Part 2

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Anika was sitting there on floor in shock."I will soon send proposal" were the words ringing in her ears.

Apart from this,no one had treated her like this ever.She is  the apple of everyone's eye and treats her like a sensitive doll.Harsh never let anyone  to even raise a voice against her.If by mistake anyone do that she will fall ill.

"Princess we are back." She heard her favourite voice.Her life's voice.

"Papa." She wiped her tears harshly.She was literally shivering and ran outside.

Harsh along with avantika were entering in hall.Anika ran towards harsh calling his name.

"Papa."she hugged him and started crying loudly.She was scared.Harsh got worried and hugged her back.

"What happened princess?"he got worried seeing his doll like that.

"Papa."she cried loudly.

"What happened papa ki jaan?Why are you crying beta?" Harsh carrassed her hair and looked at avantika worriedly.

"Anika baby kya hoa?" Avantika carrassed her hair but anika did'nt replied and hicupped  hugging harsh tightly.

"Avantika bring water." He gestured her and she left to take water.

"Anika look at dad please.Why are you crying beta?" Harsh made her look at himself cupping her  face.

"Baba why had you left leaving me alone here?I got scared." She hicupped and complained to him lika a small child.

Harsh had gone to london Delhi for meeting so after returning from there they left to their friend house.He got worried as anika never reacted like that.

Meanwhile, avantika came there with water

"Baby drink water and come lets go to room.Ur dad is also very tired."avantika carrassed her hair.

They took her to her room.

"Baba please close the terrace door."she said scared and avantika closed the door.

"Harshji you go take rest m with anika."avantika said.

"No papa please you stay here with me please."she pleaded and harsh nodded.

"I m here only bacha.Papa is here."he carrassed her hair and anika layed on bed hugging him.

"Harsh you just came after a meeting."avantika said.

"So i did take rest.I m with anika you go take rest."said harsh.

Avantika knows now it's useless to stay there because he will stay with anika whole night.So,she left from there.While harsh looked towards terasse door

"why did anika reacted like that?"he thought.

Shivaay had entered in his room.He removed his shirt. Throwing his shirt on the bed be lied down on bed smilingly.It was his habit to sleep shirtless.

Suddenly, he heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." He  said looking at the door.As soon as the person came in.He  quickly sat on picking up his shirt.

"Aap?" Asked shivaay confused as tej looked at him keenly when he was wearing his shirt.Tej rarely comes in his room.

"From where are you coming so late?" Asked tej sternly.

"Umm from friend's house."

"Name??" Asked tej curiously as shivaay hardly makes friends.

"You don't know about him.There is also a new case so got late while inquring about it" said shivaay.

"Well m shocked about new friend.You hardly make friend."

"I will soon make you meet my new friend.Please sit.It's obvious that ur here for work." Said shivaay irritated and tej sat there.

"I have heard that you arrested daksh khuranna recently.His dad has good relationship with me.He is a famous businessman so try to close this case as soon as possible." Said tej and shivaay shrugged his shoulder.

"I will close the case after giving him his peace of mind.I hav'nt met him yet just made him arrested." Said shivaay.

"Yaa that's what m telling stay away from any enemity although we don't share good bond but ur my only son i do love you." He said and shivaay looked at him shocked.He never talked to him so calmly.

"Ok i shall go now." Said tej and started going.Shivaay was sitting in shock.

"And this type of friendship is not good so stay away from friennds like him." Said  tej standing near door.

"What do you mean?" He asked confused.

"Means you may have grown up but still m your father." Said tej smilingly and shivaay looked at him clueless.

Tej goes to him and turned his head towards mirror.He pointed at lipstick mark on his cheek and opening his fist he pointed at there also. Shivaay s cheek got red and he looked down.

"Be careful next time."tej said sternly and left from there.

Shivaay kept his hand on his cheek.Smile crept  his face.
He arched his head back and throwed himself on bed staring his fist.He pecked the lipstick mark on  his  fist and closed his eyes grinning.

"Doh takkay ka police wala."he whispered to himself smiling crazily.


Next day,Anika was resting in her room as she  fell ill.She had'nt slept peacefully whole night.Harsh was with her whole night but she did'nt tell him actual matter.When she drifted to sleep in morning harsh got freed and left for his office after giving strict orders to avantika to remain with anika as she has temperature.

She was resting in her room.Suddenly her phone beeped.She receieved the call without looking at number.

"Hello who is speaking?"

"Wohi who have disturb you mentally." Hearing shivaay's devlish  voice.A  wave of fear ran down her spine.

"You...Who gave you my numberr?" asked anika in shock.

"Baby if i can meet you in your home right in your room.It's not difficult for me to get your number." Said shivaay amusingly.

"What do you wanttttt??" Anika shouted angrily.

"Tmhay." He said huskily.

"Shut uppp!Tum doh takkay k police walay how dare you to say like that?" She was getting more angry now.

"Baby don't talk about courage.You must have seen that last night and think carefully before  speaking this "do takkay ka police wala " can do anything.If i came to meet you tonight i will surely complete my  that work which i did'nt do last night after seeing your tears."said shivaay keeping his middle finger on his lip with smirk.

Hearing his threaten, she calmed herself dowm.

"Why did you call me?" She asked polietly.

"Why did you fall ill as far as i know you were fine till last night.So much sensitive u are baby.Aesa nhi chalay ga  sweartheart.I m very rough and tough."he said amusing resting his head on chair.He was on duty.

"You mr don't consider yourself a hero.If my dad got to know abput all this he will shoot you right there only." Said anika angrily and shivaay laughed inward.

"Haha,you do one thing tell your dad about me and also  tell him  that m coming to your home to get shooted by your dad.ok!!" Shivaay said amusingly.

"Akar toh dikhao he will kill you!!" Said anika angrily as she thought he may get scared from her dad.

"Seem like you want me to come to you.By the way, I also want to see you.What say aaj raat ajaon??" Said shivaay smilingly running his hand through his hair.

"Oh you do takay k police walay i don't wanna see your face and don't make bubbles in air they will get burst soon and remove this cheap thought from your mind that i will come to you ever."

"Oh baby you have to make habit of seeing my face forever because shivaay singh oberoi will get you by hook or crook" said shivaay in his deep voice reminding her again.

"Ok m hanging up the call.My mother in law is bring soup drink it like a good baby and take rest.I can't compromise with your health." Said shivaay before hanging up the call.

Meanwhile ,avantika entered in her room with soup.Anika looked shocked at her.She looked here and there worriedly.

"Mama please  close the terrace door who opened it again??" Anika said irritated and avantika looked at her confused.

"Baby mansi cleaned the room that's why she opened it.Why are you getting angry!" Avantika sat beside her and carrassed her hair.

She made him drink soup and anika kept on thinking about shivaay.

"This man is dangerous beyond my thoughts." She shivered.

Anika slept after sometime.Avantika thought to do grocery as she was getting bore sitting alone in the room.

She got ready and came out of mansion.Driver was not present.She decided to hire a cab.
She walked out of the mansion and stood on the footpath to see any cab.

Suddenly,a boy came running behind from her and snatched her bag and started running from there.

"What nonsense leave my bag." Avantika shouted while boy pushed her.She fell on road.

He was about to go when shivaay came running there.He had seen the scenerio from far only and ran to them coming out of car.

"You bloody bastard!!" Shivaay punched on his face hardly that blood came out of his nose.But boy pushed him and ran from there saving his life.Shivaay turned around and made avantika stand carefully.

"Aunty are you ok?" Asked shivaay while  checking her.

"Yes beta m ok.Thank you." She carrassed his hair.

"Let's go to doctor you got injured." Said shivaay worriedly.

"It's ok beta.i will go to home now.It's near only."

"Let me drop you then.Come ,here is my car." Shivaay takes her towards car and made her sit.

He quickly moved towards other side and took driving seat.Avantika looked at him amused.

"What's your name beta..What do you do?" She asked.

"Aunty, i bring bastard like that  boy to right path.I m police man.My name is shivaay." Shivaay said while driving.

"Wao,that's a good profession.Ur name is also nice."

"You liked my profession?Strange many people don't like it even my father too."

"I know police department is not given the respect because of some  dishonest employs.But we should respect them they are our protector.You are example of it.Every profession is good only  if we remain loyal to it." She smiled.

"I m impressed.I wish my dad also  think like you." Said shivaay laughing.Meanwhile they reached.

"You live here??" Asked shivaay shocked.It's anika's house.

"Yes it's my house.Come inside beta." Said avantika.

"I would have come auntyt but i have urgent work. BUT i will surely come again that too along with my mom.You will be happy to meet her." Said shivaay and avantika came out of the car.

"I will wait for you both then and thanks for dropping me."

"oh Come on aunty don't make me feel guilty by saying thanks.Basically,it was my duty." He smiled and avantika prasied him in her heart for his so kind nature.

She left inside while shivaay kept his head back on seat amusingly.

"Baby ye toh aur acha hogyaa." Shivaay smirked and smiled widely.He left from there after sometime.


"You got time now to meet me.Get lost from here mr raizada i hate you!!!" Shouted anika angrily as arnav came to meet her.Seeing arnav infront of her.She felt relived from shivaay's threatening.His words were making her more scared.As arnav came to her she felt alive.She was coming back to her usual avatar.

"Wohoo angry young girl.I was'nt informed of your health.Mom was talking to anti so i got to know from her that u got ill.What happened baby are you ok?" Asked arnav woriedly pulling a chair beside her.

"Yaa m fine now.Please let's go somewhere i m feeling suffocated here." She pleaded and arnav got agreed to take to her out for dinner.

"Ok let's go.I have something special for you." He winked and anika got excited.

"Let's go then." she quickly got up and arnav rolled his eyes.

She got ready and both came out of the room.

"Uncle anti.." shouted anika excitedly seeing mr and mrs raizada there.

"How is my daughter now?" Asked mr raizada as he side hugged her.

"I m fine now uncle." Said anika and the latter nodded.

"That's good."

After chatting with them for sometime arnav and anika left for restuarant.

Anika and arnav were chit chatting.Now anika was feeling more better in the pleasant environment of the hotel.Arnav was happy seeing her chirping like she used to do.They both were sitting on the chairs looking into each other's eyes.

"Baby i brought something for you." He takes out a ring from his pocket.Anika got happy.

Arnav stood up and goes to her.He sat on his one knee infront of her.

"I don't know what is love.But whenever i think about you unknown feelings run in my spines.I feel different.I always want to to stay happy like this.Seeing you smiling give peace to my mind.Don't know when you have captured my heart and now is'nt coming out  of my heart.If unkowing feeling  is called love then anika i m in love with you.I love you." Said arnav with so much love that anika was out of words.She looked down shyly.

"Suno you have to give me rent now!" Said arnav making her look at him confused.


"Rent for residing in my heart,sweetheart."he said sternly and after sometime both burst into laughter.While laughing he held her hand to slid ring in her finger but there was already a ring there.

"areee you are already wearing a ring but if you will wear my ring i will be very happy?" He tried to remove that ring but it was stucked.

"How can i forget to remove this?" Anika thought looking at ring..

"It's not coming out's ok i will make you wear on other hand."he slid ring on other hand.

Arnav looked at ring first then at anika.She looked down shyly.

"Won't you confess?" Arnav winked and she hugged him in shyness.

"I love you too." She whispered and arnav grinned.


Now both were having dinner.Three of boys were sitting on table next to their.They were staring anika with lust in their eyes.

"Let's go baby otherwise anti will scold us." Arnav said as they got free after having dinner.

Meanwhile,an old waiter came to serve cold drinks to boys.Accidently,drink fell on one of the boys.

"What the fuck man are you blindddd!!" Shouted that boy on the poor waiter not caring about his age.

Anika who noticed all this goes to him.

"Are you crazy.You are shouting on an old man."said anika angrily.

"Why he is ur father that ur feeli ng so bad???" Said the boy in his disgust voice.

"Hey don't go on my Papa.I will kill you." Said anika angrily as he remarked abour her life her father.

"Anika baby what are you doing leave all this." Arnav dragged her out from there.

"What was the need to interfere in their matter yar "said arnav as they reached in the basement.

"Did you see he was talking so rude to old uncle.He don't have manners." Said anika disgustingly.Suddenly they noticed someone's presence behind.

"Now tell us what u were telling there?"they turned around to see those three boys standing there.



" Someone help me please." Anika shouted loudly as the boy hold her hand tightly.

"Shutup there is no one here to help you.Put her into the car.Today we will enjoy." Shouted one boy dragging anika to the car...


How was the chapter?

Now what will anika do?

Where is arnav?

Who will save anika?

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