I see you

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Summary: Tony always hides his pain behind masks. What if someone sees past them?


It's funny, how people only saw what Tony wanted them to see. No one saw past his masks, no one ever cared enough. And he had a whole collection of masks.

There were the many different masks for public situations like his "press-mask". Relaxed, funny, charismatic and master of the situation. No one saw the trembling hands he hid inside his pockets or behind the speaker's desk.

There was the "paparazzi-mask", very similar to the "press-mask" but a bit more arrogant and uncaring. The exhaustion from all this unwanted attention outshone by a clever-placed smirk.

The "SI-mask". Bored, 'you're all a waste of my time'-attitude, but still the smartest in the room with the best ideas. The pressure of fulfilling his responsibilities concealed by make-up and expensive suits.

Then there were the more private masks, so to speak. The "SHIELD-mask" in front of Fury and his people. 'You need me, and we both know it'. His insecurities and fear of being cast aside hidden behind sarcastic comments and late entrances at meetings.

The "Avengers-mask". Outgoing and extrovert, generous and open for anything. His eyes that gave away his silent suffering and pain - partially because they didn't care to see past his masks - hidden behind sunglasses.

And finally there was the "Pepper-Rhodey-mask". This one was the least tiring by far, because while it still had to hide a few thoughts and feelings, the parts that weren't hidden were true and honest. Not faked. He was caring, spoiling even, because he wanted them to have everything they ever wished for. He could talk to them about things he really liked, actions that made him angry, words that made him sad. Sometimes he even talked to them about things that hurt him. He hid very little from them. Just his fears. Scared of their reaction, scared of being rejected if they knew of his fears. It was an irrational thought, but it was a thought, nonetheless. And because he showed them so much more than everyone else, they didn't think to look further. Because they thought he didn't wear a mask around them.

No one knew that he kept his PTSD, his demons and his insecurities hidden deep inside. Because if anyone knew, they'd realise that he wasn't good enough to be a hero, that he needed help they weren't willing to give. Because to the rest he was just a means to an end and means to an end weren't supposed to be broken. So, no one ever cared enough to look past his masks, because they subconsciously knew that what Tony hid would only make their lives harder. Tony just wished someone did.

And now, after the "civil war" as the media called it, Tony had even more masks. And even more fears and trauma to burry deep within and never show anyone.

His newest mask: the "Underoos-mask". Distanced, strict, lecturing. Tony knew that he was way too much like his father, he knew it. But he had to be. Because the kid saw him as a hero, as Iron Man. If the kid ever knew just how messed up he was, he'd probably laugh and run away. Spider-Man was just a kid who thought he could be a hero, nothing more nothing less. So, Tony would only ever show him his hero-side. To protect himself and the kid. So, the "Underoos-mask" it was.

(What Tony didn't realise, however, was that Peter Parker was so much more than just a kid who wanted to be a hero. Because, for every part of him that was awkward and reckless, there was a bigger part that was brave, kind and, above all, caring. So, who would be surprised when this eerily attentive kid ended up being the one to see behind Tony's masks?)

Tony soon noticed that keeping his distance from the boy was a lot harder than expected. Before he knew it, the kid was standing in front of him, apologising for saving his plane. Tony should've said something like a dismissive "Never mind, it was just a plane, I've got others" or a sarcastic "You know, you should be sorry. I really liked the design, did it myself to be honest". But no, his mouth said "Nah, I should've listened to you. Say, would you like to come to my lab next week?"

He almost facepalmed when he realised what exactly he said. He was just about to say "April Fool!", when he saw the over the moon expression on the kid's face. Maybe he could survive one lab day with him.


He really couldn't. The kid wasn't even there yet, and Tony wanted to send him away with a fake smile and the usual 'emergency-meeting-excuse'. Seriously, what did he think? Spending a day with a boy who'd be fanboying over Iron Man, asking to touch the armour and couldn't keep up with him in the lab. And on top of that, Tony was still spooked from the nightmare he had last night. Could still feel the Captain's shield in his chest, feel the electric shock while the arc reactor was dying, feel himself dying. Was he dying? He was alone, how would he get out?

Tony shook his head violently. Not now. Just one day with the kid, just one day being Iron Man for the kid. "Boss, Peter Parker is now on his way up", Friday's voice sounded through the lab. Tony groaned. "Thanks, Fry"

After another ten seconds the elevator dinged. Instead of acting like a chicken with its head cut off, excitedly running into the lab, touching everything – like Tony expected – the kid waited inside the elevator, nervously shuffling with his feet.

Tony was so baffled by the shy and silent boy – on the battlefield he'd be talking Tony's ears off by now – that he just stared at him. Which, unsurprisingly, made the boy even more nervous. "I'm sorry Mr. Stark, I thought you said I should come today. I can go if you want", the kid said nervously.

Yes, say yes! Send him away, let him come another day, just not today! "No, no, you're right, it's today, come in. I was just distracted by that nerdy t-shirt, damn kid, where can you even buy those."

The kid blushed, carefully walked inside and put his backpack next to the door. He looked around, his eyes glowing with admiration and curiosity. Until his eyes locked on something in the corner. Wide-eyed, he slammed his hands over his mouth and took a few steps back. "Oh my god, Mr. Stark. Is this a car powered by an arc reactor? That's amazing, just think about the advantages, how much horsepower does the car have?"

Startled by the sudden rush of words, Tony didn't exactly remember what he said, but it must have been the right thing, as the smile on the kids face grew. "Yeah, well anyway, couldn't finish it because I need a substitute for my badassium, as there isn't enough for more than a hand full of cars."

The kid snorted ungracefully. "Badassium? You seriously called your new element badassium?"

"Hey! Don't insult my baby! It fits very well, thank you, young sir", Tony sniffed mock indignantly

Tony was dumbfounded how easy it was to banter with Peter. And he was incredibly smart too, Tony realised after working with him on the car for a few hours. He even had some really helpful ideas. They worked on the car, and Peter not once asked to touch the Iron Man armour or bothered him with other hero-related stuff. It surprised Tony, but he was very thankful. He wasn't sure if he could talk about Iron Man right now. Last night's nightmare did a number on him. Tony was exhausted.

Suddenly, he felt a searing pain in his left foot. He looked down and saw a hammer right next to his foot. He must have dropped it, he was exhausted.

Then, Peter's concerned face appeared right in front of him. When did he become Peter and not kid? He must have really started to like him today. Peter didn't focus as much on heroes as Tony assumed. He was altogether a lot more caring than he thought.

"Mr. Stark, are you alright? Can you walk to the couch, or should I carry you?", carry him? Oh right, the kid was Spider-Man. He couldn't really focus anymore."Don't worry about me, kid, I'm fine. Just a little hammer, nothing world-shaking."

"Yup, a hammer that probably broke a few bones, so either you sit on the couch of your own accord, or I'll carry you by force", Peter said fiercely.

"And why do I need to sit on the couch and not just a chair, boss?", was Tony's sarcastic answer.

"Because after your foot has been taken care of, you'll lie down and sleep, no objections"

"Sleep? I don't need sleep, sleep is for the weak"
Tony assumed it was only natural that keeping his mask up around such a pure kid who wore his heart on his sleeve ought to be hard. He just didn't think it would be that hard.

"Oh please, Mr. Stark, I'm not blind. You could barely keep your eyes open and flinched at every sudden sound or movement. You need sleep."
He flinched? Tony didn't even notice. He must be really tired, so he finally relented and walked over to the couch.

"Do you have a first-aid kit?"
"Next to the door"

Peter fetched the first-aid kit, sat down in front of Tony and silently took his foot.
"You know, I'm not a baby, I can do this myself", Tony said shortly, uncomfortable with feeling so vulnerable.

"I know that. But you're tired and dropped a hammer onto your foot. I don't wanna watch how you get yourself tangled up in those bandages", Peter deadpanned.

"I know that we don't know each other very well and that I'm just a kid, but have you ever considered talking to a professional about your PTSD?"

Tony was speechless. "I don't know what you're talking about", he said, pretending to be confused. Peter just gave him a look. A look that felt like he could see his darkest secrets and Tony snapped.

"Stop looking at me like that. Don't pretend you understand, you're just a kid", the second those words left his mouth, he wanted to grab them and swallow them again so that Peter didn't need to hear them. Finally, someone saw past his mask and Tony snapped at him. But he was just a kid, I couldn't burden him with my problems.

However, Tony couldn't take the words back, so he expected Peter to lash out at him or at least stop being so open.

But for the third time - was it the third time? - this evening, Peter defied his expectations. He looked at Tony in a sad but understanding and calm way. "You know, I don't talk so much during fights because I'm excited or happy. My meaningless rambling is the only way I stop myself from panicking. Every time I fight someone, I see my uncle's lifeless body. I remember how I couldn't safe him, how I held him while he bled to death. And I think: 'What if I can't safe those people, like I couldn't safe him?'
'What if I kill someone, like the mugger killed him'
So I talk. I talk to keep myself from thinking. And later, at night, I close the door to my room because I don't want to wake my aunt up with my nightmares.
So sir, I do understand because I can see that you hide the same way I do. I can see you"

Tony pondered his words. 'I can see you'. Tony sniffed, hoping Peter didn't notice the tears in his eyes. Guess he wasn't the only one with a mask. "Do you talk to one?", at the kid's confused look, Tony elaborated. "Do you talk to a therapist for your PTSD?"

Peter couldn't look at Tony. "I can't tell Aunt May. We wouldn't have enough money anyway", he whispered ashamedly.

Tony's heart broke at those words. "You know, I can't tell anyone either. I'm famous, there are thousands of people who'd pay a fortune for this kind information, and I don't trust any therapist enough to know that they can't be bribed"

"What about Miss Potts or Colonel Rhodes?", Peter asked innocently.

"Don't want them to see me any differently"

Peter furrowed his eyebrows while he stared at the couch. Suddenly, his face lit up. "I've got an idea, Mr. Stark. Why don't you just talk to me? I know, I'm not a professional or something like that, but I'm good at listening. And we don't exactly know each other that well, so it couldn't change the way I see you. And I real-"

"And what makes you think I trust you?", Tony deadpanned.

"You don't need to trust me. I'm Spider-Man." Was that Peter's solution to everything now, or what?

"Yeah, like that would change anything. Just because you're a teenager, swinging through the city clad in nothing but spandex doesn't mean you won't go around, telling my secrets."

Peter looked at him like he didn't get the idea – which he apparently didn't. "Mr. Stark, you know that I am Spider-Man. If I told someone anything that you didn't want them to know, you could just reveal my identity. Ergo, we will both keep each other's secrets."

Oh. "Sounds good to me. I'm just not good at talking about it", Tony scratched his neck nervously.

"I won't force you to talk to me. I'm just saying you could."

Tony felt weirdly warm inside his chest. Peter just saw past all his masks, saw that Tony had a lot more baggage than anyone knew, and the only thing he thought about was how he could help him. He didn't run away because Tony showed him his weak side, he stayed. Peter still considered him a hero.

Tony cleared his throat, not sure how to say the next sentence. "Well, uhm, if you ever need to talk to someone, I guess I could return the favour. Of course, only if you want, I'd understand if not. I'm not good at thi- "

Peter interrupted his awkward speech with a chuckle. "Nah, sir, I'm fine. I don't wanna bother you with ma teenage problems. I'm sure you've got more important things to do, you're Iron Man! I wanna help you. This is a one-way deal, no strings attached"

Tony shook his head. He just started to really like this kid; he couldn't let him suffer alone while burdening him with his problems. "Well, then I'm attaching strings now. If you can listen to me, I can listen to you. End of discussion"

Peter looked at him, obviously uncomfortable with being on the receiving end of someone's care, and Tony vowed to change that. Then he looked down to Tony's foot, Tony followed his eyes. Seeing that Peter still wasn't finished with dressing his foot, he remarked sarcastically: "I think I would have been faster with bandaging my foot, even if I looked like a mummy in the end."

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