彡05 > ESCAPE

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W A R N I N G !
The following chapter contains... VIOLENCE.
Blah, I'm gonna stop putting warnings here, I'm
sure that ya'll probably know what its like now.


"I think I'm going to piss myself."

"Stop laughing." Solar takes a deep breath, trying his outmost to not slam the younger boy's head on the table. "This is a serious issue here." Hearing how the blue-eyed supernatural continues to holler wildly, he didn't have a chance but to do so.

"Ow!" Cyclone shrieks, rubbing his aching shoulder from the impact of Solar's loud slap. "Always so rough. Tune it down a little, old man."

"YOU-!" Solar rose from his chair, fuming.

"The both of you. Sit down. Now."

"Y-Yes.." They both stutter at the commanding tone of Earthquake, their leader as well as the organization's founder. "Sorry." They jinxed together, although under the table, they were busy jabbing at each other.

Earthquake leans his cheek on his open palm, and stares pointedly at the newcomer in the dull room. "So, your code name's Little Red Riding Hood?"

Cyclone couldn't help but start laughing again.

"I-It's.. IT'S NOT FUNNY!" Little Red Riding Hood says, slamming his chained fists on the table. This sent the other three to slightly fidget in their chairs, "And yes. Those bastards were the ones who gave them to me."

"Little Red Riding Hood~!" Cyclone cooed.

"Cyclone, that's enough." Earthquake's deep voice booms, and the said boy reconciles with the demand. "Sorry for that. What's your real name?"

"None of your dang concern."

"Tough cookie." Solar whispers underneath his breath, analyzing the boy slouching in his chair just opposite of himself. "Are you uncomfortable?"

"As I can be, seeing your face."

"Why you-"

"Solar." Another warning came from the head himself, and Solar huffs, looking away. Earthquake exhales slowly, seeing how the unnamed boy smirks, enjoying the victory of his little sassy comeback. "If you don't mind, we'll be referring you as Red."

"Cool." Red says promptly at his new given name.

"So," Careful to use the right words, Earthquake scrambles his head to form the sentence, "We're here not to hurt you. We were given a case by someone to come and protect you."

"Me?" Surprised, the boy with blood red eyes raises his chin slightly as to not show any sort of defense letdown, "I'm unimportant. Why on Earth would you waste your time on me?"

"It's the rule." Solar answers this time, beating their leader to it, "Whether you like it or not, your safety is our concern. It's just unfortunate how we managed to figure out that you came from the opposing organization. However, you are still in our care. That's it."

Red snorts, "I don't care. I'm not in danger- let me go."

"Oh, but you were!" Cyclone's eyes glinted underneath the hanging lamp, "You were being followed by two other assassins. Which by the way," He leans forward, hands on the table as he closes the distance between himself and Red's unbothered figure.

"Are superpower users." His voice drops to a whisper. "And if it wasn't for us," He reaches out, tapping on Red's forehead with a finger, "Then you'd be as good as dead, Thunderstorm."

"So you know me." The said boy inhales, "Who are you?"

"Ah- wait. But that isn't your real name, is it?"

Both Solar and Earthquake turns to the mischievous boy, who now has a serious look plastered on his usual, carefree face. "Take your contact lenses off," Right in front of Red's eyes, was a blade, glimmering with all its glory, "Or I'll be forced to gouge them out."

Red wasn't stunned in the slightest; instead, his lips turned into a sideways grin, "Still as impulsive as always, Cyclone. I can't help it then." He stops, putting a finger to his right eye.

They all watched as Red pinched a small, clear bifocal.

He removes it from both eyes, and blinks repeatedly, his eyes changing color from red to blue. It wasn't the same shade of blue, though. Deeper than Cyclone's; about the color of the sea itself.

Satisfied, Cyclone moves away, slipping the blade back.

"So you're a fake?" Solar's mouth stood agape. Once again, he was amazed by Cyclone's deductive abilities. Or rather, his intuition. Scarily accurate, predictive, and dark. Yet in situations like these, it's terrifyingly useful. "Where's the real one?"

Earthquake regains his composure quick, "No. He's the real guy."

"How are you so sure?" The doubting agent retorts.

"Because he has the same scar as the one in the picture."

Solar's eyes narrowed- there was definitely something that his friends are hiding away from him, but he couldn't pinpoint what or why. He decides to ask them later, turning his gaze to the phthalo-eyed runaway instead. "What's your real name, then?"

Unblinking, he replies, "Ice." Along with it, a frosty, cold tone.

"Why are you running away from your home?" Earthquake asks, moving from his original spot to stand next to Cyclone, who's dazed out. "Aren't you tied to the Mafia, Ice?"

"There's nothing about me that's of importance."

"Shut it. We wouldn't be getting a case like this, if it wasn't for your background." Solar grumpily counters, pushing his slipping visors back up, "Either it's your money, or something in you."

Ice looks up, eyes darkened, "People like you are such a bother."

None of them were willing to give the game up. They were so close to finding out the problem with their little unplanned kidnapping. Earthquake retaliates, voice turning soft, "Please. Tell us."

At the sound of the begging tone, Ice bites his lips.

Their leader couldn't help but twinkle. Bingo.

"Would you like to see it, then?" Sighing, Ice lifts his right hand, forcing it open. "My superpower is psychometry." He slides his leather gloves off, "I can see the future or past of someone, or something, by touching them."

"Woah! That's so cool! You can see the future!"

"It's not the future." Ice scowls, rolling his eyes. "It's the imagery of what it's going to be. The future in a sense, is something we made up. It doesn't exist. There's only the present, and the seconds to come. For example,"

He places his bare palms against the surface of the table, its chilling thrill rushing up his hands. His body starts to glow a dark shade of cobalt, aura radiating off with waves. Unlike anything they've ever faced before- it really was like time travelling.

"This table. It's going to be destroyed in five days."

"That means.." Solar gulps, "There's going to be a fight."

"Much worse than that." Ice crosses his arms, "And now that you're in contact with me, good luck fighting off the people chasing after my powers. You've just made a bad choice, oppressing me into showing what my abilities are."

Cyclone's beaming, as always. "That won't be hard!"

"Don't worry." Earthquake reassures the boy, who was barely worried about his own self. "We'll make sure that you stay safe. However, that will be under one condition."

"If it has something to do with the Mafia, I won't do it."

"No, of course not." Grinning, the brown-eyed leader extends his hand, clasping Ice's pale ones in his, "We're going to be working together starting from now on. No escaping, as a team," He clears his throat, "Welcome to our messed-up family, Ice."

The psychometric stares at his hand, feeling the warmth.

And he felt great, for once. In this so-called rowdy family.

His sapphire eyes met brown ones, and he breaks into a genuine smile unlike before. "You can count on me too, pops." He firmly shakes their hands, and lets go as he steps out of the room.

Earthquake's lips twitched. "P-Pops..?"

Cyclone was laughing off in the distance again.

"That's to doing business together." Ice smirks.

okkkkaayyy ice has joined their team; uwah!
hope u liked today's chap djedkdm i tried hard
nyaw first superpower yes

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