00-Damned Forge

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"its been many years since straw hat luffy found one piece along with his crew and since the day he did he became the pirate king with the world going mad at the fact one piece was a real place and sent it into a frenzy with trying to find treasures greater then one piece itself but one stood above the rest it was known as the dev-"

???: Boring!......*a small kid with charcoal colored hair and grey eyes sitting on the floor was looking at an old man who was easily in his late 60's that bonked him with a pipe*ow!
Old???: ya gonna listen or not ya brat!
Kid???: alright alright sheesh.....

"ahem the devils island said to be where all devil fruits are made and born and there the first devil fruit exists a fruit that could allow a man to rule the world with absolute power this was known as th-"

Kid???: is there an end to this story

Arson:*rolled his eyes and stood up and put his hands behind his head*why should I care about some stinky ol fruit not like it's ever done anything for me gramps
Gramps:*sighed*boy one of these days your gonna learn that not everything revolves around you

Arson: tch I don't care not like I'm gonna be eating one of those fruits any way or ever will
Gramps: one of these days kid your gonna realize that you can't do everything alone and once you do it's going to hit you hard
Arson: pfft whatever*walked out of the room they were in to reveal a town filled with people and blacksmiths*

*the town was in full steam people crowding the streets and viewing the stores merchandise while blacksmiths were hammering steel into place and putting them in their forces*

Arson:*rolled his eyes at it all and wandered the town and saw a girl with bright red hair and was signing at another girl*huh she's new never seen her before?*slowly went over to see the girl had her hair tied into multiple braids and her eyes were a deep jade green she was wearing a simple frilly shirt with a blue and black checkered skirt*

Arson:*thoughts*yeah she's new here because no body in this town be caught dead wearing stuff like that...........
Red???;*signed to what appeared to be her friend and saw arson and motioned for him to come over*
Arson: oh*came over*hey names arson how are ya

Red???:*tilted her head*
Arson: uhhhhh hello deaf or something
Red???:*nodded with a smile*
Arson; oh........uhhhhh*turned to the girls friend who was wearing a similar outfit to the red haired girl but the most noticeable difference was she had pins covering most of her outfit*can you tran-

Pin???: translate why should i you look like a thug!
Arson; thug?! Just because I'm wearing overalls and a black shirt doesn't make me a thug! What kinda logic is that
Pin???: sound logic that's what
Red???,arson:*they looked at each other and just gave pin??? The "that's complete bullshit" look*

Pin???: your taking his side!*pointed to arson*
Arson: I'm missing something here? But first question who are you two!
Anne: my name is Anne and this is the daughter of admiral Kingston beratrench of the navy
Arson: admiral?!*looked at the the red head who was still smiling*your telling me the deaf girl here is the daughter of a navy admiral!

Anne: yes this is mary beratrench
Arson: uhhhh names arson so what brings you to this town
Anne: we're here on an important mission given to us by Mary's father
Arson:*raised an eyebrow*which is?
Mary:*signed*to find some guy named gramps!

Anne:*facepalmed*we're here to find a person named gramps
Arson; oh him yeah I know where he is-waaiiitttt why are you here for him?
Mary:*made a finger gun and pointed it to her head and fired*
Arson: your here to kill him?!?!

Anne: that you understood!
Arson: hard not to.......but I ain't letting you hes a good guy why would he even need to be killed!
Anne: you don't know he's associated with the scum that are pirates!
Arson: aren't there pirates protected by the world government?

Anne:*froze in place in defeat and Mary sweatdropped and patted her on the head*
Arson: she always this much of an idiot or this just a bad day?
Mary:*gave a shaky hand gesture*
Anne: I'm smart!!!!!!!*began to drag Mary away*we can find this gramps ourselves besides he's probably just a filthy old man making innocent people do god knows what!

Arson:.......*sighs and follows them*ya know might be a good idea if you actually know who your looking for do you have any idea as to what he might even look like?

Anne:*froze in place and looked him in the face*you shut up your just a street rat thug!!!!
Arson: again not a thug.....
Mary:*pulled out a small notepad and pen and began to write down and then show to arson*sorry about her she jumps to conclusions way too fast......

Anne: I do not!
Mary:*signs*do to!
Anne: do not!
Mary*signs aggressively*DO TO!!
Arson: ENOUGH!!!!! Look I'll take you to him and then you can see for yourself he's not a bad person that make you happy?
Mary:*nodded quickly and followed arson as she dragged Anne along*

Arson: so let me guess your first time outside your home island
Arson:well as long as your here might as well see the sights am I right?
Anne: why this island looks crummy!
Arson: you realize this island is the best blacksmithing city in the south blue right?

Anne: y-yeah duh!
Mary:*rolled her eyes*
Arson: well come on then!
*soon the three began exploring the island where arson showed them some of the coolest stuff they've ever seen and or experienced*
Mary:*stary eyed when she found a cool tricorner hat with a massive set of red feathers attached to it*
Arson:*eating what seemed to be grilled squid*
Anne:*rolled her eyes even though her outfit had even more pins then before on it*

Arson: see I told you this place ain't some crummy island
Anne: I guess it's not bad still a dump
Mary:*rolled her eyes at her friend and walked up to arson with her notepad and wrote to him*this is the best day of my life!

Arson: glad your liking it here but I guess I really should introduce you to Gramps he really isn't a bad guy may be a grouch well you'll see what I mean when we get there*began to lead them to where gramps was but little did he know this would be the last time he would get to see him*

*soon they arrived to gramps house*
Arson: I'll open the door for us
Anne: that's not needed you know we g-*then they saw arson kick the door open*
Mary:*blinked in surprise*

*they see gramps kick another door open leaving Anne and Mary jaw dropped when he turns to them*
Mary:*wrote and showed to arson*is he always like this......
Arson: pretty much*turned to gramps*they wanted to see you

Gramps: oh you lassies new here?
Mary:*nodded and smiled*
Arson: oh yeah this ones Mary she's deaf
Gramps: wait how did she know what I said just now then?
Mary:*signed*I can read lips!
Anne: she said she can read lips you scummy pirate
Gramps:*eyes narrowed*how do you know I used to be a pirate?

Anne: because*pulled out a pistol*I'm here to end your life former war lord of sea blacksmith gramps*locked the hammer and gramps slammed his foot angst the floor*
Gramps: battle smith-pillar wall!*molten pillars of iron came up from the ground but the bullet went straight through his chest before the pillars had a chance of coming close to defending him*

Arson: GRAMPS!*heard Anne lock the pistol again and it was pointed at him*
Anne: well to bad you have to die to ya scummy thug-*as she was about to fire Mary pushed her out the door causing her to fall onto her back shooting the sky*WHAT THE HELL MARY!!!!
Mary:*was angry and slammed the door on Anne who kept banging on it as she ran over to arson and gramps*

Arson: stay awake old man your not gonna die on me!
Gramps: gah listen here arson I'm dying and there ain't much we can't do to stop it so promise me this ya go find that devil fruit everyone's going crazy about
Arson: why in hell would I you aren't gon-*gramps bonked him on the head*
Gramp: listen to me for once kid*saw an apple next to him and placed his hand on it and it slowly began to appear as a devil fruit and he shoved it into arsons mouth making him take a bite out of it*this world is bigger then you know and there's gonna be bastards out there who would use that fruit to make this world into a living hellhole so promise me you'll get that fruit and do the right thing with it

Arson:*coughed as he swallowed the bite of the devil fruit and looked at gramps with tears in his eyes*no your not dying I refuse to let you di-* then with those words arson saw gramps drop the fruit he was holding and die with a grin on his lips*.........gramps?

*arson shook him and started shaking him more and more violently*
Arson: COME ON YOU CRAZY OLD MAN WAKE UP WAKE UP!!!!!*the Mary stopped him as he began to cry in sorrow and little did both know but his hands started superheating themselves*

Arson: GODDAMNIT!!!!!!!*slammed his fists down and the floor bursted into a blaze of fire as arson just learned his devil fruits name*the forge-forge fruit/Fōji-Fōji no mi.........*he looked down at his hands and arms to see they were burning hotter and hotter he looked to see Mary opening the door dragging out gramps and he followed suit to reveal the town was there*he's dead he's actually dead......

*and from that day on arson began to train his body and power to honor gramps final wishes but little did he know this would end up leading to the adventure of his life forming the next great pirate crew-*



And that's chapter 00-damned forge I will admit I think the chapter started derailing a little near the end but I think this will end up being a lot of fun!

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