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Sitting at the beach coast Ragsan were planning their beautiful future together. The sun was already down and the beach was almost empty except a few lost souls like them who were lost in each other without any care.

S: Ragini

R: Yes

S: Raginiiiiii


S: Raguu... look at me I am telling you something

R: I am listening sans say it and please let me feel the waves and the cool air.

S: (pouting) Fine go enjoy the air I won't say anything.

Ragini starts to laugh hearing that and turns towards him who is sitting like a grumpy kid. She shakes her head and thinks how much of a baby sanskaar is who is always craving for her and her undivided attention. Slowly she turns his face towards her and pinches his cheeks making him more angrier.

R: aww my baby sanskaar my grumpy kiddo you look so cute with that pout and that frown. I will make you sit with the same look at our wedding altar when we get married.

Hearing about marriage sanskaar's eyes bulges out and he starts grinning like a mad man. But ragu knows better and she is damn sure he won't stop now after the damn stupidity she just did. So she slowly stands up and starts to sneak away from his reach.

R: I think we should get going its getting too dark.

S: Stop, don't you dare. Let us finish the topic you started first baby.

R: Nope. Its getting dark and we must go right now.

S: Only after the hell freezes ragini. I think we need to talk a lot tonight so stop running away and come back to me.

R: NO... this is the most unsafe place to be at right now.

Saying so ragini starts to run away from his reach while he gears up to chase her till the end of the earth shouting her name repeatedly to stop and listen to what he got to say to her.

S: ragini stop. You can't go like this.

R: Really sans but too bad I'm already on my way to go away.

Saying so she starts to sprint towards the road to get back to her apartment before sanskaar can tease her but her planning flows out of the window as soon as two strong arms encircles around her waist and picks her up in a blink.

S: Do you think I would let go of this wonderful chance ragu? And how on earth did you dare to run away from me? You deserve a punishment for this ragini so that next time when you even think of doing anything funny as such you will remember the consequences.

Saying so he spins her around and runs towards the water to throw her into the soothing cold waves washing the shore. Soon a water fight started and the giggling and laughter of two mad souls was all that could be heard.

After a while, both were sitting on the shore back to where it all started but the only difference was they were dry back then and now they were wet from head to toe. Still, all they felt was utter bliss and peace in each other's arm. The calm night and their ragged breath was the most alluring combination every star witnessed.

R: Sans we should really come here more often. I love this place and your undivided attention. I will do anything to have you all to myself and only mine.

S: Your wish is my command madame. I will build us a beach-house somewhere exactly like this place where we can be together forever and no one will burst our romance bubble. I will have you all to me and then you can't even stop me from.......

R: Ewww sans... You are always thinking about that. I won't even let you near me before marriage remember that.

S: My lord save me from this girl. Someone here help me I'm not safe with this pervert girl who always is thinking abouttt ummmm,y.y....

(Ragini closing his mouth with her hands)

R: Sanskaar Maheshwari how dare you? I will kill you dumb Maheshwari and then I will kidnap your soul and torture it too.

S: wo wow wohhh,,,, isn't it the soul who haunts and tortures normal alive people?

R: But you are not gonna escape me even after death coz you are trapped with me for eternity Mr. Dumbo.

Both of them burst into laughter shortly after realizing  their grave topic of discussion.

Sanskaar was looking towards her with so much adoration and love. He just wanted to stay in that moment for forever. He never understood how he got so lucky to get an angel like her in his life after all he always considered himself a curse and thought he can never have any happiness but here he is sitting with the most beautiful girl in his arms all to himself. He would turn away heaven for this and if the devil says to choose this moment as his hell loop then he will eagerly jump into hell just to feel the exact damn way for eternity.

When ragini saw him looking at her that way as if he was diving deep into her soul and communicating with her without any word, she just could not look away from him. Both sat a mere distance apart from one another, diving deep into each other eyes conveying every unsaid feeling and stuff they never dared to speak out in words. Everything was fine until she saw his eyes tearing up and a tear escaping his eyes leaving a trace behind as it moved down. She immediately aligned her hands to prevent that drop from falling on ground and caught that traitor tear in her palms. Sanskaar smiled seeing her do that. Ragini closed her palms to prevent that drop from slipping away and looked towards him.

S: Ragini I wanted to ......

R: Sshhhh sanskaar. Not today please. No more words for tonight.

Sanskaar nodded his head in acceptance and was back to his favorite job which was looking at her with all his concentration. He always wanted to dig deeper and see her pain which she hides so elegantly from everyone else, but he was smarter than he looked. He was still overwhelmed and scared to lose her considering his record of bad luck, but he really wanted this to work so badly. He knew he won't survive if he lost her too. All he wanted at that moment was to make her his in every sense and mark her his so that she would never leave but he respected her choices and wanted her to stay with her willingness.

Ragini's heart pained a bit when she saw that scared look. She knew him well enough to decipher the meaning and it took her no rocket science to crack what's going on inside his head. So, she decided to do something to assure him and she was determined this time. She scooted up on her knees and moved closer to sanskaar. Then she slowly moved her hands towards his face and cupped his light stubbled cheeks looking straight into his dark eyes which were speaking volumes to her own sets of hazel orbs. Sanskaar relaxed in her touch and closed his eyes for a sec to capture and lock the look on her face. Ragini grazed his stubbled face with her slender fingers and leaned towards him further to reduce the gap between their faces. Sanskaar looked at her with surprised eyes this time as he was unable to read her moves this time. She then leaned in closer and pressed her lips over his cheeks where the tear drop left its trail. Sanskaar closed his eyes instantly in utter bliss and his hands flew as in reflex to hold her waist and stabilize her but little did he knew it was just the starting of a beautiful memory lane and this was surely gonna ruin him for any other women in future.


I can't see you scared or unsure about us sans. It kills me every time when I see this look and insecurity in your eyes and I will remove every ounce of it with my love, trust me sans just trust me. Even if I have to go beyond my limits to prove my love I won't regret it for you sans.

Ragini kisses his entire face ensuring him that she isn't gonna leave any soon. However, she is stopped by him who tightens his hold on her waist and leans his forehead over hers to stop her from going beyond her comfort zone. Her eyes automatically get locked with his and slowly she leans in to taste the two wonderful set of lips. As soon as her lips touches his, all his inhibitions and sane part disappears and he pulls her in closer to taste her without any restriction. He kissed her like the world doesn't matter to him anymore while she tried her best to convey all her feelings through that kiss. Their lips fought for dominance and ragini gave up eventually letting his taste every corner of her mouth. He pulled her more into him and eventually rolled her over the sand with him on top without breaking the kiss. They kissed until their lungs screamed for some air. Sanskaar  then rested his forehead over hers and both were panting hard felling content yet wanting for more. 

Slowly he open his eyes and saw her beneath his frame looking like the most exotic piece of art which only belonged to him. He was happy that she took the lead but deep down he was scared too thinking what if she regretted this but as if ragini heard his thoughts, she cupped his face again and pulled him down to her eye level staring into his eyes and letting him know that she can never regret any moment spent with him. 

R: I love you sanskaar and I'm not going anywhere.

S: Then i will surely make that beach house asap in case we are in similar situation again and we need a place to crash and show our love ..... {wriggling his brows}

Ragini stares at him for quite some seconds and soon both of them burst into laughter realising how mad they are for each other.


Hello guys, I'm sorry for making you all wait for so long but i just couldn't update my stories for quite some time now due to some personal reasons. But now I'm back and I'll make up for all your patience and love.



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