Quidich world cup

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Yay! We get to go to the quidditch World Cup! Harry and Hermione are coming too! I'm so happy! My hair is bright purple right now!

We met up with Mr Diggory and his son, Cedric. He winked at me and walked over to me. We started talking and he's really nice.

We got to an old boot which turned out to be a porkey. I grabbed hold of it next to Cedric and we began to spin. When we let go and started falling i felt sick. When we fell onto the ground Cedric helped me up. Somehow he had walked down!

We got to our seats and the view is amazing! When the velas came out, my hair went golden my eyes went a darker blue and my skin began to glow. Everyone was either staring at me or the velas! When the velas went back I went back to normal and the leprechauns came out. I'm supporting Island as my adoptive family are part Irish.  I heard Fred and George making a bet so I made a bet with Cedric. He is supporting Bulgaria so if they win I give him 30 gallons. If Island win he has to give me 30 gallons. He's so confident that he didn't care what I wanted but I know Island will win.

Come on Cedric, hand it over!'' I smirked
He just rolled his eyes and handed me the money.
''Thank you!'' I smiled.
As I was walking out of the tent I heard a loud bang. Mr Diggory ran to see what was happening and whispered something in Cedric's ear. He told me that we needed to go. We ran but I fell over and got lost. People ran over me not realising then everything went black.

I opened my eyes and stood up before looking around me. It was all burned. Then spells started shooting at me. I missed all of them then I heard Mr Weasley tell them to stop. Someone grabbed me from behind and they started accusing me of causing something in the sky. I looked up to see the dark mark!
''Why did you put that there?''
''I didn't, I swear!'' I relied.
Mr Weasley was trying to tell them it wasn't me but they didn't believe him.
''And how do we know that? I guess we will need to use this.'' The man held up a vile which I knew to have a potion inside that made you tell the truth. I told them what I said before and they let go of me. I spotted Ron,Harry and Hermione behind them and ran to them. They all hugged me saying they did the same to them. Everything was burned that people didn't save. My wand!
''Do any of you have my wand?'' I asked
Hermione pulled in out of her bag, she always has what we need, thanks Hermione.
We went back to the Weasley's and stayed there for the rest of the summer. We tried to forget what happened but it was hard.

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