The Finding

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Aphmau's POV

I'm a freaking cat. Not that I'm not ADORABLE, but it's getting very hard to walk on four legs. The sad thing is that only meif'wa could only understand me. That meant Jess, Petra, Kawaii~Chan, and Michi, I guess. Jess just stared at me. Not suspiciously. Not bored. But like she was going to fangirl like a maniac. I shrugged and kept walking, ignoring the fact she was going to scream any moment. "Ugh... Nya~!" I groaned. "Hey. It's not that bad, AphMEOW!" Jess joked and laughed as I gave her a death stare. "Oh come on, that was hilarious!" I rolled my eyes and Nya~ed some more to find help. Someone found us eventually.

"I hear a kitty, do you?"


"Let's find it!"

I found hope and let out some more Nya~s.

Two girls came out and looked at Jess and I. They looked like the were both walking for a little while.

Meaning to ask "Are you okay?" turned out to be some sad meowing.

"Hello." The one with blue hair told us.

"Hi there!" Jess told them. "My name is Jess, and that's my friend, Aphmau. She kinda turned into a cat earlier."

"Cool. I'm Music Gold, and this is my friend Laney."

"SHE'S ADORABLE!!" Laney yelled.

"Need any help?"

"Augh. That would be great. We were walking for hours."

"Follow me, then." Jess told the two girls. "C'mon Aph." Jess said to me like I was her cat. I just meowed in disgust and followed.

A/N~ Anayakearse and Travlynshiper777 , your OCs were mentioned first! Oh, and THANKS SOOOOOOOOO MUCH FOR 350 VIEWS!!!!!!!!! THAT'S INSANITY!!!! Well, that's all I have for now! PEACE!!!

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