22: Memory Loss

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"Why am i here." Frank sits on a tree stump with a scowl.

I roll my eyes and look down at my watch.

"Because i thought we could have a chat. Can't i invite my wonderful neighbor out?" I say, Trying to stall without looking suspicious.

Frank raised his eyebrow up.

"Usually, You're always with wally. You two have become inseparable and honestly it created a lot of racket." He mumbles the last part. Looking around at the small area i brought him to.

It was a small part of the woods near the river. Though dragging him here wasn't easy. He knows every excuse in the book, But i couldn't give up so easy.

"Even so, I wanted to ask a favor." I say.

Which was partially true. He looks at me and i continue.

"I was wondering if you could let me borrow some of your books about the human brain."

He looks intrigued and sits up.

"Interesting, Why's that?" I smile.

Good, Only a few more minutes and i can leave.

"I always been interested with it's inner workings. Wouldn't hurt to read more upon it."

He nods and folds his arms.

"Alright, I'll pick some out and lend you them when i can." He leans back and i hear someones footsteps.

Eddie walks by, Startling frank.

"Eddie?" A slight pink dusted franks cheeks and i giggle.

"H-Hello frank!" Eddie walks and stands beside me.

"I told (y/n) to bring you here as a favor...." He says shyly and Frank looks confused.

"Why..." He says unsure.

"I want to ask you something important... But before i do that. I have a small surprise for you." Eddie looks at me and i give him an encouraging smile.

He sighs and straightens up, Walking towards a curtain of vines and leaves. He pulls it all aside and let frank look.

"Is this-!" Frank stands up shocked.

Behind the curtain, Was a hidden part of the woods. The sun shines down on bushes and flowers of different kinds but that wasn't what has frank almost fainting.

The whole area was covered in all types of butterflies.

"I found this small spot as i was looking for butterflies for you. I saw a new looking one and chased it down. Leading here...." Eddie says and Frank walks closer.

Wonderment filled his eyes as he hold out a finger. A small blue butterfly lands on his finger and Frank smiles lightly.

"Its... Incredible..." He whispers and Eddie looks a him with a proud smile.

Eddie looks over at me with hopeful eyes.

"Do it now." I mouth the words to him and he nods.

I step back more to give them more privacy. Eddie told me to not leave when he asks because it gives him strength to ask without bailing.

"Frank.... I want to ask you something."

Frank glances at Eddie and nods. Still looking at the butterflies with interest.

"I-i wanted to ask this for awhile now. I just never knew the right words or right time but i can't keep postponing it. Will you... Give me the chance to take you out on a date?" Eddie asks and Frank, Startled by the question, Let the butterfly go.

"I..." Frank looks dumbfounded. Looking up at Eddie, He sighs.

"I usually have all the answers... Now, My mind turns blank...." His cheeks turn pink as he looks down slightly frustrated.

"It's alright, You don't have to say ye-" Eddie begins.

"I would love that." Frank interrupts Eddie and coughs when he sees Eddie's excitement.

"R-right. Now, Don't go making a big deal about this..." Frank turns away and starts to watch the butterflies but the pink on his cheeks gives away his actual feelings.

Eddie looks at me and i give him a thumbs up as i slip away.

"I hope those two marry one day." I chuckle as i walk back to my home.

Finally entering my home. I walk to my room to take a nap but stop.

Was my room always this empty?

I look around and frown.

The furniture was all there and my art supplies. All except... What used to connect me to my old room back in the real world.

"No, no." I mutter as i run to the drawers and open them up. Looking through items that i didn't even recognize.

"Where are my books? My photo albums? My trinkets?" I say as i look around.

I close my eyes and try to remember where i put my stuff.

My room... What did my room look like?

Feeling my heart rate sky rocket. I remember i used to keep my old artwork in a box. I open my nightstand and look into the drawer.

My heart drops.

It's gone.

I hold my head in my hands and try to calm down.

What school did i go to?

My friends.... Who were my friends?

My... My parents.... Who...

My breathing becomes erratic. How did i forget so much? Do.. i even know who I am anymore? Everything that made me, me, Is slowly slipping away.

Tears threaten to spill but i get up and start knocking things over. Trying to find something that's originally mine.

"There... has to be something!' i yell as i dump everything out onto the ground.

My mind was running a thousand miles an hour and i felt like throwing up.

A hand grabbed my shoulder just as i was about to rip open some boxes and i jump.

"It's just me!"

I look up and see wally standing there with a worried look. He examines the room then looks back at me.

"What's happening? Are you alright?" He asks and i shake my head.

"I came over to ask if you want to take a walk with me but i heard crashing and i came in." He says as he looks into my eyes.

"No! I... I can't remember much of who I am or where i came from and it's driving me crazy!" I yell as i keep opening up boxes and Wally's eyes widen.

"Oh, my..." He mutters and i finally see something that looks familiar.

My heart jumps with hope and i take out an old photo album of when i was a kid.

Wally's eyes widen as i open the album.

I see kid me running around with a kite while my pet dog followed me.

I .... Had a pet?

I start to flip through them all and my heart sank. The small little girl i was staring at.... I couldn't recognize but i knew its me..

"I...I don't remember any of this..." My breath catches in my throat and wally kneels down beside me.

I sigh in frustration but something was happening to the album in my hands.

The pictures were turning blank.

"No... No, No, No!" My voice growing higher as the pictures disappear infront of my eyes.

"What the...." Wally says slightly confused and i start to take out as many of the pictures as i can.

"This... This can't be happening!" Tears start to blurry my vision.

The album itself starts to disappear and i look at the pictures I took out.

I gasp as they each dissolve in my hands.

"N-no..." I whisper and soon the last photo which was kid me with a kite finally disappears leaving me absolutely nothing.

"NO!" I yell out as tears spilled onto the now empty floor.

Wally quickly wraps his arms around me and i start to cry harder.

"I... I can't remember.... Anything..."

Wally strokes my back softly and whispers.

"It's alright, Just breathe." He tries to soothe me but by how he's breathing, i can tell he's freaked out.

Worst part is, I can't even remember what the photos contained now that they vanished. I just know i lost a huge chunk of my former self.

"I... I don't know why this is happening..." I whisper as my cries became soft whimpers.

"I know, Dear. We'll figure it out together... we'll get all of your memories back. I promise you." His voice held pain and i look up at him.

"I-im sorry.... I seem pathetic right now..." I whisper and he smiles down at me. His eyes showing comfort and care.

"You're so many things (y/n) but pathetic isn't one of them." He says and my heart feels a little lighter.

"You shouldn't have to deal with this.." i mumble and he sighs. Holding me closer to him.

"I don't deserve you in good moments if you can't trust me in your worst.." He whispers and my heart skips a beat.

I didn't have anything i could say so i wrapped my arms around him and hold him tighter. He holds me back and we stay there for a few minutes in comfortable silence.

My breathing went back to normal he starts to stand up, Taking me with him and he looks around with a frown.

"Let's clean up.... Afterwards, How about we get something to eat." He suggest and i nod trying to keep a positive mindset.

Will getting out of here even be worth it if i don't even remember where i want to go back to?

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