~Chapter 2~

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"Can we be friends? Only if you don't mind?",Sweety asked and looking at him with
hopeful eyes.
Prabhas looked into her eyes and he was lost for good few minutes until he came
back to the reality as Sweety tapped on his shoulder.
"uhh, of.. of course Anushka, we can be friends.." Prabhas replied with a casual
smile on his face.
"You can call me Sweety, more than calling me by Anushka I prefer people calling
me as Sweety", Sweety said.
Prabhas gave a genuine smile and said, "Suree Sweety"
Both were slowly talking to each other and getting comfortable. They shared a
numerous amount of laughter, smiles and blushes. After a while Sweety looked at
the time and as it was getting late she thought of leaving.
"It's getting late for me Prabhas, I need to leave now if there's no issue with
you?",Sweety said.
"No no I completely understand, I also need to leave too as I got shoot tomorrow.
Before we leave.. ermm..",Prabhas didn't really understand if he could ask her
regarding this and his introvert self wasn't of any help either.
"What happened Prabhas?", Sweety asked noticing him being hesitant to ask
"Ermm nothing.. shall we.. ermm.. If you don't mind shall we exchange numbers?
Maybe we can chat?" Prabhas innocently asked Sweety.
Sweety widely smiled at his innocence and the way he asked.
"Why are you being hesitant, you could have just asked me straight na..? Sure, we
can exchange our numbers" Sweety said.
Prabhas smiled at her and gave his phone to Sweety and Sweety typed her number
and saved it on his phone.
"Thanks Sweety, I'll message you later so you can save my number" Prabhas said.
Before Sweety could reply Prabhas heard someone calling his name. Prabhas and
Sweety turned around and saw Gopichand walking towards them.
"Gopi, what a surprise, I thought you couldn't make it today!" Prabhas said with a
wide smile on his face.
"Yeah my work got finished a little early and I thought of picking you up on the way
back and luckily I managed to arrive before you left."Gopi said.
"By the way Gopi, this is Anushka and Anushka this is Gopi my best friend!" Prabhas
introduced them.
Both greeted with a casual Hi. Gopi looked at Sweety from top to bottom and
glanced at her face and thought she was prettier more than any other actresses but
didn't say it out because him being as an actor this may cause consequences if the
media hears him saying something to a girl.
"Gopi, it's getting late da, I've got shoot tomorrow and need to wake up early, shall
we leave?" Prabhas asked.
"Yeah sure, we can leave" Gopi said.
Prabhas and Gopi bid bye to Sweety and and the three of them left from there.
It's been a few weeks since the Audio Launch happened and Prabhas and Sweety
became text friends.
They message each other whenever they have time during their busy schedule and
other personal commitments. Some days they chat till late and some days it just
ended with two three texts. Both of them have become really good friends and felt
comfortable with each other.
Whenever Prabhas messages Sweety, Sweety always sits down and laughs at the
messages as he was being quite funny. She then thought to herself that finally she
has found a good and trustable friend in the industry.
Deep down inside her heart she couldn't wait to spend more time with him and to get
to know him personally. On the other side Prabhas also felt the same and was on the
same page as Sweety. Prabhas never imagined that he would talk to someone like
this and always looking forward for Sweety's messages.
One fine day, Prabhas received a call from Rajamouli Garu as he was in between
shot break.
"Hello, Darling! How are you?" Prabhas asked in his usual chirpy tone.
"I'm absolutely great! Seems like you got busy, Prabhas", Rajamouli asked him and
pulled his leg
"What busy darling? I am just busy with back to back shoot. By the way why did you
call? Anything important? All okay?" Prabhas asked.
"All good! Rama asked me to invite you to my birthday party, this weekend. Are you
free? Would you be able to make it?", Rajamouli asked.
"What is this darling? How can I be busy if it's your birthday. Count me in. Also you
don't worry about calling Gopi! I'll ask him to tag along", Prabhas said.
"Thank you, Prabhas! There are a few people to invite and you are just reducing my
burden", Rajamouli said.
"Okay darling see you soon! They're calling me for shot! I'll catch up soon with you!",
Prabhas said.
Further Rajamouli garu called up Anushka aka Sweety Shetty. He just wanted to
invite her to his party, he feels like there is some positibe energy from her side, also
something in him tells that they might work together soon.
Since she is new to the industry, he thought it would be good for to attend such
parties for exposure.
He called her up, it went to voice mail but within a few minutes she called him back
"Hello, sorry sir! I was just busy in something. I couldn't take your call", Sweety said.
"Hello to you too, Sweety! Don't Worry I understand. We are all artists and I can
understand how hectic an artist life can get. Don't apologise. Anyways, I called you
up to invite you for my birthday party this weekend" Rajamouli said.
"Oh it's your birthday this weekend Sir? Advance Happy Birthday. But sir, sorry to cut
through your invitation. I don't really have friends to come over and talk with. I'll
definitely want to attend it, but since I also have shoot till late in the evening this
weekend." Sweet tried to escape. She didn't want to be left out and after a long
week of work she was looking forward to some rest at least.
"Oh no, Prabhas is coming too! You met him the last time, didn't you? Also if you
come to such parties, you'll gain some connections. Rest is up to you!" Rajamouli
said leaving Sweety in confusion.
Sweety thought for a moment. Since someone she knew was coming, it wouldn't be
a big deal and after all it's for a few hours. It would be rude to decline his offer.
Taking a deep breath, she made up her mind.
"I'll come sir! Thank you so much for inviting me!" Sweety said.
"See you soon Sweety!" Rajamouli said.
After a few days.
The day has finally came up.
Rajamouli's Birthday.
Rajamouli and Rama are preparing stuff quickly and making sure everything is
perfect and neat before the guests arrives, as they are hosting the party.
When Rama thought she has done everything perfectly she saw Rajamouli putting
some things at wrong place.
"Arey, why are you putting that there? That doesn't go there! Can't you do anything
properly?" Rama said in a loveable angry tone to Rajamouli.
Rajamouli gave a baby face to her and Rama hurriedly corrected everything and
arranged everything. As soon as Rama finished making everything perfect, they
heard the doorbell.
Rajamouli opened the door and saw few celebrities that he invited came. Rajamouli
greeted them and welcomed them inside his house.
Rama saw them and she was excited to see them.
"Welcome, Welcome! Come on in guys! The party's just getting started!" Rama
welcomed them excitedly with a huge smile on her face.
Then within minutes his house is filled with all the celebrities that he invited and to
give more hype the music's are playing as loudly as they can.
Many were in the bar drinking and getting hyped up for the day and some were in the
food area and started to try all the food before it gets empty!
Outside in the parking area.
Prabhas and Gopi parked their car.
"We are latee Gopi!! Come Come lets go inside quickly! Darling will be angry at us!",
Prabhas said
"Arey, Prabhas don't you know Hyderabadi timings? If they call us at 6 we should go
there by 7 or something after never before. Moreover Rajamouli garu won't say
anything cause you are his favorite!" Gopi said.
"Whatever man! Come, Come I want to party!!", Prabhas said.
Prabhas and Gopi got out from the car and were walking towards Rajamouli's house.
At that time Prabhas saw something which brought a spark in his eyes. He saw a pretty girl clad in a beautiful saree approaching him.....
It's none other than our beautiful stunning Anushka who was wearing a nice white
saree with few sequences on it. She looked ethereal .....
Gopi was going inside Rajamouli's house by himself and didn't notice Anushka saw Prabhas
and with a huge smile on her face she walked up to him.
"Hi Prabhas, How are you?",Anushka said with a beaming smile on her face.
Prabhas with his usual mischievous attitude greeted her with a big smile on their face.
"I'm good Sweety, How are you?" Prabhas asked.
"I'm fine thanks!" Anushka said.
"I didn't know that you're coming today!" Prabhas asked Anushka with a surprising
"Rajamouli Garu invited me, and I thought it'll be rude to reject the offer plus he told
me that you'll come today so I thought of attending this party." Anushka said in a
innocent voice.
"You came for me?, Just to see me?" Prabhas sort of flirted with Anushka and teased
Anushka :- lol you think too highly of urself dear🤣🤣
Whilst Rajamouli and Rama were busy with the other guests, Gopi came to the
doorstep. Rajamouli saw Gopi and with a big smile he greeted him.
"Hi Gopi! Welcome, Welcome! Where's Darling?"
"Errmm he was coming with me....", Gopi said and turned around and looked for
Prabhas and Anushka were chatting and coming to Rajamouli's house.
"Darling!!!!", Rajamouli called Prabhas with full of excitement.
Prabhas looked at Rajamouli and hugged him.
"Happy Birthday Darling!", Prabhas said.
Rajamouli greeted Anushka as well and the trio went inside the house. Anushka saw
the crowd and got astonished.
"Wow! I didn't expect this much of a crowd and I've never seen so many famous
celebrities in one place!" Anushka said.
"Yeah, Rama garu and Rajamouli garu knows how to throw a party like this!", Gopi
"Absolutely! Let's have some fun tonight! We deserve it!" Prabhas happily said to
Gopi and Anushka.
The Party was going in full swing Gopi, Prabhas went to the bar and they started to
get drunk and catching up. Anushka went with Rama and getting introduced to more
"Prabhas, I have something to tell you. I've been wanting to share this with you for a
while now.", Gopi said excitedly.
"What is it Gopi? You look like you're bursting with news.", Prabhas asked Gopi
"I am! I've developed feelings for Sweety. I know it may seem sudden but I cant help
how I feel. I'm hoping to find the right moment to ask her out", Gopi said to Prabhas
with a huge smile on their face.
Prabhas was stunned what Gopi has just told him. He didn't know what to say.
"Sweety? Ermm.. Gopi.. I.. uh.. didn't see that was coming up", Prabhas said.
"I know right? I'm really drawn to her kindness and energy. I think we could make a
great couple.", Gopi said.
"Yeahh.. Yeahh.., you two would look great together", Prabhas said it feeling a little weird to imagine his best friend nd sweety as a pair......
Gopi kept on talking about his feelings that he has towards Sweety. Prabhas casually looked around and saw Sweety who was
talking and laughing her heart out to some bunch of people.....
"I can't wait any longer, I'm going to talk to her! Wish me luck, Prabhas!", Gopi said
to Prabhas with an excitement.
"Good Luck, Gopi! You'll do great!", Prabhas said .....
Gopi went to talk to Anushka with a huge smile on his face and with full of Excitement. Prabhas was happy for his friend that he could finally date someone after a long break from relationship but when he heard Sweety's name he couldn't be as happy he wanted to be .... He looked at Sweety again, and for a moment, their eyes meet across the room ....and Anushka smiled at him and he faintly smiled back at Sweety nd half heartedly pulled himself out of the eye lock ......








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