Prologue part 2 : leaving

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normal : talking


Italic : thinking / mind-conversation

BOLD : demon/some transformation's talk

underlines : narration

BOLD + underlines : song's lyrics

Y/N : Your Name

L/N : Last Name

f/c : favourite color

Years have passed, Y/N and Paimon got to know each others better and become friends. Y/N eventually heared a voice talking to him and it didn't took him long to realised it came from the crystal. At one point, Y/N got to Beacon academy, a major place of Union, but it wasn't what he expected. He was bullied by almost everyone in there, especially team RWBY, wanting a certain revenge on Y/N. The only team that didn't bullied him was team CRDL because Y/N haved something that scared them to death.

Actually, Y/N was trying to get back on his dorm but was stopped by Team RWBY

Y/N : What ? I don't have time for you.

Weiss : Yes you do.

Y/N : Didn't asked your opinion.

He was then punched in the guts by Yang.

Yang : You don't talk back litle shit !

Y/N : You're not my mom bimbo.

Yang : Guess you need to be remined of your place.

Eventually they started to beat Y/N to near death with JNPR, CFVY, SSSN, NDGO, Bakugo, Naruto and Sasuke joining them.

Suddendly, team JNPR and SSSN were blasted by a purple blast. Everyone stopped as they could feel only one thing in them : Fear.

They look to the origin of the blast to see the most dangerous girl in existence as well as Y/N's girlfriend : Alice Trinity. Y/N's bullies' worst nightmare.

(Art isn't mine.)

Alice : What are you doing to Y/N ?!

Yang : Stay out of this slut !

Ruby : Yeah ! He's our brother, we can do what we want to him !

Alice then surmonned her gauntlet, angered like never.

Y/N bullies : uh oh...

She then fired a rainbow blast at them, destroying they auras and making them bleed even more than Y/N. Yang charged at Alice and punched her in the face but Alice didn't feel a thing, in fact, it was Yang who felt pain in her arm due to Alice being WAY stronger than Yang. Alice then punched Yang in the guts, making her scream in agony and grab Yang before slamming her on the ground and crush Yang's back, making her scream louder and collapsing.

Jaune tried to stand up but he then saw team CRDL coming toward the scene.

Jaune : Cardin, what are you doing ? We need your help !

Cardin : yeahhh... about that Jaune.

Jaune : what ?

He was then smacked by Cardin's weapon.

Cardin : Sorry buddy, order of madame Trinity.

Sky (to Jaune) : Take that you maggot !

Team CRDL looked at Alice with fear as she completely healed Y/N and was about to leave.

Alice : Thanks for the help Cardin.

Cardin (s****ing himself) : It- It was a pl-pl- pleasure m-ma'am...

Alice then teleported Y/N and herself to their dorms.

Sky : dear oum, she's freaking scary !

Dove : What do we do now boss ?

Cardin : (look at the beatened bullies) Make sure they won't bother Y/N for a while.

One of the teacher, Glynda, arrived at the scene with a angry look.

Glynda : WHAT HAPPEND ?!

Weiss tried to say something but Cardin was faster than her.

Cardin : They fought against each others !

Glynda then used her semblance to levitate the bullies.

Glynda : Headmaster office, NOW !!!

Back in their dorms, Y/N was on his bed with Alice with him. The door then opened and Y/N's teammates entered.

Neopolitan was a cute neopolitan- ice cream themed mute girl. She always enjoyed Y/N's company and was one of the best fighter of the school, after all, she was a professional hitman. When someone bullied Y/N, she always took something from them. She was the only one who cleaned Yang's hair dry and got away with it.


Iris was a girl with the particularity to be the perfect combinaison of flesh and machine, without the default of both. She always took care of Y/N when he went throught bad things and she doesn't need to rest to always be at 100%. Despite being a cute girl, she was actually a perfect killing machine that could rampage throught Atlas and kill everyone without any escapes or survivors. She's so competent that Ironwood ordered her to stay away from Atlas in fear.


Broly was a member of the seemingly exctinct race known as : Saiyans. Broly was a force of Nature and Y/N's best buddy. When Y/N got a problem, he could always ask Broly to help him solve it, except when it's about love and girls. Broly is considered to be the 2nd strongest person in Remnant, the 1st one being Alice. He is a pure force of nature, with a wrath so great he can't die, even if he's reduced to nothing. He hate Union with a burning passion and he was originaly the one responsible for Ironwood's mettalic body parts. He can destroy a multiverse by himself with no one, except Alice, to stop him, but he's too good and atacted to Y/N to do that. His will can cause even Ozpin to faint, no one could control him and no one will ever control him. Alice taught him new transformation of the saiyan race since she mastered them all thanks to her sacred gears.


Alia was the only one of the group who isn't the type to fight, but she's always at Y/N's disposal wherever and whenever he was. She could assist him in anything, mainly his location and the risks. Despite being the peaceful one, she can still fight with her sword and A-buster. She's also the same type of being as Iris, making her a perfect choice to give Ironwood nightmares for a month.


And finally, the leader of the team : Alice Trinity. Nothing is known about that girl, except that, despite being 100% human, she's as strong as a god. She's consider to be the most dangerous girl in existence for good reasons. She has a great intelligence and manipulative skills not even Salem and Ozpin combined can come close. Even when she has a great intelligence by herself, one of her sacred gear : Aurelion Sol, the universal & knowledge infinity dragon, was always at her disposal. Her power as a human is without equal, being the only known being to with Super Shenron, the infinity ultimate dragon, as second sacred gear. While Aurelion Sol use knowledge as power, Super Shenron was pure power, she rarely use it but when she does, defeat is the only outcome for the enemy. Thanks to her sacred gears, Alice was able to master Saiyans transformation never reached : Saiyan God, Saiyan Omni and the Ultra-Instict. She taught Broly how to use them as she care deeply about her team, mainly Y/N, her boyfriend as she's the alpha of his harem composed of her, Iris, Neo and Alia.

Y/N : *sigh* another day, another beating.

Neo : It's starting to piss me off ! Maybe I should cut Yang's hair again, along with her teammates's ones and turn them into egg-heads.

Y/N : While I love the idea, I don't think it will change anything.

Broly : (crack his knuckles) I swear if they keep doing it, I'm gonna show them the mistake of angering a saiyan !

Iris : I'm sure Ironwood won't let you do that.

Alia : Y/N, you can't let them go away with it.

Y/N : I tried to tell that to Ozprick, I've been in detention for a week.

Alice : He orginaly planned to be a month, good thing he remembered what happen when someone anger us, especially me. No offence everyone.

Y/N's team : None taken.

Suddendly, two lights, a golden one and a blue one, came ouf of her hands as Shenron and Aurelion Sol materialised in spirit forms.

(Super Shenron)

(Aurelion Sol)

(A/N : They are human sized in their spirit form.)

Aurelion Sol : I am truly dissapointed of Ozma, seems a thousans years of reincarnation made him more heartless than Salem.

Neo : And dumber.

Aurelion Sol : ...Correct.

Broly : Great dragon Shenron, what shall we do ?

Shenron : I guess a day off for Y/N will be welcome, after that, we shall drop out of Beacon and Union. Only weaklings feeded with ego seems to be welcome.

Alia : Ozpin is not going to like it.

??? : That does matter to us any longer.

Y/N's crystal on his necklane began to glow as the voice talked to everyone.

??? : Ozma have betrayed the trust the gods and I haved with him when he founded Union. It's only fair he loose more than he win.

Alice : Took you long enough to participe. (look at Y/N) And why didn't you use your infinite powers ?

Aurelion Sol : Alice remember, he must hide it at all cost.

Shenron : Union wouldn't hesitate to take it by force. He suffered too much in my opinion.

Alice : Sorry, well Y/N, how about you spend tomorrow with me to forget about that ?

Y/N : (smile) gladly.

the team girls : after that, it's our turn.

??? : I'll make sure everything go smouthly.

And with that, they all drift to sleep.

The next day, Alice and Y/N were in Vale for a walk. They eventually stopped to rest in front of an alley.

Y/N : It's so good to relax without bullies to ruin the day.

Alice : Indeed.

She then grabbed Y/N by his torso and put him in a passionate kiss. Y/N welcomed the kiss as he wrap his arms around Alice's waist. They broke the kiss to get air.

Alice : I love you Y/N. You're the only boy I know that isn't power-hungry and tried to force himself on me. I hope nothing will separate us.

Y/N : me too.

Suddendly, they heared an explosion on the other side of the alley. Alice changed her casual outfit into her battle one.

Alice : I'll take care of it.

Y/N : Alice, (she turn to him) be safe)

Alice : I should be the one to tell you that.

She then rushed at the explosion at high speed.

Suddendly, Y/N was shot in the neck by a dust blast, making him collapse. Has he tried to stand up, a foot was put on his back as he looked to see it was Winter Schnee. He was then surrounded by Union and Atlas soldiers as Ozpin came to him.

Ozpin : Y/N Rose. You're under arrest for the murderer of heroes.

Y/N : What kind of shit is that now ?

Winter put her foot deeper.

Winter : Don't question headmaster Ozpin criminal !

Y/N : shut up ice queen !

Winter stabbed Y/N in the hand with her sword. They put Y/N into a bullhead as Ozpin came to see him.

Ozpin : I'm disspapointed Y/N. Someone doing such a thing.

Y/N : I told you I did nothing !

Ozpin : I wasn't talking about the murder you did Y/N.

Y/N : then what ?

Ozpin : It's about your little secret.

Y/N's eyes widden in fear.

Y/N : I... don't know what you're talking about.

Ozpin : Don't try to lie to me. I know you have the crystal. Where is it ?

Y/N : In your ass old man !

Ozpin slammed his cane in Y/N's feet, making him scream in pain.

Ozpin : In that case, you're useless in your state.

Ozpin leaved as the engines began to power up. However, he looked one last time at Y/N.

Ozpin : You'll be more useful once Ironwood turn you into a obediant zombie, (walk away) just like you were meant to be from the very beggining.

The door closed as Y/N lowered his head in defeat.

Y/N : Paimon...

Paimon then appeared in front of Y/N.

Paimon : Yes Y/N ?

Y/N : Go find the others. Protect them !

Paimon : and you ? Paimon can't let you alone !

??? : Don't worry Paimon, I'll take care of him.

Paimon : Y/N...

Paimon turned into a light and flew toward the others. After hours of travel. Y/N arrived in a dark corridor as he was then knocked out. When he wakes up, he found himself chained to a wall as Ironwood walk toward him.

Ironwood : Guess you didn't answered to Ozpin after all.

Y/N : That ass can just die !

Ironwood : I'm gonna ask you one more time : Where is the crystal ?!

Y/N : Why do you even care about a mere crystal ?

A soldier wanted to punch Y/N but Ironwood stopped him before turning back to Y/N.

Ironwood : That crystal can grant it's user Infinite Powers, not even gods can wistand such powers. And let me tell you, the only ones who will possess theses powers will be ours, Union and no one else. Not even gods will have their words about that. So you better tell how you get that crystal to work if you want to go to the afterlife in one piece.

Y/N : ... You sound more dumber than I tought.

Ironwood clenged his fists in anger before leaving. He then turn to the scientists.

Ironwood : Make sure he talks, no matter what.

He then leaved as a scientist pressed a button that electrocute Y/N to near death.

During the following months, Y/N was tortured with all kind of experiments, psycological torture, physical torture, everyday beating, injections of serums, but he still refused to talk, mo matter what. A female scientist even tried to rape him but Ironwood arrested her, saying he's won't go to such lenghts.

It was going to be another  day for Y/N as his body was broken when the scientist leader entered the room.

Scientist leader : You know, I'm starting to like making you suffer. So why not just doing it for fun ?

An explosion appened behind them as two swords cut the leader down before lasers were shoot at the other scientists, killing them. Suddendly, Iris appeared before Y/N.

Iris : Y/N !!!

She then free Y/N as the crystal reappear and instantly healed Y/N completely, both physicaly and in his mind after months of torture.

??? : Sorry for not showing up Y/N, if I healed you, they'll-

Y/N : Don't... it's okay.

They began to run to see their teammates also here.

Y/N : Everyone... you came.

Broly didn't answered as he fired ki blasts everywhere.

Y/N : Seems you're doing fine.

Alia : What happened Y/N ?! I've heared you killed heroes.

Alice : But none of us believed it.

Alice arrived while dragging the broken Ace-Ops with a chain.

Alice : Y/N... what did they do to you ?

Y/N : They... tortured me and tried to turn me into a mindless machine. *snif* why ?!

Everyone's eyes widden in shock. The girls began to cry but Broly let out a roar as he transformed into a new stage.

(Art isn't mine.)

Broly : I'LL KILL THEM ALL !!!

Alice : me too. But we must get Y/N out of this.

Iris : Leave the troops to us. They'll regret everything they did to Y/N.

Y/N nooded as he, Alice and Broly began to run in the opposite direction. Suddendly, Atlas troops arrived and pointed their weapons at them.

Atlas soldier 1 : HANDS IN THE AIR !!!

Alia : Do you really think we'll obey us ?

Atlas soldier 2 : Well, the last one refused so we tortured him. What was his name again ?

Atlas soldier 1 : Y/N, dumbass.

Suddendly, something snapped inside the girls mind, they only haved one thing in mind : EXTERMINATE all who hurted Y/N.

Atlas soldier 2 : ah right ! Anyway, unless you-

He was then stabbed by a sword, much ot his colleagues terror. They look toward the girls to see they have a terrifying smile on their face as Iris hold the head of one of the soldiers.

(Ignore the Sigma's marks on her eyes. Imagine she's holding the head of the soldier. Art isn't mine.)

She then crushed like like to was made of goo. The other girls haved a expression as scary on their faces.

(The girls expression.)

Iris : You hurt our precious Y/N.

Alia : You laughted as he suffered.

Neo : You tortured him for something personnal.

the girls : NOW DIE !!!!

The girls rushed at the soldiers as the only thing that could be heared were insane laughter, bodies getting torned appart and blood spilling everywhere.

Meanwhile, Y/N and his group arrived at a room with huge circles on it.

Alice : What is Ironwood doing ?

Aurelion Sol : It can't be... he's trying to create a portal.

Broly : A what ?! To where ?!

??? : To another world.

Y/N : How can you be sure about that ?

??? : I just know it.

The door behind them opened and the girls came in with blood on them and a sadness on their faces.

Alice : What happend ?

Iris : Sorry Y/N...

Alia : It was too much for us...

Neo : I couldn't take it.

Y/N walked to them and put them in a hug, knowing what they did.

Y/N : It's okay girls, I don't blame you, I would have do that myself anyway.

the girls : Do you... love us ?

Y/N : Yes, I do.

the girls hugged him back.

Y/N : Just... don't do what you did to them to me please.

The girls : We'll never do it Y/N. Not on you, ~Y/N-senpai~.

Y/N : *glups*

Shenron : What did they do to have so much human blood on them ?

Alice : I think they massacred them.

Broly : WHAT ?!

Shenron : To think love could hold such power.

Aurelion Sol : I think it is called : "Yandere" when someone hurt someone else for their loved ones.

Suddendly, Y/N saw ice coming toward them as he surmond a energy shield to protect everyone. Winter then landed before them.

Winter : You...

Neo : You bitch ! You took him from us !

Winter : I did what was nesecarry.

Broly : Don't give me that crap woman ! Go home and make dinner like you should do !

(A/N : I sincerely apologies for all girls reading this fanfic. Thoses words from Broly aren't meant for any of you and never will.)

The girls glared at Broly.

Winter (to Y/N) : I'm gonna make sure you'll all pay for the massacre you caused, I suppose a execution in the perfect way.

Y/N (to his team) : Leave her to me...

He began to wolk toward her as he surmond a sword in his hand.

Y/N : I have a personal revenge against her.

Winter charged at him as Y/n close his left hand and tremendous energy began charging up. Before Winter realized what happend, Y/N shoot lighting at her, shattering her aura in one hit and making her scream in agony. Once Y/N stopped the attack, Winter fall on the ground, burned and almost dead.

Y/N : That's one of my power ?!

??? : Just the basic ones. But it's still infinite, not even a god can survive a attack like this one, if your goal is to kill it of course.

Suddendly, more soldiers came in as Ozpin also came in with Tsunade and All-might.

All-might : Young Y/N, what is the meaning of this ?!

Ozpin : Isn't it obious ? He killed them all and was about to destroy Ironwood's project.

Tsunade : You kids are so dead !

Alice clenged her fist in fury before a rainbow tornado surround her and expload, revealing Shenron's balance breaker.

(Replace Thanes by Alice. Both gauntlets have the 6 infinity stones on them.)

Alice : I'm tired of your bullshit Ozpin ! Shenron, please get us out of this world, that's my wish.

Shenron : Sorry Alice, I can't...

Ozpin : KILL THEM !!!

As the soldiers were about to shoot them, the crystal on Y/N's necklane began to glow. Ozpin noticed that.

Ozpin : That little bastard !

Shenron : Someone else already granted it.

Behind Y/N's team, a portal opened.

Y/N : Did I do that.

??? : Yes, now go inside of it !

The team began to go inside but before Y/N does, Ozpin grabbed it.

Ozpin : You traitor ! You're just good being feed to the grimm ! GIVE ME THE CRYSTAL !!! IT DOESN'T BELONG TO NOBODIES LIKE YOU !!!!

He tried to kill Y/N but Y/N punched in the guts as a laser suddendly appeared and caused Ozpin to scream in agony as he could feel his souls being consumated by the blast.

All-might : DETROIT SMASH !!!

All-might tried to attack him but the crystal caused a shockwave that pushed him back and shut down everything in Atlas, almost making the city fall toward Mantle. Y/n went throught the portal as it closed and turned into a energy bomb that exploaded the room. Killing the soldiers and destroyng Ironwood's project in the process. Ozpin stared in disbelief as team RWBY came in.

Ruby : What's going on ?!

Ozpin : Y/N... tried to kill us with his team. He destroyed our only way to prevent him for causing death on other worlds !

Weiss : This guy is just as evil as he's weak ! What a nobody.

Unknow to them, a Seer grimm was watchign them along with Salem on the other side of the grimm's view.

Salem : *facepalm* Good job Ozpin. It took you multiple reincarnations to become the dumbest and cruelest person in the world, even surpassing me.

Somewhere else, a being was watching an uncousicous Y/N.

??? : Don't worry Y/N, you're safe now, you and your team. I'll be here for you, always.

The view changed back to Remnant.

??? : As for you, you better leave dear Y/N alone if you fear the apocalypse.

(What are your thoughts on the Prologue ? Chapter 1 coming next.)

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