⚜♚64. Togetherness ♚⚜

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©️ All copyrights belong to StarsAndMoon1447 on Wattpad


Comment challenge: 400



"You are a fire hazard." Zaryab raised both eyebrows as he looked at the extension by my desk. My hair-dryer plug, my laptop charger, my phone charger and my airpods' charger were all plugged into one extension.

"The whole point of an extension is to have multiple charging points." I grinned cheekily at him. I stood up, tossing my hair over my shoulder. "Listen..."

"Hmm?" He buttoned up his shirt.

"Khalla has invited us all for dinner, including Ammi Jaan and Baba Jaan." I straightened his collar. "She said there was so much going on, and she wanted to wait for the right time to invite us." She smiled. "She said that as my maika, it's her duty to maintain good ties with my in-laws." I felt thrilled just saying those words. Anabia Khalla had been amazing so far, and I couldn't wait to get to know her better.

"This makes you really happy, doesn't it?" He gave me a small smile.

"Of course! All this time we knew Rohaan, and we didn't even realise that he was our cousin. Bhai would have been thrilled!" My heart sank as I thought about everything my brother had missed out on: my marriage, finding relatives from our Naniyal, and a chance to have his best friend as his cousin brother. "Khalla wants to speak to Ammi Jaan and personally invite her. I'll give her Ammi Jaan's phone number, if that's okay?" 

"Of course." His smile widened. 

I was truly looking forward to our families getting along.

"By the way, did you receive your NICOP yet?" Zaryab asked me about my national ID card for overseas Pakistani.

"Yes, finally! I had to find my grandparents' history to prove my Pakistani origins." I rolled my eyes. "But they are satisfied now that my roots are from Pakistan."

We were going to Pakistan for two weeks with my parents-in-law. I wasn't looking forward to going at this time of the year, but a part of me was also looking forward to experiencing my land of origin with my husband and in-laws. In Sha Allah



I found myself driving to Mama's old house. I parked outside it and stared up at it for a bit, a tear running down my cheek.

I really miss you today, Mama. 

I could almost picture myself and Saim pushing and shoving each other to get out of the front door first, always competing with each other. Mama would follow us, shaking her head and grumbling about her chaotic twins.

I know you would have wanted me to do exactly this: ask Fareeda Khalla to leave for the sake of my family's peace. But I feel guilty too. I wish you were here, Mama, and you could have resolved the problem for me, like always.

My phone started ringing, and I picked it up while still parked. On the screen, I was surprised to see Bunny's name. "Hello?"

"Assalam Alaikum, Bia Phupho!"

"Walaikum Assalam, Bunny." I smiled. "Aaj Phupho ki yaad kaise aagayi?"

*"How did you remember your Phupho today?"

"I wanted to complain about Rohaan. He told me that he'll meet me an hour ago, and I'm still here waiting for him." Shayaan grumbled.

I laughed. "Oh, Bunny!"

"Call him and tell him off, please." 

"Of course I will, Bunny. I'll call him right away." 

"Thank you, Phupho!" 

After the call ended, I laughed again, before dialling Rohaan's number.

"Assalam Alaikum, Boss Woman. All good?" He answered almost immediately.

"Walaikum Assalam. Are you meant to be meeting Bunny?" My tone was filled with disapproval.

"Unbelievable! He called you to complain? What is he, five?" 

"Rohaan, when you make a commitment, you have to honour it!" 

"I'm leaving now, Mama. I got delayed." He sighed. "I'm going to be kicking his..."

"No kicking, no fighting." I warned him. "Play nice, Rohaan Rehan Tariq."

"Play nice? Am I five now?" 

"Stop acting like a kid and I'll stop treating you like one. In fact, you're going to be a father yourself now, In Sha Allah. Learn from your Papa!" 

In a typical Rohaan manner, he just chuckled. "It's all good, Boss Woman. I'm on my way to see your beloved Bunny now." 

Once the call had ended with Rohaan, I called Arsal.

"Assalam Alaikum, Mama." He answered. 

"Walaikum Assalam. Are you free to meet for a coffee, Arsal?" 

"Sure, anything for you, Mama." My youngest child replied.


"Arsal, Fareeda Khalla's words made me realise how much my actions would have unintentionally hurt you." I looked at Arsal, who sat across the table from me at a café near his office. "I'm so sorry, Arsal. About my actions, and about Fareeda Khalla's words."

He placed his hand over mine on the table. "Mama, come on. Please don't apologise!"

"Allah doesn't forgive someone who hurt another person, until that person does, regardless of the relationship."

"You're my mother. You get a few 'Get out of jail free' cards from my side." He smiled. "But I hold no resentments against you anyway."

"It's all my fault that Fareeda Khalla came into our home and said such stuff about you..."

"Mama, we cannot be responsible for other people's mentality, whether they're our relatives our not." 

"So, you're not mad at me?" 

"I'm not, don't worry." 

He might not be mad at me, but I knew my son. He would have definitely taken Fareeda Khalla's words to his heart. "What she says doesn't matter, Arsu. Not a lot of people can stay firm on the path of repentance, and you did. For ten years. I'm so proud of you." 

His smile was emotional now and he was blinking rapidly, as if trying to fight back tears.

My sweet baby Arsu.



With everything going on, I almost forgot something very important: the results of my final year that would determine whether I would graduate or not.

"I can't look." I told Rohaan, as I stared at the log-in page on my laptop screen. "I feel sick. What if I fail one module and I can't graduate this year?" 

"Yamna, just relax, take a deep breath, and rip the band-aid off." He began to massage my shoulders as he stood behind me.

I logged in, without giving my mind the time to ponder over my anxieties. I was taking small, shallow breaths as my eyes scanned the screen. My eyes widened as I looked at the results of each module, and my overall result. "First Class Honours! I achieved First Class Honours!" I squealed, jumping up to my feet and turning to face Rohaan, throwing my arms around him.

"Congratulations, Yamna! I had full faith in you and your academic brain." He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me tighter against himself.

"We need to get mithai ASAP." I whispered against his chest.

"Of course, hamster." His phone buzzed as he spoke, and he reached for it. "Give me a sec, Yamna. I have to take it." He answered it, still holding onto me with one arm. "Hey. Wait... what?" 

I looked up at him, frowning.

"Okay, I'm coming." He ended the call and looked at me. "We'll take the mithai later, In Sha Allah. I need to go to work."

"What happened?"

"What my instincts said would happen." He muttered.



I got to the police station and saw Ahmed chatting to Lucinda. "What happened?" 

"Asma has been arrested. She was found guilty on the charges of money laundering.. and drug smuggling." Ahmed explained. "Asma isn't just anyone, Rohaan. She's the daughter of a former Pakistani minister, and she was being used to launder money. The minister runs a business in Pakistan, a seemingly legit business. He uses that as a cover for his illegal drug smuggling business. He was transferring illegal money to place in banks here, and Asma was used as one of the people who were transferring such money. The plan was to ultimately make her look like a victim, and ensure her return home without any hitch." 

"But she didn't go on that flight?" I pointed out.

"No, she didn't." Lucinda is the one who replied. "She was meant to be taking back drugs worth a lot. But when she approached the boarding gate, she saw the custom officers with sniffer dogs, and she told the staff that she wasn't travelling because she felt unwell."

"She got away with it that day, but she was terrified." Ahmed continued the story. "Last night, she was caught by chance. She was at a hotel, and she was in the garden outside and was speaking on the phone. She was crying and distressed, and seemed to be having an argument with her father. The hotel security guard, who was desi and could understand the language, overheard the conversation. She was talking about how she didn't want to be caught with drug smuggling and ruin her life. She was refusing to be a part of this further, but the guard said that her father was trying to convince her firmly." 

"The phrase 'drug smuggling' made the guard call the police. The police arrived, found Asma and put two and two together." Lucinda concluded. "They found the drugs in her suitcase. The inner material of the suitcase had been cut out, the placed drugs inside, and the material was sown together." 

"F**k." I muttered, stunned.

"She stayed at my parents' annexe." Ahmed shook his head. "I told the police, and they actually brought dogs around to sniff out the place for any hidden drugs, done with full consent of my parents. But Ammi, naturally, was p**sed at me for bring a drug-smuggler home." 

"My mother would have organised my funeral, had I done that." I said. "Homicide Detective murdered by Mom." 

But then I thought about Shayaan, and his interest in her. F**k no. No drug-smuggler, money-launderer is coming near my cousin. Had things gone further, my Mamu's family could have been harmed in all this, and that was unacceptable!


"A drug-smuggling, money launderer?" Shayaan blinked at me. "Can you be any more creative, Ro?" 

"I'm not joking, Shayaan. I don't joke when it comes to actual criminals." I patted his shoulder. "I'm sorry, bro." 

He shook his head in disbelief. "What the actual, legit f**k?" 

"My question exactly. That's why I got delayed. I went to the police station when Ahmed called me." I grinned at him. "And you complained to my mother, you kaminay." 

"Gotta take advantage of the fact that Bia Phupho adores me." He smirked.

We both glanced towards the TV in the café, where some old football highlights were playing.

He burst out laughing. "No. Come on, Ro. You're messing with me. This has to be a joke. Money laundering and drug smuggling? Next, you're gonna say that she's looking for a British Pakistani to marry for nationality." 

I shrugged. "You never know." 

"F**k. Imagine introducing her to Mama and Papa. Mama, Papa, meet your drug-smuggling bahu, whose other talent is to launder money." 

We both laughed loudly, earning a few annoyed glares.

When I could breathe again, I asked him, "You good?" 

"Yeah, man. I'll live. I got my first love, planes, to focus on." 

I patted his back. "Don't rush. You're not missing out on much." 

He laughed again. "Shall I tell Yamna Bhabi that?" 

"No." I scoffed. "The girl will go straight to Dad, like you went straight to my mom. I'm f**ked either side."

"Sudhar ja, beta. Khush rahe ga is tarhan." He smirked at me.

*"Improve yourself, son. You'll be happy that way."

"Bhai, sudhar gaya te naa' vi badalna paway ga." I said. "After all, what is Rohaan if he behaves himself?" 

*"Bro, if I improve, I'd also have to change my name."




"Hain?" Shay blinked at me. "Such a high-level criminal? You invited her to our wedding, Ahmed!" She then glared at me.

"Yeah, Ammi presented a nice, delicious lecture along with the pilao in the platter earlier." I grinned, sheepishly.

"Your mother did the right thing!" Shay rolled her eyes. "I swear, Ahmed... You are meant to be a detective, yaar."

I took her hand. "A detective, but still human. I messed up big time." 

She put her other hand on my cheek. "We're all humans. We all mess up. This isn't a 'severe' level of mess up, so don't worry." 

I smiled at her. She was so beautiful, and more importantly, such an amazing person. Ma Sha Allah.

"Now, come on. Forget that. Let's go the funfair!" She said, excitedly.

"The what?" I was taken aback by the sudden request.

"Come on, please!" She pouted slightly. "It'll be fun! It'll remind me of the childhood days of riding the haunted house ride, and puking on the spinning tea cups."

"You want to be reminded of puking?" 

"Shush! Let's go, please."

"Shay, I'm knackered." 

"Come on, you're always eager to go out with friends, no matter what!" She insisted.

"Friends don't bore me." I teased.

She gasped. "How could you?" 

I laughed as she grabbed a pillow from the bed and tossed it at me.

"Policeman being assaulted!" I managed to speak even as I laughed uncontrollably.


And so I took Shay to a local funfair. 

The rides, the smell of food, it truly did bring back memories of childhood. The excitement of seeing the posters that announced that the funfair was coming to town, begging my parents to take me there, going endlessly on the rides and eating candy floss and other junk food. 

After a couple of rides, we went to the Shoot the Duck stall, where the aim was to shoot the plastic ducks moving along in a line. Anyone who shot successfully won a prize.

"So, what you need to do..." I began to tell Shay.

She paid for the game, picked up the gun and shot. Bang. The duck easily fell down and she blew on the muzzle as if it was a real gun. "I don't need lessons, detective. I slayed when it came to these funfair games." 

"Should I be worried?" I teased, placing a hand on the small of her back.

"Don't mess with me, and all will be well." She winked.

I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer.

"What prize would you like, ma'am?" The guy behind the counter asked.

"That panda, please!" Shay pointed out. 

The guy handed her the panda, and she hugged it tightly.

"You have two tries left. You want a turn, sir?" The guy asked me.

"Nah. My aim isn't that good." I shrugged modestly.

Shay burst out laughing, sliding her free arm through mine. "Let's go, Ahmed. How about the Ferris Wheel?" 

We gave our remaining two turns to a kid waiting for a turn, and walked away towards the wheel that loomed over the funfair, lit up with colourful lights.



"Good to go?" The captain of the flight asked me.

"Yes, we've cleared it." I nodded and shook his head, before heading through the business class cabin to exit the aircraft.

I stepped off the plane and came face-to-face with a familiar face. It was Mehwish, the flight dispatcher. I'd known her for years, an we were on friendly terms, often coming across each other. 

"You clearing my aircraft, boss?" She smiled. Her dark brown hair was in the usual up-do, and she had a pen stuck over her ear. 

"You're the dispatcher, so you're the boss. You literally have to sign off a flight before it can depart." I smiled back.

"But there are no technical issues, right?" She looked anxious. "We have to have all the doors closed in ten minutes, otherwise we will miss the departure slot and can remain on the ground for at least ninety minutes." 

"We're good to go. All passengers are already on board, so we're good to close up." I stood beside her, glancing at the cabin crew as they spoke to the ground passenger services staff.

"Amazing." Mehwish glanced at the paperwork in her hands. "I'll go speak to the captain." 

I headed down the side steps to the ramp, where my car was waiting. I sat inside for a while, looking through my paperwork when I felt a knock on the window. I looked up and saw Mehwish standing there, the stray locks of her hair blowing in the gentle wind. Rolling down the window, I smiled again. "I swear, I'll be so damn relieved when this aircraft takes off. It's been a problem since it arrived." 

"I know, right?" She laughed. "Listen, can I catch a ride to the engineer's office? I seriously want the delicious coffee that you guys have there." 

"Sure, jump in." I nodded my head towards the passenger side seat.

She got in, and we waited for the aircraft to push before I started up the car. I drove down the internal roads, past the parked aircrafts on different stands.

"So, what got you started at the airport?" I asked her.

"Planes." She smiled, pressing her forehead against the window as she saw different types of aircrafts. "So beautiful." She turned to me. "What about you?" 

"My father was an aircraft engineer before me." I shrugged. "He now trains new people, but he used to bring me these toy model aircrafts, and explain to me how each and every part of the plane works. I got intrigued. Funnily enough, I started studying Biomedical Sciences, but then I changed paths to engineering." 

"So, from human doctor to plane doctor?" She joked.

I laughed. "I never intended to be a doctor, but yeah, something like that I guess." I glanced briefly at her. "What's your favourite aircraft type?" 

"The 777." She sighed, dreamily. "But it used to be the 747. I remember the days in the park when I was a kid. I used to look up each time a plane past by, and it used to amaze me as it was so low, straight on the path to landing. I used to jump up and down and waved, thinking that the people can see me."

"I thought we all used to do that in our childhood?" 

We talked and laughed for the rest of the short drive until I parked the car outside the engineers' office.

"Thanks, Shayaan." She said, getting out of the car. "Until the next flight."

"Until the next flight, Mehwish." I grabbed my paperwork an also got out of the car. 



"First Class Honours! Ma Sha Allah!" Papa looked emotional.

"That's not right, my dear. No sweet dish to accompany such a wonderful news?" Dada Jaan looked at me, his eyes twinkling.

"Rohaan will bring it on his way here." I smiled.

"Ma Sha Allah!" Anabia Mama hugged me. "We're all so proud of you, Yamna." 

"We expected nothing less from our Yamna." Tayan added.

"When's graduation?" Mama asked me.

"October." And then I realised my scenario. I'd be in my second trimester in October. I was going to have to go on stage in front of so many people like this. Oh boy.

Hopefully, the graduation gowns will be loose enough to make it discreet.

Chipmunk was going to be with me on such an important occasion of my life, and the thought made me smile.

My phone buzzed.

<Rohaan: Get ready. We're going out tonight to celebrate your results!>

I bit my lower lip to hide a smile, but my blushing cheeks must have given me away.

"What is Rohaan saying?" Dado asked teasingly.

I was mortified and I looked up at her wide-eyed. "N-Nothing." 

Everyone laughed light-heartedly at my expense.

This is your fault, Rohaan.


I wore a black lace Anarkali dress, with silver jhumka earrings. "I'm wearing your colour tonight, Detective."

When he arrived, I was almost disappointed to see him wearing a t-shirt and a zipped light jacket with a hoodie. 

"So, I'm the only one who made an effort for this date?" I asked.

"I rushed here straight from work. I hope I can be excused this time." He looked sheepish.

"Fine. I'll let you off with a police caution this time." I grinned. "And because Chipmunk is hungry and I just want to go and eat."

"Thanks, Chipmunk. Already having my back." He lightly patted my stomach. "Shabash, meri aulaad."

*"Well done, my kid."

I rolled my eyes. "Where are we going anyway?" 

"To a place that serves food." He chuckled.

"No! Really?" I feigned shocked.

He laughed. "Chipmunk has made you really sassy, you know?" 

"He or she is your flesh and blood, after all." I shrugged.


Rohaan drove me to a desi restaurant by a lake, just outside London. It was beautiful, and the fairy lights that adorned the exterior of the building made the water glimmer.

As we waited for our food, we strolled out onto the terrace and stood by the railing, looking out at the water. 

"I'm very proud of you, Yamna, and not surprised at all. You've always been academically brilliant, Ma Sha Allah." 

I smiled up at him. It was then that I realised that I was slightly cold. 

As I shivered slightly, he noticed. "One minute. I'll be right back." He dashed off before I could say a word. 

I turned back to face the water, and a few moments later, I felt something warm over my shoulders. I looked and saw that he had placed another zipped hooded jacket of his over my shoulders. He pulled the hoodie up and grinned.

The sleeves were too long, and it seemed to big... but it was so damn warm and cosy! "Thank you." I said, watching as he zipped up the hoodie. 

He wrapped his arms around me, unexpectedly, and I wrapped mine around his waist, soaking in his warmth. He kissed the top of my head. "I want to give you a present for this wonderful result." 

"Another soft toy for my collection?" 

"You'll just have to wait to see it." 

Now I was seriously excited. I'm sure that his gift would be well thought out! 


He took me back to our home from the restaurant. My curiosity was increasing by the minute, especially when he led me to the back of the house, past the downstairs bedroom.

"Patience." He simply replied.

There was a spare room here that was hardly ever used. It was the most recent extension of the house, created when Anabia Mama became the airline station manager, and she had a lot more work to do at home.

He slipped a key out of his pocket and unlocked the door to this room. "Wait." He took my dupatta and wrapped it around my head like a blindfold. Then, taking my head, he led the way inside. I followed uncertainly, holding on tightly to him. 

Eventually, he finally took my blindfold off. "I've been working on it since we got married, but I got held back a little. But I've been working on it more recently, since I just knew that you'd get excellent results." 

I gasped. The room had clearly been redecorated with my stuff. My books, my notepads, and even a shelf that had my soft toys... well brand new soft toys, but soon to be mine, I guess. A mug on the desk read 'Story Teller', with a typewriter drawn on it, and a sticker on the wall read: I'm a writer. Anything you say or do may be used in my next novel.

"Tahira will get her own space in the loft, and you are getting this room. You work from home as well, so this is convenient for you." He said.

"Oh my God! This is amazing! Thank you!" I immediately headed for the shelf and picked up a bunny. "These are so cute! I might just save them for Chipmunk." 

"These are for Chipmunk, actually. I'm guessing that you'll be bringing him or her in here with you a lot, even when you're not working." He placed a hand on my back.

"You know me so well!" I felt tears in my eyes. "This is the best!" I turned to face him directly. "You have no idea how much I love this room!"

I walked over to the window seat by the French windows, picturing myself sitting here while cradling Chipmunk. Rain, sun or snow, I could sit here, introducing my baby to the different seasons of the world that would be completely new to him or her.

"Do you like it?" He wrapped his arms around me from behind, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"This is one of the best presents I've ever received!" I felt truly emotional.

"So, am I going to get a return gift?" He teased.

"Umm... I'll think about it." I teased him back.

He kissed my cheek.

For a while, we just stood there, staring out into the dark garden, with him holding onto me.




"You okay?" I asked Aslan. He seemed quieter than usual as he returned home that evening.

"I'm fine." He muttered.

"You seem quiet. Anything bothering you?" I walked over to him and ran my hand up and down his back.

"I'm fine, Tahira." 

"We'll eat together, and we can talk..." 

"Talk about what?" He whirled around, snapping at me. "I said that there's nothing!" 

I actually stepped back, taken aback. "Why are you talking to me like that, Aslan? I'm just concerned about you." 

"It's been ten f**king years, and our incident still comes back to slap me in the face!" His voice was rising. "That random woman came along, and said such horrible things about me, opening up my parents' wounds again!" 

"She didn't just say horrible things about you, Aslan. She said them about me too, but I know not to let an irrelevant person's words bother me!"

"Because it's not your parents who had to hear those things again!" He blurted out without thinking. "Tell me, Tahira, why didn't you stop me that day?" 

I blinked in disbelief. "What are you saying? That it was all my fault?" 

"I was a crazy twat, but you didn't stop me either..." He turned his back on me. 

"So now you agree with Fareeda Nano's words? That I'm a disgraceful, shameless girl?" Tears filled my eyes. I'd never in a million words thought that my Aslan would ever throw these words in my face. "I know I was young, and emotional, but we were both equally involved in this, so don't throw all the blame on me."

"I had more to lose in this, Tahira! My family's trust, their reputation..." He was constantly speaking without thinking.

"And I had nothing to lose?" I asked, quietly. "I had nobody, no family, so it's okay to call me characterless, right?" 

He paused, suddenly realising how he had said some extremely harsh and unfair things. "Hira..."

"You kissed me Aslan!" I kept my voice low, but I was angry. "I didn't stop you, but you kissed me! How dare you turn this around on me? Because I don't have a loving maika behind me, it's okay to dump all the blame on me?" 

"No, Hira, no..." He was shaking his head.

"I never expected you to have that mentality, Arsalan. No matter who made the mistake, no matter how much each party was involved, the girl faces the heaviest burden of it all. I just had no idea that you felt that way too."

"Hira, please...I'm sorry. I was angry and I misspoke." 

"Or maybe you spoke the words that were bottled up in your heart all along, Arsalan." I whispered. "Maybe you blame me as well. After all, your family got hurt by it. I was alone, so nobody got hurt." I grabbed my purse, my phone and my car key.

"Where are you going? Hira, please, let's just talk." 

"I'm staying at the Rose Luxe tonight." I said. "And don't worry, if your family asks, I'm only there for work." I strode out of the room, tears streaming down my face.

And as I drove, I thought about my past actions. I'd regretted allowing the kiss each and every day since then. I was wrong. I was young, I was stupid, and I had been deeply and truly in love, and I had become weak. But I'd repented, just like he had. But now Arsalan, the person I'd love the most in my entire existence, had thrown the accusation in my face. 

And the accusation had hurt worse than a dagger to my heart.

In just one overnight stay, it seemed that Fareeda Nano had caused an inferno, and my relationship with Arsalan was feeling the full heat of it.


Something was bound to happen after Fareeda's visit. These kinds of relatives always cause damage/harm.

I used this chapter to show glimpses of the other couples too.

Who do you prefer: Ahmed/Shay or Amira/Zaryab?

Yamna achieved First Class Honours!

Rohaan's instincts had always warned him about Asma, and now it seems to be true.

But is something new happening in Shayaan's life?

Favourite part?

Thoughts and comments?

Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote! 

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