Character Intro

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The Raichands

Anika Raichand (21 years old)
The younger of the Raichand Twins. A child genius. Has sold 3 companies she founded. Can speak 5 languages. Ambitious and believes in living for herself.
Agrees to marry Shivaay only because her sister had fallen in love with their best friend. Fiercely loyal. Super bubbly and cheeky. She behaves like a child when it comes to normal life because she rarely spen time with other kids except her sister and their best friends, Om and Rudra.

Mallika Kapoor(nee Raichand) - (21 years old)

The elder one of the twins. Very protective of her younger sister. She understands that Anika is super special and wants to protect her from all who want to hurt her. A typical elder sibling who worries 24/7. She is studying to become a doctor. Her Jhanvi Ma helped her apply and secretly do all the exams. 

Fiance of Shivaay. Has never met him. Their marriage is a business deal.

Father and mother of Anika and Mallika. Aryavardhan is a manipulative monster, who keeps gambling and landing his business in trouble. Feels immensely threatened by Anika'a success. Blackmailed Mallika to marry Shivaay for the business.


Sujatha Raichand
Was a sweet lady. She is the one who hired Jhanvi and gave Om and Rudra a home in her house.

Sujatha passed away an year after the twins were born because of an infection that went undetected. She was the anchor of Aryavardhan's life and with her demise he lost all his senses. Aryan blames the girls.

The Oberois

Shivaay Singh Oberoi (Shiv Khanna) - (27 years old)

The typical angry young man. He is the eldest of the Oberoi siblings. His parents and uncle passed away in an accident. He and his sister live with their Dad's father. He is very protective of his younger sister. He has been searching for his younger cousins for the past 20 years.
Blames his aunt for tearing their family apart.

He only cares for money apart from his family. Anything else he just does not care. For him, the marriage is just a merger between the Raichand's Security and the Oberoi chain of businesses.

Priyanka Oberoi (22 years old)
A super shy but sweet girl. She is Shivaay's everything. She was in the accident of their parents that happened 20 years ago. The shock has left her mute. She is fiercely loyal to her brother.

She is a huge romantic and just wants him to fall in love. She is very unhappy about Shivaay marrying Mallika.

Harsh Singh Oberoi (aka Dadaji) He does not have the best moral values. For him Naam, Khoon, Khandhan are everything. He believes that a wife's place is at the foot of her husband and she should accept whatever nonsense that he does. Hence, he blames Jhanvi for the death of his sons. He does not even talk to Priyanka as he feels that girls should be seen and never heard. He is forcing Shivaay to marry into the Raichand family and get their property. He wants him to marry Mallika because he thinks that she is just a silly girl and can easily be controlled. He has given the ultimatum that Shivaay will become the head of their company once he produces a son.

Tej, Shakti and Pinky oberoi
Passed away in an accident 20 years ago on the night Jhanvi and the kids disappeared.
Tej was with his mistress when he crashed into the car Shakti was driving. All 4 died except Baby Priyanka who was safe in the car seat.

The Kapoors

Omkara Kapoor (26 years old)
The elder one of the Kapoor Brothers. He is a very famous artist. He believes he owes everything to his mom because she sacrificed everything and ran away from their father's house when she caught him with his mistress. She was a rich daughter in law in some household but then became a maid in the Raichand house.

Rudra Kapoor (22 years old)
The cheeky younger one. He always gets into trouble and needs Om to save him. The sweetheart of the family. Very close with Anika. The two of them are as thick as thieves. Growing up Mallika would mimic Om while Anika and Rudra would get scolded all the time by Jhanvi.

Jhanvi Kapoor
Ran away from home when she caught her husband having an affair. When her father in law did not care when she told him, she knew she could not stay. She looked for a job for days and finally found the job of a nanny in the Raichand house. Nobody knows that she is an oberoi, neither do her sons. She always told them that their father was not a good person.
She passed away 5 months ago due to a sudden heart attack.

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