers were on their jet home from a mission that took a lot out of them. It wasn't like the criminals were extremely dangerous or hard to take down. They were just everywhere. People they trusted turned out to be evil. People they thought were evil, were even eviller than planned.

So now, when Tony's thoughts weren't occupied with the most gruesome parts of their mission, he was wallowing in self-doubt. His thoughts refused him sleep.

The others weren't much better. Everyone was too tired to talk, so there was a heavy silence on the jet. Tony would never say it out loud but, oh god, how Tony missed his lab and Pepper. How he craved for a warm relaxed meal with people he trusted. And, above all, how he needed to see that Parker kid's smile again.

Tony and Peter became a lot closer after the plane incident. They couldn't spend a lot of time together because of the kid's school schedule and the many meetings Pepper forced Tony to go to. But still, when they were together, they just... fit.

Tony needed a tool in the lab? Peter stands there with the correct one in hand.
Peter was hungry but didn't want to be a bother? Tony already ordered Peter's favourite Pizza.
Tony had a hard time dealing with his insecurities but never told anyone? Worry not, mortal, for Peter knows the right words to make the Man of Iron let his guard down and feel good about himself again.
Peter had a panic attack because of Flash or spider-manning? No problem, Tony is the expert in calming Peter down and making him sleep without nightmares.

So you see, Peter and Tony, they just fit. But unfortunately, Tony wasn't sure where they stood. In his head, he had referred to Peter as His Kid more often than he would like to admit. Yet he didn't want to ruin their relationship, so he stayed silent.

Tony didn't want Peter to see him as his father-figure. He wasn't a good idol. Look at his habits! Drinking, sleep-deprivation and all those unhealthy coping mechanisms. Though, let's be fair, he hadn't drunk a single drop of alcohol since he knew Peter, so that was a plus. Still, he wasn't worthy of being called the father-figure of the most precious and innocent human being in the whole world – to hell with that – in the whole universe!

Suddenly the song "My Boy" by Elvie Shane started playing. Who had the nerve to listen to music right now? Tony's head was pounding.

"Stark? Is that your phone?", America's ass said, holding up the damned object where the music was coming from. Which just so happened to be Tony's phone.

Oh! Tony's phone! Playing "My Boy"! Tony jumped up and tore the phone out of the frisbee's master's hand, who couldn't help but be startled by the man's sudden energy burst.

"Hey – "

"You need to answer the phone before speaking", Natasha deadpans.

Oh, right, answer it!

"Hey ki – ", Tony's overjoyed and hopeful greeting was once again interrupted, but this time by a voice he couldn't wait to here in real life.

"Mr. Stark! Hey, I heard you're on your way back. That's so cool, I have so much to tell you. And Aunt May said I'm allowed to come over. Though I would understand if you need some sleep first! Maybe I could come over tomorrow? Oh and Mr. Stark, I saved a puppy today. You would've liked Norbert, he's got your colours; red and golden fur. Though that might be because a child dumped paprika all over him..."

Tony sat down again and started smiling at the familiar rambling.

The other Avengers exchanged confused glances. Why would he be smiling into his phone? Only Pepper has that effect on him and she's in a meeting. Does Stark have an affair?

"Hey, good to hear your voice. Of course, you can come over today. If you want, we can have a sleepover, I missed your company", Tony said lovingly? The rest of the circus crew hadn't known Stark could sound so paternal.

"Tell me something nice, Underoos. I'm too tired to talk", Tony all but whispered.

"Sure thing, Mr. Stark. We had this English project about...", and soon Tony Stark was peacefully drifting off into the land of dreams to the chattering of an unknown teenager.

"...and then Ned ran into the wall expecting it to be the gateway to a magical platform, can you believe that!? It's safe to say he broke his nose. Mr. Stark? You asleep?", the teenager whispered calmly.

"Well, from that snore I guess you are." Peter smirked. "Sleep tight Tony. I love you."

Tony stirred, muttered a fond 'love you, too' and dozed off again.

Who was this kid?

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