A Chance of Survival

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*Serene's POV*

Ok first off I never wanted to be like this.

First I was in a cage with broken bits I glass.

Secondly, my appearance was starting to change my once brown hair with a purple highlight was now a dark purple. My eyes were a darker blue but I could tell they weren't going to stay that way for long.

Why was this all happenin to me?

Maybe because I really am a monster.

That's all what Council has seemed to make.

I looked up when I heard my cage door open. A large blue giant was standing in front of me. Jemal. The leader.

Beside him stood a girl who looked like an enchantress with black hair and fierce green eyes. Emerald.

Behind them stood a freaky red thing almost like a demon. Imperial.

These were my captures.

These were the monsters Council had created.

"Hello Serene," Jemal spoke first. "You have changed quite a bit in the short time of you being here."

He meant my appearance. I didn't feel any different other than my appearance was now changed.

"You don't talk much, do you?" he questioned.

"Not to giant freakish creatures that capture me and eat my friend, my brother and Council." I replied harshly.

Imperial laughed.

"Is something funny, Imperial?" Jemal asked sternly.

"I told you this wasn't going to work out. Negotiating with the little student of Council instead of killing her right away. Great plan Jemal." Imperial spat.

"I have to agree with him in a way brother. Why not just kill the girl and get on with our lives?" Emerald questioned.

"Because the way she dies is to be a long and painful death. One that her friends shall see." Jemal spoke.

I had one shot.

One chance.

I was out of here!

"SEMPER FUGIT!" I yelled in Latin and sank through the floor.

I was free for now.

*Anna's POV*

I was furious.

Those stupid creatures killed Council and Misty. But I don't really care that Andrew is gone.

The point is they were going to pay.

Jay was crying in his part of the bookstore along with Lloyd freaking out about Serene being captured.

I couldn't blame him or Jay. They both were going through a lot right now but we all were. Without Council we don't even know where to begin on figuring out these creatures weaknesses. 

I guess we would just have to fight until one side gives up.

But that wasn't going to happen.

We would fight to the end.

*??? POV*

Target spotted.

Serene was in my sights. She was going down and I would make sure of it. Ninjago couldn't suffer any longer. My home was going to be protected.

I quickly and quietly jumped across the tree branches above Serene following her to a small stream.

I watched as she leaned over and took a sip.

"You can come out," she spoke softy.

She knew I was here?!

But how?

I jumped out of the tree and landed in front of her.

Serene's appearance had changed quite a bit. What exactly was she?

"Who are you?" she questioned.

"My name is Abigail Shadows and I think it's time you separate from you source of power permanently."

*Misty's POV*


Andrew and I were both being swallowed until he shot darkness at me and I shot light at him. There was some sort of flash and the last thing I remembered yelling was 'Freedom.'

Andrew and I had combined powers to escape.

Our only chance of survival he had said.


I jerked awake when I felt someone shaking me. I looked at the person and found it to be Andrew. He looked at me and smirked.

"Quit your smirking villain." I said sternly.

He stopped and looked at the ground.

We were on some sort of beach.

But the question was, where exactly?

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