Chapter 22

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Hello everyone! I just released the first chapter of my new fanfic, In My Eyes which is Mithzan x House_Owner! They're my new otp, so if you like that ship you can go check it out! I hope you enjoy this chapter!


-Lachlan's POV-

As soon as I wake up, I immediately get on the computer and search for some houses. It would be so much better for us to live alone together, rather than with four other guys who got kind of annoying sometimes. Mostly Mitch.

The only problem was, where would we live? Would we continue to live here, or move to another state? Another country? Most likely another state since me and Vikk moved countries not long ago, but where exactly would we go then?

I do some research. I check websites about where the best states are to live, the kind of weather they have, and all of that other stuff.

Eventually, I narrow it down to three different states. New York, Colorado, and California.

New York is very crowded, and there would be fans of us everywhere. California is super hot, and barely gets any rain... so that only left Colorado.

The house prices seemed pretty decent, and the capitol, Denver, looked pretty nice.

(A/N: Yes, this is where I live. I have not really been to other states so I'm gonna go with somewhere I know a lot about. No, it's not a chance to put myself into the story.)

Finally, Vikk wakes up. He groans as he rises, and comes over to me. I turn around and hug him as I quickly close my laptop, not wanting him to see what I was up to even if he was half asleep.

I kiss him on the cheek as he leaves to go shower, and I continue to look at houses. I settle on a few we can look at and close my laptop, and then hopping in the shower after Vikk. 

Once we're all ready, we head downstairs where everyone else, watching TV. We sit down next to them, and watch with them. I then decide to make an announcement.

"Okay everyone, me and Vikk have decided that we want to move out and live alone."

-Vikk's POV-

I wasn't shocked to hear this, just surprised that he chose the day after I suggested the idea to tell everyone. We were going to have to tell them sometime anyway.

But had Lachlan already found us a place to live? It's not that I don't have faith in him to find a good house but.. that was quick. He was really desperate to get out of here.

The guys responses seemed mixed. Rob, Preston, and Jerome seemed devastated while Mitch looked like he was done and didn't give a shit.

(A/N: I'm sorry I really don't like Mitch anymore pls don't hurt me)

 "So.. where are you moving too?" Preston asked, while cuddling with Rob.

"I was thinking Colorado." Lachlan replies.

Good choice.

"Oh, and Vikk, I was thinking we could fly out there tomorrow to look at some houses. You down?"

Wait.. fly out? Tomorrow? I did have all of my videos prepared for the week, but that's so sudden.

"Sure." I reply, taking out my phone and hopping on twitter to let everyone know that I wouldn't be active for a few days. Lachlan brings me into the kitchen, as he starts to cook some food.

"So.. that was sudden." I say, grabbing a pan for him.

He takes the pan, and turns on the stove. "I know, I just really wanna get out of here. I feel like now's a better time, with the weather not being too bad. I just want to get out of this house and live with you somewhere where we won't be bothered.

I nod, and sit on the edge of the counter watching him. I was going to live with this amazing man, just the two of us. No more crazy mishaps, and the opportunity to do so much more than what we could do here. 

Lachlan finishes up the food, and starts dishing it out and giving everyone some. I take a plate myself for myself, and sit with everyone as a group for what might be the last time.

-The Next Day-

I wake up to the sound of my alarm, and rise to see that it's still dark. I hop out of bed, where thankfully all of our suitcases are packed. Lachlan was gone, so I run downstairs to find him in the kitchen cooking us some really early breakfast.

"Breakfast at five am?" I hug Lachlan from behind.

"Yep. Though you'd like to eat something before we leave. Everything packed? Videos prepared?"

I nod onto his back, squeezing him tighter. I was beyond excited to go and search for a place to live with my boyfriend, and hopefully, future husband.


Hope you enjoyed! Hopefully I can get a chapter up tomorrow, but it's finals week so I don't now how busy I'll be! I mean totally study hahahaha.. bye!

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