Chapter 19

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HAI EVERYONE! I'm happy to say this fanfic now has 12k reads! Words cannot describe how much I appreciate it! Sorry I haven't updated in awhile, my excuse is.. I'm lazy.

Don't worry, Mitch will be alright. My god, you guys were angry.. #SorryNotSorry <3

Enjoy, and have a wonderful day!


-Lachlan's POV-

This is bad. Very bad. I can't think straight. I can't speak. Would Mitch be alright? Is Jerome gonna be fine? Why did this have to happen to me.. I was currently sitting with Vikk in the waiting room, holding his hand. I was shaking and sweating, as Vikk tried to comfort me.

"Lachlan, he's gonna be fine. Calm down.." He says, as I stand up.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom.." I tell him.

I find the bathroom and walk in, going up to the mirror.

Mitch, you idiot. What is wrong with you? Why would you try and leave us. You could have asked for help. I noticed you were stressed, but you seemed fine. You'll be fine, I know it. After all, you have the world's nicest Bacca with you.

I splash some water on my face and exit the bathroom. We were told Mitch was going to be completely fine and make a recovery, he just had a lot of water in his lungs. Vikk is waiting for me outside the bathroom. I embrace him, trying not to cry. Mitch, you idiot.

After sitting down for another half an hour, a doctor exits Mitch's room, looking confident.

"He is going to be fine, he can go home. Your other friend, eh.. Oh, Jerome, is also fine."

"T-Thanks..." I reply.

The doctor recommended we send Mitch to therapy, but we declined. Mitch would not like that.

We watch as Mitch exists his room. He was super pale and looked really tired. Vikk goes to help him while I go to Jerome's room. I find Jerome putting his jacket on. He looked even worse than Mitch. He had obviously been crying. "..Hey Jerome, ready to go?" I ask.

He looks at me, and I can see the pain in his eyes. Regret.

"Yea. Let's go." He replies, quite dull.

-Vikk's POV-

I help Mitch out of the hospital and to the car. I make sure he is sitting in the passenger seat, door locked. I was not taking any chances. Shortly after, Lachlan and Jerome arrive outside. They hop in the back of the car. The drive home was silent.

We arrive home to see Preston and Rob sitting on the front porch. They looked very happy to see us. I had told them to go home awhile before we had left. They carefully helped Mitch inside, as me and Lachlan walk behind them. I feel like we were babysitting two children. Very depressed children. The pool had been drained, and the door locked. Our so called happy lifestyle had turned itself around completely.

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