Three Return

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*Anna's POV*

(1 hour later)

Misty and I met up with Kai and Zane. We all had a plan. Get Serene out and get back to where we were to meet Council alive.

Chase was keeping her in the subway under Ninjago. Andrew was somewhere else. No one could truly locate him.

We stood at the entrance. Waiting. Listening.

"Whose gonna go first?" Misty asked.

"I will," said Kai.

Kai started down the stairs with me, Misty and Zane behind him.

"I don't-" Zane started but was cut off by a girls scream.

"Serene," Misty said sadly.

"She's close," I continued.

Hang on Serene we are coming.

*Misty's POV*

We quickly ran down a long hallway from where we heard Serene scream and ran strait into the room. When we got inside there was blood every where.

But it wasn't Serene's.

It was Chase's.

There was a dagger going straight through his heart and Serene crying on the ground, clutching her side.

"Serene," Zane spoke softly.

Him and Kai both helped her up and started out of the subway.

"Is she going to be alright?" I asked.

"She will be fine. Serene is just shaken up. Right short stuff?" Kai asked.

Serene nodded and smiled.

"It's going to take days to meet up with Council," said Anna.

"True. We are going to slow." replied Zane.

"Maybe we can help," said a voice.

We all looked towards the entrance to see three ninja.

"JAY!" I squealed. I quickly ran over to him and threw my arms around him.

"Hey Misty," he laughed a little.

Anna ran over to Cole and kissed him.

"I missed you," she said.

"We weren't separated that long." Cole smiled.

*Serene's POV*

Kai and Zane carefully walked me over to Lloyd, who smiled sadly. He could tell I had been through a lot.

Lloyd gently wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head.

"How you feeling shortie?" he asked softly.

"Better now that your back." I smiled a little.

"Come on. We need to get going," Cole spoke up.

"Yea we wouldn't want to keep Council waiting," Jay smirked.

Misty and Anna laughed a little while I smiled.

I was happy they were back.

We were all together again.

We all headed out of the subway and were shocked at what we found.

But I knew what this was.

In the hands of some giant creature was Andrew and Council.

"Finally!" yelled one of the creatures. "I thought we were going to have to go down there to get them."

"Hush Imperial!" said the leader. He then turned his head towards us. "Hello ninja. My name is Jemal. I am a creation of Council here along with my sister Emerald and our commrad Imperial."

The others looked at each other, while I kept my eyes on Council and Andrew.

"It's time to end your little battle." said Emerald.

Council created monsters.

Did this mean being his student made me a monster as well?


Me: well lovelys this is the end of The Villains Reign. The next book will be out as soon as possible so keep a look out for Three Will Fall!



Serene: *eye twitches*

Lloyd: Serene are you ok?

Cole: she looks like she is going to kill someone

Jay: NOT ME! *gets behind Misty*


Everyone but Serene: *runs out of the room*

Serene: great now I'm all alone. Well BYE EVERYONE!!

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