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Special thanks to
Shivikascnmsam  ghachu 104shivika RavneetKaur206 for inline comments.Love you alot.

Thanks who commented and voted on previous chapter.❤❤


After getting freshen up,shivaay descended downstairs for breakfast.
Jhanvi and anika were waiting for him only.

"What happened?Kahin jana ha?" asked shivaay from jhanvi.

"Yes,we are going to raizada mansion with breskfast." said jhanvi forwading glass of juice to him.

"What?I am not going there and what is this breakfast.Can't they provide breakfast to my sister?" said shivaay uninterestingly.

He did'nt want to see arnav's face in the morning only.

"Shivaay it's a ritual.Anika's parents also came with breakfast on your wedding.And what is this you are acting like  you don't wanna see your sister's face." jhanvi  asked seeing his mood off.

"If he is not going than go with driver.There is no  need to force him." tej said sternly while entering in the living room.

"Dad i was jus...cutted.

"Jhanvi send my coffee in my room." tej left from there without letting him speak.

Shivaay looked at anika while gritting his teeths.Tej was'nt talking to him after that  incident.

Shivaay tried to talk to him last night but he was just ignoring him.That's why shivaay was behaving coldly with anika.What was the need of telling about pictures to tej when he was ready to repent for all the mess.It was between him and her only.

"I am waiting outside." said shivaay and walked from there.

Jhanvi and anika followed him.


Almost an hour had been passed since oberois were in raizada mansion.Mrs raizada welcomed them whole heartedly.Shivaay and arnav also met normally but again made cold faces.

Anika was sitting beside priyanka.Shivaay was busy in talking with mr raizada but time to time he was glancing at anika also.They were sitting near them only.

"Prinku,What arnav gifted?"asked anika from priyanka.She blushed and showed her bangles which she was wearing.

"Nice!" she winked at her seeing her blushing.

Anika felt someone's gaze on herself.When shivaay realized that she is about to turn he quickly got busy in talk with Mr raizada.Anika looked at shivaay who was busy  with raizada.She thought it to be her illusion and again got busy with priyanka.


After sometime,they left back to home.

Shivika walked  towards their room.Anika was looking at shivaay  as if she wanna say something.He ignored her goes to closet and started taking out his uniform.

"You did'nt gave me wedding gift.Arnav gifted beautiful bangles to priyanka." anika complained to him.He turned towards her raising his eyebrow.

"Gifts are given to those who value about your gift.I had gifted you ring and pandent what you did with them?And with which face you are asking about wedding gift?Put some pressure on your brain and remember what you did on our wedding night?"Shivaay showed her self reflection.

She gazed down her eyes.He took his uniform and left from there.

At night,

Anika was getting ready in her room for reception.She had worn beautiful designer saree with help of jhanvi.She was waiting for her  husband who had'nt reached home yet.She was sure that today her husband won't be able to take off his eyes from her as she was indeed looking a doll in that saree.

She was busy checking herself in mirror when she heard door opening voice.She excitedly turned around but seeing jhanvi there her face fell.

"Mom aaap?" she asked sadly.

"Come anika you will go with us.Shivaay has already reached there on venue.Give me his suit also." said jhanvi smilingly.

"Ok mom am coming.I will bring his suit also." she forced smile.

"Yaa come fast right now." she left from there.

" Bagad billay i know why are you doing this!" she gritted her teeths.

After sometime ,they also reached the venue.The hall was decorated beautifully.The functions was going on
with full swings.Arnav and priyanka were looking perfectly made couple.They were sitting on the stage.Anika was searching for shivaay who was busy with his friends.

She met with Harsh and avantika.All complimented her as first time in her whole life she wore saree.

"Muma,where is my suit?" asked shivaay from jhanvi who was sitting with priyanka.

"Ofcourse to your wife.She is with Avantika and Harsh.Go take from her." she informed him to which shivaay made faces.

"Mom please go and bring the suit.I am busy." he said irritated.

"Shivaay." she glared at him.

"Ohk." he sighed and left to search anika.

Anika was standing with her parents and fari.Her mood lightened up  after meeting with  her bestie.They were busy talking when shivaay came there.He met with her parents.

"Young man you are so busy that you don't have time for change." Harsh patted  his shoulder.

"Actually dad,i am working on an important case.So got late.But see am here na." he said taking suit from anika.Anika looked at him but he took suit from her while talking with Harsh.

"Hello jiju how are you?" asked Fari smilingly.

"As you can see fit and fine.By the way,you are looking gorgeous." He smiled at her and anika stared him.

Her beautiful wife who wore saree just for him was standing infront of him waiting for his compliment.But that sir was busy flirting with her bestie.She got more angry now.

"Shivaay beta,go get change first." avantika smiled and he left from there after nodding.

Whole function got over.This man did'nt came near her.Whenever,anika felt that she is under someone's gaze she used to look at shivaay.But she always found him busy with his friends.

Now all were going to their respective homes.Shivaay saw anika standing at some distance.He got angry as few minutes earliar jhanvi and tej left.He had especially told jhanvi to take anika along as he is going to meet DSP for his night duty.

"Why did'nt you go to home?I had told mom to take you also."he goes to her and asked from her.

"Because i wanna go with you."she said coldly.

"Anika don't be so childish all the time.I have to go somewhere." said shivaay polietly.

"Where are you going that too in night??" she raised her eyebrow.

"I don't need to tell you where i am goiing.I am calling driver.Go with him so that i can also go." he said while taking out phone from his pocket.

"No need to call driver shivaay.I will go with you only." she said stubbornly.

"I am not in mood of fight anika.So please go with driver." he said while dialing number when she snatched phone from him.

"I said i will go with you only." she said coldly.

He holded her hand angrily and took her to the car.After making her sit in car he took driving seat.

"You are now crossing your limits,anika.I am telling you if you wanna live with me change your behaviour.There was the time when i used to beg for your attension.But not now.Decesion is yours now." said shivaay coldy while starting the car.

"You were aware of my stuborn nature already.But still you married me.Then why are you getting affected now.You need to change your behaviour not me.Better be behave with me normally" anika watched him while he was driving.

"Before this also you did'nt liked my that behavior.Now i have stopped caring about what you think about me.Why are you getting affected anikan?"Said shivay while taking short cut towards isolated road as he was getting late.

"Yes,i am getting affected by your this behaviour.You can't ignore me lile this." anika argued.

"You are not worthy of my love.I tried my best to convince you but you always ignored me.So ab jesa chal raha ha wesay chalne doh.Suna tum ne."he said coldly.The same words she told him when they were in Manali.

"I am not worthy of love?What do you mean.Kya aap ab meray se mohabbat nhi krtay?"this time she asked polietly.

"Nhi ab mai tum se mohabat nhi krta.Ku k tum meri mohabbat ki qadar.......before he can complete his line  they heard shrill bomb voice.The car got disbalanced.Anika's head collided with window.

He quickly rotated steering when another shrill voice came.Shivaay took no time to get  that someone has fired on tyres.

"Anika sit down fastttt!!!!"shivaay shouted pointing her to sit down in the car.

Car stopped with jolt.Shivaay made  anika sit down and himself leaned on her seat.They heard firing voices due to which windscreen broked into million pieces.Anika started crying.Shivaay joined  his forehead with her while leaning to her.Suddenly,shots got stopped and silence prevailed all over.

"A..nika are you ok?" shivay merely whispered.

"Who are these people shivaay.What s happening with us." she sobbed.

"shh don't cry.Nothing will happen to you.I am with you." Shivay assured her.

They heard two cars doors opening and closing voice with thud.Shivaay got sure that there were two cars and six to seven men standing there according to foot step voices.

He looked at anika and put his finger on her shivering lips requesting her not to cry aloud.

"Don't make voice.Do one thing.Take out my revolver under the seat, hurry up anika." he whispered in her ear.

Anika nodded while crying and slid her her shivering hand under the seat.She took out his revolver and gave it to him.

"You two go and check inside the car.They died or not." they heard man's voice.

There were only six bullets in the revolver and shivaay had to use them carefully.They heard footsteps approaching towards car.Shivaay signalled anika to keep quite.With a swift,he moved up and after firing he again leaned down quickly.

One man got shot on arm while other got alerted and quickly sat down on road.Shivaay fired the gun to alert them that he has weapons so that they take next step carefully.Till then he will atleast do something for anika to escape.The men outside got alerted and again there prevailed the silence.

"Shiva..ay we will die.They will kill us." anika sobbed.She was hell scared and was shivering.

"Anika nothing will happen.I will not let you happen anything.Look at me. You trust me na." asked shivaay lovingly while giving her assurance.

She looked at him with tears rolling down her eyes.She nodded.

"Now you will listen to me.Mano gi na meri baat." asked shivaay while wiping her tears.It was paining his heart to see her crying.

She again nodded in yes while crying.

"Good." he said.

He opened the door of anika's side.Once again there started the rain of shots.Anika started crying loudly.When shivay pulled her to his face and wiped her tears.

"shhh nothing has happened.Stop crying please." He said so polietly as if she is kid.

He looked towards open side.There were fields on that side of road.He then looked at anika.

"Anii listen to me.When i will signal you.You have to run out of the car.You will run through the fields without looking back.You won't look back anika.See there you have to run to that side." shivaay explained to her while showing her the fields.

"No shivaay please.I am not going without you." She started crying.

"Anika please jaan.You promised me na you will listen to me.Please go annie.We don't have much time you have to go.Say you will do what i said." he carrassed her face.She nodded no while crying but he again assured her he will do something.

"You will go na." he again asked and anika nodded while crying.

"Good now be ready." said shivaay while taking his position.

"One more thing i can't stop loving you." he placed gentle peck on her  forehead.Anika closed her eyes feeling the warmth of his love on her forehead.He then carrassed her cheek and took a last glance of her.

Then, he took raised his hand up towards car and directly fired three bullets towards opposite car.

"Anikaa goo." he shouted and anika ran out of the car fastly.As he fired towards car the men sat on road to save themselve.Till then anika was successful to get disappear from the sight.

"Go to that side.Girl has ran towards there." One of the man shouted.

Shivaay quickly pointed gun at the man who ran towards anika's side.He fired and the man got died on the spot.
Shivaay quickly closed the door of anika's side and once again men started firing on his car.


Anika was just running and running.Due to her sandels,she was facing difficult in running but she kept on running.She could easily hear the firing sounds.She started crying.

"Shi..vaaay." she was hell scared.What if something happen to him.She will die.She again heard firing voice and got stopped.

" shivaay." she was about to run back but shivaay's words rang in her ear.

"You won't look back." she cried and again  starting running ahead.Suddenly,she got stumbled and fell down.

"ahhh." she got scratches on arms.She  sat under tree and started crying again when again she heard firing sound.

"God..please save shivaay." she cried hugging her knees.

Suddenly,she heard footstep approaching her.She got hell shocked when .........


Precap: 😢😢😐😐


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What will shivaay do now?

Is anika saved or not?

Who approached anika?

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