Baby Skye

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Her twin brother was born a few minutes before her, meaning that she was a little sister. Her eyes were changing colour and so was her hair. She was a metamorphosis. They only wanted one child, hopefully a boy. They had a boy but had a girl too. They didn't want her. She was a freak to them. She was showing her weaknesses. They talked to the doctors and nurses is St. Mungo's and they took her away to the adoption part. Her family decided never to tell anyone and they made the healers promise to never say a word. They just wanted a son. Nothing and no one else. They left soon after with their son. Just their son.
Meanwhile in the adoption part, a married couple called Mr and Mrs Faye  were waited for themselves to find the right baby. When they came across the baby girl twin, they new it was her they wanted. Her eyes and hair were blue so they decided to call her Skye and it was a clear night sky today and since it was 11:45 pm, they chose her middle name to be Eve which was short for evening. She was perfect. Skye Eve Faye was perfect.
When they took her home, they took her to the bedroom they had been saving for the right baby. It had a pastel theme as they walls were a pastel purple, the crib was a cream with a pastel pink blanket and light purple pillows. The ceiling showed a sunny day in the daylight and a star-filled galaxy at night. They placed her in the crib and dimmed the lights. Her hair was a light pink. The doctors said that soon her hair will change because of her mood as right now it is trying to work it's self out. When it sorts out they will be able to tell what the colours mean. They were so happy to have their own baby girl. Skye.

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