The first meeting

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6 years ago

25 March, 2010

Bangalore city...
Mount Andrew College campus

A boy is seen riding a blue color ducati in a very high speed. Soon he stops the bike at the entrance of the campus n looks around for his friends who are seated on their own bikes n cars. They too join him at the entrance n hi-fies wid each other thus congratulating him for being the winner again in this race too.
        The boy then removes his helmet n flashes his charming smile to them along wid teasing them for being the losers as always. His eyes are dark brown ,tempting and are too deep that anyone can easily drown in those pairs. He has a sexy smile adoring his face n a naughty glint portraying him as a charming  arrogant and handsome young man.
        They are about to move from their places when another person soon approaches them. He is a tall, lean fellow with stylish golden-black hairs. He too has a very charming smile n is looking devilishly handsome. Soon he is revealed to be Namit  ...... Namit khanna.
Soon namit heads over to the group popularly called as 'The Devils'. This group has all the rich n spoilt brats of Mount college from senior batches. All 5 in number . They are known for their troublesome attitude, ragging, n rules breaking. 
N: Guyzz.... Guess what!!
I have recently heard that the new semester is starting tomorrow itself. Means new batch....New entrance....New bullies and double fun.
Guy 1: That's fun..... Bt what will we do until tomorrow?

N: Nice question dude..... Till tomorrow you all can wait n store ur energies for bullying other innocent people, but spare me with my bestie cum brother for tonight as I have grabbed 2 tickets of the famous SUFI NIGHT programme for us. So if u can spare us so plzz...

Guy 1: SUFI NIGHT..... Ahh.... Not again that boring singing old don't know what songs..... OK guys you two can spoil ur night n rest of us can really have some fun at home.  Ok bye....
             With this the other 4 guys left leaving namit and Him alone.
N: So congratulations again for  ur victory in this stupid race competition. I don't understand why you always do such nasty things just to be friends wid THE DEVILs???

Person: I think you know the reason dude. Anyways I don't want to get bullied by them or let them bully u my darling....

N: Ewwwww..... Stop with that darling shit n listen u shouldn't be late for the concert tonight unlike last time or I will kill u for sure.

Person: As my Lord says.....

N : Enough man.... U r Srsly a nut case. Anyways I have some work ..... C u soon tonight .

Person: OK boss.
Soon they depart to their destinations.

Same city..... Another place
A girl is seen walking along roadside along wid her friend.
Girl 1: I m telling u still we can book a cab. Plzz buddy..... For God's sake drop this crazy idea of walking upto the venue in this hot evening. Do u even know how far it is from here?

Girl 2: Chill darling.... We can make it up after all we r the young generation.
So concentrate on walking rather than buzzing around n eating my head.

G 1: You  know what..... U r hopeless.

G 2: Mine pleasure mam.

G 1: That's it! This is what I was pointing out. It's ur pleasure n mine punishment.

G 2: Cut the crap yr..... Can't u do this little thing for my happiness???😢😢😢😢😢

G 1: Just shut up haaa... Ok my drama queen. Let's go.

G 2: Did I ever told u that I luv u ...😘😘
G 1: Awwww.... Did I ever told u that I hate u.....😉😉😉

G 2: Yuppp..... So now walk fast we have so much to discover n also reach the venue on time. So come-on gear up n walk fast my baby...

G 1: (Muttering....) Why did I in the first place booked a Sufi night show for this Dracula ??  N even if it was not enough, I even gave in to her demand of walking into the programme venue in the name of enjoying the views n surrounding?? I do think I will either end up dead walking like a stupid on these busy roads or will surely become like this dumbo. .... Huhhhh..... Plzz god .... Save me from this idiot.

G 2:  Enough of ur cussing yr.... See we have almost reached the place. Now plzz shut  up n concentrate on the road.

As they were about to cross the road to lead to the other side, a speeding bike passed by them jerking both of them at their places. They stood stupidities for few secs due to the recent happening n when they turned to look along the direction of the moving bike , they saw the biker was about to hit an old women . Though  he immediately applied brakes but the damage was done.
G 1: Shit yr.... He is such a badass boy. Can't he see n drive . Let me teach him a lesson. 
With this she left her friend who was busy  watching the guy wid wide eyes and flaring nose for such irresponsible act along wide muttering several bad words in his respect.
She came back to her senses when she saw her friend proceeding towards the accident spot with clenched fist n blazing eyes. She soon ran behing her....
G 2: Preeti..... Preeti.... Listen .... Wait....At least let me accompany u yr...

P: Shut up kiddo.... Do not mess wide me now. Let me put some brain in his thick head.

Soon Preeti along wid her friend , her kiddo reached the spot
While kiddo went down on her knees to help the elderly women to stand as the accident was very small , preeti turned over to the guy n starting yelling at him for so careless n irresponsible.
In between all this, there was a pair of eyes who were fixed at the girl helping the wounded lady. He was constantly staring her and was not able to look anywhere else other than her face. He felt so peace n divine by just lookin at her face n was instantly pulled towards her but soon recovered his composure after the constant honkings n blowing sounds of the behind vehicles, so he just shrugged this feeling n then went away on his way after giving a last glance at his ANGEL.... Yes that's what he named her as she was looking like one ....perfect, serene,calm n beautiful not just by face but by heart too.

After helping the lady m settling the matter in their own way, Preeti asked her friend to depart for the show as they would be late if they don't start now.
So they both soon moved from that place n started again for the night show.... The SUFI NIGHT.

The 'Sufi night' show venue :-
Both girls reached the venue before the show starts. Soon they marched towards the ticket checking and baggage deposit counter.
The guard asked them to deposit their bags n other things at the counter and show their tickets at  the entry point to enter. So after clearing everything, both of them headed to the entry point.

Security incharge: Mam can I see ur tickets plz?

P: they are.

Security incharge: Can u plz tell ur names plzz?

P : Preetika Kapoor and Ragini Kapoor.

Security incharge: Thankyu for ur cooperation mam. U both can proceed.

Soon Preeti and Ragu entered the show hall n got seated on their seats.
P: You know kiddo.... I m vry excited for today's show.

R: Will u stop calling me that?

P: Will u stop acting like one then I will sure.....😘😘😘

R: Arghhhh..... U r horrible. I hate u.

P : But I thought u loved me..... Haaiyeee..... There is no one who loves me.... Plz god send someone for this innocent, cute Adorable kid of urs too...

R: Hahahaha..... Stop it Preeti.... Innocent and u doesn't look nice in a single statement. So better foget it n regarding loving u.... Then it's impossible for someone to fall for this pumpkin face of urs..... Wid this she burst into fits of laughter.

P: What the hell u said??? Pumpkin like face.... That also me.... Wait I will show u who it is??
N she started beating ragu on her shoulders wid her clutch.
Soon this cute fight ended n both of them broke into fits of laughter n giggles after their childish behaviour while the nearby audience were looking at them as if both have grown horns on their heads.
After composing themselves, they gave an apologetic look to the nearby people n gestured each other to concentrate on the stage ahead as the show was about to start.

Soon the light went dim and a beautiful music started to play. Just after few seconds, the singer came over the stage n after welcoming the audience, he signalled his crew to start and soon enough the concert started smoothly wid a very melodious n soothing song.

(Check the song on the top.... U can play it n enjoy urselves. It's indeed a spectacular n soothing song, especially for love birds)

The show was started yet Namit n his buddy were nowhere to be seen. Soon they were seen rushing towards the entry gate scolding eachother for being late for the show. They anyhow convinced the security incharge n guards n at last entered the hall.

N: It's all coz of u Mr. Sanskaar maheshwari. Great work dude... U even anyhow maintained this record as well.... Congrats.

S: I said na I m sorry dude.... U can scold me as much as u want bt plzz for now concentrate on the show. We have already missed few minutes now I m not in mood to miss some more. So plzz concentrate on finding the seats rather than bantering.

N: Alright.... Yaya.... Let's find the seats .

S: Yupp....thank you so much.

They were busy finding the seats when sanskaar's eyes stopped on a particular face n then refused to look anywhere else around. He instantly felt a pull towards those hazel black doe shapes eyes. He was standing few feet away from her n was constantly looking at her face.

Here Ragu felt someone constant gaze on her, so she looked around to see if someone was looking at her or it was just her thought but as soon as she turned to see around, her eyes too got lock with someone but she soon recovered n immediately looked ahead to avoid that gaze.

Sans' condition was not gud.... On one place he was badly attracted towards someone n even this romantic Sufi atmosphere was adding more to it ... ..
He was about  to walk down to her, but was pulled away by namit who instantly pulled him towards their seats.

Though sans followed namit but something was changed for sure n it was gud one.... He felt it. He smiled shyly at the recent happenings n again looked along her direction to see her again n again as his eyes were betraying him n were again n again moving to her direction.

    On the other hand, Ragu turned again to looked at the previous person who was staring her but was unable to find him. So she turned to the show n got immersed in the song once again.

The song going on was indeed spectacular....
Lagan Lagan lagan....
Lagan Lagan Lagan......

Ab Lagan Lagi ki kariye
Na jee sakiye naa mariye - 4

Lagan lagan Lagan lagi- 8

(Yar mainu le jaave -3
There bin rha na jaave

Ishq me sazan bin kaise tariye....). 2

Lagan Lagan Lagan lagi- -4

(Mulaah ye khta phirta -2
Mera meherm na yu milta

Dil ke iss Dard Se kse ladiye) 2
...ladiye ....ladiye....

Lagan Lagan Lagan lagi-....-6

  Each n every word of the song was fitting like the pieces of zig-saw in their situations..... It was indeed to happen this way n both of them were unknown to this one trying to concentrate on the lyrics of the music n drown into it while the other was getting impatient wid the passing time to find out what was happening to him .....

So guyz.... Welcome to all once again n sorry for being late.
Hope u enjoy this update n thank you all for ur support n love.

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