8. Arty Junior

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Review For: @BabyNekoCiel

[Name] Arty Junior
[Age] 6
[Pony Type] Unicorn
[Colors] Arty is a pale grey pony with white hooves and a dark red mane and tail - He has faded blue eyes
[Cutie Mark/Talent] When he gets his cutie mark, it will be a painting of an Alicorn - His talent will be art/painting
[Family] Ice Junior [Older Brother]
Splash Junior [Twin Brother]
Marble Junior [Twin Sister]
[Weaknesses] Arty's magic isn't very stable at the moment, and oftentimes messes up a lot - He will freeze up at the mention of his parents
[Quirks] Arty had a tendency to ramble about things a lot, which annoys his brothers and sister
[Backstory] Arty was born to a pair of unicorns along with two more twin siblings (born on the same day/month/year, but don't look the same). His parents were both excellent at their talents, and wanted their children to be as well, so they pushed the three twins into doing the best in anything and everything, causing them to panic whenever they did something that wasn't 'perfect'. Soon, however, what his parents were doing got to them, and their magic became even more unstable. When their parents found out, they deemed it 'imperfect' and threw them out when they were taken in by their older brother.

Overall, I quite like the character, though I do have some slight suggestions. I feel like his color scheme is a bit iffy, and is also a bit overused. Perhaps I could suggest finding some palettes you like, and then choosing one that could fit Arty's character? I like his cutie mark, it's a very good concept, but I'll have to warn you to not make it overcrowded with detail. I like the realistic weaknesses and quirks as well, though maybe he could have a few more quirks? Finally, his backstory seems just the slightest bit cliche, what with the whole 'My parents didn't like me and threw me out' deal. Perhaps find a way to make it more..you? I don't know how to put it exactly, but just try and find a way to put your own touches on it?

[Mary-Sue Percentage]
15% - It's just a simple matter with the color scheme and the backstory, but overall, I quite enjoyed this character.
Hope this helps!

10/22/2016 - OC 5/5 Month of October

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