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Shivaay had just came to home after jogging when he noticed priyanka sitting in the lawn alone..

He goes to her.

"Prinku,what happened doll?Why are you sitting alone here?" He asked as he took seat on chair infront of her.

"Nothing bhai.I wanna sit alone please!Moreover,you have got busy now." She said expressionless making shivaay confused.

"Prinku, if you are talking  about anika then let me inform you anika is important to me that does'nt mean i will forget you and mom.I keep every relation in balance so don't say like that again.Moreover,sherni(lioness)is of different nature!" Said shivaay making priyanka chuckled.

"I will tell bhabhi u are calling her sherni!" She laughed.

"Do tell i am not scared of her!" Shivaay chuckled seeing her laughing.

"Bhai,i wanna ask you something why did you react like that last night?" Seeing shivaay's fresh mood she asked from him.Shivaay looked at her.

"See prinku you are my sister and i love you to an extent.You are innocent and can't recognize evil people.Arnav is not good man so please stay away from him.I don't see you near him again!" Said shivaay polietly.

"But bhai...

"I said na you won't meet him again.Now come inside.There is cold outside." He goes to her and hold her hand.Priyanka could'nt do anything except sighing on her possesive brother.

Shivaay came out of the restroom wiping the water drops from his neck with towel.He looked at anika who was snoring cutely.He smirked and goes to her side.He rolled the towel in ball liked shaped and throwed it on anika's face.

"What's thissss non-sensseee shivaaaay!" Anika shouted getting up abruptly.She throwed the towel on his face and he laughed aloud.

"Janam,I am "doh takkey ka police wala na" so according to nature i am doing doh takke wali harkatay.By the way, It's my new style of waking you up.I think you did'nt like it much." Shivaay laughed going near her.

"Keep ur new style to yourself only and there is no need to wake me up.I will wake when i will feel like." She shouted and again layed on bed pulling comforter till her face.

Shivaay goes near her and leaned to her.He removed comforter from her face and kissed her hell out.Before she can attack on his neck by her sharp nail he was successful in his work.He parted away breathing heavily.

"Stay away shivaa..ay."her cheeks got pinkish by his action in shyness.Shivaay was looking at her smirkingly and wiped his lips.

"Don't tell me you did'nt like this style also.Shabash get up now everyone is waiting for us on dinning table."he said getting up from bed.

"Shivaay i m sleepy.I will do breakfast later."she said throwing herself back on bed.

"You are sleepy as if i did'nt let you sleep whole night.I am telling you if you did'nt get up then i am cancelling my program of going to office and will join you in bed."he said taking out his uniform from wardrobe.

"What do you mean?"anika asked irritated.

"I will make you understand the all meanings but not by my words.I will show you by actions then you will complain "shivaay ur doh takke ka police walaaa." He winked at her micmicing her.

Anika got off bed angrily and stood infront of her pointing her index finger at him.

"You are not doing right, shivaay.I am telling you i will shoot myself if you did any cheapness again." She said angrily snapping finger at him.Shivaay nodded and pulled her to his chest by her waist.

"I forgot to inform you when you will decide to shoot urself take your gun from me.Actually,i found it under ur pillow or simply tell me i will do this auspacious work more perfectly.Go and change.We all do breakfast you should also be present there." Shivaay pushed her back slightly and left towards dresssing room leaving his wife fuming behind.

"I won't leave you shivaay."  She gritted her teeth.

After sometime,when shivaay came out wearing his uniform he glanced at  anika who was standing infront of mirror wearing her earrings.She was ready but had made stern face.Shivaay chuckled looking at her face but soon composed himself.

" let's go." He goes to her and hold her by her waist but she looked at him angrily jerking off his hand and moved out of the room.Shivaay sighed and followed her.

Shivika greeted the family and took their respective chairs.Anika was getting nervous.This was all new to her.Yesterday,her parents were present there at breakfast time so she did't feel any hesitation.But today they were also not present so she was bit hesitant.

"Anika, what  you will have  in breakfast beta?" Jhanvi asked anika while serving breakfast to shivaay.

"Thanks mom i will take by  myself." She smiled.On the first day only she was ordered that just like shivaay she will also call them mom and dad.

"Come on anika ,get back on your old avatar it' ur home only.Mom ur asking about breakfast?She takes a big bowl of fresh blood." Shivaay said secretly winking at her.

Anika who was already expecting that shivaay will say something like that only.She harshly stomped her heel on his foot causing him choked the food.

"Shivaay are you ok?"Asked anika with fake concern passing him water glass.She patted his back as he coughing.Shivaay glared at her wiping his mouth with tissue.While, anika winked at him secretly.😆

Other family members were aww seeing her concern towards her husband😂.

"Aww bhaiyaa bhabi is so caring!😍" Said priyanka looking at anika.

"Yes very😒." Shivaay forced smile to which anika enjoyed seeing his face.😄She blushed also😂.

"And shivaay where are you going ?Only tow days have passed of ur  marriage and now on work.Take anika for outing!" Tej said.

"Dad,my mission was to get marry which got will go for honey moon but after somedays.I am handling an important case.If you say i can make her visit the cell." Said  Shivaay amusingly only to get glares from tej.

"Shivaay." Jhanvi smacked his head and all bUrst into laughter.Anika sighed thankfully.

After sometime, all got disappeared except shivika.Shivay turned towards anika.

"What was that??" He asked raising his eyebrow.

"Tit for tat!" She snapped finger at him.

"I will see you later!" He stood up wearing his cap.

"Ok ok Get lost for now." She gritted her teeth snatching tissue from him.Shivaay moved closer to her to which she warned him through her eyes.

"Ok,Take care."he carrassed her cheek and left from there.Anika shrugged off her shoulders and got busy in eating her breakfast.

There priyanka again met with arnav and apologized to arnav for shivaay's behaviour.Arnav asked her to talk about their proposal.Priyanka told him to wait for sometime to which he got offended and said that she don't love him just passing her time with him and playing with his feelings.Priyanka apologized from him and assured him that she will talk to her parents asap.


IN the afternoon,anika came downstair as tejvi asked her to spend time with them instead of sitting idle in her room.

"Aree,anika beta come sit with us for sometime." Tej said smilingly as anika entered in the living room.

"Sure dad,actually i was pressing shivaay's shirts.Only two were left." She said very innocently and tejvi looked at her confused.

"But beta maid do his works." Said jhanvi shocked.

"No mom,Shivaay ordered me to do his all chores from now on as i am his wife." Said anika smilingly sitting on one of the sofas.

"He mus..t be joking." Said jhanvi as she sensed tej's changing facial expressions.

"No mom,he was'nt smiling he was saying sternly.He also told me to help maid in kitchen in making food.That's why i had washed his cloth early in the morning.You tell me about the menu of dinner.I will make dinner." Said anika innocently to which tej got angry.

"No need to do any work beta.Go and take rest." Tej said calmly and anika started going from there after nodding obediently.

"Send ur son to my room after he returns from office."said tej angrily and left from there.

Whereas,jhanvi was still digesting the  fact that  shivaay ordered anika to do his all chores as if she is his servant not a wife!


"How are you dad?You called me!" Asked shivaay entering in the room as jhanvi told him that his dad wanna have talk with him.It was evening now!

"Shadi k do din baad e utr gya ashqi ha bhoot?" Tej who was reading file said sternly.
(Your love faded away only in two days of marriage.)

"Ohho dad ur still stucked about outing.I told you na i will take anika soon.I m just busy in a case." Said shivaay casually and half layed on bed removing his cap.

"Shivaay,don't do acting infront of me.I m ur father and very well know about ur nature.If you asked anika to do any work again m telling you i won't mind that ur married now!"said tej angrily and shivaay looked at him shocked now sitting straight on bed.

"What do you mean dad?What i did?" He asked serious.

" Don't act innocent now.You ordered anika to do all your chores.You made her washed and iron ur clothes.That's why you married her?You could have told me earlier so that i can make you marry with maid daughter's for doing all ur works."said tej sharply and shivaay understood the whole scnerio.

"Dad please!Anika told you all this?" He wanted to confirm.

"Why?why are you asking now?To do fight with her and beating her for exposing you?Shame on you shivay." Said tej angrily.

"Dad please." Shivaay looked up at him abruptly.

" shutup.I m telling you keep your aethics of being an ASP  in police station only.Behave like a human in home.If u said anything to anika after going in room.I am warning you you will face worst me!" He warned him and shivaay kept on looking at him in shock.

"What are you looking at now?Got it or not?"asked tej scolding him

" dad.I will take care next time.Sorry!" Said shivaay polietly and walked out of the room.

Since marriage,relation between both of  them got good due to which home' s environment also got pleasant.There took no fight in oberoi mansion between father son.But due to today's scolding shivaay got angry on anika.All was getting better gradually!

"Baby, who will save you tonight from me?You itself have called trouble for urself.Get ready!" Shivaay talked to himself while passing through corridor!


Precap:Fun at dinning table😁

After dinner,anika goes in the room  and moved towards wardrobe.She started taking out cloths from closet.

Meanwhile,shivaay entered in the room.Locking the door he goes to anika and snatched cloth from her.He throwed her cloth on bed.

"What the hell!!" She shouted.

Shivaay picked her up and walked in the restroom!



What is shivaay upto?

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