Chapter 5 : the incubus and his fallen angels

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normal : talking


Italic : thinking / mind-conversation

BOLD : demon/some transformation's talk

underlines : narration

BOLD + underlines : song's lyrics

Y/N : Your Name

L/N : Last Name

f/c : favourite color

Y/N was in utter shock as he surmond once again another set of hands and put them in his eyes, the fallen angel he meet at his arrival in this world.

Y/N : Y- Yuuma ?! That's you ?!

Raynare : Actually, my real name is Raynare. ~Dear.~

Y/N : D- dear ?!

Raynare : ~Yes....~ Soon you will be mine ! But not before I take care of something.

Y/N : I swear if you hurt Alice or the others-

Raynare : Relax dear. I'm not out to kill them. I'm not like any cliché yanderes. I know it will make you my worst nightmare while I want you to be my best dream.

Y/N : Really ?

Raynare : Yes ! You're so handsome, brave, strong and have a sooo sad story, not to mention something I don't know that makes want to have you ven more. You could make ony girl fall in love for you ! Unlike that filtly perveted son of a bitch !

Y/N : hummmm....... Okay....

Raynare : So I'm here to take you with me.

Y/N took a battle stance.

Y/N : Not that I'm against the idea of loving you but I'm not gonna let go of my girlfirends that easily.

Raynare : I knew you would say that. That's why I've took the precaution to bring company.

Y/N dodged just in time two spears throw at him. Then two other ladies landed on Raynere's side, both were fallen angels.



Kawalarner : So that's the boy you were masturbating about. My apologies for calling you crazy.

Y/N : YOU WHAT ???!!!

Millet : Are you ear-dead ? She was masturbating about you !

Y/N : What's with the people of this world ?!

Raynare : I'll tell you, once you're mine !!!

She then surmond a purple whip of energy and charged at him before trying to grab him with her whip. She intead grabbed a energy weapon as Y/N surmonned a arsenal of them.

(Replace Noxys by Y/N. Art isn't mine.)

Y/N : Not now ! ~d-dear!~

Raynare looked at Y/N in disbelief before squealling in joy.

Raynare : heeeeeeeeeee !!!!!!!! He called me dear !!!

Kawalamer showed jealousy toward Raynare.

Millet : *facepalm*

??? : This girl is out of control.

Y/N : What do you say we use my new power ?

??? : You know you don't have to ask me about that right ? It's your power now, not mine.

Y/N was then surrounded by a dark aura before he transformed into his Incubus form.

(Imagine the form having the description at chapter 3.5. You have horns on both sides. The outfit is black and f(c))

The fallen angels began to feel strange while seeing this form.

Raynare : wh- what is this new form ?!

Y/N : A incubus form I've recently got. I can't wait to put it to the test.

The fallen angels then haved massive nozebleeding instantly.

(Like this.)

Raynare : ~KKKKKKYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!~

Kawalamer : Oh for god sake he's too handsome !


Y/N : okay.... I think I shouldn't haved used it.

??? : I think it was a nice move instead.

Y/N : Why ?

??? : Just watch.


She then desurmond her whip and was laying on the ground before Y/N, crying in defeat.

Raynare : I surrender to you Senpai ! Do what horible things you want to do with me !!!

The two others then do the same.

Millet & Kawalaner : We do too !!!

Y/N was completely lost. First, they wanted to fight him to get his love but after he transformed into his incubus form, they laid before him in defeat.

Y/N : Well... hummm... How about you tell me what you're doing here ?

fallen trio : We're here for you're love senpai !!!

Y/N : I mean... do you have a plan in this town or something ?

The fallen angels looked at each others before nodding and looking at Y/N.

Raynare : We are here to steal Asia's sacred gear.

Y/N : What ?!

Kawalaner : We orginally planned to do it at the church.

Millet : That idiot of Dohnaseek is probably waiting for us along with exorcists.

Y/N began to walk toward the church but was stopped by Raynare.

Raynare : Where are you going ?

Y/N : Save Asia before it's too late.

Millet : But you can't ! it's too dangerous to go alone !

Y/N : If I say you can be part of my harem, would you come ?

The girls instantly stand up with their weapons ready.

fallen trio : Let's do this Senpai !!!

Y/N : Well, the girls won't like it.

??? : There are at least 100% of chance they will kill you after that.

Y/N : At least I lived a good life... for some times.

They then headed toward the church.

Timeskip :

In the church, Dohnaseek and a insane wielder of multiple excaliburs named Freed were waiting for the girls to show up as Asia laid uncounscious.

The girls then entered the church by flying and are greated by the visible Asia, ready to have her sacred gear taken from her.

Dohnaseek : What took you so long ?!

Freed : We better hurry before the devils arrived.

Kawalaner : Sorry. We've bumbed into a problem on the way here.

Millet : But we've dealt with it in no time !

Freed : What was it ?

Dohnaseek : Not a fight without me huh ?

Raynare : Not at all...

Freed : Then should we do it ?

Raynare : About that...

Dohraseek : what ?

Raynare :  I have to introduce you a very special someone.

the boys : who ?

??? : Me !

They look behind them to see Y/N with a giant ball of energy but they couldn't dodge it as Y/N fired it at them.

(Like this.)

Once the blast ended, the boys were on the ground burned and blooded, almost dead.

Freed : WHAT THE HELL ???!!!

Raynare : Sorry boys but... ~we have found a new and lovely master.~

Dohnaseek : I can finally kill you !!!

He then surmond Dusknoir and Gengar once again.



Raynare : They will be useless.

Dohnaseek : What make you say that ?!

Raynare just smiled before surmonning her dark balls and throw them as three pokemons appear.




Raynare then surmond a ring with a dark ball on it. As she pressed the ball, dark energy came out of it and circle Gyarados and Absol.

Ryanare : I take care of him Y/N. Freed is yours.

Y/N : Well... Good luck !

Y/N then run toward Freed as the dark aura dissapeard, revealing Gyarados and Absol in new forms, bigger, stronger and deadlier.

(mega absol)

(mega gyarados)

(A/N : Both mega pokemon have dark purple eyes.)

Freed was barely standing on his knees as Y/N charged at him before surmonning multiple dagers of energies and throwing them at Freed. Freed replicated by cutting them all with his excaliburs, leaving him open to Y/N's attack as he surmond a chainsaw-sword and cut Freed on his side.

(Like this. Replace Obscidian fury by Freed and Gipsy avengers by Y/N.)

Freed hold his guts in unthinkable pain as he look at Y/N, who still have his second pair of hands on his eyes.

Freed : HOW ?! HOW CAN YOU DO THAT ???!!!

Y/N : Do you really think I will tell you that ?! Especially since you're about to die ?

Freed : WHA-

Freed was then stabbed by Kawalaner in the chest, killing him.

Kawalaner : Impressive moves dear.

Y/N : I know. Personal training by the way.

An explosion was heared behind them as they look back to see Gengar and Dusknoir going back into their balls as Dohraseek's burned ashes landed before Y/N and Kawalaner. Raynare then come with Dohraseek's hat in her hand before her Gyarados eat it.

Raynare : And he thought he could backstab me. I've seen better.

A fourth pokemon landed on her side, a wolf-like one with claws red liek blood. Dohraseek's blood.


Y/N : Well... Asia is safe... I think.

Raynare : *sigh*

Y/N : Is something wrong ?

Raynare : I... wanted her sacred gear honestly... so that the other fallen angels respect me...

Y/N : Give me two seconds. hey !

??? : You want to know if you can give her a simillar power ? Yes you can.

Y/N : You know me too well. Hey Raynare.

Raynare : what ?

Y/N : What's Asia sacred gear ?

Raynare : Twillight healing. It can heal anyone from anything, except death.

Y/N : What if I told you I can give you that power ?

Raynare's eyes widden in shock as she look at Y/N with a curious look.

Raynare : You're joking right ?

Y/N : No.

Raynare then hugged him with a lot of strenght, almost making him pass out.


Y/N : Must... breath... or... I'll... Die !

Raynare then let go of him in a hurry.

Raynare *panicked* : Sorry !

Kawalaner : I'll admit, it's funny to see Raynare acting like this.

Y/N grabbed Raynare's hand, making her blush as a emerald energy enter her. Once the energy was gone, Raynare could felt something simillar to Asia's sacred gear in her.

Raynare : Thank you senpai. I'll make sure you won't regret it.

Kawalaner : Hate to break the mood but... (point at Asia) what do we do about her ?

Millet : Hey !

Millet appeared in front of the group with a panicked look on her face.

Millet : the Devils are coming !

Y/N : Here's your answer.

Raynare : What do we do ?!

Y/N opened a portal in front of him with a snap of his fingers before bowing to the ladies and waving his left hand toward the portal.

Y/N : Ladies first.

the fallen angels : ~You're such a gentleman.~

They hurried into the portal before Y/N does the same and it closed. The door suddendly exploaded as the ORC enter the church. Issei saw Asia laying on the floor and panicked.

Issei : ASIA !!!!

Rias walked to Asia and checked on her pulsations. First shocked, Rias then smilled while letting out a small tear.

Rias : Everyone... Asia is fine.

The ORC let out a small sigh in rasurring as Issei was crying on his knees.

Rias : She's just uncounscious.

Koneko : Rias ?

Rias looked at Koneko who pointed toward the dead body of Freed, shocking Kiba.

Rias : Who could have done that ?

Meanwhile, the girls and Y/N appeared in the corridor before Y/N's apartment.

Y/N : wooh ! That was close !

Raynare : So... we're officially part of your harem ?

Y/N : I'll just have to ask the girls about it but... mainly : yes.

Raynare's face was as red as Rias' hair.

Raynare : Y/N ? Can you look at me ?

Y/N : Can you cange your outfit first ?

Raynare's body was surounded of magic before dissapearing. Y/N dematerialized his second pair of hands and opened his eyes to see Raynare's new outfit.

(Raynare's new outfit. The cape is black. Art isn't mine.)

Y/N began to nozebleed at the sight of it.

Raynare : ~Like what you see ?~

Y/N : ye-yeah !

Millet : *yarn* I'm tired after so much action.

Kawalaner : We're going to bed. This night gaved us a lot of trouble.

Y/N : *yarn* I agree.

Raynare : ~Good night dear.~

Y/N : Good night girls !

The girls started looking for a room to sleep as Y/N enter his own room. Once he closed the door, he felt a presence behind him that frozed his blood in fear. He slowly look behind him to see his girlfriends with a menacing look and eyes red as blood. Broly was nowhere to be seen.

(The girls stare. Imagine they have eyes red like blood.)

Y/N's Girlfriends : Y/N !!!

Y/N : waitwaitwait girl ! I- I can explain !

That night, Y/N's screams were heared all across the town, giving peoples nightmares they will remeber for years.

(what are your thoughts on the chapter ? Chapter 6 coming next.)

Who do you want for the harem ?

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