main points- Economy

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1. Increase in Labour Force
☆Many immigrants are of a working age, which leads to a large increase in the labor forces. Some may bring dependants (children or elderly), but not generally, because of the aging population in the United Kingdom the dependency ratio to working age has gone up. The immigrants help reduce this ratio. The United Kingdom's government budget benefits from this, because if immigrants are of working age they will pay income tax and value added tax (VAT), but would not claim benifits. There is a increase in potential out put capacity of the economy.

2. Increase in aggregate demand and Real Grows Domestic Product (GDP)
☆Immigrants increase the total spending within the economy, resulting in an increase in labor demands. The Immigrants increase the supply of labor for the community as well.
The impact on real Grows Domestic Product per capita is not very certain; more certain however is the net migration that should lead to an increase in the real Grows Domestic Product
Net migration can make the economic growth look a lot stronger than it actually is.
In the growth period between 2005 and 2015, the United Kingdom's real Grows Domestic Product had increased significantly faster then the Grows Domestic Product per head.

3. Labour Market Flexibility
☆Immigrants are especially drawn to the United Kingdom (or another country) when they feel there are job opportunities in their particular field. For example, in the mid 2000s a large population of immigrants from Poland and other Eastern European economies. These immigrants were helping fill the demand for more undesirable jobs, such as plumbers and construction workers/builders. Net migration could create a more flexible labor market, but a period of time with high unemployment might discourage immigrants. In contrast, however, the United Kingdom has seen a continued net migration despite high unemployment in the years 2008 to the year 2012.

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