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Dear Julian,

I'm writing to you because, even after everything, I feel like you should know that I've been doing better. After breaking away from the many years of following you blindly, I finally reached my dream.

I'm finally the person I want to be, the person I wanted to be for you. I no longer ask myself the question, "Is it possible?", instead I say to myself, "Anything is possible." I no longer need your guidance or anyone's, in fact.

I hope you are glad to hear that I finally got that interview you said I never would. It went really well and they called me back the next day saying I got the job! This is only the beginning of what's to come for me and I know you'll see more about me than just this letter.

Sadly, I am climb to the top alone. Rose is no longer with us. Her and I were in a car accident close to four years ago. The driver was distracted by their phone and my reactions were not quick enough. After the accident, I spent months staying home alone, crying, not eating, constantly blaming myself, and not going to work. I was eventually fired but it did not faze me in the slightest. I was so weak that I almost wrote to you sooner, begging for you to let me come back, but Rose stopped me. She remained me of my self-worth and that no matter how low I felt, I should never go back to how low I was when I was with you. We had a long talk, next day I ate for the first time in months. After months, I got a job similar to my old one. After years, I started to feel like myself again, I stopped dwelling on the accident, and listened to Rose to only focus on the future.

I am going to change the world and nothing, or no one, will stop me. So, thank you. Thank you for showing me what the wrong looks like so when the right came walking to me, I saw it from a mile away. Thank you for making me as strong as I am now. Thank you for constantly bringing me down and digging me into the dirt. Thank you for your past guidance into the wrong direction. Now it is up to me to undo the hurt that you, and people like you, put into the world. 

This is the last you'll hear from me. I am ready to start with the new success that I worked so hard to get.



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