Chapter 10 : Clash of the titans

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normal : talking


Italic : thinking / mind-conversation

BOLD : demon/some transformation's talk

underlines : narration

BOLD + underlines : song's lyrics

Y/N : Your Name

L/N : Last Name

f/c : favourite color

"" : messages

Y/N began to slowly wake up as his harem was sleeping with him. Y/N teleported to the fridge and took his dinner... only to see his harem waiting for him on the table.

Y/N : hey girls ! *embarassed laugh*

Alice : Y/N, what did I tell you ? Waking up before us isn't permitted.

Rias : Give us one good reason why we shouldn't punish you...

Y/N : I've planned... to take Asia on a small date !

Y/N's harem : ....

Y/N : I'm boned !

Alice : I mean... Asia seems fine.

Y/N's Harem : ... Understandable... have a good date.

They then leaved, but not before sending a dark glare at Y/N. Then Asia appeared near him with a smile on her face.

Asia : You're... ready ?

Y/N : Sure. And you ? I mean... it's sudden you know.

Asia : I'm ready

Eventually, both of them headed to the park and took a break there.

Y/N : Asia ? Why did you come here ?

Asia was shocked by the question, Y/N noticed that and started to regret asking it.

Y/N : I'm sorry... I shouldn't haved asked that.

Asia : It's fine...

She then tooked a deep breath before telling Y/N what happened to her.

Asia : I... never knew my parents. I was an orphan at the orphanage owned by the Church

Y/N : This poor angel got the same parent-issues as I do... Maybe not the abused part... I hope.

Asia :  I discovered my power when I was only 8 years old. I used it to help a lot of people, and many were indeed cured and no longer sick because of it, the rumours started to spread everywhere, many people kept coming to the church seeking aid from me, the church guarded me heavily and treated me well. You could even said... I was worshipped.

Y/N : Damn, I would pay a lot to also worship her.

??? : I think most people does.

Asia : But one day, I met a mortally wounded Devil who was being hunted by an Exorcist, I used my power to heal that Devil... the Devil that I had saved... then killed the Exorcist and fled

Y/N : ...thats basically : self-defence

Asia: I committed a serious sin for helping a Devil, the people who had called me a saint and worshipped me now in turn called me a Witch... then I was expelled from the church...

She then began to cry as Y/N conforted her. Once she calmed down, Y/N sighed.

Y/N : *sigh* See ? This is why I hate religion and think God doesn't exist.

??? : ... And I took that personally.

Y/N : Except the one (tap his crystal) who created that little wonder.

Asia looked at Y/N shocked as he began to panic.

Y/N : Th-That doesn't mean that you shouldn't believe in him.

Asia : I... only wanted friends. *snif* to have a normal life. to-

Y/N : What about me ?

Asia : huh ?

Y/N : I mean... I'm your friend... even your boyfriend to be precise... heck, you're even part of my harem. And I'll always be here for you.

Asia then smilled and hugged him.

Asia : I love you...

Y/N : Me too.

??? : Hey, the two cuties !

They looked to see Tristan and Irene coming.

(None of the arts are mines)

Y/N : Hey Tristan, how are you ?

Tristan : Now that I have given the chicken what he deserved... I'm feeling better.

Irene : Are you two on a date ?

Y/N : Yep. I've heard that : for winning against Riser, cancelling the aranged mariage and with the approuval of their fathers, Rias, Sona and the girls of their peerage are now part of my harem.

Irene : I would love to see the reaction Issei haved.

Asia : His... face was a combinaison of shock, despair and sadness

Tristan : Of course.

Y/N : So ? What we're you doing here ?

Irene : Going back to our date...

Tristan : Before that chicken crash it again.

Everyone then laughted a little as the ground suddendly shaked.

Y/N : What the ?

Asia : Y/N, what happend ?

Irene : Something's coming.

Tristan : oh come on ! Seriously author ?


Suddendly, another Earthquake happened as people began to panic.

Y/N : Asia... stay close to me.

Asia : Yes.

Then, an explosion happened in the mountais as a pokemon appeared, but it was terribly giant and not "himself"

The pokemon roared and began marching toward the city.

Asia : It's massive !

Irene : And it's heading toward the city !

Y/N : How can a pokemon be this huge ?!

??? : Only the Galar region possess such pokemons and the ability to make them this huge. Meaning that someone else is controlling it.

Y/N : But who ?

??? : Doesn't matter. I think we'd better stop it before it reach the city.

Tristan : I agree.

Tristan then teleported them to the beast, not knowing they've been watched this entire time.

??? : Xenovia ? Are they trying to do what I think they're doing ?

Xenovia : I think so Irina.

Irina : Then what shall we do ?!

Xenovia : As much as I hate saying this : we must help the devil and her friends to stop that monster. He's threatening our mission and the entire town !

Irina : But her boyfriend, he didn't seemed to mind her being a devil.

Xenovia : We'll talk to him later, we must hurry !

They then runned toward the giant pokemon.

With Y/N, they arrived on the beast's head, looking around for any weakness.

Y/N : Okay, how do we stop that thing ?!

Tristan : First, let's immobilise it !

Tristan then surmond dark hands that stopped the giant pokemon. It letted out a roar of rage as it tried to break free. Irene then took out her weapons : A broadsword and pencils.

(Irene's broadsword)

She then stabbed something that tried to sneak on Tristan. They looked behind to see other of thoses alien-like creatures.

Y/N : What the hell are thoses ?!

Tristan : They sure don't like they're joking around.

Irene : it seems they want that pokemon to continue his rampage.

??? : I knew it. I knew that so called "God" would use this poor pokemon as it's weapon. This time, I'm gonna make sure he and the other ones are truly extinct !

Y/N : What are you talking about ?

??? : Something not important for now. Just don't let that pokemon and thoses aliens reach the town !

Everyone minus Asia began to attack the beasts. Tristan had no difficulty restraining the pokemon, Irene killed the alien creature with ease and her pencils while Y/N used his crystal to kill all of them. But somehow, they kept coming.

However, others attacked the alien. Rias was here along with Sona and their peerages along with Riser's former peerage.

Y/N : You guys are here too ?

Rias : We're able to sence disturbances in our territory, of course we'd come help !

Suddendly, the aliens went inside the giant pokemon, powering him up as he began to break free.

Tristan : you can't be serious ! He's breaking free !

During the chaos Y/N was stabbed by one of the aliens.

Y/N : ARG !!!

Y/N's harem : Y/N !!!!!!!

The alien was about to "finish" Y/N... until the girl with blue hair stopped the attack and stabbed the alien, killing it.

blue haired : Hey ! get up if you don't want to die !

Y/N : What a good way to say "are you okay" !

They then put their backs against each others as the aliens surround them.

Blue haired : Just so you know, I'm not saving you.

Y/N : Try to protect yourself first.

Suddendly, the beast shooked and screamed. Y/N looked to see Broly in his super saiyan form, holding the beast back with the help of Lucas.



Then, an alien crashed and was absorbed by the pokemon as Irina jumped from the alien's dead body.


Y/N : You know this "monster" is actually called a pokemon ?

Xenovia : So what ? He's still a monster by the Chuch designation.

Y/N slapped her hard.

??? : Arceus is gonna kill her and the entire church when he heard this.

Irina : *panic*

Broly succeeded in pushing the giant pokemon back, but then, thousans of alien-like creatures appeared.

Ravel : That's... gonna be too much to handle.

The aliens then charged, Y/N's group prepared to defend themselves but... the aliens entered the pokemon's body, giving him more power. Then, Broly was send flying into the ocean and Lucas crashed in town as the beast resumed it's course to Kuoh. Y/N teleported everyone back to town before the aliens overwelmed them

Y/N : Oh no !

Asia : It's no use... we can't stop it... It's going to destroy Kuoh !

Xenovia : Is there anything that can stop it ?

Suddendly, The devils, Xenovia, Irina and Lucas's eyes widden as they began screaming in fear and pain.

Y/N : Guys ! What's going on ?!

Rias : I... don't know but... I'm... scared ! AND IT HURTS !!!!!

Lucas : A... Alpha !!!

Y/N : What ?!

Tristan : ARG !

Tristan helded his head in pain as he could feel something coming, something powerful.

Irene : Tristan ?!

Tristan : No... it can't be...

Xenovia : My sword !

She then noticed both Durandal and Irina's sword glowed and shaked uncontrolably, almostr as if they're about to expload

Even the giant pokemon stopped and looked at it's surrounding in fear.

??? : He's here...

Underwater, Broly regained counsciousness and saw a blue light coming at him. Even he felt fear at it's presence. He flew off the water and headed to Y/n's position in a panic.

Broly : Y/N !

Y/N : Broly ? What's wrong ? I've never see you scared once in my life.

Asia : Y/N... I'm... terrified !

Y/N : I'm here everyone, I'm here.

??? : Y/N ?

Y/N : what ?

??? : I'd suggest you get away from the town, now !

Y/N : Why ?

??? : It's about to become a battlefield !!!

Y/N : I...

He then noticed something moving in the water that then stopped near the town. Suddendly, something bursted out of the water :

a giant reptilian monster with spikes on it's back and golden eyes.

(He's 80m tall. He has the GMK Godzilla's dorsal plates. Art isn't mine.)

Y/N : *high pitched scream*

Tristan : Even this world as one of them...

The devils began having flashbacks of a simillar beast killing devils, crushing angels and eating fallen angels. Their body couldn't move at all as they look at the titan before them.

Rias (terrified): n- No ! N- not one of... them !

Y/N : Rias ! Is he the one who-

Sona (terrified) : N-no... but he l-looks like h-him !

Yubelluna : It's... It's going to d-destroy us !

Ravel : Including this... this entire town !

Koneko : It's... It's... IT'S.......

Devils : GODZILLA !!!

Godzilla then letted out a roar.


Godzilla then noticed the giant Drednaw glaring at him, both in anger and fear. The Drednaw roared in challenge as Godzilla do the same. Both Titans then began to march at each others as Godzilla's steps caused explosions and any building in his way was destroyed.

Everyone teleported away as Godzilla get closer... everyone except Asia, who was terrified so much she didn't realized that Godzilla was about to crush her.

Y/N : ASIA !

Y/N then grabbed Asia and both teleported away before Godzilla crushed them. Y/N and Asia reappeared on a building as Y/N was conforting Asia.

Y/N : Asia ?! Are you okay...

But she didn't responded, as she was still terrified by what happened.

Asia : I...

She then fainted as Y/N kept her in his arms. He then heared the roar of the two titans. He saw Godzilla and the Drednaw about to clash. Y/N could only watch the clash of two Titans

Godzilla grabbed the Drednaw and pushed him back to the forest, the Drednaw tried to free himself but in vain. Godzilla then let go of the giant Drednaw and punched it in the face as it screamed in pain before Godzilla punched him once again, making it fall. Once the Drednaw stande up, he was met by Godzilla charging at him like a bull in the chest, sending him flying to the mountains.

Godzilla letted out another roar as he approached the Drednaw. The giant Drednaw then standed up and extended his neck in hope of bitting the titan. Godzilla just sminged his tail against the head, making the giant Drednaw fall.

Once the giant drednaw was back up, it roared in pure rage and firred a powerful black blast at Godzilla, hoping to kill him. But once the dust cleared, Godzilla was seened without any scratchs, making the Drednaw's eyes widden in fear.

Godzilla letted out another roar before his dorsal plates began glowing blue and he fired a powerful blast of atomic energy at the Dreadnaw.

The attacked caused the Drednaw to roared in agony as multiple explosion happened around him, causing destruction never seen before.


??? : That's the signature weapon of the godzilla race : the powerful atomic breath !

Once the atomic breath ended, the giant Drednaw was heavily breathing with multiple burns and injuries on it's body. Then Godzilla sensed something attacking him and looked to see thousans of the alien-like creature desperatly trying to hurt him.

Then, one of the alien was eated by what seemed to be a group of species related to Godzilla.

Then, other beast that seemed to be hybrid of Godzilla and a human jumped on the aliens and devoured and teared them too.

(Art isn't mine.)

An entire army of aliens appeared to attack the beasts, but despite being outnumbered, the Godzilla-like creatures are on a other level compared to the aliens and easily got rid of them, absorbing them and growing more powerful.

Y/N : What the ?!

??? : They can absorb thoses "aliens" and had them to their strenght. And it's without risk, unlike poor Drednaw.

Y/N : What do you mean ?

??? : Look, you'll understand.

Y/N looked back ot the fight to see that Godzilla somehow lifted the giant above it's head and throw it at the mountains before firing a last Atomic Breath that seemingly vaporised the giant Drednaw.

Y/N : He... HE KIL-

??? : Wait for it...

Once the dust cleared, the Drednaw was uncounscious and back in it's normal size and state but without injuries somehow.

Y/N looked at it with a weird look since it should be dead. Godzilla letted another roar as the Drednaw rolled on the ground in agony before giant cubes came out of his body.

The cubes then fused into some sort of eye and opened a portal above.

Then, the eye entered the portal as a morphing body came out of it and transform into a alien the size of Godzilla.

(It doesn't have it's weapon. It's the size of Godzilla.)

Y/N : Is that ?

??? : The one who possesed the Drednaw and tried to destroy the city using him. Now it's supercharged with multiple aliens turning into energy for it.

Meanwhile. Mei observed the events from another building, but she was in some sort of battle armor and with a sword.

Mei : Mei Raiden to H.Q ! A giant honkai beast emerged from the pokemon, like it possesed it, but no longer !

??? *radio* : What ? Really ?!

Mei : Yes. And that's not all. The other titan seems to be very hostile to it. Like two worst enemies facing each others. Judging by how the smaller creatures easily wiped out an army of honkai beast, the giant one don't stand a chance.

??? *radio* : This can't be good ! Keep your distance from the fight !

Mei : Roger !

The beast then roared at Godzilla.

(Play the sound)

Godzilla stared at it with hatred before roaring back. The Drednaw managed to regain counsciousness and get away before the monsters battled.

(Play the song.)

Godzilla fired his atomic breath but the giant alien dodged by jumping away. The giant alien then charged Godzilla and punched him in the face, but it didn't seemed to hurt Godzilla at all, Godzilla counterattacked by smaking his tail into the giant Alien, making it fall.

The giant alien standed up and entered a hand-clash with Godzilla, before the two entered a fist clash, causing shockwaves that maded tree falls, destroyed all glasses in town and almost send Mei, Y/N and Asia flying like tree leafs.

They then punched each other's fists again, causing the same pulse again. Godzilla grabbed the alien's spikes on it's leg/hands and ripped them off with relative ease, making the giant alien scream in agony.

Then, the giant alien pushed Godzilal backward, causing him to fall. The giant alien then stepped on Godzilla and tried to strangle him with one of it's leg-arm. While the beast could barely, but stil hold Godzilla down for a while, it wasn't able to make him suffocate. The beast then turned onf of it's legs into a spiky sword

Suddendly, Godzilla unleashed a pulse that send the giant alien crash, badly wounded, burned and with it's leg/sword blowed up.

(Godzilla isn't suffocating. Replace King Ghidorah by the honkai beast.)

The beast could only look as Godzilla put his foot on it's chest before unleashing a atomic breath that obliterated the beast back into energy. Then, Godzilla absorbed the energy and turned it into it's own. He then began to grow up from 80m to 100m tall. He didn't seemed to be controlled by the energy.

(stop the song)

Mei was outerly shocked by what happend.

??? *radio* : Mei ? Do you copy ?!

Mei : h- The Titan... it... a... absorbed the Honkai energy and only grew more powerful.

??? *Radio* : WHAT ?! ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME ???!!!

Godzilla then letted out a victory roar.


Y/N then sences the others near the forest and teleported him and Asia to them.

Y/N appeared near Rias and Sona as Asia slowly wake up.

Y/N : Asia ! Are you alright ?!

Asia (weakly) : Yes... I am.

Rias : Glad you're alright.

Sona : I wonder what was that... alien.

Tristan : I think it's better not to talk about it now.

Irene : Everyone, look !

They noticed that Godzilla looked at them and sences something : They were devils.

Godzilla grinned his teeths before letting out an agressive roar that gained their attention as he turned and walked toward them. Everyone tooked at defensive stance but the devils couldn't control their fear. Godzilla was then met by a barrage of super-missiles. Then, Daniel's team's ultrmans and a giant robot appeared in front of Y/N's group, circling around Godzilla.

(Breaking Mammoth)

Zi-o : Hey Y/N, you're alright ?

Y/N : Zi-o ?

Zi-o : Yes...

The robot looked at him.

Zi-o : Sorry for being late.

Y/N : Well, you know what they say : better late than never.

Belial : Zi-o, I don't think it's the time to talk.

Zi-o : You're right.

Both Ultramans and Breaking Mammoth tooked a battle stance against Godzilla. The Titans we're ready to fight when suddendly...

(Play the sound. Video isn't mine)

They heard the roar of another creature. Godzilla seemed shocked and looked at the sea to see another Titan : A giant Ankylosaurus who hold himself on the coast. It was smaller then Godzilla, but with a lenght simillar to Godzilla's one

The titan roared at Godzilla and gestured at like, telling him to go. Godzilla looked one last time at the Devils before he scolled and moved back to the sea along with the smaller Godzilla-type creatures, much to everyone's shock. The military arrived and proceeded to attacked him, but ABSOLUTELY none of their attacks made Godzilla noticed them.

Once in the water, Godzilla began swimming with the other titan back to the ocean as the army followed them.

Tristan : I wasn't expecting him to save us.

Xenovia : What was that ?

??? : I'll tell you later, get some rest.

This day was one Y/N will never forget : He leared Asia sad backstory, fought a possessed gigantic pokemon and even saw him battle a member of the species of the beast that almost wiped out the three factions.

(What are your thoughts on it ? Chapter 11 coming next.)

Who do you want for the harem ?

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