The Villains are Coming

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*??? POV*

Everything was going according to plan. My brother may have protected his student when he was still around, but now that he has disappeared he can no longer protect her. Shadow has fused with that blue ninja of lightning which is only phase one of my plan.

I strayed from my thoughts when a voice came from behind me.

"Master, if I may ask, why did you tell Shadow to fuse with that ninja?" asked Chase.

I smirked at my young student.

He was the age of my brothers student and truly evil.

His once blonde hair was now dark brown, and his emerald green eyes glowed a pure red. He was created for one reason, to help me destroy Council's student. He resembled the green ninja who had taken a liking to the student.

(If you don't know who Council is he is in my book the Water Ninja and will possibly be in Fear of Andrew)

"It's all part of my plan. I had shadow phase with Jay for one reason and one reason only." I smirked. "To get Misty Blue on our side. With her power we will be able to know what will happen in the future before it happens. No one will be able to stop us."

Chase smirked. "You brought Andrew back just so you could have more time didn't you?"

"Serene knows too much already. With the time she was gone in those months I didn't know what she was doing. But now that her brother has tampered with her powers and is keeping her from attacking it gives us more time to put our plan into motion."

*Anna's POV*

I woke up chained to a wall in a dark cold cell. I couldn't see anything but I knew I was alone.

"Misty?" I called.

No answer.

This was bad.

I was alone and imprisoned.

Serene migt be dead and I don't know what happended to the others.

This isn't life.

This isn't death.

This. Is. Fear.

*Misty's POV*

I woke up to a sharp pain in my head.

"Ow," I moaned.

Shakily, I stood up off the ground and began to look around the room I was in. What was going on?

All of a sudden the door to my room opened and a figure walked in.

"Hello Misty," said the figure.

His voice sounded like it was both Jay's and Shadow's.

The figure stepped out to where I could see him better and I was terrified at what I saw.

His auburn hair had a black streak going through it and his teeth were sharper. His arms were almost a completed shadow as were his hands.

I couldn't believe this.

Jay and Shadow had been fused together!

"Jay! What did they do to you?" I cried.

Hot tears began to stream down my face.

"I am no longer Jay nor Shadow. I am Storm." he said.

I was terrified.

This wasn't life or death.

This. Was. War.


Me: hello my lovelys I have written u all another wonderful and evil chapter. Yes I know I added two more villains, Councils brother and chase. Now all u Jay lovers r most likely mad at me because him and shadow fused and turned into Storm but don't worry I promise he won't stay like that. I'm not that evil.

Anna: YES U ARE!


Lloyd: and when do we find out wut happened to Serene?

Me: soon! Now shut up!

Kai: well please comment and like this story

Cole: (eating cake)


Zane: oh brother.

Cole: BYE! (Runs off with cake)


Zane: fiiisshh

Kai: Zane's broken again!


Anna: WAS NOT!


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