Chapter 46

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One year later...

Crystal's POV
All of us were hanging out at the beach at dusk. Me, Joselyn, Saira, Tori, Leigh, Dylan, Grayson, Ethan, Kalin, Myles, Jalen, and Cameron all came out and we played volleyball. It was guys against girls.
"Mine!" I call out as I dive to bump the ball. It gets over the net without a fail. Grayson misses it and lands in the sand. We all cheer considering the score was 19-24. We managed to pull out a win with the score 23-25.

"I'm gonna go get some water," I said and walked towards the car. I opened up the truck and went inside the cooler.
"CRYSTAL!" I look around to figure out who was calling my name. Then, I heard it again. "CRYSTAL!"
I turn my head and couldn't believe who I saw. I saw Matt standing there a few yards away from me. I started tearing up and sprinted towards him. I jump up on him with my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. I cried on his shoulder.
"I missed you so much," I muffled.
"I missed you too, Crystal," he replied. "I missed you too."

Matt's POV
I returned to LA after being in San Francisco for a while. I haven't talked to Crystal since Grayson, Ethan, Joselyn, Saira, and I came back last year. She posted on Snapchat that she was at the beach so I knew where to go. Now here I was with Crystal so happy to see me. Even Cameron came running over to me and attacked me with a hug.
"You guys missed me that much?" I asked.
"Yeah," Crystal answered still clinging onto me. She looked at me and smiled.

"MATT!" I hear people yelling my name and all of sudden Tori, Saira, Joselyn, and Leigh came running over and hug me. We all fell to the ground as Crystal yells,"DOG PILE!" I was stuck at the bottom laughing. It was great being back home with all my friends. They all finally got up off of me and walked away. Crystal was still clinging onto me.
"You can let me go now," I say laughing. "I'm not going anywhere." She lets me go and we sit up on the sand.
"I thought you'd never come back," she says.
"Me neither," I said. "In the end, it was all because I cared about you."
"Aww," she says and squeezes me into a hug. I hug her back. As we hug, I see Myles looking at us. More likely at me. We didn't leave off on good terms. Now that I was back, things might be a little awkward. I let go of Crystal and look at her. She looks back at me and asks,"Why were you gone so long?"

"I just didn't want to get in the way of your relationship. That's all. After what happened on the beach last time, I didn't want our friendship to be so complicated."
"We still are friends, Matt," Crystal assured me. "No matter what happened on the beach that day, it won't affect our friendship. I won't look at you different. I'll just look at you as the Matt I've always known."
"Thanks," I replied.

"Wanna go play volleyball with us? It's guys against girls," Crystal said happily.
"Game on!" I exclaimed and we raced towards everyone still hanging at the volleyball net.
We played a few games before it was time to go home. I felt someone tap on my shoulder and turned around to see Myles standing right there.
"It's great to have you back," he said.
"It's great to be back," I replied.

We shook on it and he walked away. I knew he didn't really like me, but I knew it was all because he wanted Crystal to be happy. I get that.
"Hey Matt!" Joselyn called out."You wanna ride home with us?"
"Yeah!" I call back. I race towards the car and got inside. Crystal had her phone hooked up to the AUX and they were listening to Shawn Mendes' song "Believe." They all sang as loud as they could. I was happy they were happy.

Myles' POV
"Hey are you okay?" Kalin asked me while we're in the car.
"Yeah," I lied. I really wasn't okay. I wasn't really okay with Matt coming to the beach unannounced. Kalin and I were quiet the whole way home. Once we got home, I went straight to my room. While I lay there contemplating, someone taps on my window. I went over to it and it's Crystal. She smiles and waves. I laugh and open the window. She climbs in.
"What're doing here?" I asked.
"I just wanted to check up on you. You looked a little uncomfortable at the beach when Matt showed up," she replied. She must've read my mind or understood me so well.
"Well...I...uh," I stuttered.
"I understand," she cuts me off. "You don't have to explain."
"You know me so well," I said.
"Well yeah. I only know the people I really care about," she replied.
I smile and she smiles back.

She's thinking. I could see it in her eyes. I read her mind and moved closer to her. I kissed her and let go.
"Did you read my mind?" she asked.
"Maybe," I answered with a smirk.
She grabs me by my shirt and kisses me passionatly. I kiss her back and we stand there for a long time. We finally let go, our noses touching.
"I love you," I whisper to her.
"I love you, too," she whispered back.
She steps away and goes towards the window.
"I'll see you later," she says with a smile as she steps out the window. Then, she's gone. She was like a shadow. One moment here and the next gone.

Joselyn's POV
I went into Crystal's room and saw that she climbed out her window and went to the bae's place. I knew she'd be back so I went back downstairs with the rest of the girls and Matt.
"Where's Crystal?" Saira asked.
"At the bae's place," I replied.
"Aww," Tori comments.
All of a sudden Crystal comes down the stairs.
"I heard my name being mentioned," she said posing. "What happened?"
We laugh at her.
"Nothing," I replied.
"Let's PARTY!" Crystal exclaimed.
We start off with "Motivation" and went on from there. We dance the night away.

Tori's POV
We partied till twelve and finally calm down. Crystal, Leigh, and I were the only ones awake. "The Night is Still Young" played and we kept dancing till Crystal finally fell asleep. Leigh and I just went to our rooms and went to sleep. I was shocked to see Dylan in there.
"What are you? A ninja?" I asked.
"No," he replied. "Just a unrecognized person."
We laugh.
"Can I stay here with you?" he asked.
"Of course you can," I replied.
We got comfortable and we're asleep in a matter of seconds.

Leigh's POV
I was half asleep when someone taps on my shoulder. The lights come one and I cover my eyes.
"Morning already?" I moaned.
"No," someone replied.
It wasn't any of the girls or Matt. I open my eyes and I see Jalen hovering over me.
"Hey sleepyhead," he said.
"Can a girl get some sleep?" I said pulling the cover over my head.
He grabs my arm and pulls me out of bed.
"What're doing?" I asked sleepily. My eyes still closed. He pulls me in for a kiss and I pull back.
"Whoa whoa whoa whoa big shot," I said fully awake now. "Who says you can just walk in here and smooch all over me without my consent?"
"Sorry," he said. Then, after a moment. "Do I have your consent now?" I laugh.
"Now you do," I answered.
He pulls me in close and we kiss.

Everything felt so right. Everything fell into place. Everything was as it should be.

Edited 6/13/16-minor errors and changes

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