⚜♚23. Together ♚⚜

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© All copyrights belong to StarsAndMoon1447 on Wattpad



Restless Rohaan.

Bechain Rooh.

*Restless spirit.

There are endless names that my siblings came up for me when I mentioned moving the rukhsati forward. Chachu had agreed that I would take responsibility for moving the wedding forward, after much convincing from me. It was much easier that way.

And because my siblings didn't know the real reason, they teased me mercilessly.

Even Arsal. Unbelievable.

"So eager to bring Bhabi home, Ma Sha Allah!" He joked. "Is this the same Rohaan?"

"You of all people should not be mocking me, grasshopper."

"Stop teasing my poor boy!" Boss Woman entered the living room and sat down beside me, pinching my cheek.

"Poor boy? Rohaan? Mama, you're confusing your sons." Behaya teased.

"I simply can't wait. In Sha Allah! Our Yamna will be here soon."

I lazily lounged on the sofa, grinning..

"How does Yum-Yum feel about this?" Hoor asked.

"She's happy. Chamchi can directly report to her Tayan now." I chuckled.

"Rohaan!" Mama warned me.

"You better be good to her." Behaya narrowed her eyes at me. "If I find out that you've been annoying Yum-Yum..."

"What are you going to do, Behaya?" I sat up. "Report me to Papa?" I scoffed.

"Report what to me?" Papa walked in then. As always, bad timing. I am destined for Papa's daant, and with his chamchi moving in soon, the scolding was only going to increase.

"Aap ki bhi hoon." Yamna's words rang in my mind when I'd called her Tayan's chamchi

*"I'm also yours." 

"Nothing. They're just messing with me." I replied as my siblings smirked at me.

"I was telling him to be nice to Yum-Yum." Behaya said.

"He has to be." Papa replied, casually.

"I really am badnaam, aren't I?" I sighed.

*Badnaam: one who has a bad reputation.

Everyone laughed.


I was packing up my casual things, while Mama was packing my post-marriage new-bride outfits, all the fancy stuff, along with the shoes and jewellery.

"Please don't take your soft toys!" Mama looked at me as I placed my dolphin in the box with the other toys.

"Rohaan said I could." I blinked at her.

"Yamna, you have to grow up now, sweetheart." She placed a hand on my arm. She gently made me sit down on my bed, before taking a seat beside me. "Yamna, listen, I know the world is super-modernised, and that's great and all, but always keep the religious teachings in mind above anything else. The worldly values are not that would mean anything in the end, the religious values would."

"In what sense are you saying this, Mama?" 

"You have responsibilities and duties towards Rohaan, first and foremost. I can see very well that he is already starting to fulfil his responsibilities and duties, and I'm sure that Bhai and Bhabi have advised him to continue to do so after marriage. I want you to do the same." She squeezed my hands. "We adults made the decision of a simple marriage, but he was still concerned about what you wanted. Like that, I want you to also take care of even the smallest of things when it comes to him, okay? Things only work well when both fulfil their responsibilities to the best of their abilities."

I nodded. "I understand, Mama." 

"Taking care of his food, his clothes, his things does not make you inferior, my love. When we take care of each other, it increased love and strengthens the bond." She tucked a lock of my hair behind my ear. "Remember, Shaiytan's favourite pastime is ruining marriages. Fight against his attempts to cause a rift between you, both of you. You parents-in-law are a beautiful example of a strong marriage, Ma Sha Allah, and I know that this would have acted as a very positive impact on Rohaan."  

I nodded again.

"And, honey, joking around is fine and all." She continued. "But try to resolve arguments and matters between yourself. Running to your Tayan or Tayi Jaan with every small thing isn't the answer. Yes, if you feel like it's getting too serious, then you turn to them for advice, but in a dignified manner, and not in a manner where you degrade Rohaan. And I'm only saying that because I know that you or Rohaan would never cross your limits, even in an argument. Handle it maturely, sensibly. Again, I'm advising you because I'm your mother. I know that Rehan Bhai and Anabia Bhabi would have advised Rohaan as well."

"I feel weird, Mama." I blurted out.

"Weird? Why?" 

"I've never lived with a boy before." I looked at her wide-eyed.

She laughed lightly. "My cute, innocent little sunshine. He isn't just any boy. He's your husband. You'll get used to it. You know Rohaan well, and I'm sure you'll adjust easily with him, In Sha Allah." She pinched my cheek, fondly. "I worried so much about you, my little sunshine. Not anymore. I completely trust Rohaan with you, as does your Papa."

I hugged her tightly. "I love you so much, Mama. How am I going to live away from you and Papa?" Tears filled my eyes.

"I hope you find comfort in the fact that your Mama and Papa are very happy with your marriage to Rohaan." She whispered, kissing the side of my head. "Alhumdulillah." 



There was a knock on my door. "Come in." 

The door opened and Papa walked in. "We need to talk."

"Sure." I sat up straight in bed, and he sat down on the foot of my bed. 

He leaned his forearms on his knees, and waited a few moments before speaking. "I already spoke to you and Arsal about your role and responsibilities as a husband." 

"You have. Very thoroughly."

"I'm not saying this as her Tayan, Rohaan, but as your father and the father of daughters. She's innocent, naïve, and very soft-hearted. She's a very sensitive kid. Be extra mindful of your behaviour. You need better control of your temper, and tone down on the swearing."

"Dad, I would never take my temper out on her, you know that."

"I know, and I certainly hope that this wouldn't change in the future. Men often easily lash out at their wives, which I feel is disgusting. But when sensitive people are constantly subject to harshness, it can leave a very bad impact on their mental health. Remember that very clearly. But overall, I don't want any negative change in Yamna, especially caused by your behaviour, and I have said the same to Arsal about Tahira. Like I won't tolerate anyone mistreating my daughters, I will not tolerate my sons mistreating my daughters-in-law either." 

"Dad, have I ever not taken care of Yamna? I teased her, I was a little mean to her, but I have always taken care of her. You know that. Trust me. I promise that I will do anything and everything to be the best possible husband that I can be for her."

He nodded. "I trust you, and I trust Arsal. Remember, our religion states this, Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said this, that the best among men are those who are best to their wives." 


"Handle things maturely, responsibly and with a calm mind. Never make decisions when angry. But, first and foremost, learn to control your tongue in anger. Sometimes that can cause the most damage." 

"Yes, Papa." 

He sighed. "Now, I'll speak as Yamna's Tayan." A soft smile appeared on his face. "Yas has always been like my own kid to me. And when Yamna was born, it was a very emotional day for me too. She has been nothing less than my own daughter, Rohaan. She should not have any mistreatment, in any form, in this house, and you have the main responsibility of that."

"Your chamchi is my wife, Papa. Don't worry about her." I patted his back. "You know how I look out after my family."

He got up and ran a hand over my head. "I know. I know that you won't let me and your mother down, In Sha Allah."

"In this matter." I joked.

"Tu na sudhrin." He muttered, making me laugh.

*"You'll never improve."



Friday evening arrived way too quickly. I was about to leave this not-yet-homey flat to go to my Dadiyal, for my official rukhsati.

When Rohaan had asked me to move in with him this weekend, I had thought that he was kidding, but he was serious.

And now here I was, ready to move into my in-laws' home. I wore a floor-length ivory dress with pretty pink and lilac floral patterns, with silver embroidery over the bodice. The sheer dupatta was pink with a beautiful border. It was a last-minute purchase from a Pakistani boutique, and I had constantly worried about its high cost. 

"Mama?" I headed to Mama's room and found her sitting on the bed holding a photo, crying quietly. 

She looked up as I came in. "Oh, Yamna. You look beautiful, Ma Sha Allah!"

I walked over to sit down beside her and looked at the photo. It was a baby photo of me, sitting in a dress wearing a floral crown. 

She smiled. "Haya made that crown for you. She and Hoor doted over you so much." She looked at me, fresh tears in her eyes. "You know, I had given up hope of ever being a mother, but then I found out that I was pregnant. And when you were born, the entire Tariq family was overjoyed." She took my hand. "I'm so, so sorry that we couldn't give you a proper wedding, sunshine. You're our only child, but we couldn't even..." 

I hugged her. "Don't say that. You and Papa have given me more than I ever even asked for." 

"You're such a sweet, sensible girl. But I pray that you never have to sacrifice even your smallest wishes again. Ameen." 

"It's okay, Mama. Sometimes when we don't get what we wished for, it might be more beneficial for us."

"Absolutely. Allah knows best."

"Ladies, are you ready?" Papa came into the doorway. When he saw me, he froze, emotions covering his face and filling his eyes. "My sweet sunshine. Ma Sha Allah!" 

I stood up and he walked over to come and hug me. "You guys need to take care of each other, okay?" I whispered.

"Always, Yamna." He kissed the top of my head. "You are giving up a proper wedding for your parents' sake, Yamna. May Allah reward you abundantly for putting your parents first. Ameen. I wish there was a way where you didn't have to put us first, but you did it without complaining. Allah will reward you for this, I just know it."

I started to silently cry. I had no idea how I was going to live without my parents.

"Tumhare baap ki izzat rakh raha hai Rohaan." Papa muttered.

*"Rohaan is protecting your father's self-respect."

I looked up at him. "What do you mean?" 

He paused, looking like he had said more than he had meant to. "H-He agreed to this simple wedding without complaining as well. He could have easily asked why he should be the only sibling not to get a proper wedding, but he didn't."

"He loves and respects us a lot, Yasin." Mama added. "Alhumdulillah, I'm so happy that our Yamna is his wife."



"My gorgeous little princess." Dado said, softly, running a hand over my head. "Ma Sha Allah!"

"The boy better treat her well." Dada Jaan said gruffly, but with a small smile on his face. He knew that Rohaan would be good to me. Everyone did.

"Of course he will, Dad. Rohaan is a wonderful boy, Ma Sha Allah!" Papa said, defensively.

We were waiting in the living room for the 'baraat'.

"The dress is lovely, Ma Sha Allah." Dado said.

"It's from Rohaan. He said Yamna deserved to feel like royalty today." Mama said.

I looked at her sharply. I hadn't know that!

"I want to feel like a princess on my wedding day. A beautiful dress, jewellery, all of that." I'd told him. I felt tears in my eyes. He was doing too much for me and my family.

We heard voices in the foyer, and I nervously played with my fingers as my parents headed out to greet Tayan's family.

"Don't worry. You'll be greatly loved and pampered, my sweet Yamna." Dado reassured me, squeezing my hand.

Tayan and Tayi Jaan led the way into the room. "Assalam Alaikum!" They first went to meet my grandparents.

"Walaikum Assalam!" 

I stood up, and Anabia Tayi came to hug me. "My sweet Yamna. I'm so happy today! Alhumdulillah!" She smiled emotionally at me. "You look beautiful, Ma Sha Allah."

"Thank you." I whispered.

Tayan came over and placed a hand over my head. "Meri bachi." 

Haya Appi and Hoor Appi came in with their families, all holding gifts and mithai. They were followed by Arsal Bhai and Tahira. Haya Appi immediately came over to me and hugged me tightly.

"My Yum-Yum!" She whispered. "Finally, you're coming home!"

Then Hoor Appi hugged me tightly, followed by Tahira Bhabi. Arsal Bhai nodded at me, smiling warmly and genuinely.

"Where's Rohaan?" Dado asked.

"He's coming in his own car, as he'll be driving Yamna home." Tayi Jaan replied.

Home. I thought immediately of the three-bedroom home that once belonged to me and my parents. But even the new flat wasn't home anymore. My new home was Tayan's house. Rohaan's house. My house.

"Yamna Mumani! I like your dress sooooooooooo much!" Maham said. 

"Thank you, sweetie." I told her, smiling down at her.

We all sat down, with Haya Appi beside me.

In the warmth and familiarity of the Tariq family home, I felt nervous. Today was different, the occasion was different. I was different, and he was different. I was taking my first step towards responsibility, growth and maturity, holding onto his hand. We were starting our life together as life partners.

I was going to be sharing the bedroom with Rohaan from tonight.



I pushed aside the curtains and opened up the window, before glancing up at the dark-themed room. Picking up his discarded jacket from the bed, I softly traced my fingers over it.

I was a young, university student who had slowly started realising her feelings for the handsome detective, Rohaan Rehan Tariq. Even the thought of him made me blush and giggle.

"What are you doing in here?" 

I jumped, dropping the jacket and looking at the doorway.

Rohaan had returned from jogging, and wore a grey vest with black sports trousers, air pods in his ears. He had both his eyebrows raised at me, before his gaze moved down to the jacket now on the floor. "Well?" He asked when I didn't answer.

Anabia Tayi had asked me to open the windows upstairs to let fresh air pass through the house, but that reason vanished from my mind under pressure. "P-Pen. I was looking for a pen."

"A pen?" He asked, dubiously. "Yamna Yasin, who's always scribbling away in her notebook or journal, doesn't have a pen?"

"People can forget things, you know..." I mumbled, moving towards the door. 

"Did you get it?" 

"What?" I looked at him, my heart erratically beating at the sight of him. Is this what people mean by s*xy? I wondered, glancing at his biceps. I glanced away, cheeks red. 

"The pen?" 

"I don't need it anymore." I quickly stepped past him and raced towards the stairs.



I was nervously clutching onto my dress, my heart pounding harder.

I'm going to have to share a room with him, a bed. Eek!

I glanced around at everyone talking and laughing, oblivious to my inner panic. 

"Assalam Alaikum!" Rohaan walked in. Dressed in black jeans, black boots and a white t-shirt, he looked way too casual for someone who was taking home his bride today.

"Walaikum Assalam!"

"What are you wearing?" Dado immediately questioned him.

"I was at work, doing some important office work." He walked over to lean down and kiss Dado's cheek, before leaning down in front of Dada Jaan so that our grandfather could run his hand over his head.

Papa got up and hugged Rohaan tightly, patting his back. "My boy." 

Haya Appi got up. "Come here, Ro. There's space here." She gestured towards her newly vacated space.

Rohaan sat down beside me, glancing at me. "Chalain?" 

*"Shall we go?"

"Besharam!" Anabia Tayi shook her head at him, as everyone else chuckled.

I blushed, now playing with the edge of my dupatta.

He leaned closer to whisper. "Do you feel like a princess?" 

I nodded.

"You look even better, Ma Sha Allah." He took my hand in his.


The dinner, of course, was held here at the Tariq family home. During dinner itself, I felt like I would throw up if I ate, so I hardly ate anything.

As soon as it was almost time to leave though, I got hungry, and I did what anyone reasonable would do in their Dadiyal, and I went to the kitchen and had some pilao with cucumber raita. I sat on the barstool at the kitchen isle, my dress flowing around me. Nerves, shmerves. I need to eat.

"Hamster, you ready to go?" Rohaan walked into the kitchen, looking a little confused when he saw me eating.

"I didn't really eat at the table." I explained. 

He came to stand beside me. "Nervous?" 

My grip on my spoon tightened. "No."

"Why are you nervous?" He placed a hand on my back.

"I'm not nervous." I whispered.

"Do I make you nervous, Yamna?"

"I'm not nervous." I repeated.

He smiled. "Let me know when you're ready to go." He kissed the side of my head and turned to walk away.

I grabbed his wrist to stop him from going. "Thank you for the dress."

He turned back to grin at me. "Don't get used to the pampering, yeah? You've been spoilt enough. Those days are in the past."

I stood up and patted his stomach. "I hope you left some space in there, Rohaan, because you're going to be eating your words." I then took my empty plate to place it in the dishwasher. 


While saying goodbye to my parents made me cry endlessly, it was still a comfort to know that I'd regularly be seeing there here for family dinners and stuff at Dado's home. 

"Come on, Yamna. Your mother-in-law won't even be taunting you about visiting your parents regularly. In fact, Mama would probably see Chachi more than you." Rohaan tried to reassure me as he drove us home.

"They're alone in that flat in that dangerous place." I sobbed.

"No, they're not. They're going to be living at the Tariq family home for a while." He told me. "They'll look for another place, and I'll help them find a better location." 

I looked at him, surprised. "Really?"

"Of course. I'm not going to let my Chachu and Chachi live there alone. What kind of a detective I am if I don't look out for my family's safety?" 

I smiled. 

He got a phone call which he answered via Bluetooth, connected to his airpods. "Tell me, Ahmed. Any update?" 

He was focused on driving as well as the conversation with Ahmed Bhai, so I focused on him. From the way he gripped the steering wheel with one hand, to the way the hem of his shirt had risen up a little as he had put his seat belt on, to the way his biceps looked in the white t-shirt. My eyes moved up to his face. His messy hair, his stubbled cheeks, his deep voice as he spoke. He looked like Tayan, no doubt, but his eyes resembled Anabia Tayi, as did the way he smiled sometimes. He smelled good, really good. I imagined falling asleep in his arms tonight, breathing in his scent, and that brought me back to the Nuclear Panic Mode.

I'm going to be sharing a room with Rohaan!

My hands felt cold.

Oh God, what if he sees my bra? I shook my head at my silliness. Of course, he'll see your bra, you idiot. You two are a married couple, and you're going to be...

Oh my God.

What will I do during periods? How will I hide my pads? 

Wait. Why do I need to hide my pads? We're married.

But more than the feminine products, more than my monthly visitor, more than anything, one thing triumphed all the worries in my mind: tonight.

Technically, it was our wedding night.




"You okay? You look pale?" He looked at me concerned. 

I hadn't even realised that his phone call had ended. "I'm fine." 


It was getting very late, and since we'd already had dinner, the twin Appis and Tahira took me up to my new room.

It was sweetly decorated with red roses, but nothing too over the top. I sat down on the bed, unable to believe that this was also my room now.

"We all tease Ro, we all annoy the hell out of him." Haya Appi told me before they left. "But he will take care of you, Yamna, more than anyone else in the universe. He will love you, cherish you, and protect you. And I'm saying that as one of the people who knows him the best."

"Don't be nervous, sweetie." Hoor Appi added. "And once again, welcome home, Yamna."

The three of them hugged me each in turn, and I smiled at them. Soon, they left, closing the door behind me, leaving me all alone in the room. I glanced around, wondering where my box of soft toys were. I wanted to hug Mr Bunny or something.

I was about to get off the bed to go look for the box, when the door opened. Allah...

Rohaan closed the door and strode over confidently, kicking his shoes off and flopping down onto the bed beside me. "Hey." 

I looked at him, bewildered. "Hi."

He propped up on an elbow, staring up at me. "You okay?" 

"Yeah..." I was a little confused about his behaviour.

He sat up and reached out for something in the bedside table drawer. When he turned back to face me, I saw him holding a jewellery box. "Your moun-dikhai.

"You didn't have to." 

"Apparently, I do. It's a tradition." 

I took the box and opened it slowly, gasping in surprise when I saw the rose gold charm bracelet with a sparkling heart charm. "Wow. This is gorgeous." 

I was still staring at it in wonder, when he closed the lid of the box and set it back down into the drawer.

To my surprise, he held out his hand. "Come with me." 

"Where?" I asked, even as I took his hand.

He pulled me up easily, and led me to the walk-in-wardrobe. "This is our wardrobe, where you once took a selfie in my sunglasses." He smiled at me, showing me where my stuff was kept, including my beloved stuffed toys. 

I stared at him in disbelief. What happened to the awkward romance of a newlywed couple.

Then, taking my hand again, he showed me the en-suite bathroom, including the fact that my normal products were already set out, ready to be used.

Instead of feeling awkward and nervous, I was being given a tour of his room, walk-in-wardrobe and en-suite bathroom, as if I've never been here before. 

Then leading me inside the room, he sat me down, and sat in front of me, facing me. Taking both my hands in his, he stared into my eyes as he spoke. "Yamna, the dynamics between us will change tonight, no matter what happens. In fact, they already have changed. I laugh around, joke around and tease you, but for tonight, I want to reassure you of how seriously I will take my role as your husband." 

I met his gaze, my heart pounding harder.

"I'm possessive, but not in a toxic way that suffocates you. I'm overprotective, and that's who I am. I know you're very strong, Yamna, but you need to allow me to take care of you, to protect you. That's who I am." 

"I want you to take care of me, to protect me." I said, softly.

He leaned down to press his lips softly against mine, and I felt the dynamics change some more. He wasn't Ro the meanie who loved annoying me. He was my husband, who was basically vowing to protect me and take care of me. He stood up and spoke softly to me, softer than he'd ever spoken to me. "I'm going to shower in one of the other bathrooms. This is all yours." He gestured towards the door of the en-suite.

"Thank you." 


I showered and changed into a brand new set of silky pink pyjamas that had been left in my luggage. The trousers were fine, but the top was sleeveless with a slightly low neckline. Who decided that this was appropriate night wear for me? On my way out of the bathroom, I grabbed Mr Bunny from the soft toy box, holding him against my chest as I stepped into my new bedroom.

Rohaan wasn't back yet, and I placed Mr Bunny in the centre of the bed, wondering which side I should take.

The bedroom door opened and Rohaan came in.  As he closed the door and locked it, his gaze went up and down my body, before returning to my face. "You look beautiful, Ma Sha Allah." He carried his towel and clothes into the bathroom to drop them in the laundry hamper. When he returned, he gazed at Mr Bunny. "Wow. Takeover, huh?" 

I smiled, biting my lip shyly. "Which side should I take?" 

"Pick and choose. I don't mind." 

"No, but you must have a preference." 

"I seriously don't." He shrugged.

I took the left side of the bed and sat down. 

He sat down beside me and glanced at me. "I sleep with my shirt off. You okay with that?" 

"It's your room." I felt myself blush.

"It's our room now."

I nodded, slowly.

He got up again and pulled his shirt off, walking up to hang it on the hook at the back of the door. I lay down on the bed, stretching my legs out, clutching Mr Bunny. But my traitorous gaze kept returning to him as he picked up his phone from the unit under the plasma TV and tapped away on it. He worked out a lot. He always said that his aim was to remain fit so that he could do his job to the best of his abilities. My gaze roamed over his abs, his biceps, his hard chest, and my fingers almost envied my eyes, yearning to feel his muscles the way my eyes were absorbing the sight. 

He got into the bed beside me and I turned to face him. He reached out and traced his knuckles over my cheeks. "Let's talk about the elephant in the room, Yamna." 

I couldn't meet his gaze.

"It's our wedding night." He continued. 

I moved closer to him. A part of me was worried about making him upset, but a bigger part of me knew that Rohaan would understand me. Placing my hand on his shoulder, I whispered, "Not tonight. Please."

He smiled softly. "I don't think I'm ready either." 

I looked at him in surprise.

He chuckled. "You seem to be under the belief that men only want one thing. But what I want is for the two of us to get used to living with each other, and for you to feel completely at ease around me, as your husband." 

"I like the way you think." 

We lay side by side in silence for a while.  I turned my head to look at him. He had an arm folded under his head, his gaze focused on the ceiling. Deep feelings began to brew within me, and I realised how strongly attracted I was to him. What we had was powerful, irreversible, and yet it scared me a little. Why? Because a part of me still felt that this was too good to be true. I had to get my thoughts away from this attraction. "I felt so scared in that flat at night. One night, I was convinced that someone was going to break in and murder me."

He laced our fingers together. "You should have told me." 

"What, so you could have murdered the murderer of my imagination?" I teased.

He chuckled and I noticed the movement of his abs upon this action. He turned his head to look at me. Sliding his arm underneath me, he pulled me closer to himself. My face was now practically pressed against his bare chest. His scent enticed me so much that it made me want to close my eyes and sigh loudly... which I apparently ended up doing.

"You okay?" He asked, kissing my forehead.

My hand was curled at my side, itching to run up and down his torso. But I felt too shy. I reached out, very slowly, and placed my hand on his stomach, running it up to his chest, and then back down. I wrapped my arm across his stomach and stared up at him. My heart skipped a beat when I saw his intense gaze already focused on me.

"Come here." He used his hold around my waist to pull me closer. 

Butterflies fluttered in my stomach as I felt my shirt rise, and as my own exposed stomach pressed against his abs. My poor cheeks were at the point of burning right now. He pressed his lips against mine, tangling his other hand through my hair.

I swear, I'd never been kissed like this before. My whole body felt the heat, the passion of his lips on mine.  

I moved away from him, sitting up, panting.

He lazily traced a finger up and down my arm. "You okay?" 

I turned to look at him, uncertainly. "Do you find me attractive?" 

He sat up, a small frown on his face. "You are a beautiful girl, Yamna. Why do you ask?" 

"No, but do you find me attractive in any way?" I wasn't sure how to word out my words. "Like...umm..."

"S*xy?" He looked at me, amused.

Since when do I care about this? It doesn't matter! I nodded, slowly. 

Seeing Rohaan's blatant attractiveness made me wonder how I must seem to him. Like a boring nerd?

He pulled me back against him so suddenly, that I gasped. He started to trace light kisses over my neck, down to my shoulders. "You are the most beautiful, the s*xiest girl I know, and don't ever doubt that, Mrs Yamna Rohaan."

I lay over him, and as he pulled the duvet over us, I felt a tear run down my cheek.

A good spouse should boost up the self-esteem, and I could see that now. 

And as I had imagined in the car earlier, I fell asleep in his arms, breathing in his scent. I felt happy, relaxed, loved, protected and safe.

I'm home.


They have moved in together!

Prepare to witness the hilarity (and cute awkwardness) of Yamna attempting to adjust to her new life as Mrs Rohaan! 

Favourite part?

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Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote!

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