Cerulean Lights

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Misty POV
It was 7pm in evening, and fresh and bright too, Cerulean City's Streets light up by tall lamp posts by the edge.
Since it was nice weather outside, i decided to get my shoes on and explore the city. I went to my room and took golduck (her psyduck has evolved now), azurill, staryu and starmee's pokeball and step out of the gym.
'Misty! Wait up for me!' I hear Daisy yell.
'What?' 'Where are you going?'
'Just exploring, nothing much, ' I said. 'Aren't you going to the festival?'
'What festival?'
'There's a fest near the outskirts,' She said pointing at the west.
'Oh, okay then.' I agree.

(Time skip brought to you by me eating mangoes and typing with messy hands and an annoying sister bullying my brother)

'Oh look, Misty, a pikachu!' She said pointing behind a huge oak tree.
It reminded me so much of...... him.
'So what?'
'Look at it! It's pure cuteness!'
'Pikapi!' It said smiling.
I looked at the gleam of light coming from the west of the outskirts of Cerulean.
'C'mon misty, we're almost there! ' She said grabbing on my wrist and pulling me.
'Stop!' I yelled but she kept dragging me.
(Time skip brought to you by my mom screaming at me through the closed door to keep my hands off the phone but me refusing)


I'm here. Sitting on a rock, and panting for breath.

"Are we there yet?" I ask Daisy.
"Almost," She says gleefully, and we were greeted by beautiful festival lights at the border of Pallet and Cerulean.

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