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Shivika had already reached mumbai early in the morning.All were sleeping in the mansion so anika also decided to continue her sleep whereas shivaay left for some work.

At 9:00 am:

Everyone was present at dinning table for breakfast.Shivaay had returned while ago and joined them.Anika was already present there.

"So,how was the trip shivaay?Did you take anika out?" asked tej while reading newspaper.

"Dad,it was an official trip.I will take anika some other time." He said looking at anika first and then at tej.

"Hnn.Oh yes i forgot to inform you. When you guys were in Manali an alliance came for prinku.We have met each other already and we liked the boy.You and anika also take out some time and meet him and his family.Then we will soon fix engagement." tej informed shivaay.Shivay was listening to him while pouring coffee in his mug.

"Areee so soon?Who is the boy?Where he lives?" asked shivaay glancing at priyanka who was looking down concentrating in her breakfast.

"Arnav!He is son of Harsh's friend and we found him nice guy.We have agreed for alliance.You and anika also meet him." tej informed him and shivaay looked at him shocked.Anika was also shocked but looking at shivaay's face getting red she gulped.Tej said few more good words about arnav thus shivaay throwed the mug angripy on floor.

"Why did you got agreeed???"he asked angrily.All looked at him shocked.Especailly,priyanka was surprized.

"Shivaay!!Ur mom tried to call you but u wer'nt picking up the call.Moreover,We found the guy nice so we got agreed!What's the need of getting so hyper??" asked tej as he thought that he is angry for fixing the alliance without informing him as priyanka is obly his sister.They both love each other to an extent.

"I went for trip not got died that u did'nt care to ask me!!!" he stared tej angrily.

"Shivaay,Is this way to talk to your father?" jhanvi scolded shivaay for his behaviour.

"It's not a big deal that you are making issue on it.You meet with him with anika." said tej calmly as anika was present there.He did'nt want to create any drama infront of her.

"Say no to them.I will never let my sister marry there.It's my decesion!!" said shivaay sternly.

"In which tone are you talking to me??I am ur father not you that ur ordering me.She is my daughter and i will decide what's better for her!" said tej to him angrily.

Anika and jhanvi were looking at shivaay in shock whereas priyanka looked at him teary eyed.

"Dad that guy is not perfect for priyanka please say no to them." said shivaay sensing tej getting angry now.

"Tell me the solid reason?I will say no to them.He is perfect for priyanka dammit!!!" said tej angrily.

Shivaay banged his hand on table in anger.

"Only he is not left in this world for priyanka damn it.It's ok you can't say no to them?fine.I will personally go to him and will break the alliance!!!" said shivaay standing up angrily.

"Shut up shivaay.You won't dare that!!I have said yes to them and you wanna spoil my reputation now?I am saying tell me the sole reason otherwise it's upto you that you wanna join your sister's marriage or not!And if you created any more drama then you see what i will do with you. " Tej warned him.

"Do whatever you want.But remember dad i won't let this marriage happen!!!" Shivaay roared and left from there kicking on the chair angrily.Women flinched in fear.

"Jhanvi am telling you make him understand otherwise i will forget he is married!!!" said tej angrily and left from there.

Jhanvi sat on chair holding her head.
Priyanka wiped her tear and silently moved towards her room.Anika goes near jhanvi.

"Mom,please don't take stress." said anika concerned.

"Did you see his behaviour anika?I always defend him infront of his father but he don't get understand.He has create drama unnecessarily.Everything was going friend since you two got married.But again,same enviromnent is builting up im this house." said jhanvi teary eyed.

"You don't worry mom.I will talk to shivaay." she said holding her hand.

"You must be surprized seeing all this na."she looked at her and anika looked down.It was all new to him but what else she can expect from shivaay except shoutings or showing his anger?

"Mom,I will ask maid to clean the mess.You go to priyanka." she said.

"But shivaay."

"I will talk to him." she assured her.

As jhanvi left,anika asked maid to clean up the mess and left for her room.


She entered in the room and saw him half laying on bed doing smoking calmly .He had closed his eyes.However,the tension lines on his forehead were clearling showing how much he was disturbed.

Anika goes to him and pulled out cigarette from his mouth.Shivaay opened his eyes angrily.He looked at anika with blodshot eyes.Maybe her timing of doing this was wrong!He pulled anika angrily to his chest and twisted her hand back harshly.

"ahhh.."she hissed in pain.

"Pick up the box and take out ciggar!" he said gritting his teeths.Their faces were very closer to each other.By his grip,anika could easily sense how much angry he was.She got scared.

"I said cigaretteee!!!"he twisted her hand more that anika's mouth let out a painful cry.She quickly takes out cigar from the box.

"Take lighter." one more order came as he tightened his grip more.

"Shivaay leave my hand please!" she whispered painfully.

"Light up the damn cigar!" he gritted his teeth ingnoring her request.Anika placed cigarette in his mouth and lighted it with lighter teary eyed.

As she lightened up the cigar he pushed her back abruptly while standing up.He back faced her.

"You know what Ur a beast shivaaay.Dad said right he should not care that ur married now because you seriously need a good lesson.Beast!!" said anika carrassing her arm.

"If you don't want that i hurt you more go out of the room or shut ur mouth anika!" said shivaay moving towards couch while smoking.

"By the way,why are you getting so hyper on the alliance.Don't poke ur nose na arnav is perfect for priyanka!" said anika adding fuel to his anger.

"You just stay away from my sister matter.I know what's better for ger anika!" he said staring her angrily.

"Why should i stay away from this matter mister?I am also part of this family.If ur thinking arnav is marrying priyanka because of me then let me tell you he has not stoop so much low shivaay singh oberoi.I know him from childhood and by the way there won't come any prince from heavan for ur sister!!!" said anika.

"Get the hell out of the room anikaaaa." shivaay shouted enraged.

"What do you think about urself shivaay?You have married me forcefully.You have forced some one's daughter.You should thank God dad what you did with me is not coming infront of priyanka.You have heard na karma hits hard!"anika said and thus shivaay lost his control.

He held her by her arm and lead her out of the room slamming the door on her face.

"You doh takke k police walay.You pushed me out of the room???Now wait and watch how i will bring you on your knees!Remember it!!!"she stomped her feet and left from there angrily!


On the other hand,priyanka met arnav and told him about shivaay's reaction about their marriage.Arnav assured her that she don't need to take any tension.If she stands by him they will get marry by hook or crook!

Meanwhile,Akash khuranna was boiling in anger seeing his son's condition.He vowed to ruin shivaay's life for putting his son on brink of the death.Daksh demanded his dad that he wants priyanka in any way!

In the evening,Harsh and avantika came in oberoi mansion.Anika became very happy seeing them and got sticked to Harsh forgetting about what shivaay did to her.Anika did'nt go to her room after whatever happened between them in the morning.Shivaay was in the room only.Jhanvi informed shivaay about their arrival and he also came out and saw her sticking to her dad.Because of their arrival,enironement got pleasant and all were chit chatting.

After two hours,When Harsh and avantika about to go anika quickly requested them to get her along.Shivaay who was busy in his phone looked at anika who smirked at him.

"Dad,please i can go with papa today?"asked anika innocently from tej.

"Sure beta.You don't need to take any permission.Go and do packing." said tej smilingly and shivaay looked at tej shockingly.He also exists there!

"Yeah thanks dad."said anika excitedly and was about to go when shivaay spoke.

"One second anika we are going to my friend's house.They invited us on dinner!" said shivaay.Anika looked at shivaay angrily.She knew that it was all lie!!!Doh takkka ka police wala can't afford even spending night without her.

"it's ok give excuse to your friend.Anika is going eith them." said tej looking at shivaay.

"Aree,it' s ok anika will come next time.Beta you go with shivaay." avantika said seeing anika's sad face.

"Next weekend you will drop my daughter to my house shivaay!" Harsh looked at anika apologizingly.

"Sure dad.Actually,i had already excused him once.But again and again it's not good na.I will drop anika next weekend.Right anika?" said shivaay smiling looking at anika.

"Ji."she gritted her teeths and shivaay looked at other side hiding his smile.

"ok then take care."her parents blessed them and left after few minutes.

"Wait and watch doh takke k police walay i won't leavee youuuu." anika thought looking at shivaay so angrily as if she will eat him by her killing eyes only.Shivaay winked at her and left from there picking up his car keys.


After dinner,all were retiring to the room when shivaay got call from Dsp he left towards lawn after glancing at anika who was entering in the room.

After disconnecting the call,Shivaay entered in the room and removed his shirt.She was'nt there!He started making bed.When he picked up anika's pillow he saw something there.Firstly,he got confused then unknowingly smile appeared on his face.He shook his head and moved towards bed chuckling keeping the particular thing in his trouser pocket.

He layed on bed and his eyes fell on dressing room.Lights were on.Means anika was there.

"Sherni!"he murmured while chuckling and closed his eyes.

Suddenly door clicked open,Shivaay opened his eyes and looked at anika.His mouth formed "o" shaped as he widened his eyes looking at her!!!!!


So,what is anika upto???

If your guess is right!What do you think what will happen??

Is shivaay's life in danger?

Marriage will happen or not?

Stay in tune to get all the answers☺.

Precap:Daksh and Akash khuranna in oberoi mansion!

Sorry for short update as i am not well also i was busy.😑😑

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