5. Inspired

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"Poppy, Was it?" I ask as i look up at the colorful bird. Her feathers ruffled in delight and i can't help but smile at her.

"Why, Yes!"

She was currently on my door step with a big wicker basket with a red checkered cloth on top hiding it's content.

"I've heard so much about you. Please come in! My name's (Y/n)." I said cheerfully.

She happily walked in and sat down on my couch. Shutting the door, I sat on the arm chair and faced her.

"Thank you for letting me in. I've heard so much about the new neighbor but apparently," She smirked slightly.

"Wally has been occupying all your time. So, You can imagine how hard it was to get ahold of you!" She says and i blush. Not realizing that wally was in fact taking up my time recently.

I mean he's just helping me settle in. That's all his intentions were... Right? He's friendly with everyone that's how his character was made to be...

"Yes, You know how kind wally is.... He helps everyone and can't help but welcome new neighbors." I say and she smiles warmly.

"That's true. He's a true friend." She moved and puts the basket on her lap. Taking the cloth off the top.

"I've brought you some goodies but i had no idea what you liked. I tried to ask wally but he seemed...." She trailed off and looked almost unsure of herself.

"Preoccupied." She finished and shook her head.

Sure, that wasn't odd.

"That's so sweet of you! You didn't have to go through the trouble." I said and she laughs.

"Don't be silly. I enjoy baking so much. I enjoyed the challenge." She took out a pie. A few pastries and tupperware filled to the top with cookies. My mouth waters at the smell of all the cookies.

She notices and smiles.

"Cookies? Here try them!" She opens it and hands me one. I take it and eagerly take a bite. It melted apart in my mouth and i sighed with content.

"These are wonderful, Poppy!"

Her feathers once again ruffled and i couldn't help but crack a goofy smile at that cute detail.

"I'm so happy you love them. If you ever need recipes or help with baking. My house is the barn as you might have guessed." I nod and she looks around for a second. Her gaze stopped at something and i followed it.

She was looking at the mess of art supplies i had and i flush in embarrassment.

"Another artist i see. Wally must be pleased." She mused and i couldn't help but feel exposed.

"H-He actually asked me to... Paint with him tomorrow afternoon... So i wanted to practice a little..." I said and she looks over at me. Clearly interested.

She looked lost in thought.

"He never lets anyone go with him when he paints."

I jumped at her sudden statement.

That's weird...

"I thought he doesn't mind painting Infront of people?"

She looks at me and her eyes looked clouded. Like she was revisiting memories.

"He doesn't... To a degree... He sometimes paints Infront of us when we are out together or when we ask him for art lessons. Yet, He never asks anyone to go paint alone with him. Barnaby asked once but wally said that he likes doing it alone most of the time." She muttered and i took in her words.

"I didn't know that..." I said looking out the window to Wally's home. The blind were down and it looked like no one was home.

"He must really li-"

A knock rang throughout the living room and poppy suddenly jumped to her feet.

"O-oh, Silly me!" She picked up her basket and walks to the door.

"I overstayed my welcome! Thank you for letting me in, Neighbor." She looked like she was in a rush so i walked to the door and opened it.

There was wally smiling lazily at me.

"Hello, (Y/n). Oh, Poppy! What a pleasant surprise..." He said though he didn't fully look at her.

"Yes! I was just meeting our new neighbor and giving her some baking goodies. I was just leaving." She said hastily and wally stepped aside. She quickly went through the door and bid me a hasty farewell.

I turned to him and he looked more at ease once she left.

"I know i did say i was going to see you tomorrow but my dear friend Barnaby couldn't help but ask me to introduce you to him." He stepped aside and there stood a big blue dog with polkadots. He looked at me and wally like he didn't know how he got there.

Wally jabbed him in his stomach with his elbow and he came alive.

"O-oh, Yes! I'm Barnaby!" He introduced himself and wally rolled his eyes.

"This is (Y/n)."

Barnaby just smiles and i couldn't help but giggle at how odd this interaction was.

"Nice to meet you Barnaby." I say and wally smiles.

"He tells amazing jokes. Yes, He can crack me up anytime I'm sad!" Wally says and Barnaby smiles proudly.

"Well, I try. After all what's life without laughter."

Wally nods in return.

"Well then, We should get going. Barnaby still has some practicing to do! Have a nice night, Neighbor!" Wally waves goodbye as Barnaby basically bounces off behind him.

I giggle at them and shut my door. Not realizing it was already nighttime. Today was a long day and i honestly felt drained. So i dragged myself to my room and started my nighttime routine. Going to bed a little more early than usual but i felt so tired.

Flopping onto the comfy bed. I started to drift off to sleep. Dreaming about my life before i appeared here.


Walking beside wally, I look around. It was currently noon and he knocked on my door exactly a minute before. He looked absolutely charming. With a rainbow sweater and white button up under. His pants were brown and his shoes were white with rainbow detail around the edges.

He looked happier than usual and i soon found myself walking beside him.

I myself was wearing a plain blue sweater with a butterfly pin on the center. Black pants and blue sneakers with the same rainbow detail like Wally's. Nothing too crazy because i was going to get paint on me.

Yet, I wonder how this world already had these clothes here and all in my size. Then again to find that out... I need to find out how i got here.

"You look nice today."

My thoughts went away when i heard wally speak. A blush forming on my cheeks. He would look at me while we walk and i couldn't help but feel like he can understand what i was thinking.

"T-thank you... But im not wearing anything special." I admit.

"Even so. You don't need anything special when your natural beauty does all the work."

My heart beats faster as i fell speechless.

"Come on!" He smirks before i could respond and soon enough we came to a small opening in the woods.

The whole time we were talking, I didn't notice that he was leading me away from the neighborhood. To a secluded part that i didn't know existed.

He steps aside and i walk closer but stopped abruptly.

It was a secluded little spot that had a wide river passing through and stones to step on to cross. The other side had art supplies and canvases. One for me and him.

The sun shines brightly on the grass and flowers surrounding the river bank as butterflies landed on the beautiful blossoms.

I kept gaping but i felt a finger under my jaw and it closed my mouth gently. Looking over, I see wally smiling softly at me as he takes his finger away.

"I'm glad you find it as beautiful as i do." He walks forward and steps on the first stone on the water. I follow him and look at the rushing water. Suddenly, I felt a little nervous to cross.

(Y/n), Don't be such a coward. Just cross.

Wally extends his hand and i look at him.

"Don't be afraid, My dear. I won't let you slip and fall."

My heart almost fell out of my chest at his words.

Was.... He always this sweet and romantic?

I couldn't help but smile. Taking his warm hand in mine. It felt natural and comfortable. Taking the first step, I stood up on the stone with wally. My chest against his.

The close proximity left me feeling a little dizzy but he soon stepped on the next stone. Tugging me lightly and i followed him. Step after step.

His hand didn't leave mines and finally we crossed. My eyes didn't look down once. Only at wally, Seeing how his hair shined in the sunshine and how warm his hand feels.

He lets go of my hand.

"Wasn't so bad, now was it?" He teased and i turn red.

"Yeah, yeah. Thank you." I turn away and he chuckles. The spot has a perfect view of the river and the flowers. A small meadow can be seen with more blooming flowers.

I walk towards the canvas and notice the shade from the sun and i look up. A big weeping willow tree gave wonderful shade and the leaves look beautiful above my head.

Wally came beside me and sat on his stool by the canvas. Staring at me with wonderment.

"This is absolutely wonderful, Wally. How did you find this place." I asked as i sat on my stool, facing him.

"Pure luck. I was having a terrible day and decided to walk to clear my head. I stumbled upon this spot and ever since, It's where i come to when i need an escape." He admits as he looks off to the distance.

"Alone?" I asked.

"Always." He replied but then looked at me.

"Until now." He said and i couldn't help but feel like i won the lottery.

He turned and started to open up the paints and i took that as my cue to follow suit. Though it was hard when my heart was having trouble keeping a normal pace.

Soon we both painted in silence and it was the most peaceful time i ever had in my life. I was pouring my heart into my painting and i wasn't even seeing the canvas.

My hand moved like it knew exactly what I wanted to paint.


I jumped as i looked over at wally. He looked amazed at my painting and his cheeks turned red.

"I didn't know i was on your mind..." He said and i was confused and looked at the canvas Infront of me.

It was wally sitting on the flowery river bank. Smiling up as the sun shined on him and he looked peaceful. I quickly felt embarrassment rush through me.

"I-i didn't notice. I paint what inspires me...." I admit.

I couldn't see Wally's painting but i could see him contemplating if i should see it.

He soundlessly moves the canvas over for me to see.

I gasped at the coincidence.

He painted me but it looked like i was stepping on the stones alone. A look of concentration on my face.

No one has ever painted me before and it made my skin glow in happiness.

"I-its beautiful..." I say breathlessly and wally beams at me.

We both inspired eachother.

"We should swap them." I offer.

Wally smiled brightly and agrees.

"I would love to have a piece of your art!"

We finished our pieces and swapped them. My blush permanently on my cheeks.

I look over at wally and he stared into my eyes. He always tends to do that and i can't help but stare back.

"Why did you ask me out of everyone to come here with you?" I asked and he became more ridged.

"O-oh.... You see...." His eyes still on mine and he sighs.

"You intrigue me." He admits and i smile.

I was about to respond but another question came to mind. Yet i was scared to ask it.

"You stare into my eyes a lot...." I trail off and his stare got more intense. Goosebumps appeared on my skin as i feel trapped. He didn't say anything and got up. Making his way towards me before i could finish my question, We were inches apart. He towered over me and his eyes never left mines.

Gently his hand moved up and i could feel his cool finger on my cheek. His thumb felt like it was caressing my cheek as his face lowered down closer to mines.

My mind was going a million miles an hour and my heart was going even faster.

"I don't like breaking eye contact." He whispered and his breath smelled like sweets.

My whole body felt hyper aware and it was almost suffocating. The crazy part was.... I liked it.

Soon his fingers left my cheek but i could still feel where it was originally placed. Almost like it will permanently stay on my skin as a reminder of this very moment.

He smiled at me. His eyes showed that he wanted to say so much but i didn't know what. Backing away without breaking eye contact. I felt like i could finally breath.

"You had paint on your cheek." He said simply like he didn't just made me short circuit.

My face must have showed my bewilderment because he laughed to the point his eyes closed. I looked away and tried to put myself back together.

"Well, All this painting has me starving." He returned back to his normal joyful self and i curse at how easy he made it look.

"Say, Neighbor." He looked over to me and i hummed back so he knows I'm listening.

"Would you like to have a late lunch at my home?"

(Still trying to decide if i should make wally a yandere to a degree or not...)

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