Is My Love Stronger Than Your Hate?

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Lukas grumbled as he walked down the dimly lit hallways, pieces of paper, random pencils and the occasional water bottle cascaded across the hall. He sighed and continued to walk, ignoring the painfully static maggots that the cops of the school called his classmates.

He sat down in his desk, black hood flipped up on his head and dark make up standing out wildly. He was known as the school freak, Gay and Emo, great combo for for a teenage boy. As people began to pour into the tight space of the classroom, the stares of judgement from his peers. He only gave glares of hatred and disgust back. Once the teacher began to teach, all he could focus on was the drawings in his notebook.

Lukas walked through the hallways, half listening to teachers and ignoring the stares from others, after school, his Mom picked him up. She began to talk to him, but he tuned her out, until she said those toxic words, "gay counselling." His head whipped around to her, she was staring straight ahead and had a firm look on her face. "Excuse me?" He asked, glaring at his Mom, whom he didn't even consider his Mom anymore. "You're going to gay counselling, I will not have you rebel against the lord any longer!"

They argued with each other the whole drive there and when they got to the church, Lukas had to be dragged into the church. He hated religion, all it every brought him was exclusion and hate. His Mom talked to a pastor and then left him there, he growled and glared at the pastor, who dragged him to a room. The room had seven chairs in a circle and there were five people in the room.

One was a girl, she was African American, she had pink dyed hair and a lip ring, she was chewing on some gum with her hot pink lip stick on. She had a bit of a fuller body, but wasn't fat. She was wearing jean booty shorts and a pink sweater that had spaghetti straps on her shoulders that held it up. Another kid was a Latino Male, his dark hair, skin and eyes giving it away. He was wearing a black muscle shirt and ripped jeans, he was rather fit and he had a tattoo on his arm that said, Love Is Love. He looked like the flirty type.

The third person was a boy, but he was wearing a skirt and bow in his hair. His skin was pale, hair blonde and eyes a valley green. He wore a white sweater and white skirt, his hair was a bit long and the bow was a complimentary green to his eyes. The forth was another girl was wearing a private school uniform and had black hair. She was Asian, wearing glasses and reading a book silently, her black hair pulled back into a simple bun. The final person was a boy sitting in the back, he was on the floor, he was also African American, but was he had his hood up. Sporting all black, a hoodie, sweater and black sweat pants. The only colour on him was a gay pride flag stitched onto his hoodie.

Lukas sighed and sat down, he happened to sit next to the girl in pink, she looked at him, "well hello fresh face." She said and looked at him, her accent strong, he looked at her. "I'm Courtney, I'm here because I'm Pan," she said and looked at him. Lukas looked at her with suspicious eyes. "I'm Lukas, I'm here because I'm Emo and Gay." Lukas expected judgement and hate, but instead, she smiled. "You'll fit right on in here, none of us wanna be here, I mainly come for the free food." Lukas' eyes widened, Courtney then slouched back and yawned.

"That boy there, the Latino, that's Julian, he's Bi," she said and pointed at the boy in the muscle shirt. Then pointed at the boy in the skirt, "that's Belle, although the pastor calls her Ben still. She's trying to transition from a boy to a girl, but her parents won't let her."  Lukas looked at Belle and frowned, he actually felt bad. Courtney then gestured to the Asian girl sitting across from them and next to Julian. "That's Clarice, she is also Gay, but her parents are afraid it'll affect her studies." Lukas nodded and then looked at the boy in the back, "who's that?" He asked and Courtney looked back at him. "Oh, that's Justin, he's a self proclaimed satanist and is one of the most gay boys I've ever met."

Lukas nodded and faced forward and sighed, he then counted the chairs, "who's not here?" He asked and looked at her. He may have been calm right now, but was so annoyed on the inside, that's when the door opened and this new boy walked in with a pastor behind him. Courtney then whispered in Lukas' ear, "that's Jacob, the definition of an innocent gay bean."

She wasn't kidding, Jacob really was the most innocent looking thing ever. He had pastel blue dyed hair, a pastel pink sweater and some nice jean shorts. He was holding a stuffed bear as he walked in, Lukas immediately noticed his baby blue eyes, he sat down next to Lukas and smiled at him. "Hi, whats your name?" He asked and tilted his head, he was even soft spoken!

Lukas felt his heart throb, his face was scarlet as he mumbled, "Lukas." To this, Courtney chuckled and Jacob smiled, "nice name!" He squeaked and smiled, Courtney laughed, "and nice blush!" She teased, smirking, to which Lukas glared at her, his blush even deeper. "Shut it!" He shouted and narrowed his eyes.

Everyone went quiet when the pastor clapped loudly, everyone looked over to the tall man. "Alright children, take your seats, we have a new member," he said and everyone sat down. Lukas growled and flipped his hood up, "how about we don't bring attention to the obvious?" He snapped and glared at the adult in front of him, he narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms. The other teens laughing, this made the pastor sigh.

"Tell us a bit about yourself," he said and frowned, Lukas groaned and then looked at everyone, "I'm Lukas, I'm Emo, Gay and frankly an Atheist." He sat back down and the pastor smiled, "oh my son, those words and feelings are gonna be a distant memory when I'm done with you." He held a rosary in his hand as he smiled at him. Lukas smirked and chuckled, "heh, try me."

The meeting was long and painful, but they did get food and drinks after, Lukas ended up keeping to himself. However, Jacob soon walked over, "well, what did you think, super boring right?" He asked and smiled, giggling as he blushed softly, Lukas watched him and tilted his head. "Yea... um... at least we got food." He said awkwardly, Jacob smiled, that's when Lukas noticed something, his cheek had a bruise that was partially covered by makeup. Before he could ask, Jacob was saying his goodbyes and walking away to a large man. Lukas assumed this was Jacob's Dad, but something was off.

The man caressed Jacob's cheek and began to fiddle with his hair, then led him out of the church, Lukas frowned at this behaviour. He became rather worried, but his Mom walked through the doors and dragged him home. He ignored her and his Father, walking straight to his room and locking the door. He looked out his window and then took a quick smoke, then went to bed, thinking about tomorrow and what it would bring.


"Now, lets get into partners and talk about all reasons why god hates Gays," the pastor said and began to pair everyone up. Lukas had been going to this counselling for a week and had barely been able to speak to Jacob, they were partnered together and he thought this was finally a chance to talk to him.

Jacob had his hair covering one eye, Lukas walked over to him and the two sat in the far corner of the room. "So, how are you?" Jacob asked softly, holding his usual stuffed bear, Lukas looked down at him. "Bored, I hate this," he said and sighed, this made the smaller male giggle. "Me too," he said and smiled at him, "also, um, why is your hair covering your eye?" He asked and Jacob seemed to tense, flinching as he looked away. "N-No reason," he mumbled and sighed, this made Lukas frown. "Sorry," he mumbled and looked away.

After the meeting Lukas was about to walk to the bus, only to stop when he saw Jacob sitting on the steps alone. He walked up to him and sat down, "hey, isn't your Dad coming to get you?" He asked and frowned at him, Jacob shook his head, "No, he's out drinking with his friends." This made Lukas angry, "why would he do that?" He asked angrily and looked at him worriedly, Jacob was looking down. "Because he hates me," he mumbled and Lukas looked at him in shock.

That's when Jacob just broke down, "he hates me so much, he hurts me and does things to me!" He cried and looked at Lukas, then clung to Lukas tightly, that's when Lukas felt his cold heart melt. He hugged Jacob tightly, "it's okay, how about we run? We can go to your house, grab your things and run away." He said and cupped his cheeks, Jacob shook his head. "I can't leave," he mumbled and hiccuped as he looked down.

Lukas walked Jacob home, constantly begging him to leave with him, it wasn't until they got to his front door that Lukas snapped. He felt tears stream down his face as he begged, "Jacob please, you must have more dignity than this! You're an adorable sweet kind boy that I have somehow grown to love!" He said and reached out to him. That's when Jacob ran at him and jumped at him, he hugged him tightly and closed his eyes tightly.

They then kissed, before they walked to the bus station and never were seen again.

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