Chapter 6 : a talk with intruders and yanderes

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normal : talking


Italic : thinking / mind-conversation

BOLD : demon/some transformation's talk

underlines : narration

BOLD + underlines : song's lyrics

Y/N : Your Name

L/N : Last Name

f/c : favourite color

Y/N slowly awake, feeling bad after the "talk" with his girlfriends about Raynare and the others. The girls eventually accepted the fallen angels being part of Y/N's harem but Y/N suffered the consequences. He eventually dressed up and went to school... but not forgetting that : if another girl is added to his harem, it will start over again.

Y/N : Never... again... never... again... never... again... never... again...

??? : Poor Y/N.

At Kuoh, Rias haved finished her day and planned to leave until she heard stange noises in the lockers, she then saw one of the lockers strangely shake. She opened it, revealing Y/N and Alia in a make out section much to their shock.



Rias madly blushed while seeing this before trying to keep her calm composure.

Rias : *sigh* Again Y/N ?

Y/N : What "again" ?! I'm just showing my love to Alia !

Rias : Like you did to your other girlfriends ?

Y/N (embarassed) : ... I don't know what you're talking about...

Rias took a "not amused" face as Y/N was lying.

Flashback 1 :

Akeno was tasked to give Sona some papers but she heard strange sounds on the way. She then saw Y/N and Neo in a room alone, slowly taking each others' clothes off. She then open the door before they do "it", shocking the both of them.

Y/N and Neo : shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit....

Akeno : ~Ara Ara~ You're sure are lovebirds.

Akeno suddendly doged Neo's sword aimed at her throat. Akeno then run away from a enraged Neo while laughing.

Akeno : hehehe !


They kept chasing each others for a long time while Y/N dressed himself up with an embarassed look on his face.

Y/N : Dear God...

??? : Yes ? Do you need me ?

Y/N : Sorry, just lost in my thoughts.

??? : As always. You're such a thinker Y/N.

Flashback 2 :

Inside the girls changing room, Y/N was alone with Iris as Y/N kissed his girlfriend's neck, making her moan in pleasure.

Iris : ~Ahhhhhhhh!~

Y/N : You love it don't you ?

Iris  : Yes... I love you !

As they were about to continue their session, they suddendly hear someone eating and they both look in shock to see Rias' rook : Koneko being here.


Koneko : This entire time ~Y/N-Senpai~.

Y/N : ARE YOU KIDDIN... wait... Senpai ?


In panic, Iris took her lightsaber out and tried to kill Koneko. Of course, Koneko dodged and hurried to run from a Iris out of control. Much to Y/N annoyance.

Y/N : Again...

Flashback 3 :

This time, Y/N was just in class, finishing his work until he felt soeone giving him massages He then look behind him to see Alice with a smile on her face.

Alice : ~Are you okay dear ?~

Y/N : I'm fine.

Alice then suddendly pin him on the wall as she looked at her boyfriend with a smile.

Alice : I'm sure you want some rest.

Y/N : You know me to well.

Alice : What kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn't know my boyfriend ?

They began kissing each others with passion until :

??? : *fake cough*

They look to see Sona and her peerage at the door with their arms crossed.

Sona : Can we have the room ?

Y/N : S-sure.

Alice opened a portal as they head out, but not before saying something to Sona and her peerage :

Alice : Can't we have a time of peace with our boyfriend ???!!!

Flashback end :

Y/N was embarassed by what happend today.

Y/N : Well... It's normal to show some love to his girlfriends isn't it ?

Rias : You're impossible... but at least far from Issei's annoying perveted attitude.

Alia then pointed her A-buster at Rias with anger.


Rias : Fine fine ! (look at Y/N) Still, he's pretty lucky having such girl with him. I wonder if they would accept me also dating Y/N...

??? : Hey everyone !

They look at see Issei with Raynare disguised as Yuuma and Asia, wearing the academy's outfit, coming toward them.

Yuuma : How are you doing Y/N-Senpai ?

Y/N : *grunt* fine... until someone disturbed me and Alia.

Rias : Y//N !!!

Alia : He's not wrong.

Issei : Hey Y/N, can I ask you something ?

Y/N : Yeah ?

Issei was instantly on his knees with a begging voice.


Y/N : what ???


Rias : Issei... I think Y/N want to spend time wit his harem

Issei then stand up and cleared his tears.

Issei : Right.

Asia : How are you doing Y/N ?

Y/N : Fine Asia. And you ?

Asia : I'm fine. Rias proposed me to join her peerage and I'm glad I did.

Y/N : Good. I'm glad I could save her in time.

Alice then arrived at the scene.

Alice : I see everyone is fine.

Yuuma : Yes.

Alice : (look at Rias) Did you planned something ?

Rias : Well, I wanted to go to the familliar forest with my peerage. I though it would be a good idea to go with you who are new to our world.

??? : Familliar hm ? Interesting...

After that, they were at the gate of the academy, saying goodbye to each others.

Y/N : Well, this was a... interesting day.

Rias : Yes it was.

Asia : See you later !

Y/N : See ya !

Rias' group then leaved as Y/N and his teammates are heading home while Broly told them about a girl he helped last night.

Y/N : So, this girl want to meet me ?

Broly : Yes. That's what she said.

Alice : Well...

Iris : Guess we're gonna have to "talk" about that again.

Y/N : Girls please no !!!

??? : Y/N ?

Y/N : Yes ?

??? : I think I'll push you a bit more tonight.

Y/N : Why ?

??? : Let's say : tomorrow will be a VERY special day for you. I'm just making sure you're prepared for a possible surprise for you.

Y/N : Okay then...

Once they were in their dorm, Y/N closed the door and was about to put the light on until :

??? : I wouldn't do that if I were you.

They were shocked and scared as Y/N stopped in his movements. Suddendly, a light was put on as they could see a man with a eyepatch, sitting on a seat.

(Art isn't mine.)

He has a strange symbol on his shoulders, looking like a bird.

(His emblem)

Y/N's group took a battle stance as Alice activate her Shenron's Balance breaker and Y/N surmond energy shields to protect the others.

Y/N : WHAT NOW ???!!!

Neo : First supernaturals, now a chocolate man ?! CAN WE TAKE A BREAK FOR GOD SAKE ???!!!

man : I've heard someone say the same thing one day.

Iris : Who are you even ?

man : The real question is : who are YOU ?

Y/N surmond a arsenal of weapons at him as a answer.

Y/N : I've answered too much question in a short time in my opinion.

man : How long we're you here ?

Alia : Less than a week.

The man let out a sigh in relief.

man : This is probably the strangest thing I've ever heard from outsiders.

Broly : Outsiders ?

man : People who aren't from this universe.

This shock Y/N's group and confirmed what the man was thinking : they weren't from this world.

man : I knew it.

Alice then transformed her aura into a gun and aimed it at the man's head.

Alice : You better not try something funny. Or else !

man : Kid, if I wanted to attack you, I would have come with an armed army, not alone and (show a gun) with only a gun.

This made everyone drawing their weapons and Broly transform.

Everyone else : You better take that off !

The man put away his gun.

man : You sure are nervous when you see a weapon.

Broly : The one I saw holding a gun like you have, it ended up in him having to replace some of his body parts with mechanical ones.

man : You really did that ?!

Broly : Yes.

man : I suppose you don't know who I am.

Y/N's group : duh !

man : I'm afraid I can't. Yet.

Neo : oh come on !

Alice : May we at least know why you're here ? (surmond claws) or we're gonna have to make you spill it ?

man : I'm here to make sure you're not here to cause trouble.

Broly : Why would we ?

man : This world suffered too much invasion from everywhere else. I just want to make sure you're not the next ones on the list.

Alice : Do you really think we have the intention of doing such things ?!

man : well, (point at Y/N's crystal) that thing is bad at hiding it's destructive potential.

Y/N hold his crystal in shock.

Neo : Just so you know stalker. Try to touch that crystal, it's your one way trip to Death.

This caugh the interest of the man.

man : Because you're gonna kill me if I touch it ?

Neo : That too. That crystal who's shall be able to touch it. Any who doesn't : rest in peace.

the others : NEO !!!

Neo covered her mouth in shock. She always wanted to talk but even her know she went too far with it.

man : Well, at least I won't go home without learing something. Thanks for the tip ice cream girl.

Y/N : Hey ! Only I can call her that !

the light suddendly turned off and when Y/N finally turn the lights on, the man dissapeared, shocking them.

Broly : WHERE DID HE GO ???!!!

Alia : I don't know !

Iris : Dammit Neo !

Neo : I didn't know !

Y/N : GIRLS !!!

They stopped and look at Y/N.

Y/N : There's no point in fighting !

??? : You're right Senpai.

They look at the entrance to see Raynare, Kawalamer and Millet with smirks on their faces.

Y/N's girlfriends : YOU !!!

They took a battle stance but Y/N raised a flame wall wetween them before things go out of control.

Y/N : Girls ? (they look at him) can I... explain what's going on ?

the girls :

You better explain this Y/N !

Y/N : *glups*

Y/N then told them about how he used his Incubus' powers on them, how they were obcesed wit him and how they saved Asia from having her sacred gear and her life taken from her.

Neo : Y/N...

Y/N : y-yeah ???

Neo haved a yandere stare on her face.

(Neo stare)

Neo : You're lucky we're accepting girls ! Because if we didn't, you would suffered a fate worse than Union gaved you !!!

Y/N : AAAAH !!! Y-YES MA'AM !!!!!

Neo's face then turn back to normal as she smiled at the girls.

Alice : So, wanna sleep here for now on ?

Raynare : s-sure.

Iris : oh ! and just so you know : Alice is the alpha of the harem.

Millet : Fine by me.

Broly : Where's Y/N ?

Suddendly, Raynare materialized her whip and throw it backward before bringing it back with a escaping Y/N.

Y/N's harem : ~WhErE dO yOu ThInK yOu'Re GoInG ?!~

Y/N : Wait ! I-I can explain !!!

Y/N's harem : sure.

Y/N : *sigh*

Y/N's harem : ~WhIlE wE'rE rApInG yOu !!!~

Y/N : NOOOOO !!!!!!

That night, no one ever knew what happend to Y/N after his scream. Not that they would want to know it to begin with.

??? : I hope I can make him forgive that once he's asleep.

(What are your thoughts on the chapter ? Chapter 6.5 coming next.)

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