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Warning: I wrote this a year back so do not expect what you have read in the last three stories over here. It is unedited and random. Not my best shot but it still has a part of my heart. 

Happy Reading!


Author's POV

"What the hell woman? It's been two years, and you still put jam on the wrong side of the bread," Amar yelled.

"I have said this to you a hundred times and for the 101st time, I am repeating this. Both sides of the bread appear the same to me. Next time if you have a complaint, apply it yourself," she said, putting the butter knife and plate on the table with a thud.

"The plate is costly. Don't break things for fun. Idiot," he said, taking a fresh piece of bread.

"Even the bread is costly, but you waste it by taking a fresh piece, right? Am I pointing it out?" she asked, narrowing her eyes.

"Subah Subah mood kharab kar diya (You spoil my mood in the morning itself). I don't want to eat. I am leaving," he said, leaving the table in anger. She huffed and marched behind him towards their bedroom. 

Swati Awasthi looked up from the book she was reading and shook her head, returning to what she was doing before. Her husband, Keshav Awasthi, looked at the way they went and smiled, remembering his time with his wife. He nudged his woman and muttered, "Kya kha ke paida kiya hai apne ladle ko (What did you have before giving birth to your lovely son?")

"Aap hi ne Korma banaya tha apne haathon se (You made a special Korma for me)" she said, raising her brow and they laughed.

In the room, Anna sat on her bed right in front of Amar with an angry expression on her face. He looked at her from the corner of his eyes while wearing his socks. No words were exchanged between them. After wearing his shoes, he stood up and searched for his wallet. Blinded by irritation, people usually mess up the easiest of things. He paced around the room looking for it but was unable to locate it. 

She controlled her smile seeing his frustration and made a stern face. Exhausted, he sat by her side. She quietly got up and picked up the brown accessory from the dressing table, keeping it on the bed where he sat.

"Golgappe or ice cream?" he asked. 

"Bread Jam," she replied with a sarcastic smile.

"Sarcasm always stays on your tongue. Start eating the sweet stuff, my dear."

"I can say the same. Anger always stays on your nose," she said and was about to step out of the room when he held her hand. She looked at him and he wordlessly pulled her into his arms and kissed her forehead, making her sigh in bliss. This was how they started their day.

It was lunch break, and he was sitting with his friends when his stomach grumbled and he groaned. He opened his tiffin, smelling the enticing aroma of Matar Pulao (Classic Indian rice pilaf) and spicy curry. Seeing him hogging his food eagerly, his friend laughed and said, "Seems like someone skipped breakfast."

They all laughed at his expense. He shrugged it off with a smile. However, something different happened today. The new senior who had joined recently and was a friendly personality commented, "You cannot have breakfast in your own house in peace."

"It's nothing like that," he said sincerely, but his words tugged at his heart. He didn't like someone interfering in his personal matters, but sometimes the power that comes along with organizational structure holds your tongue back.

"I have heard the road is quite rocky for you two. You must be used to it now. My wife is quite understanding in this manner. She contemplates before speaking. She generally keeps in mind the fact that I might be tired from the toil of the day and adjusts for my sake. Even when I am rude, she remains silent and we resolve the issue later. She would never let me leave home hungry," he told the others. 

His words kept roaming around in Amar's mind, but he dismissed the matter by saying, "Every relationship is different."

"Yes, not everyone can tame his woman," someone snickered, and he angrily replied, "She is not a pet to be tamed, she is my wife and she deserves to rule."

He left the table after packing his lunch, but that senior's words had done the deed. They left a deep mark on him. As he entered, he spotted her keeping aside some textbooks and walking up to him. In general, he kissed her as soon as he arrived home, regardless of how his day had gone. However, today he gave her a curt nod of acknowledgment and walked away to change.

'Is he still angry?' she asked herself. Seeing his distressed mood, she quickly made his favorite chocolate cupcakes and waited for them to get ready with glee. She was super excited to see a smile on his face after looking at the cupcakes. As he sat at the table, she quickly dished out the food for him.

"You made split chickpeas again? How often do you make this lentil curry? Huh!" He groaned. Every day, he asked the first thing sitting at the table 'Have you had your dinner?' but today his words disturbed her a little.

"Hey! I just made it today after two weeks," she argued. 

He got up from his seat in a fit of rage and yelled, "Can't you shut up for once? It's not necessary to always talk back. Act mature sometimes. Who am I even talking to? You don't know anything except fighting. I bloody tolerate your nonsense quietly every damn time. Do you care for me ever? It's only me who has gone blind in love who fought with my family for you. Two years. In these two long years, you haven't learnt to have patience sometimes. You are worse than kids. Have you ever adjusted for me? No! It's always been me. Have you ever cared if I skip meals? We meet hundreds of people in a day, both good and bad. It's not as easy as explaining things to kids who would bear your scolding quietly. My tolerance can also wear thin sometimes, but you don't need to test it always. Let me live in peace, woman."

He stormed away, and she felt her eyes stinging with unshed tears. She swallowed her pain and sat in the chair, thinking about his words. 'Was she really immature and intolerable?' she wondered sadly. She was always a confident woman. In their two years of marriage, he never used that tone on her. He might banter with her, but she always had his back. At all times, whether personal or professional. 

Today, she pondered over her behavior, which seemed normal to her, but she condemned herself for being a pain in the arse to her husband. She wasn't the one to settle her claim with 'he must be burdened with work' because she didn't know him for two days, but for two years. He had never behaved like this before. He was promoted thrice and his work stress constantly increased, but his words never had an undertone of displeasure while fighting with her. Did she really annoy him that much?

So....how was it?

They fought and it spiralled out of  control.

The best part?

Something you like about them?

Something that angered you?

Excited for the next part?

Aren't they a different kind of couple *wink*

Love marriage and siyaape *huh*

He is being dumb but let's admit it...life isn't always a bed of roses. People are being plain stupid in anger at times. 

Let's see how everything turns out in the next and last part of this one shot getting divided into two halves *hehe*

Thanks for reading! Inline comments would be very much appreciated. 

Gotta rush! I have to prepare for my next exam. 

Love you guys!

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