Shawarma with a Chance Meeting

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Peter is Spider-Man, but the Avengers (original six and Bucky) have never met him and don't know his secret identity.

Summary: Peter wants to eat shawarma, but then again, who doesn't?

"Please, Aunt May, can we go to this shawarma place around the corner, I really wanna try shawarma. I'll even pay, I've been saving for months. Pretty pretty please", Peter begged his aunt.

"Why do you want to eat shawarma so badly? I've got PB&J sandwiches planned for dinner."

"Because the Avengers ate shawarma after the battle!", Peter said exasperated, as if it were all the explanation needed. After all, everyone knows that, right?

Peter knew he sounded like a fanboy. But hey! He wouldn't deny it. Peter thought, the Avengers were brilliant.

Thor, the god of thunder, king of Asgard. Oh, how many times Peter tried to imitate the gods booming voice and his confidence. And the lightning tricks are pretty fancy too.

Captain America, a living dinosaur, an antique. Yet still so agile. How does he do that? Pilates?

James 'Bucky' Barnes. The fossil's best friend (or was there more?), the Winter Soldier. Forced to be someone he didn't want to be, yet Mr. Barnes defeated his enemies. Enemies that made him fear his own mind. Still, he recovered stronger than ever.

Hawkeye, god how he wants Hawkeyes aim. He's a father too and Peter admires that. A father and a hero, Peter hopes he can be that too one day.

Black Widow. Well, must he even continue? She's badass. Her fighting was like a dance, elegant yet lethal. She could make people bend to her will without them even noticing. A silent shadow, a woman who could blend in and disappear as she liked, yet she was a force to be reckoned with.

Bruce Banner, one of his favourite scientists, his research absolutely phenomenal. To grow up and be like him would be a dream coming true. And Peter really wanted to befriend the green guy. He was sure that Hulk didn't get enough love. Fans, yes, but friends? He doubted it.

But, above all – and no one could ever change his opinion – Peter idolised Tony Stark. Not Iron Man, no, Peter admired Tony Stark. The man behind the mask. Obviously, his media front wasn't always a good role model, but it was still impressive. Peter had never met the man in person, but he was certain, that not even Tony Stark was always in the mood for big crowds. Yet still, he could somehow keep his façade up – Peter knew it was a façade, don't ask him how, he just knew – and act all calm. Peter wanted to be able to do that too. But that wasn't all that he admired about Mr. Stark. No, Mr. Stark was also a genius. Brilliant as hel- sorry, as tartar sauce. He really shouldn't curse. Mr. Stark was a hero because of his intelligence, his good heart, and – as Peter suspected – because of his insecurities. But that's a story for another time. Because there is one reason that surpassed all of the above.

Tony Stark saved Peter's life. Both, knowingly and unknowingly. At the expo, when Peter was still a small boy, Iron Man saved him from a Hammer druid. And later on? As Peter grew, the thought of Tony Stark – a man that had to stay strong for the worlds sake, a man that would always protect them, a man that Peter aspired to be – gave him hope. Made Peter keep hanging on when times were the hardest. When he got his powers, when Ben died, when the bullying intensified... Tony Stark saved Peter's life. And he kept saving it.

But how is that connected to shawarma? Well, Peter had been feeling lonely lately. He couldn't tell anyone about his Spider-Man problems. He had Ned, sure, but Ned was out of town during the holidays, so he had no one. Aunt May was always there for him but that made him feel even more guilty. How could he feel lonely when he had such an awesome aunt? However, she didn't know, and she never could.

So, now he wanted to eat shawarma. He wanted to feel connected to someone, and as insane as it may sound, by eating what the Avengers ate after the battle, he could feel connected to them. Conclusion: Peter needed shawarma!

"Okay, okay Peter", May said placatingly. "Grab your jacket, we'll have shawarma for dinner."

------- Time Skip: "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!" ------

Omg, OMg, OMG, Oh my God, OH My God, OH MY God, OH MY GOD!

Peter could barely hold it together. Holy mother of a cow! They were gonna eat Shawarma!!!!

They were sitting at a huge table – the only one still free – at the shawarma place, waiting for their food to arrive and, let me tell you, Peter was vibrating with anticipation.

Suddenly the door opened again, and a big group of people entered. Peter looked up and –

"Son of an infertile goat!"

May choked on her water. "Peter! sometimes I would seriously prefer it if you cursed! You can't keep doing that to my ears!"

"But Maaaayyyyyyyy, look!", Peter whisper-shouted and wildly pointed with his arms in every possible direction. May looked amusedly at her nephew, having not yet noticed the new customers.

"Excuse us, Ma'am", the dinosaur personally said. "Would you mind us joining you? Everywhere else is full."

May looked up. "OH!", finally comprehending Peter's weird behaviour. May – being the awesome woman she was – remained completely calm and welcomed the group of heroes.

Peter, meanwhile, decided to take cover behind the table decoration – a bunch of flowers.

Yes, he wanted to eat shawarma to feel connected to them. NO, dreaming about it and actually meeting them was certainly not the same and a lot more terrifying.

Fortunately – or unfortunately – the Avengers ignored May and Peter after exchanging pleasantries with his aunt. Well, at least he was with his aunt and not alone. That would be awkward.

"Hey, Petey-Pie, I have to use the bathroom for a second, you'll survive without me, right?"

Yeah, NO! Aaaaaand there she went. Oh, snap!

What was he supposed to do now? Sit here, staring at the bloody flowers he had been staring at for over five minutes!? No sir! So, obviously, Peter did the only thing he could think of. He listened to the Avenger's conversation.

" – hang you from the roof by your little toe – naked – if you ever marinate my guns with honey again! And you'll either clean them or buy me new ones!" – "But Nat, how was I supposed to know that those were your guns?"

" – seen Star Wars? Very fascinating, though I don't understand how they could film a movie in space..." – "Yes, I watched that too, and I googled it. Apparently, there's this thing called special effects. Stevie, those didn't exist back then, did they?"

"They don't have those tarts that pop..."

" – won't work though, I tried it. Somehow, every time I start the program, nothing happens. Look"

Mr. Stark (Ohmygod,it'sTonyStark!!!) showed Dr Banner his phone with coding on it. As Dr Banner was right next to Peter, he could see everything as well. And being the nosy yet innocent little bean he was, he studied the code.

Huh, they were trying to make a program that would adjust the lights and temperature of a room to the inhabitants' preferences. A program that wouldn't depend on Mr. Stark's AI. Makes sense, an AI could only do so much before the servers slowed down. (I am neither an informatician nor anyone else that could possibly know anything about stuff like this. So, that's all completely invented, probably very wrong and doesn't make much sense. Please don't hate me!)

Aaaaand he forgot to put it in a loop. The little mistakes are always the most annoying, Peter would know.

"I'm sorry? Who are you", Mr. Stark asked flabbergasted.

Fudge cake! Did he say that out loud!?

"Yes, you did."

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. Really! I didn't want to bother you. I just, I read the code and... Never mind, I'm sure you already knew that, I'm so sorry. Ignore me, I'll just sit here and examine those beautiful flowers some more...", Peter rambled. God, why must he always ramble. Just shut up already!

"Flowers? What flowers?" Dr Banner looked at him weirdly. What 'what flowers'? Those in front of him, obviousl- oof. It's a jug. Well, a jug with lemon slices inside, so it's kind of a plant, right? Embarrassing.

"Flowers? Who said anything about flowers? I certainly didn't! What were we talking about again?"

Mr. Stark snorted. "I didn't hear anything about flowers either. What are flowers even?"

Dr Banner looked at his friend incredulously. "I- well, never mind. So, what did you say was wrong with the code?", he asked Peter.

"I... uhm, it's just one of those stupid mistakes you make when you're too caught up in your work. Put the whole thing in a loop and it should work just fine. Unless the program isn't for room regulations?"

"Damn, he's right. Should've noticed that! Anyway. You could tell all that just by looking at the code for a few seconds? That's pretty impressive." Mr. Stark looked at him, though he was obviously up to something. His eyes had that look, a look of mischief.

"So, kid-what's-your-name, want an internship at Stark Industries?"

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