Tis' a camp!?

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        Your  POV .

        I  wake  up  completely  oblivious  of  what  happened  the  night  before,  that creep screeched and nearly blew my eardrums off. I lick my chapped  lips only to taste dryed blood. I cough slightly looking at my surroundings, noticing that I'm in a hospital gown and that im laying in a cot. I see a boy with shaggy blond hair, probably about my age. He wears dark Levi jeans and a doctors coat. Under the white coat is a orange t-shirt, I can't make out the words..  "Hi." I meakly wave, his green eyes grow big as he races out of the room accidentally tripping over the stool he was previously sitting on.

        "So bored.."  I mumble aloud, then looking over to the older girl beside me. "What's your name?" I start to break the ice in between us. The girl tilts her head. She has long black hair perfectly cut across her back, her skin is as pale as snow. Her piercing electric blue eyes look like their entering my soul.

"Hi!" She waves excitedly,  Not what I was expecting... that's what I get for 'secretly judging'.

"What tiś your name?"

"Amathist, daughter of Kione."
I look at her weirdly.
"You new here arn't ya?"

"Yep, the names (y/n)."

"That means you haven't been claimed, am I right?"

"Nnnnoooooo?"  I drag out slowly. "What are you reading?"

"Ohh, this silly thing, pfft... I wrote it."

"Really! What's it about?"

"It's a warrior book, it got published a year ago."


"It's really good."

"I don't doubt it, can I read it?"

"Sure, why not" She smiles widely, as I grab the book.

           The Warriors of Aragnar Trilogy, hum looks interesting...... I read the back of the book.  Interesting.. It's not till later when i look up from the book do I notice what she's wearing, faded navy blue jeans and a white blouse with fru-fru at the end of the shirt. She has some makeup, but not so much that she looks like a drunken clown from hell on drugs. Just a light coat of mascara and some clear lip gloss.

◇•♡¤《A/n: FYI THE book that is mentioned in the story 'The Warriors of Aragnar' is a real published book that my friend did, you should go check it out! I bet you thought this was the chapter, it's not 》¤♡•◇

            ~time skip b/c I'm boss like dat~
          With my eyes quickly reading the... what tenth chapter? The white metal hospital door swings open with a 'thud'. A horse, no man half horse enter the room with the medical blond kid. The white stallion trots up to me; "Hello, I am Chiron. Welcome." He extends his arms. "This is Will-" he points to the blond boy. "-and I see that you have already meet Amathist." He gestures to the pale girl beside me, I nod. "Annabeth!" He shouts. A tall, slim girl shows up in front of the doorway. Her long blond, wavy hair sits on her shoulders and a orange shirt that says 'Camp Half-blood'

          "Hey." Before a can say a word she grabs my rist and pulls me out of the infirmary. "This-" She gives a dramatic pause  "-is Camp Half-blood."
"So cool!" I squeal in awe. Above me a FLYING ship casts a shadow.
"There friendly, that's Camp Jupiter, Romen." She makes a face when she says Roman, I chuckle. A teenage boy with black wet hair comes jogging silently behind Annabeth and covers her eyes with his hands.

"Guess who wise girl?" He sings, as she try to pry his hands off her face.

"This is Percy, my boyfriend." She turns and pecks him on the lips. "Don't get any ideas!" She grabs the hilt of her dagger, and I hold up my arms in defence.

"Wasn't plannin' on it." I shake Percy's hand "The names (y/n)."

"Nice name, sooo you know your godly parent?"

"N-" I get quickly cut off by some very loud yelling behind us.  "Ahh! Travis! Connor! I'm gunna strangle you two! A girl with choppy, uneven, neon pink hair comes racing out of a giant barbie house.  "How could you, my beautiful hair!" She quickly covers her mouth in a shocked matter. "Look what you made me do! I'm starting to talk like my mother." She pouts. I raise an eyebrow and glance at the cute couple.

Annabeth shakes her head, "Poor Piper, looks like the twins beat her again."

"Speaking of the devils..." Percy laughs and fist bumps them both. "Wallet.." Percy gives them the 'gimme' mimic with his hands. "Ugh!" One grumbles the other whines. "Connor."  The one on the left points to himself  "Travis." The other does the same. "And we are the Stoll brothers!" They say in unison. "Sons of Hermes." Piper says coming out of nowhere and gives them a death glare.

"Anyways-" Percy begins "-(y/n) you'll be staying in the Hermes cabin until you know who your godly parent is. It shouldn't be long till you get claimed, either tonight or tomorrow at the bondfire. Either way, your gunna be staying with these two joksters."

"Gods rest your soul." Piper pats my back.
"Pfft.... we ain't that bad!" Travis flaps his hand.
"Nope, not at all." Connor chimes in with a huge grin plastered on his face
"Whatever. ."Annabeth walks away with her arm around Percy and his around hers.
"Peace, (y/n) I'm going to wash this crap out of my hair."
"Ok, bye!"
"Come with use (n/n)" The two brother go on either side of me and link arms with mine.......

¤♡•◇°~《A/n: +Me= Soooo wt ya think!? Please comment, vote and AL that other stuff. THANKQ!!
+Frank: Stop preshering them, you're going to make them feel uncomfortable...
+Percy: Oh please.
+Hazel: *giggles* Like that time you turned into a iguana-
+Leo: to get off CHINESE HAND CUFFS!
+Frank: *blushes* Hazel, I thought you were on my side.....
+Hazel: I AM! I think......
+Leo: Ooooo, you just got burned!!
+Frank: SHUTUP!
+Me: Children, children please.
+Jasper: Who you callin childern?
+Everyone: *Argues*
+Me: *whispers* Sorry, bye *runs away*
+Nico: Where is Luna?
+Everyone: *stops arguing*
+Annabeth: There!
+Me: Ahhh! Don't kill me!! 》~°◇•♡¤ 

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