The sorting

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We were led into the great hall for the sorting. A couple of people were called before my name was called.
''Faye,Skye!'' A elder woman called out.
My whole adoptive family are in Ravenclaw or Grythndoor so I'm expecting on of those.
The hat was placed on my head and it said:
''Where to put you? You have a bright mind but  you are a lot like your family. I know where to put you. Slythrin!'' It called out.
I walked over to the green table and sat down next to a tall boy with brown hair and brown eyes.
''Hi, I'm Skye!'' I said to him.
''Hi, I'm Blaize.'' He replied.
I just made one of my first friend at Hogwarts!

A while after the boy from the train was called up. The sorting hat was barely on his head when it yelled out: ''Slythrin!''
He came and sat next to me and it turns out he knew Blaise.
Ron, Harry and their friend Hermione were sorted into grythndoor so I could only hope we have a lot of lessons with them.
We were given our timetables and we had most of our classes together. We headed to our common room with our prefects.

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